first meeting

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This fanfiction story is rated M for violence, nudity, sex, and language. It will also feature boy on boy (YAOI) sexual content, so do not read it if you are not into these things. I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the Yu-gi-oh characters and/or series

Special Key Notes: "regular speech", 'thinking/thoughts', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), {translated from Egyptian}

THREE - first metting

Before Yami Yugi made it back to his estate, he had found himself somebody to pray upon. Down below in a dead end alley, he had found himself a murder/rapist whom had just rapped and brutally murdered a young brunette woman. Yami swooped down landing in the alley as he allowed his wings to wrap around his body as it looked like he was wearing a trench coat. The man never saw him as the dark shadows embraced Yami keeping the human from seeing him until he wished to be seen. The shadows and darkness embraced him like a second coat.

"You think your so smart eluding the police after raping and killing all of these young women. But I am here to tell you that your killing spree will end tonight." snarled Yami as he slowly stepped out of the shadows.

"I don't know who you think you are but, you are a dead man." growled the man as he lept at Yami slashing him across the chest with his knife. Yami easily dodged it as the man then plunged the knife into Yami's left shoulder. Yami smiled exposing his fangs as he pulled the knife from out of his shoulder as he licked off the blood that was on the blade.

"Sorry...... but, I am already dead." hissed Yami as he tossed the knife aside before he lept at the man pinning him down to the ground. Yami's sharp fangs ripped into the man's throat as warm rich blood splattered Yami's face and body. The blood tasted warm, salty, and coppery to Yami as he drank his fill, killing the man as he twisted the man's neck completely around. Yami licked his lips and fangs clean before he dropped the body. Yami then lept to the sky spreading open his wings as he willed a magic fireball to appear in his hands. He said a quick prayer for the woman's soul before he dropped the fireball onto the two bodies down below. The two bodies burned to ash before Yami flew off into the night heading back to his home.

Several hours later Yami made it back home as his body transformed back to it's normal form. The wound that he had on his shoulder was slowly healing. Yami didn't show any marks from his attack but the two long slits on his back still remained from where his wings would rip out and collapse back in. Shadi awaited for Yami with a new shirt in his hands.

"Welcome back my lord. Do you wish to take a shower before you retire for the day?" asked Shadi.

"Of course Shadi." replied Yami as Shadi lead him inside to the large spacious bathroom. Shadi began to run the shower as Yami stripped off his clothing. "Shadi....... Last night I saw a human whom caught my interest like no other as I was forced to transform into my full vampiric form. I have never felt anything so intense before as I wanted to do things to this human some of which I had done before when I was human. What do you think it was?" asked Yami as he slipped into the warm water. The warm water felt good on his tired and aching muscles.

"Two things come to my mind Lord Yami. The first is that he maybe a potetial mate. The second it that in some ways he maybe like you. Are you certain that this person was human?" asked Shadi.

"Is it necessary to ask that? I am most certain that he was human. But something about him seemed strange, different. I am not quite certain. I want to find this human again to make sure of what I sensed." replied Yami.

"Don't forget Lord Yami that today in the afternoon you have a meeting with Kaiba Corp about the merger." stated Shadi as Yami turned off the water before stepping out of the shower. Shadi proceeded to hand Yami a towel as the former pharaoh wrapped it around his waist.

"Very well....... Prepare the things that I will need for the meeting and a suit." stated Yami as Shadi bowed his head leaving the bathroom. Yami proceeded to dry off before he went to his chambers to retire before his noon meeting.

By early morning Seto awoke when he began to transform back into his human form. Pain ravaged his body as the fur molted off of him revealing his Caucasian skin. The tail, feet, and ears all retracted back to where they belonged as he muffled his howls and grunts of pain into his pillow. Soon the transformation was over with as Seto was covered in sweat. Seto moaned in pain before he willed his body to move. He was in desperate need of a shower. Seto slowly made his way to the master bath as he turned the water on warm. He didn't want the shower to be super hot but hot enough to relax his aching muscles. Seto proceeded to stip off his clothing before he entered the shower. The warm water hit his body as it felt good as he could feel his muscles begin to relax. Seto could hear someone knock on his bathroom door as Seto could smell Roland's aftershave.

"........Enter.......!" stated Seto as he heard the door open and close shut.

"Master Seto........ I have brought you your outfit for today." stated Roland.

"Very good Roland. What's on the agenda today?" asked Seto.

"At noon you have a meeting with the owner of the Pharaoh's Treasures to go over the plans for the merger. You are both going to the sight of the building to discuss any changes to the floor plan and what needs to be done. The meeting shall take up a good portion of your day." replied Roland. Seto turned off the water from the shower before he got out as Roland handed him a towel to dry off with. Before Seto took the towel, he proceeded to stretch out his muscular frame snapping his muscles back into place. Seto then took the towel drying off.

"Very well, I will be heading to the office once I have gotten dressed and eaten." replied Seto.

"I shall make the arrangements right away Master Kaiba." stated Roland as he placed Seto's clothes on top of the toilet seat which was closed. Seto proceeded to get dressed in the new clothes that Roland brought him as he put on a new pair of boxer shorts, a pair of blue jeans, a black short sleeve tee shirt, and Seto's traditional white trench coat with the Kaiba Corp logo pin in the form of a dragon on his collar. Seto sat on the toilet to put on his white socks and black dress shoes. Seto then got up to brush and style his hair before he left the bathroom to head down stairs to get something to eat. Do to being cursed as a werewolf, Seto had a very high metabolism as he burned more energy than humanly possible. With the amount of food that Seto eats, he showed no ounce of fat on his body. After Seto ate a large breakfast, Roland drove him to the office.

Yami awoke an hour before noon as he stretched out his body. He could hear the shower running as a set of clothing was laid out. Yami let out a long yawn as he took off his clothes heading into the shower. Yami took a relatively quick one as he still needed to get dressed and feed before the meeting. Just because Yami was a vampire, it didn't mean that he exhibited or had any of the vampiric weaknesses that has been often associated with vampires. Crosses, holywater, and garlic were stuff of myth and legend. Stakes to the heart or cutting off the head was enough to kill anybody, even an immortal. Sunlight wasn't enough to kill him but it did make it hard for him to travel around during the day. By late afternoon was about the only time Yami could travel during the day when the sun wasn't so high in the sky. The only reason for his noon meeting today with the Kaiba Corp was made thankfully as the weather looked bleak. When the weather looked bad either from the rain, clouds, snow, and/or a storm, was about the only time of day when Yami could travel around during the day. Yami took his quick shower as he got out styling his hair to cover up his pointed ears. He then got dressed into a pair of black blue jean pants and ivory white tee shirt. He also wore a indigo blue leather jacket as he put on a dark red studded buckle collar around his neck to hide the fang marks and slit that ran down his chest which started at the throat. Before he left the estate, Yami headed downstairs to feed on some specially made synthetic blood which he had to quench his blood thirst. It would do in a pinch as he had to make sure he at least had some blood in his system. Before he and Shadi left, Yami put on a special pair of tinted sunglasses over his eyes to hide his blood red eyes.

Yami arrived at the Kaiba Corp building a few minutes before his meeting as the strange and familiar scent drifted up his nose of the arctic ice.

'No way......... That human is here?!' Yami thought to himself as a tall brunette emerged from the door way. It was the same human that Yami was admiring from a far. Both Seto and Yami looked at each other analyzing one another. They could both feel it in their blood that there was something strange about the other one.

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