Chapter Thirty

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"Any tips to get on her good side?" Cameron asked as they climbed the steps to the apartment.

Eli glanced behind him. Cameron's steps were energetic, but his dancing gaze betrayed his nervousness. They'd told Noah that Cameron meeting Allison was the reason they were coming down, and though Eli had been caught up only with their main purpose in coming here, Cameron clearly wasn't. "You'll be fine."

"Actual advice please. Does she like the stoic type? The chatty type?"

"Just be your usual charming self." Eli answered. "She likes exciting things, and finding out her son is gay will be plenty interesting for her."

"She doesn't know?" Noah piped up from the other side of Cameron, "You don't want to tell her before you introduce Cameron?"

"I didn't with dad."

"You plan to make out in front of her to break the news?" Noah asked dryly.

"That's a good idea" Cameron noted thoughtfully.

"It'll be awkward no matter what we do" Eli wished the apartment was a few more flights of stairs higher, so they didn't reach the door so soon. Eli hesitated, Noah went ahead and knocked.

"I haven't seen her in ages" Noah replied to the look Eli shot him.

The door swung open after only a few seconds. Desmond leaned out, immediately shooting Eli an unimpressed look. "You seriously brought those two?"

Noah tilted his head, the puzzled expression he had before coming back.

"Yes." Eli replied tersely, "Noah came to see mom too."

Desmond flicked his eyes over Noah, sizing him up in a dismissive manner. He looked as though he wanted to turn them away. Eli was half expecting him to come out with – "They can't come in."

Eli's eyes widened. He actually said it.

"Why not?" Noah stepped forwards, his voice losing all semblance of friendliness.

"Nothing to do with you." Desmond looked to Eli, clearly expecting him to straighten out the situation, to give a viable excuse as to why they weren't allowed in. Eli wasn't going inside without Cameron, so he remained silent. Desmond looked irritated at his refusal to speak.

There was movement behind him, and Alison appeared in the doorway with a beaming smile capturing her lips. "Noah!" She brushed Desmond aside and pulled Noah into a tight hug. Noah still looked put out by Desmond, but relaxed after a moment.

While Eli struggled to find a greeting that wasn't awkward, Alison gave him the same engulfing hug. "It's good to see you" She said softly into his hair. Eli couldn't untense his body, and the small bump jutting from her stomach and pressing against his didn't make it any easier. Alison pulled away, leaving her hand on Eli's shoulder. "And who do we have here?"

"Ah that's Oliver, and this is Cameron" Eli introduced through a tight throat.

Cameron gave him a noticeable worried look, before extending his hand to Alison.

She ushered them in, and Desmond gave Eli an 'I'm going to kill you' look. Cameron growled at him as he walked by.

They stepped into the open area, and found a small crowd of people. Jackson was standing in the kitchen next to Philip. The same spot they'd been in the night Eli had gotten the necklace. Eli jerked his gaze away to prevent their eyes meeting. In the living area, on the couches was – "Yvette?" Eli's surprise broke through his tension.

Yvette leapt up from the couch and fixed him with a glare that made him more nervous now that he knew she was a werewolf.

"After you text us Jackson drove up to the city" Alison explained happily as she followed them in, "He found her at the police station."

"Thanks for letting me know" Eli replied dryly.

Yvette sank back into the covers after a stern look from Jackson. Desmond re-joined them on the couch, and Jack shot Eli a smile. Despite doing his best to ignore it, he could still feel Jackson's gaze raking over him. It made its way between him and Cameron, and Eli knew straight away that he knew.

"Tea anyone?" Alison played the part of host, introducing everyone with a smile. Eli checked the baby bump out of the corner of his eye. It was hidden beneath a loose sweater. A million repressed thoughts came rushing to the surface; ones about being a shitty son, a shitty older brother, about causing his mom stress during pregnancy and other things he couldn't name that just made him feel bad.

Cameron squeezed his shoulder. "You okay?" he asked quietly, the worry in his expression interrupting the challenging glares he was shooting Desmond's way.

"Mom," Eli didn't answer Cameron's question, "Can we stay the night?"

"Of course" Alison answered as Jackson opened his mouth.

"I'm going to leave our stuff into the room." He escaped into the hall, and then into the familiar space that now felt strangely foreign. He looked around finding not a single thing out of place, or if it had been moved – he wasn't able to tell.

"It's okay." Cameron closed the door, "I'm here, and I have your back. Oliver and Noah will have it too."

"Noah?" Eli questioned faintly.

"He could see that you weren't happy." Cameron said, "And that mutt from before made a terrible impression on him."

Eli took in a few deep breaths, and saw colour returning to his face in the reflection of the mirror. He turned to the bookshelf. The silver chain stood out against the dull colours of the book spines. "Here it is." He drew Cameron's attention to it.

