strange feelings

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This fanfiction story is rated M for violence, nudity, sex, and language.  It will also feature boy on boy (YAOI) sexual content, so do not read it if you are not into these things.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the Yu-gi-oh characters and/or series

Special Key Notes: "regular speech", 'thinking/thoughts', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), {translated from Egyptian}

FOUR - strange feelings

Seto and Yami stood there staring at one another as Yami found it hard to believe that the human that he had watched from a far was standing right in front of him.  Seto was incredibly handsome as the attraction to the human was instantaneous.  For Seto, he had gotten this strange feeling that he had felt Yami's presence once before.  Yami had this air about him as he seemed incredibly powerful, ancient, and dangerous.  Something about Yami drew him like a moth to a flame.  Yami was incredibly attractive as something about his features reminded Seto of pharaohs that lived in ancient Egypt.  Finally Seto moved forward.

"Welcome, you must be the owner of the Pharaoh's Tresure.  I am Seto Kaiba, the owner of Kaiba Corp." stated Seto as he stretched out his left hand.  Yami took the hand with his right as the human had a very strong grip.

"Thank you Kaiba, I am Yami Yugi." replied Yami.  Yami took a firm grip of Kaiba's hand shaking it.  'If I wasn't an ordinary human that grip would have broken my hand.' Yami thought to himself.  Yami's firm and strong grip shocked Kaiba as he was grateful for his werewolf blood as Yami's grip seemed to match his own.  Seto couldn't get rid of the feeling that he was getting off of Yami.  Seto and Yami retracted their hands as Seto opened the door allowing Yami to enter the board room as Seto followed behind him.  Several industry leaders, contractors, advertising, antique appraisers, publishing, and legal advisers where there.  Seto took his seat down at one end of the table as Yami sat down at the opposite end.  The meeting began once everyone was seated.

After about three hours of discussions, they all braked as Yami and Seto traveled to the sight in Seto's limo to the sight to over see the construction and other things at the sight.  Both of them talked over the plans for the interactive museum.  After they were done at the sight Seto invited Yami out to lunch to finalize the deal.

"I would enjoy that." stated Yami.  The vampire tried his best not to lick his lips as he eyed Seto proactively through his glasses which he never took off.  {Ra give me strength.  I don't know if I can do this as I already crave a taste of him in more ways than one.} Yami whispered to himself in Egyptian as he tried his best to hide the tent that he had in his pants.  Even Seto could feel a physical attraction towards Yami as his own pants had a tent in it.

'God help me...........  Never before have I ever been attracted to another guy like this before.  Why is it that I find him irresistible?' Seto thought to himself.

As the two ate lunch, Seto had noticed that Yami ate very little in the way of food as any meat that he ordered was cooked medium rare.  Yami had noticed that Seto ate three times more than was humanly possible.

"You don't eat much.  If you don't mind me asking........ but what nationality are you?" asked Seto trying to make polite conversation.

"I am Egyptian but my last name is Japanese." replied Yami.

"I thought as much.  Are you married?"

"No............  How about you?  Any family?"

"No...........  I'm not married.  I did however had a little brother until he was killed."

"I'm sorry............  I didn't know."

"It's all water under the bridge.  What I don't understand is how you have managed to come across one of a kind, rare artifacts that date back countless centuries.  Most of these items are in still perfect condition." stated Seto.

"They have been handed down from generation to generation within my family."  Of course Yami was lying about this fact not that Seto could pick up.  Yami had noticed that almost every woman in the restaurant were staring at them drooling.  Yami shook his head as he was used to it.  Yami wasn't the only one whom noticed it as Seto had noticed it as well.

"I think it is about time that we get out of here.  We can draw up the contract tomorrow." stated Seto.  Seto had noticed that not once has Yami acknowledged any of the women whom approached them as his undivided attention was on Seto.  Seto wasn't sure if this was because they were working over the plans for the merger or if it was because of something else.  Both Seto and Yami split the check as they left the restaurant.  Seto even offered to drive Yami home.

"No..........  it's all right.  I have to stop by my office to do a few things.  Shall we meet tomorrow at the same time?" asked Yami as he had to come up with some sort of excuse.  He could feel his vampiric nature rising to the surface.  If he spent any more time with Seto, he was almost certain that he wouldn't hold back.

"That sounds good..........  until tomorrow then." replied Seto as Yami watched him climb into the limo before it drove off.  Yami couldn't help but to feel that there was more to Kaiba then meets the eye.  Yami lept to the roof top as he headed towards his office that he had set up in order to do some research and hold his business deals.  Both men couldn't shake off the strange feelings that they had about the other one as they could feel it in their blood.  Something didn't feel quite right.

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