final battle

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This fanfiction story is rated M for violence, nudity, sex, and language.  It will also feature boy on boy (YAOI) sexual content, so do not read it if you are not into these things.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the Yu-gi-oh characters and/or series

Special Key Notes: "regular speech", 'thinking/thoughts', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), {translated from Egyptian}, 'letters/notes', bold - duras speech, italic – shadow creatures speech

Twenty Two – final battle

Yami had arrived back from the Shadow Realm before Seto made it back to the front of the pyramid.  When Seto entered the front wearing Mahad's old garb, Yami looked him over with approving eyes.  Yami found himself aroused by Seto's look as the werewolf seemed to pull off the look far better than Mahad could.  Yami had it hit himself mentally trying to pull his mind out of the gutter.

'Get a hold of yourself Atemu.  There are other things to think about.' Yami snapped at himself.  Seto couldn't help but to feel that Yami felt much more dangerous than before as he was partly afraid of the vampire.  He couldn't figure out what changed so much that made Yami feel more frightening than ever before.

"If you are ready Seto we have to go and stop the duras.  The humans have come under attack by the duras as the humans now know that the duras exist.  Even if we step in to protect the humans, they may turn on us and attack us.  Are you willing to put your life on the line to protect the humans?" asked Yami.

"Even if that happens, I don't think that I could hate humans.  Seeing how I was raised by them and my brother happened to be one, I will never turn my back away on my duty.  I will do what I must to protect them." replied Seto.  Yami kind of figured that was how Seto would respond to his question.

"Then if we are ready then lets go and stop these duras." stated Yami as he shifted into his altered form.  Seto followed suit shifting into his werewolf form before Yami used his powers to teleport them back.

Downtown Domino City.......... Merick and Bakura lead their army of duras in attacking the humans as the city looked like a war zone.  Both Seto and Yami arrived in a sudden flash of light as both moved attacking the duras. 

"Finally you have both shown up.  We were getting board with attacking the humans." snarled Merick.

"We will not allow you to continue to harm the humans.  We should drive to harm humans." snapped Yami as he summoned up every available magician from the Shadow Realm to protect the humans.  The duras looked surprised that the vampire had that kind of power.

"Nevertheless, you both shall die along with the humans." hissed Bakura.

"Then bring it!" growled Seto.  The duras turned their attention fully on both Yami and Seto as the final fight began.

Yami held off from using the three Egyptian gods that laid within his body.  Both Yami and Seto dealt with the pawns whom were just being used by the spirit and the devil.  Since the pawns out numbered them greatly, both Seto and Yami summoned up Shadow Realm creatures to help them aid them the fight.  Yami had summoned up forth the King's Knight, Queen's Knight, and Jack's Knight.  Seto had summoned up the Blue Eyes White Dragon, Red Eyes Black Dragon, and the Curse of Dragon.  The three knights and the three dragons moved along with Seto and Yami destroying most of the duras that still remained.  Both  Bakura and Merick watched in horror as both Seto and Yami destroyed their army.  Anger and rage burned within the devil and spirit as they couldn't stand by and watch the  slaughter of those whom were fighting.  Finally both Merick and Bakura moved as they went after Seto as they felt that they could deal with the werewolf.  Bakura transformed into ghost form as he entered Seto's body to possess the werewolf.

"Hurry Merick............ do it now!" Bakura yelled out through Seto as he tried to fight the spirit that had possessed his body.  Yami hadn't noticed what was going on as the duras army swarmed him.  Merick created a long silver spear in his hands as he moved flying at full speed towards Seto.  By now Yami had been altered to what was happening.

"...........NO!............" shouted out Yami a little too late as the silver spear dug into Seto's body and straight into his heart.  Bakura's spirit slipped out from Seto as he collapsed onto the ground as his body transformed back into its normal human form.  Anger and rage burned within Yami as he watched his mate fall to the ground.  "....NO!...." shouted out Yami as his powers unleashed from his body as the three Egyptian gods came forth.  Yami's darkness had taken full control over the vampire.

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