"Oh yeah" Cameron's eyes widened, "That's something."

Eli jolted when a silver ring shimmered along the outside of Cameron's iris. It was the exact same as with Alex. "Do you feel okay?"

"Yes?" Cameron turned a questioning gaze on him.

"You sure?" Eli asked warily, "you don't feel like... I don't know... there's something in your eye?"

Cameron turned to the mirror tucked away in the corner of the room. He stepped forwards, and leaned his face right against the reflective surface. He blinked a few times, and the silver disappeared. "That's weird."

Eli glanced at the door, and felt like kicking himself for making sure he was closer to it then Cameron.

"Is that what-" Cameron looked towards him, and cut himself off with a frown. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing" Eli said guiltily. He wanted to walk further into the room to make up for doubting Cameron, but a niggling feeling wouldn't let him move.

"Nothing" Cameron repeated blandly. "I can hear how fast your heart is beating."

"That's not fair."

Cameron's gaze became harsher. It wasn't just appraising, it wasn't inquisitive – it was like he was interrogating him with his gaze. Whatever answers he was getting, he didn't seem to like. "I was going to ask" he said coldly, "if it was the same as you saw in Alex's eyes."

Eli nodded, wary of the tone being directed at him.

"And why does that scare you?" Cameron's voice wasn't just cold, it was deadly.

Eli froze. He hadn't told anyone about what happened for a reason. Partly because he didn't want to talk about it, partly because he didn't want Cameron to kill someone over it.

Cameron's voice dipped into a growl. "What the fuck did he do?"

Eli could feel the vibration of his growl in his chest, and guessed that the other wolves in the house would be able to pick it up too. One glance at Cameron's furious eyes was enough to know that he didn't care if he was overheard right now. "There's no point in getting mad at me" He said quietly, hoping to diffuse his anger at least a little bit.

Cameron's clenched jaw relaxed and so did his fists. "I'm not mad at you." His gaze was still sharp. "But, something happened, and you didn't tell me. I'm not happy either."

"I'll tell you about it when we're not here" Eli looked pointedly at the door, "okay?"

Cameron let out a frustrated breath.

Eli took that as his agreement.

He turned his attention back to the necklace. He couldn't feel any weird vibes from it like Cameron could, but it was warm to the touch. "I thought it was just because it had been in his pocket it was warm" Eli held it up, examining the pendant looking for any 'soul' qualities. Now that he knew there was supposed to be a jewel in the centre of the silver cage, it felt empty.

Cameron turned his eyes away from it. They were silver.

"Should I leave it here?" Eli lowered it again.

"Maybe just put it in your pocket?" Cameron said without looking.

"I don't think I'd be too impressed if someone put my soul in their pocket." Eli did it anyway. "Should we check on Oliver?"

Cameron took in a deep breath, and turned back to him. His eyes were normal. "If anyone notices anything, just play innocent."

There was a distinct lack of voices as they went back. The first person Eli saw as he turned the corner was Noah. Then, he took in the body his arms were wrapped around.

"Kaylen?" Cameron voiced Eli's shock.

Kaylen peeled herself away from Noah's unyielding grip, and shot a nervous smile at Cameron. When her slender eyes landed on Eli, they narrowed.

Luckily for him Noah didn't let her attention stay on them. "What are you doing here?" He demanded, his voice was forceful, but the plain relief in his expression was evident.

Eli was glad he asked. He looked at Oliver, who had the same aghast expression, and then to Desmond for an answer. He just gave a shrug.

"It's a long story" Kaylen said evasively.

Noah frowned.

Alison cleared her throat. "Tea's ready."


"He's coming here?" Eli repeated with a scowl.

"For once" Cameron leaned back on his bed, "I don't think Oliver was wrong to tell Shane. Kaylen's clearly been capable of contacting the pack the last few weeks and has chosen not to, so whose to say she won't run off again?"

"But does he have to come here?" Eli shot an annoyed look at Oliver, who was pacing back and forth in front of the door. "Can't we just tell him to meet us outside?"

"He won't agree to that."

"Why don't you suggest it and –"

"He won't agree" Oliver snapped.

Cameron growled. "Watch it."

"Yeah, yeah" Oliver waved him off, and continued his pacing. After a few beats of silence, he spoke again. "It's lucky that it's even him coming. Quint would have wanted to get her himself."

"Wouldn't that be fun?" Cameron chuckled.

"Why can't Quint come instead?" Eli asked, not catching onto the reason.

"An alpha crossing into another alpha's territory is a big no-no." Cameron explained, "Us coming was bad enough, but if he came it would be like declaring war on Jackson's pack."

"Okay." Eli rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Fine, Quint can't come. But wouldn't anyone but Shane be better?"

This time it was Oliver who growled. Eli looked up, surprised to find an angry set of eyes on him. Cameron sat up, putting a protective arm around Eli. He glared at Oliver, until he went silent. He turned on his heels, and left the room without another word.

