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This fanfiction story is rated M for violence, nudity, sex, and language.  It will also feature boy on boy (YAOI) sexual content, so do not read it if you are not into these things.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the Yu-gi-oh characters and/or series

Special Key Notes: "regular speech", 'thinking/thoughts', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), {translated from Egyptian}, 'letters/notes', bold - duras speech, italic – shadow creatures speech

Twenty One – training

After a while Seto got dressed as Yami explained the plan.  They had a lot of work to do as they had to start training right away.  Seto had much to learn about when it came to accessing his power.  Once again Yami had summoned the dark magician.  Mahad appeared instantly besides Yami bowing his head towards Seto.

"Mahad........... I want you to teach Seto how to use magic." states Yami as he proceeded to get dressed into some of the garb that remained in the pyramid.  It was the same garb that he once wore as pharaoh.  His clothes that he was currently wearing had been completely destroyed from him using his powers to teleport both Seto and him to this place.  Seto looked at Yami in shock.

"But Atemu, I don't have the ability to use magic!" stated Seto.

"You do possess the ability Seto just not the training.  Mahad can teach you." replied Yami.  Seto didn't argue as he knew that the vampire knew what he was talking about.

"All right Atemu.  I will do as you instructed." replied Seto as the dark magician lead the werewolf deeper into the pyramid.

Once Seto was gone, Yami had let out a long sigh.

'I am sorry Seto but this is the best course of action.  I hope that during the battle that is to come that I will not have to resort to doing something that I shouldn't.  I have been able to contain it this long.  Please Ra give me the strength that I need to stop the duras.' Yami prayed.  He knew that given the circumstance that sooner or later his darkness would take a hold over him as no doubt he would definitely destroy everything and everyone.  Yami hoped that if Seto learned how to use magic that the werewolf may stand a chance in stopping him.  Yami silently prayed to the three Egyptian gods that also existed within the Shadow Realm for their help and aid during the up coming battle as he needed all of the help that he could get.

Both Seto and the dark magician headed deep into the pyramid as Mahad lead Seto to a large library which contained thousands upon thousands of scrolls.

Since I know that you can not read and understand the ancient text that are written on these scrolls, I shall teach you how to read them and how to cast the spells that are on them. stated Mahad.  Seto was a bit surprised that he could understand Mahad as the dark magician seemed to speak but not in a way that Seto was familiar with.

"Mahad, may I ask you a question?" asked Seto as the dark magician turned towards him.  "It seems to me that Atemu is still hiding something from me, something important.  Could you tell me what it is?" asked Seto.  The dark magician didn't appear shocked by Seto's question.

Since you were raised by humans, you are possibly not fully aware of it just yet.  But within all duras exists a darker part of them that will surface either during trying times or when they become enraged.  Atemu is no exception to this.  He managed to erupt when he had to use his full powers to summon the three Egyptian gods that exist within the Shadow Realm. replied Mahad.

"That's how he got the scar on his chest as he told me that his people tried to kill him after they had witnessed what he was." stated Seto as the dark magician nodded his head.

Knowing Atemu the way that I do.......... he wants for you to learn how to use your powers to act as a precaution for encase his darkness unleashes.  For five thousand years he has kept it at bay but he knows that sooner or later it will raise its head. replied Mahad.  Seto couldn't picture Yami having a darker side that he has never seen.  Mahad pulled out a scroll unraveling it.  Shall we begin? he asked as Seto nodded his head.

Meanwhile in the front of the pyramid.......... Yami had created a portal to transport him into the heart of the Shadow Realm where the three Egyptian gods Slifer the Sky Dragon, Oblisk the Tormentor, and the Winged Dragon of Ra existed.  The three Egyptian gods didn't appear to be surprised to see Yami before them.

We have heard your prayers Lord Atemu. Are you certain that you wish to use our powers again? asked the Winged Dragon of Ra.

In order to protect the humans from the duras, I will do what I must. replied Yami.

The humans are now fully aware that the duras exist as those who want to destroy both you and your mate attacked them.  What happens if they turn on you again? asked Slifer the Sky Dragon.  Yami touched the long cross shape scar that sat on his chest remembering what happened the last time he had used his power.  Yami knew that he could never truly harm humans regardless to what they do to him.  He wasn't sure on Seto's view on this but since the werewolf was raised by humans, he didn't think that Seto had it within him to harm them either.

It won't change my decision.  If they happen to attack Seto and me, then so be it.  The humans are possibly all ready aware that they are powerless against the duras.  But if they see that not all duras are the same, who can say what will happen. replied Yami.

If that is your decision Lord Atemu, then we will help you do what needs to be done.  But beware Lord Atemu that using our powers again will cause for the darkness that exists within you to come forth. stated Oblisk the Tormentor.

Yes I am aware of that.  I have all ready taken the necessary steps to ensure that Seto will be able to stop me if and when it happens.  Mahad is training him as we speak. replied Yami.  The three Egyptian gods turned to each other as they said something to one another in a dialect that Yami could not understand before they turned back towards Yami.

Then so be it.  You will have us to help you in the fight that is to come. replied the Winged Dragon of Ra.  Yami simply bowed his head as the three Egyptian gods transformed into spirits before they entered the pharaoh's body.

Meanwhile.............. Seto proved to be a very quick study as his sharp wits enabled him to catch on to things as he learned how to use his magic powers in a short amount of time.  Much like Yami, Seto could summon creatures from the Shadow Realm to aid him in the battle.  However he couldn't use their powers as if they were his own and he could not summon or control the three Egyptian gods like Yami could.  With a better understanding of how to use his full powers as well as to shift into any of his other forms, Seto felt that he was ready for battle.  Mahad had shown Seto where he could get a fresh change of clothes seeing how he had been wearing the same outfit for the last couple of days.  The outfit looked Egyptian in design as it would prove useful for when Seto shifted forms as they wouldn't be destroyed since they had magic weaved into the fibers of the outfit.

Just remember what I had taught you and you should be fine.  Plus you have Atemu by your side.  Just watch him, I am pretty sure that you will be able to tell when his darkness takes a hold of him.  You are the only one who will be able to stop him since because you are his mate.  You are the light to Atemu's darkness.  Even after five thousand years of waiting, he has finally found someone to love him.  Flaws and all.  I could already sense the change within him.  Perhaps over time, the darkness within him will vanish hopefully once and for all.  Please watch after and care for Atemu in my place.  I know that I can trust you to this duty. replied Mahad before his body began to vanish.

"I will.  You have my word.  That's a promise!" whispered Seto as Mahad vanished from sight.  Seto then made his way back up towards the front of the pyramid where Yami was.

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