Just A Dream I31I

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            The dark blue waves that had once ruled the seas and rolled onto shore were taken by the worrying, murky waters. The dark clouds hovered over the sea, shrouding the moonlight as it allowed its storms to enter. Thunder growled and lightning struck the surrounding horizon of the island. Then, following the angry storm, rain fell.

Underneath the protection of a small cave, the blonde girl sat comfortably with a lantern to a book in her hand. "Screaming howls of wind, streaming rogues of waves... A broken-down boat... with holes to its soul..." her soft voice read aloud.

I watched as she placed the lantern down onto the ground where small weeds were growing. "What are you reading?" I asked. It had been a while since I last spoke. I was intrigued by the storm.

Lavi sighed and leaned in towards the book, a bit frustrated. Her brows furrowed. "A script," she replied. She never seemed to be in a happy mood, her tone was never jovial. She was also critical of everything. She had this bitter side of her that always came out.

I tilted my head towards her. "What kind of script?" I asked as another round of thunder growled.

She fussed with her white dress to ignore me, however, she couldn't hold back to reply. "A poem..." She exhaled and looked away from her book. "Lines from a poem..." She rolled her eyes up to me, displaying her scowl. "You don't want me reading out loud?"

I jumped, a bit frightened. "No, I didn't mean that... Um..." I quickly changed the subject. "I didn't know you liked poems."

She huffed. "I like GOOD poems!" she murmured, putting her eyes back on the old book.

I bit my lip as my brows pulled in concern. "Do you like the poem you're reading?" I asked, before another gust of wind hurled through.

She cleared her throat and read the words from the poem aloud as the storm echoed in the background. "Lavender fields from afar... Yet, the storm was so bizarre."

I leaned in, interested. "Lavender fields?"

Her eyes bounced away in thought. "Yes," She began to fantasize. "They're so pretty... They have such a relaxing scent and a gorgeous color... Absolutely lovely, lavenders are..." She released a quiet sigh. "I'd love to visit a lavender field."

I thought for a moment, puzzled. I tried wrapping my head around the words of the poem... However, I didn't exactly get it. "Are you reading the same poem?" I questioned.

She seemed much more content with lavender on the top of her head. "Hm? Oh, yes!" She nodded, breaking off from her happy trance. She glanced down at her book and mouthed the word 'lavender'. "Same poem, same poem..." she mumbled, reassuring herself.

I watched as she mouthed a few words to herself as I tried bringing her attention back. "The poem... Do you understand what it means?"

She chuckled and glanced up at me. "What?" A sly smile grew from her lip. "Did the thought of lavender fields throw you off?" She chuckled again and she began to daydream again as her mind wandered up into its own cloud. "They're so pretty..." she gushed.

I sighed. "But, what do you think the poem means?" I asked, a bit more impatient.

She sighed happily, her head still in the clouds. "Link, why don't you tell me what it means, huh?" She giggled softly. A cheeky smile grew onto her. "Besides, I think my idea would be far more interesting!" She laughed, tauntingly.

I froze... staring blank... also quite annoyed... But, I quickly brushed my feelings off as I began to think of the poem a bit more: It mentioned a storm... It's high winds... The waters... It was similar to the current storm. I gave a second glance towards the frightening storm, meeting the storming gusts of wind. There was lightning that struck the horizon of the deep ocean that connected with the dark, looming clouds, and thunder that continued to growl behind it. The ocean waters were upset. They smashed the shores with heavy anger. The palm tree fronds swayed with every gust of wind. It was an angry storm...

She was reading the poem because of its storms...? She wants to express the storm? She does that a lot to express her ideas. She mentioned that she likes only "good" poems... Did she write it herself? ...But, what about the lavender fields? She likes lavender...

It made no sense... How does something so "peaceful and delicate" fit in the same idea of a "violent" storm?

Yet, as she did ask me for a response, an opinion of my idea... She didn't exactly care. Her eyes and mind were in the book. She seemed to be more interested in the book than my own idea... Which, didn't matter really...

The storm itself was interesting, though, and not too scary for some odd reason. It would seem scary, though... But, I saw through it some other way... Like through an open mind... Not as much as it would seem... But, still, I didn't get what Lavi was reading.

But, really... I sent my gaze over to the steep mountains in the distance, seeing a group of black birds in the sky. I didn't think of seeing birds in the sky during a storm.

It was only a dream... Nothing should make sense.

I didn't find Dark anywhere in the house. He was usually in the living room or dining room in a chair, lazily sprawled out. Yesterday, he spent the entire day laying on the couch... He ignored me... He didn't want to talk... He didn't explain anything to me. He was... frustrated, I guess. It was kind of odd to not find him anywhere in the house. Wherever he was, he'd spend his days indoors. He never liked going outside, but, today, I decided to check out the back door, and there, I found him, sitting on a small step in the patio.

He was sitting down on the step, looking out into the distance with leisure as he dug his hand into a bag of potato chips. His gaze was locked on something; however, I wasn't sure if he was extremely bored or completely absorbed by something. It was definitely shocking to see him outside, though. It'd be the last place you'd ever look for him...