"What was that?" Eli turned immediately to Cameron.

Cameron sighed and flopped back onto the bed once again. "Shane is Oliver's guardian." Eli looked down at him, prompting him to go on. "Wondered into our territory as a pup. Shane was the one put in charge of finding out where he came from, but after a few weeks and all the leads they had went absolutely nowhere ... well Quint wasn't going to throw a baby out, and Shane got attached while he was researching."

"I had no idea" Eli rubbed the back of his neck, feeling more than embarrassed for bad mouthing Oliver's dad. He tried to recall everything he'd said in front of him, and even the small things seemed incredibly insensitive now. "You should have told me that when I was giving out about Shane" Eli grumbled.

"I didn't think about it." Cameron shrugged, "I'm so used to knowing I find it weird when other people don't."

Eli flopped down next to him on the bed. "I'd be pissed off if someone was bad-mouthing Marcus."

"I wouldn't call it bad-mouthing." Cameron looped his arm around his shoulders and tucked him against his chest. "Shane was out of line before, and Oliver knows that. Its why he hasn't said anything about your complaints."

"I'm never going to get along with your pack." Eli said dejectedly.

"You already fit it quite well" Cameron said. "Being skittish when faced with a pack is normal, it would be weird if you weren't bothered by that situation. You know that's probably why you couldn't stand living here. Even if you didn't know it at the time you were still living in enemy territory."

"It never bothered mom."

"Alison has Jackson." Cameron answered, "you weren't nervous when I was with you at the house, were you?"


"Are you tired?"


Cameron chuckled. "Go to sleep. I'll keep an eye out."

Eli's heavy lids were already closed when Cameron spoke. He had a feeling the warm fingers brushing through his hair had been purposefully lulling him to sleep for quite a while now. He thought about his mom at the other side of that door, and gauged in his tired mind the likelihood of her seeing them together.

Cameron pulled the covers up to his shoulder, and he stopped being conscious enough to worry.


"Your mom's at the door" Cameron roused Eli with a yawn.

Eli jerked up, and Cameron rolled around to the wall, pulling the blankets over him. The room was dark, illuminated only by the city lights that came in the window. He flicked on the bedside lamp as he got up.

"Sweetie?" Alison called softly from the other side of the door.

Eli braced himself before opening it.

She had two cups of tea in her hands. "Peaky Blinders is on."

"I'll come out in a minute."

Eli went back to the bed, and knelt over the sleeping Cameron. "Wish me luck."

Cameron let out a tired sigh and turned to kiss Eli. "Good luck."

He flicked off the light as he went, taking his phone from its spot. He wasn't surprise that the time read somewhere in the early hours of the morning. His mom had always been a night owl. She'd always wake him up at any obscure time she came home from work. "Which episode is it?" He sat next to her, partly relieved and partly scared that there was nobody else present.

"First one of season three." Alison snagged the remote from the coffee table.

Eli picked up the tea to keep himself busy. It tasted perfect. He took in her profile, and her concentrated gaze on the tv. Before when she'd seemed fine without him, he'd been hurt. Now he hoped it was true. That he wasn't hurting her by leaving. "Are you okay?"

Her expression flickered. It went from neutral to tense, and then to a forced smile. "I'm okay." She squeezed his knee. "I've had enough lawyers and social workers speaking to me to realise that living here wasn't good for you. I understand why you left."

Eli swallowed hard. He didn't think she did understand; She was giving him too much credit for that to be true. She was blaming herself. "It never bothered me before here." Eli said softly, "I can't even explain why I couldn't fit in here." It could have been because of what Cameron said, about not being able to settle in when he was living with a pack, but it had been the same at school.

"Are you happy with Marcus? And Jenny?" Alison had completely buried the pain that had crossed her face.

"Jenny's really nice." Eli pulled his feet underneath him on the couch, "It's took a while, but I'm finally getting along better with dad. And Noah. They spoil me if I ask."

Alison smiled. "Good. I expect you to stop dodging my calls then, and for you to visit as often as you can."

Eli nodded.

She nodded to herself, and then drew her legs up to face him the same way he was facing her. "Why don't you tell me about the young man in your room?" Her eyes were glistening with excitement. Eli recognised the look. It was the one she got when she found something interesting.

"Clearly, you've already guessed" Eli answered coyly, knowing that he'd end up taking about Cameron. And that he didn't mind having to.

"Jackson mentioned something earlier." Alison said dismissively, "not that it wasn't entirely clear before he said it. He's very attentive, isn't he? His eyes hardly left you during dinner."

Eli sent a million curses at Jackson through his mind. He wasn't mad, but he was still annoyed. He'd wanted to tell her. He pushed down the irritation, and focused on their conversation instead. "I really like him."

