blood bond

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This fanfiction story is rated M for violence, nudity, sex, and language.  It will also feature boy on boy (YAOI) sexual content, so do not read it if you are not into these things.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the Yu-gi-oh characters and/or series

Special Key Notes: "regular speech", 'thinking/thoughts', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), {translated from Egyptian}, 'letters/notes', bold - duras speech

ELEVEN - blood bond

Seto awoke not even realizing that he had fallen asleep.  He could feel someone shivering besides him as they were bundled up trying to keep warm.  Seto turned his head to see Yami Yugi bundled in Seto's jacket as his lips were ice blue.  His skin felt like ice as it was much paler than usual.

'This ain't good, he's freezing to death.  I have to warm him up some how.  The only way that I can do that is in werewolf form.  But I have never fully tried to invoke the change before but I can't allow Yami to freeze to death.' Seto thought to himself as he got up from the bed stripping off his clothes.  Seto closed his eyes focusing deep to force the transformation.  Seto hunched over in pain as he tried not to scream as he could feel his body shift into his werewolf form.  Seto could feel his ears stretch as he back legs bent and contorted into a wolves back hunches as his feet stretched into paws.  Brown fur covered his entire body as a bushy brown tail ripped out from his tail bone.  Within a matter of seconds the transformation was over with.  Seto slowly climbed back into the bed as he laid on top of Yami.  'I hope that this works.' Seto thought to himself as he could begin to feel Yami's body warming up.  Seto couldn't understand why he was so concerned with Yami but he knew regardless of what Yami was, he cared for the vampire.  Slowly Seto closed his eyes as he fell asleep.

Hours later Seto awoke suddenly when he felt something sharp pierce his neck.  Yami had awoke to a blood hunger as he sank his fangs into the werewolf that laid on top of him.  Seto howled in pain as he freed himself from Yami leaping away from the vampire.

"What on earth did you do that for Yami?" snarled Seto.  Yami simply looked at Seto as his eyes were completely blood red with no visible irises and/or pupils.  "Oh.....Shit!" cursed Seto as he thought that Yami was going to attack him.  Seto's claws and fangs lengthened as he dropped down to his hands.  He was prepared to defend himself if he had to.  Slowly Yami's eyes returned back to normal as he left out a long moan.

".............Seto............?" Yami asked in question seeing the werewolf in front of him.  Blood still dripped from Seto's throat as it matted in with his fur.  Yami licked his lips as he let out a curse in Egyptian.  "I am sorry Seto.  I didn't mean to hurt or attack you.  It's part of my nature." replied Yami.  Seto could sense that Yami was fully in control as he rose up to his feet.

"It's all right Yami.  At least you're feeling better.  You had me worried when you were ice cold and freezing to death." stated Seto as he clutched his wound.  Yami walked up slowly to the werewolf removing Seto's hand from his wound.  Yami dipped in licking Seto's neck causing the werewolf to moan as Yami's saliva healed the wound leaving no trace of a scar. The touch of Yami's satin lips and velvet tongue sent bolts of pleasure up and down Seto's spine as his cock sprung to an erection.  ".......Yami......." Seto stated in a seductive snarl as his hands roamed Yami's chest as his claws played with Yami's nipples.  His leg rubbed against Yami's cock causing the vampire's fangs to bite into his own lip.  Yami grabbed Seto pushing him away as he panted.

"No this ain't right.  We shouldn't be doing this." panted Yami.

"Why not?  It feels so right." moaned Seto.  Yami hated to admit it but it did feel right as he was still hungry for Seto.

"Think about what you're saying Seto.  And think about what I told you that the spirit had said.  We should take this slowly." stated Yami.  Seto knew that Yami spoke the truth.  First they had to figure out why the duras feared them if they mated and/or met one another.  Something else was going on here.  Seto slowly willed himself to revert back to his human form as he picked up his clothing.  He got dressed back into the outfit that he was wearing as he allowed Yami to wear his jacket seeing how the vampire destroyed his own shirt and jacket.

"Sorry Yami, I don't know what came over me." replied Seto.

"That's all right Seto.  I think I know of a way that we can tie ourselves together without us mating." stated Yami.

"I am listening." replied Seto.

"We can do a blood bond.  If anything happens to anyone of us, the other one will know of it.  It is part of the step to have us become mates." stated Yami.

"I have never drank blood before.  But if our feelings for one another is this strong and that the other duras fear us from joining......I say that I am game." replied Seto.

"Just allow you fangs to pierce into my neck,.  You don't need to drink a lot of the blood for the bond to work." stated Yami.  Seto just nodded his head as the two stood close to one another.  They willed their fangs to lengthen before they sunk their fangs into each others neck.  Suddenly without warning Yami pulled away quickly grabbing his head like he had a headache as he screamed in pain.  Seto had no clue what's going on as Yami panted as if out of breath.  Blood tears came streaking down Yami's face.

"Yami are you all right?" Seto asked in concern.

"That happens sometimes when I feed on another duras's blood.  I can see their memories.  I had no idea that yours would be so strong.  I know things about you that not even you know about yourself.  I now know why Gozaburo turned you into a werewolf." replied Yami as he sat down onto the bed weeping.  Seto sat down besides Yami as he hated to see the vampire like this.

"Please tell me." Seto stated softly as he wanted to learn the truth.  Yami wiped away the blood tears from his face as he let out a long deep breath.

"Like me, you were born with duras blood within you as your father was a werewolf.  Mokuba your little brother was only your half brother as he didn't have the duras blood within him.  This is the reason why Gozaburo turned you into a werewolf.  He must have sense the power within you as he thought that by turning you, he would gain your powers.  Part of it was also for the reason that you told me." stated Yami.  Seto was a bit shocked to learn about this.  He never knew the truth about his own birth.  Seto wondered what else could happen or go wrong now as it seemed that there was much more going on.

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