I sighed and tried forcing a smile on myself; however, that smile was no use. It faded quickly. I really hesitated. I didn't want to talk to him... I don't think he did either. The sun was already setting and we hardly talked for two days... Malon couldn't help... She tried, but... I closed the door behind me, hoping he'd notice my presence already, but he ignored it as if it was nothing... So, tucking my hands in the pockets of my pants, I tried starting a conversation. "Evening..." I said simply. I really did want to at least... have a conversation...

He barely smirked. "Do you need something?" he replied, his eyes not breaking away from their gaze. He still tried avoiding me.

I took a deep breath and decided to sit next to him. I didn't bother looking at him. However, I tried to find what exactly he was looking at, as I was curious; though, I couldn't figure it out... It only remained a mystery.

The sky was already turning pink and a golden rim was beginning to surround the horizon as the sun touched the end. It was getting dark out. I shouldn't have... though, I asked what he was looking at.

Instead of an actual response, he snapped back at me and scoffed, "Why do you care?!" he hissed.

I bit my lip and remained silent. I didn't ask any further questions... I'd rather not... However, after a few minutes of silence, he had tried moving away a little, so I tried mentioning something else. "Zelda's coming back tomorrow evening, you know..." I said, slowly sending my gaze to him.

He looked down onto the grass suddenly. "Then we'd have to go back home..." he murmured in thought.

My brows pulled in concern. I don't remember too much of that night... The night we left our home... but, I remember what happened when Malon called when we were in that room with all those boxes... It's a bit of a blur now, but, I remembered what Dark told Malon... and some things Dark told me. My cell phone was on speaker when Malon stated that she was driving to our house, and, at that moment, Dark had snapped at her. He warned her to "Not go there"... I was confused at first, but I soon realized why he said that through my shock. Shadow and Vaati would go there... In the same room, around the same time, Dark had mentioned that Vaati couldn't "teleport" to places he was unfamiliar with... I'm still unsure about the whole "teleportation" thing... It's complicated, but, it would have seemed dangerous to go there...

Dark broke my thoughts as he added a comment to his last statement. "It might be fine..." he answered himself before slouching over. Soon after, there was another crunch from his chips.

I sighed. I had somewhat given up on getting him to explain anything of that night, but I still wanted to try... Though, I really had no hope that he'd actually explain the "mysteries". But even if... "What about Vaati?" I asked. I felt almost stupid asking him... I mostly hesitated. I barely know anything about Vaati, he's strange... And, Dark would probably just get upset because "How dare I?"

He scoffed and formed a scowl. "He's an idiot!" He shrugged and rolled his eyes. "Always has, always will... Always so dumb..." He groaned in frustration and laid back down onto the wooden patio floors.

I smirked slightly and looked away. I thought for a moment. "But, what about Shadow?" I took a deep a breath and exhaled uneasily. "What's Shadow's problem?" I didn't like Shadow... Probably not ever... I tried to forget about him many times, but he still... After what... I bit my lip. There was always something different... something off about Shadow... And, really, Dark was the same. I never liked Shadow... I don't remember how or where we "exactly" met, but...

Dark tried to relax in his position, but he couldn't with his itching anger. He snarled, "Forget him!" He grunted and quickly grimaced. "He's a selfish jerk and he thinks I did him wrong!" He sighed and sat back up, immediately taking another potato chip. "He has a stupid grudge on me..." he stated. "Sayin' that I ruined his life," he mimicked. "But, I did NOTHING wrong..." he huffed.

I felt uneasy asking, but I continued anyway. "What did he want from you?" Shadow asked me some strange questions that night... I don't... remember too much... It's vague... but, he questioned me if Dark had any sort of... "magic ability"... similar to Vaati's strange power. It was also odd since Dark... was able to manipulate some form of magic that night... Unless my mind was completely... playing tricks on me...

Dark rolled his eyes towards me and glared at me until I noticed. He quickly looked away as a smirk curled from his lip. "I don't know..." he snickered. "Me dead?" He nodded back up, sending his sharp gaze far out into the distance, and took another potato chip, a stern look forming onto him. "If you're worried about yourself getting killed... He doesn't care about you anymore. He wants me dead for his selfish wants or whatever..."

My eyes widened a bit to his words. It was shocking. This was the most real he has been these past few days... But... I just... As honest as he can be right now... how do I trust him? Is he telling me half the truth...? Was he leaving something else out? I decided to not badger him with too many questions... It was probably the most I'd be able to get from him today, anyway... By what he was saying, I felt a little bad for him. "Are you alright?" I eventually asked.

He smiled slightly and chuckled. "Uh, no," he replied. His smile vanished quickly and he tried relaxing in a slouching position. "But, he's just an asshole, okay? He doesn't know what he's talking about..." He took an uneasy deep breath, immediately exhaling. "I'm fine!" he hissed before he leaned forward, keeping his eyes focused on the distance.

I really did want to ask him... I wanted to ask him about that "magic ability"... He's really leaving that out... and I don't get it... I wanted to know... I wondered if it was even real or was it a dream... is it just... false... not real? I was confused about the whole thing... However, I still didn't want to badger him with questions... A soft sigh escaped me. "What are you looking at anyway, Dark?"

He didn't look away for a second. "I don't know..." he mumbled. "Malon's with those horses..."       

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