Alison looked as though she wanted to squeal, and Eli was grateful she repressed it. "Oh?" She managed to squeak out with a wide smile. Her poorly held together composure was almost comical.

Eli let out a relieved breath. She wasn't upset with him. She wasn't being awkward. It was okay. He was okay.


"His second in command is coming?" Desmond groaned, "Eli, that's bad."

"Better than Quint coming here himself." Eli put what Cameron and Oliver had been told him to good use, and Desmond conceded with a sigh giving Eli a vaguely impressed glance. "And you should have told me that you found her."

"And piss off Jackson?" Desmond snorted, "No."

Alison laughed. Eli looked across the room and met Cameron's gaze. Him and Alison were getting along well at least. Noah and Kaylen were paired off on the couch, with Noah not letting up on the questions.

"I can't believe you mated with him" Desmond shook his head as he stared at Cameron.

Cameron narrowed his gaze.

"Hey" Eli did the same.

"I'm not saying that in a bad way." Desmond leaned against the counter, and ignored the glare Cameron was giving him. "I can tell it's good for you. Having someone to look after you."

Eli was reminded of his objections to Cameron being his babysitter again.

"I don't mean that in a bad way either." Desmond snorted when he saw Eli's discontent, "You always gave off subordinate vibes, and having a dominant to pair with is good."

Eli crossed his arms. Subordinate vibes? "Good for me at least." He grumbled, reminded how much trouble he was causing for Cameron. And then again, remembering that Cameron apparently liked that.

"You'll know what I mean after you've been around a few more shifter couples" Desmond said, "Dominant males hate it when their mates don't need them. In fact, Alison drove Jackson crazy when they started to get close. She was too capable. She never really needed him."

"He doesn't mind it now?"

"She relied on him when you left." Desmond answered.

Eli shifted uncomfortably and in the next moment Cameron's hand was at his back. "Alison's about to make tea, do you want some?" He leaned against the counter, and moved into the line of sight between Desmond and Eli. Eli gave Cameron a look that said he was being obvious, and Cameron gave him a look that said he knew, and didn't care.

Desmond excused himself, and Cameron looked pleased. In the next second his head tilted to the front door, alongside every shifter in the room.

"He's here?" Eli asked.

Cameron nodded.

"I'm going to go pack some things up." Eli escaped the room as Jackson strode to the door. He closed his own as the other opened. He waited with his ear tilted to the door, but there weren't any sounds of fighting.

He looked at every empty corner of the room before pulling the silver chain from his pocket. He dangled it in front of himself and watched the winking light as it reflected off the interlocking tendrils wrapped around an empty centre. He looked closely at the gaping middle. Saying it was empty wasn't entirely accurate. There was a distortion that looked like heatwaves. He squeezed his eyes closed and put it back into his pocket. His heart was racing just from looking at it. He didn't know if that was because he knew what it was, or something else.

While he was in the room he decided he may as well actually pack up. Alison had told him to leave a change of clothes at least, for the days he came down to visit. Eli didn't know how often those days would happen. He didn't know if he'd ever be able to enter this house without feeling guilty.

His phone buzzed.

"Richard?" Eli answered.

"Thank god." Richard's voice came through as a breathless pant.

Eli straightened abruptly. "What's wrong?"

"Rogues. And not the ones from the pack either." A car door slammed, and there were more raspy breaths. "Where are you?"

"I'm at mom's." Eli reached for his door, "Are you okay?"

"They haven't bothered me before, it must have been because you were there they came. Is Jackson there? And his pack?"


"Okay, okay good. I'll be there in a few hours. If they get there before me you need to get into a cab, or a bus or anything and get away. Don't worry about Alison or anyone else, just get out of there. It's the soul they want."

"I can leave now." Eli said, "I have a car. I can go straight to the hospital."

Richard took a few seconds to respond. "Do that. On the road should be safer."

A loud thump drifted through the door. Eli's heart thumped painfully as he rushed down the hall. Shane was on the ground, Oliver was standing a few feet away a vicious snarl rumbling from his throat. Cameron was poised at his other side, his eyes fixed dangerously on Jackson.

Kaylen drifted closer to the two boys, dividing the room in two with Jackson, Philip and Desmond facing off against them.

Eli didn't see any rogues. He let out a relieved breath.


"It's fine." Eli said, drawing the eyes of pretty much everyone to himself. "Call me if anything else happens." As he hung up he noted Alison and Noah's absence.

"Boys" Shane got to his feet, brushing off his shirt and giving his jaw a quick rub.

Oliver inclined his head, and obediently his growls were silenced. Cameron continued to glare at Jackson. Eli wouldn't be surprised if he was thinking about the last time they'd met. It felt like an eternity ago.

"I guess it's time to go?" Eli ventured into the silence.

"That would be best." Jackson agreed.

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