Seto Kaiba

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This fanfiction story is rated M for violence, nudity, sex, and language.  It will also feature boy on boy (YAOI) sexual content, so do not read it if you are not into these things.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the Yu-gi-oh characters and/or series

Special Key Notes: "regular speech", 'thinking/thoughts', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes)

TWO - Seto Kaiba

Seto Kaiba made it back home late after a long hard day of work.  He still couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was watching him as he walked home.  The driver whom was supposed to drive him home never showed up as it was close to midnight by the time that Seto finally reached the estate.  Roland one of his most trusted guardians was there waiting for him.

"Master Kaiba................ you're back." stated Roland as he took Seto's coat.

"Roland, who ever was supposed to pick me up never showed.  I want them gone first thing in the morning." snarled Seto as he could feel his more beastial half rising to the surface.

"Sir, the preparations have been made for you." stated Roland as he knew full well what was happening to Seto.

"Good........... and the crew?" questioned Seto as they went down into the basement.

"Sent home as I am the only one who remains." replied Roland.

"Excellent.  The whole time I was on my way home, I could swear that I was being watched but, I couldn't pick up their scent." stated Seto as he began to remove his clothing while handing his shirt to Roland as he kicked off his shoes while he took off the socks.  Both Roland and Seto came upon a metal cage as Seto entered closing the door behind him to hear it click shut before he took off his pants leaving on only a pair of boxer shorts on.  Seto hated to do this to himself every night when the moon was full but he had no choice in the matter.  Seto had been cursed ever since his adoptive father bit him.  Seto used to be human that was until he was ten years old when Gozaburo Kaiba cursed him into becoming a werewolf.  Gozaburo said that it was to make Seto stronger and a worthy air to the Kaiba Company.  It didn't stop Seto from killing his adoptive father after he had killed his little brother Mokuba forcing Seto to watch when he wouldn't give Gozaburo the satisfaction of seeing him transform into a werewolf.  Now ten years later Seto still held his grudge and the curse, never to fully live a normal life.  Roland knew ever since he had been employed by Gozaburo Kaiba what he was as he watched after and cared for the two adoptive kids.  Roland had no idea that Gozaburo planned on turning Seto as the young kid was smart and intelligent making him a worthy air to the Kaiba fortune.  Rolland found out one night during a full moon that Seto had been bitten as he aided Seto in killing Gozaburo after he had killed Mokuba.  To this day Seto still curses his adoptive father and mourns the loss of his brother.  Once Seto was locked inside of the cell, the transformation into a werewolf hit him hard as he howled in pain collapsing onto his hands and knees.  His back legs bent and cracked out of portion as his feet elongated into paws.  Claws grew on Seto's hands and feet as his ears elongated into a wolves ear.  His electric blue eyes became slitted as Seto howled even more ripping at his skin as he ripped it off of his body to have brown fur cover his body which matched his brunette hair.  Seto howled screeching in pain as a long bushy brown wolf tail ripped out of his tail bone as sharp fangs lengthened in his mouth.  His face still slightly looked human but his nose resembled that of a wolf (think of the wolfman).  His body was still very muscular as you could still see the tribal tattoo of a dragon on his right upper arm.  After the transformation was over with, Seto panted staying were he was until the last bits of pain washed out of his body.  Once all of the pain was gone, Seto slowly rose up to his feet flexing his wolf muscles as he managed to stand up right on his hunched legs.  "Fucking Christ, why does this still hurt every time that I transform?" growled Seto angrily.  His body had grown accustomed to being that of a werewolf as part of his humanity still remained in tact when he became a werewolf.  The cell was a precaution encase Seto couldn't control himself after he had transformed.

"It seems Master Kaiba that you are learning greater control over it." stated Roland as he unlocked the cage as he handed Seto a pair of specially altered pants for his feet and tail.  Seto took it willingly as he sat down onto the cot in the cell putting on the pants.

"But it still hurts like hell.  I am just grateful that Mokuba never had to see me like this or had to go through with this night after night.  Damn that Gozaburo Kaiba." snarled Seto angrily.  Once Seto got his pants on Roland opened the cell to allow Seto out.

"Cursing him won't help your situation." stated Roland as Seto smiled wickedly.

"I know but, it makes me feel better.  Do we have anything to eat?  I am starving!"

"Of course Master Kaiba.  I have managed to keep a few of the steaks for you.  Uncooked and raw." replied Roland.

"Good work Roland.  Sometimes I wonder what I would do without you.  I surely would have gone mad a long time ago." stated Seto.

"I am honored that you think so highly of me." replied Roland as the two made their way up the stairs.  Seto was still a bit troubled wondering who in the world was watching him.  He had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach that whomever was watching him was incredibly powerful, ancient, and something similar to what he was.

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