Parties And Identities (1)

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Third Person POV

"That's all for tonight folks! See you tomorrow night!" 'B' announces.

Fog covers the stage, blocking the vision of the crowd. The crowd starts to clap their hands wildly, indicating they had enjoyed their performance. Once the fog dispersed, the five were no longer to be seen. The lights that were fixed on the stage starts to shut down, making the place turn dim. This signals the audience to leave, which they were already completely used to. The crowd starts to exit, with smiles on their faces.


The five enter the room, exhausted from their performance. 'G' immediately rushes to the couch, then he lays down on it. 'F' and 'YG' were secretly holding hands, not wanting suspicion from their band mates. 'YA' was looking at 'B', who was silent the whole time. 'YA' found it unbelievable, that 'B' or Boboiboy had developed feelings for her. Due to that, she wasn't properly functioning. She also wanted to tell him so bad, that Yaya was 'YA' and 'YA' was Yaya. Sadly, Ochobot was so strict on not telling their identities to each other, unless it was necessary. She would wonder when they would reveal their identities with each other, after all they had the right to know. Why did they need to hide their identities anyway? It's not like it would hurt someone. 'YA' glances at 'B', he was staring at her. 'YA' blushes, she was internally freaking out. 'YA' sighs in relief, when Ochobot bursts through the door, with a smile on his face.

"Good news!" He shouts.

The five looks at him, putting their attention on what Ochobot was going to say. Ochobot approaches each of the five, handing envelopes.

"We're invited to the party hosted by the Azaam family!" Ochobot exclaims.

'B' glances at Ochobot, before looking back at the envelope. He walks towards Ochobot, giving the envelope back.

"Sorry, but I won't be able to attend." 'B' said, in a monotone voice.

Ochobot takes the envelope, knowing that 'B' was needed as Boboiboy in the party. The four exchange looks, before opening their envelopes. They all pull out a card, in the card it said:

You Are Invited To The Party
Location: Azaam Mansion
When: Tomorrow
Time: 9:30 pm-12:00 am

'G' grins, "This is awesome!"

The three nod in agreement, they all knew this was a rare opportunity. Meanwhile 'B' was blankly staring at his guitar, trying to hide his disappointment. He looks at the four who were talking about it excitingly, his gaze transfer to 'YA'.

"I wish I could tell you who I am..."


~Time Skip brought to you by crying Author~


Boboiboy was in the staircase of his mansion, looking at about hundreds of people talking to each other. The Band had just performed earlier 9:00 pm, because of that, he had to sneak inside his house. Boboiboy sighs, he would prefer performing with his band mates instead of being in the party. Boboiboy hears his father call his name, this made him groan. He walks towards his father, who was talking to four teenagers. Boboiboy stops in his tracks, his eyes widen, his father was talking to his band mates.

"Boboiboy! Come here! I want you to greet our special guests!" His father said.

Boboiboy sighs, then he starts walking towards them. He smiles at the four, hoping that they didn't recognize him as 'B'.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Boboiboy..." Boboiboy introduces himself.

"We already know, you're kinda famous." 'G' tells him.

Boboiboy rubs the back of his neck, "Right..."

Mr. Azaam (Boboiboy's father) looks at Boboiboy, "Show our guests around, okay?"

Boboiboy simply nods, knowing that he had no choice anyway. Once Mr. Azaam left, Boboiboy looks back at the four, with a genuine smile.

"Where should we start?"

'G' shrugs, "Depends on you."

Boboiboy smiles at him, "Let's start outside the mansion then."

The four look at each other, before nodding in agreement. Boboiboy leads them outside the mansion, where kids their age were hanging out. Once they were outside, there was a sudden cool breeze, making them slightly shiver. Boboiboy smiles, he loved the silence of the night and the coolness of the wind, it would always comfort him. But his smile soon turns into a frown, when he hears a bunch of screams and squeals. There were a bunch of girls pointing at them, obviously they were fans of 'Band Heroes'. Boboiboy smirks, finally he was free from attention, well that was what he thought. Someone taps his shoulder, he turns around, only to see Kaizo.

"Kaizo?!" Boboiboy exclaims.

Kaizo smiles , "Nice to see you again Boboiboy..." His gaze transfers to the four behind him. "And I see you met the 'Beat Heroes'..."

Boboiboy nervously smiles, "Yeah, anyway... what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here?"

"Ah... I was invited by your father, also I wanted to know what your answer was."

"Answer?" Boboiboy asks confusingly.

Kaizo shook his head in annoyance, "About the invitation to TAPOPS..."


