the truth comes to light

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This fanfiction story is rated M for violence, nudity, sex, and language.  It will also feature boy on boy (YAOI) sexual content, so do not read it if you are not into these things.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the Yu-gi-oh characters and/or series

Special Key Notes: "regular speech", 'thinking/thoughts', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), {translated from Egyptian}, 'letters/notes', bold - duras speech

TEN - the truth comes to light

Before Seto had a chance to ask Yami what was going on.  Yami moved as they weren't in the clear yet.  He could sense that there was still one more duras close by.  Yami moved quickly that Seto didn't even realize that Yami had even left.  Yami quickly tackled the spirit that was spying on them.

{How can you see and sense me?} asked the spirit in Egyptian as he clearly looked Egyptian.

{That doesn't matter.  Now tell me whom sent you?} Yami asked in Egyptian compelling the spirit to answer his questions.

{Bakura.} answered the spirit as Yami didn't recognize the name.

{Who sent the demons and why did they attack?} Yami asked.

{Zorc.  Everyone wants you dead.} replied the spirit.

{Why.........why do they want me dead?} asked Yami.

{Not just you but also a werewolf.  The two true duras must never meet and/or mate as they will surely kill us all.  You and the werewolf are a threat to the rest of us duras.} replied the spirit.

'A werewolf..........  I don't know of any werewolf.  I wasn't even aware that there was any other true duras besides me.' Yami though to himself.  Yami clawed apart the spirit sending its blood flying everywhere.  By then Seto had approached him carefully.  Yami whipped around violently as he lept on top of Seto.  Yami's claws dug painfully into Seto's shoulders causing him to scream out in pain.

"Yami stop.......... it's me............ it's Seto Kaiba." stated Seto  Seto's blood dripped onto Yami's claws as he could smell it.  Seto had the blood of a duras coursing through his body.  Yami leapt back snarling at Seto as he finally could sense it much more clearly as his tribal tattoo of a phoniex on his upper left arm was glowing.

'Why didn't I sense it before?  Seto is a true duras like me.  He's the werewolf that the spirit was talking about.' Yami thought to himself as Seto got up to his feet.   Yami could see the tribal tattoo of a dragon glowing through Seto's jacket sleeve on the right upper arm.  "Why didn't you tell me?  How long were you going to keep the secret from me?  When were you going to tell me that you were a duras?" asked Yami angrily.

"How about you Yami?  You say that you want a relationship with me and that you love me.  Shouldn't you have mentioned that you were a vampire?" snarled Seto as he could feel the urge to transform into a werewolf and rip Yami to shreds.  But Seto had never fully tried to transform before as he usually only transformed on the nights of a full moon.  Both Yami and Seto were clearly angry with the other one for keeping this secret from them.  The words that the spirit had said came back echoing in Yami's mind as there were other duras out there trying to kill them both.

"Actually for a while now I was going to show you and tell you the truth.  I had fallen in love with you the first night that I had laid eyes on you.  For a while I have debated on turning you into my mate." replied Yami as his wings collapsed around his body.  He felt cold as he was totally exposed.  Seto took off his jacket wrapping around Yami when he saw him shutter because he was cold.

"Perhaps we should go somewhere to talk.  Some place warm before you freeze to death." stated Seto.  Yami only could nod his head as he stood next to Seto whom seemed to be radiating heat.

Both Yami and Seto went to a nearby hotel as Seto paid for the room.  Once they entered the room as Yami handed back Seto his coat. 

"I suppose I should begin to explain.  To tell you the honest truth, I was born over five thousand years ago as I used to a pharaoh of Egypt before I was turned." stated Yami.

'So I was right.  He is ancient, powerful, and dangerous.' Seto thought to himself as he sat down onto the bed.  Yami paced around the room as he told Seto his story of how he was born with the duras blood within him thanks to his real father whom was a vampire.  He told him about Anubis whom turned him as it caused Yami's blood to awaken transforming him inot a full true vampire.  He told Seto about how he turned on Anubis killing him.  He explained how he got his cross shaped scar on his chest from his own people that he was to protect. 

"The only person who knows the truth about what I am is Shadi my own personal immortality to in order for him to watch after and protect me.  Now its your turn to explain things." stated Yami as he sat down.  Seto proceeded to get up as he paced around the room as he told Yami what he knew.  Both Seto and Mokuba were living on the streets until an orphanage took them in.  By the time Seto was eight, Gozaburo Kaiba came to the orphanage.  Wanting a better life for him and Mokuba, Seto challenged Gozaburo to a chess game where if the man lost he would have to adopt the brothers.  Gozaburo lost to Seto as he had to adopt both Mokuba and Seto.  When Seto turned ten Gozaburo Kaiba bit him revealing that he was a werewolf.  He told Seto it was to make him a worthy air to the Kaiba name.  In order to make Seto firm and emotionless, Gozaburo killed Mokuba.  Seto then turned on Gozaburo killing him.

"My personal guard and most trusted aid Roland whom looked after me since I had entered the Kaiba name is the only one who knows what I am." replied Seto.  Yami finally allowed himself to transform back into his human form as he rubbed his arms trying to get warm.  Seto walked over wrapping his coat around Yami as he sat down next to him holding him close to his body.  Warmth from Seto spread over Yami as it was one of the few things that Seto was grateful about.  Werewolves always tend to run hot as they had a lot of body heat.  Yami was a bit grateful for Seto's extra heat as invoking his vampire blood always left him cold.  "So what did that spirit say to you?" asked Seto.

"That he and the demons were sent by their masters to see us dead.  It told me that they couldn't allow us to meet and/or to mate as we pose a threat to him.  As we will kill all the other duras that exist in the world." replied Yami with a slight yawn.

"Do you understand what he meant by this?" asked Seto.  Yami slowly shook his head no as his eyes began to close.  He was drained after his fight as sleep slowly took him.

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