7- Mercy

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Mercy is having compassion

Is a mixture of compassion and grace from God, where his love and putting himself in our place defines this term. It is one of God's attributes (Exodus 34) This word appears more in the Psalms

Every day we see the mercy of God from allowing us one more day until we sleep

It is a sign of his love for us since, despite being sinners, he always helps us, blesses us, does not punish us as we should, but forgives us and gives us a new opportunity

On the cross he showed that although he could be saved and not be crucified, he had mercy on us and endured that pain all for giving us hope and salvation.

Let us give thanks for his mercy, the Bible says that it is great (Numbers 14:18), excellent (Psalm 36: 7), wonderful, abundant, eternal and New every day over all his works

We must also be merciful to others and not judge to show God's love.

"The merciful man does good for his soul; but the cruel man torments himself" Proverbs 11:17

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