"So? Are you?" Kaizo said.

Boboiboy frowns, "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not going there."

Kaizo raises a brow, "Your going to reject the offer? That's pretty dumb of you. I actually wanted you to join my band."

Boboiboy looks at him, "Sorry, but nothing is going to change my mind."

Kaizo chuckles, "How stubborn, if you don't mind me asking, but what exactly is stopping you from accepting TAPOPS?"

Boboiboy became stiff, "I-it's personal..."

Kaizo simply pats his shoulder and whispers, "See you around 'B'..."

Boboiboy's eyes widen, he turns around, only to see that Kaizo had disappeared to the crowd. He looks around, trying to find Kaizo, but to no avail, Kaizo was nowhere to be seen. Boboiboy sighs, he wanted to ask Kaizo on how he figured out his identity, after all they barely met. He looks behind him, only to see his guests/band mates looking at him.

Boboiboy sheepishly smiles, "Oh, sorry... let's get going..."

*Few Minutes Later*

Somehow they ended up in Boboiboy's room, the four were examining it like there was no tomorrow. Boboiboy was leaning on the wall, confused by their actions. They were scattered around his room, as if they were investigating. Boboiboy watches 'G' climb up the ladder for the bookshelves, which he found amusing, why? Because 'G' looked like he was tired. Boboiboy then looks at 'YG', she had a magnifying glass. Boboiboy arches a brow, he definitely found that suspicious.

"Why the heck those she have a magnifying glass?" Boboiboy thought.

Pushing away his thoughts, he scans his room for 'YA'. She was nowhere to be seen, Boboiboy starts to walk around, looking for 'YA'. He enters his walk-in-closet, only to see 'F' with a smirk. 'F' shows B's, more specifically his band uniform. Boboiboy's eyes widen, 'F' had found out his secret. How could his day get any worse?

"It's not what it looks like..." Boboiboy said, hoping to reason out with 'F'.

'F' rolls his eyes, "Geeh, then what is this?"

"Uh... cosplay?"

'F' face palms, "Really 'B'? That's the best you could do?"

"I'm not 'B'!" Boboiboy whisper-yells.

"Right, and I'm not 'F' either."

Boboiboy opens his mouth, but then closes it.

"What's the point on hiding it? It was obvious anyway." 'F' tells him.

Before Boboiboy could argue, the door opens, revealing 'YG'. The two boys smile at her, trying not to be suspicious.

"Hey have you seen 'YA'?" 'YG' asks them.

The two boys shook their head, "No"

"Where could she be then?"

'YG' exits, leaving the two boys. Almost immediately when 'YG' left, Boboiboy turns to 'F', but before he could say anything. 'F' had already beat him to it.

"I won't tell them..."

Boboiboy smiles, "Thanks, can you hide my uniform for me? I'm going to search for-"

"Yeah yeah, go find your girlfriend." 'F' interrupts.

"What? No! She isn't my girlfriend! You know what? I'm leaving!" Boboiboy said, ignoring the sly smirk on F's face.

Boboiboy slams the walk-in-closet's door behind him, he knew 'F' had a smirk on his face, after all they used to be rivals. Boboiboy sighs, despite being annoyed by 'F', Boboiboy really enjoyed being friends with him. Putting his attention to his task, he begins his search for 'YA'.

*Few Minutes Later*

Boboiboy searched everywhere, but he still couldn't find 'YA'. He was getting worried, after all she left with no warning. Boboiboy was walking in the hallways, he could hear someone singing. The voice sounded familiar to him, but he couldn't place his finger on it. Like a curious cat, he searches for the owner of the voice. It leads him back to his own room, this made him even more curious. In his room, he could see 'G' asleep on the couch, while 'F' and 'YG' were watching tv. Boboiboy raises an eyebrow, who gave them permission to do anything they want in his room? Boboiboy frowns, but ignores them. He makes his way to the balcony, where the sound of the voice was louder. Boboiboy looks around, only to see no one there.

Boboiboy chuckles, "Perhaps I'm just hearing things..."

"Or your not  looking where your suppose to..."

Boboiboy looks at the roof behind him, there he sees 'YA' the girl he had been looking for. Her scarf was hovering in the air, while the moonlight made her eyes twinkle like the stars.

She smiles at him, "Do you want to join me up here?"

(Author: Hello guys~ I just wanna announce that I will be publishing the new chapter of 'Boboiboy Fanfiction: 3 wishes for you' tomorrow! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! It's kinda disappointing, so I might do some edits... anyway! T'ill next time!)

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