Weights I32I

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Dark put his black jacket on, pulling it up over his shoulders, and leaned back against the leather couch. He then sighed, sending his glaring eyes away before glancing at me with impatience.

Dark and I were on much better terms today, finally. I got him to open up yesterday, and he seemed to be fine today. He was normal, at least. Of course, he still hated me or something... But, I guess that's normal... He hates everyone. He's probably still bothered by something, though. Today, he didn't try avoiding me and Malon... But, he's not telling Malon anything... Nothing about what he told me the other day... But, it's true that he's still keeping some secret. He's still hiding something... He's still avoiding something. He won't say it, but it's clearly pointed out over his expression... He scowls at and remains silent about certain topics. I guess he's always been like that... but, it seems much more intense, nowadays... I'm not exactly sure what to believe or think, but, this time... I really find it suspicious and incredibly important... I just don't believe it's a good thing... I did try to connect with him the other day, but I still have questions... However, I do hope I find out soon... It all just bothers me.

I sighed and picked up my phone, that sat on the table and checked it quickly.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Malon's ginger hair and nodded up as she began to speak. "You two are ready to go already?" she questioned in surprise.

Dark scoffed and crossed his arms. "Link said the airport is three hours away from here..." he replied, raising his voice... slightly frustrated, as usual.

Malon bit her lip and bobbed her head in thought as her eyes scanned him. "The airport isn't too far away from your place, right?" she asked, more towards Dark.

I watched as Dark walked away, turning his attention away. I sighed. "Yeah... that's the one." I answered.

She moved her soft, blue eyes up to me with a nod and formed a slight smile. "Alrighty... I'll get my bag," she mumbled. Her eyes then drifted off as she turned the heel and stepped into the hallway where a door shut behind her, closing off the area.

I listened as the door clicked close, quietly, and stared for a moment in thought. That door had a hallway leading up to the upstairs. There wasn't anything too special about that hallway, though... I only entered through that door once or twice while here... The only things in there was a small closet... and a landline phone Malon had. She mostly used that phone for calls... She barely uses a cell phone for calls around the house. She loves the landline... However, she didn't really use it much with us around. I guess because she could talk with us, instead... She lives alone with her animals... Her father didn't live here anymore... She lives on her own here, dependent for herself. She is happy with us here... However, the last time I saw her on that phonewhen I tried to escape Dark's angershe was upset... She rose up with worry and hung up the phone. She was afraid of something, so she quickly hung up the phone to talk to me... I'm not sure what it was or why... I didn't bother to ask her... but, she was frightened... and after being scolded by Dark, I felt worse.

"Does Zelda really need to come back... today?!" Dark complained, breaking my thought.

I turned to his frustrated scowl and sighed roughly. "She can't be gone forever, Dark..." I muttered.

He scoffed and smirked, sticking his hands in his pockets. He leaned back against the couch. "Yeah, yeah, right. Sure, she can!" he jeered. He rolled his eyes and stared up at the ceiling. "I think life would be less of a hassle without her, anyway."

I tightened my lip and exhaled through my nose with frustration. "Yeah, right..." I muttered. "Believe me, you give her a rough time, as well... including every other person we know," I added.

He grimaced and nodded off, sending his annoyed glare away. "It's all her!" he barked back. He rubbed his arm and released a hissing noise through his clenched teeth. "I swear!"

I rolled my eyes and checked my phone, trying to ignore him. He doesn't know what he's talking about... It should be forbidden for me to actually be with just him! I smirked as I half-listened to his throwing complaints about her. 'It's all her!'... I swiped through my apps. He says that, and then he goes crazy for three days... I swear, he doesn't notice anything!

He laughed nervously. "Oh, and you said that she went to see her parents!" He paused to catch his breath. "I THINK she should've stayed there... if you want my opinion!"

As if I cared...

...I looked up from my phone for a moment to get another look at Dark. He really didn't notice me staring at him at this point in time. He was far too busy complaining about Zelda, wishing she wouldn't come back, anyway... I guess it was sort of interesting to see him sulking about Zelda. They both don't get along... and I can see why. Dark's annoying... and he's just always going to be like that... But, that's just how he is... Always complaining about something. Not a great trait, but it's something... But, today... even though his complaining was absolutely annoying... I couldn't help but grin slightly. It was odd... But, today... it just felt different. It was like a strange weight being lifted off my shoulders... The past few days weren't well... We both were upset and frustrated, in a way, about something... But, with everything aside, I do feel that... maybe things will look up... maybe things will become better... And, so, I strangely grinned.


Eventually, Malon had gathered her things and we soon left by her truck to drive the three hours to the airport. Dark and I didn't have much to take back with us because there was nothing we took with us, obviously. We didn't take anything with us when we left the house... I'd love Dark to explain why that whole thing happened, anyway... That night was terrific... I wish I could let it go... But, it's not too easy. It bugs me... At least it takes one weight off since Zelda knew we left the house and stayed with Malon, but, of course, there's still explaining to do.

On the ride there, I sat in the passenger seat, Malon drove—I'm still worried about her... She was so tense when we left—and Dark moped silently in the backseat. He wasn't too happy about Zelda coming back, of course. He hated her, she hated him, it was an endless loop, but there was nothing you could really do... I think maybe Zelda just freaks him out and only her. All aside, three, long hours went by eventually, and we arrived at the airport.

Dark peeked up to the front, pulling himself up without a seatbelt, of course. He held onto the shoulders of both seats and leaned towards Malon. "Anyone have a scarf? Or maybe something?" his voice flustered.

I rolled my eyes towards him, noticing his agitated smile. Then, looking down, I saw his neck and sighed. Didn't he say that scarves were stupid, anyhow?

Malon tried keeping her focus on the pedestrians and traffic in the airport, but she felt she couldn't ignore him. "Zelda probably won't notice really... The lighting is awfully awkward right now—" She paused for a moment to regain her focus. Her eyes were moving, looking for Zelda. "The sun is setting, Dark... S-She's probably... she..." She gathered her words. "probably won't be staring at your neck, right?"

Dark groaned, but kept at it for a scarf. "So, nothing with scarf abilities, okay, but..." He grumbled and thought for a moment. He changed into a more comfortable position and messed with his black hair, but he remained uneasy. He drew a breath, "Yeah, she WILL notice! The lighting is perfectly awkward... awkward..." He released a shaken breath and continued to fluster as he tried to think his neck through.

Dark sat back down in the seat, grumbling, and began to fuss with his jacket as Malon tried to ignore him. She wanted to help him, yet she was trying to adjust herself to her surroundings. Like before, the airport was always a busy and frustrating place, of course... It was even worse with evening about and the awkward lighting, yet, I still remained to keep my eyes out for Zelda.

Then, stepping out through a sliding door and appearing noticeable through the crowd of scattered people, she stepped out into the opening to meet the evening sky. The warming, bright sun that was hitting the edge of the world shined upon her beautiful, blonde hair and her fair skin, picking her from the crowd. Quickly, under the light, she began fishing through her peach purse that matched her in every way and whipped out her cell phone. Then, as she began to check it, she glanced up, her sapphire, blue-gaze catching onto me. Her lips parted, beginning to smile, but quickly, it faded.

Suddenly, behind her, a man with as blonde hair as hers with black sunglasses covering his eyes, and all dressed in an all-black suit with a tie, had stepped out behind her.

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