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Third Person POV

Ying looks at Fang wide-eyed, had she heard him right? Ying blinks a multiple of time, before she awkwardly laughs.

"Haha, nice joke!" Ying nervously exclaims.

Fang takes a deep breath, "Ying... I'm not kidding..."

Ying was silent, she was still processing everything he said. The silence made Fang nervous, he was starting to think it was a bad idea to confess. Fang sighs, before he could open his mouth, he was tackled by a very cheerful Ying.

"I Love you too!" Ying exclaims.

Fang blushes, "Y-you do-o?"

"Of course Spiky-head!" Ying said, hugging Fang.

Fang smiles, he returns the hug. Fang was quite happy that his crush didn't reject him, he would've of been devastated.

He looks into Ying's shimmering eyes, "So are we dating now?"

The mention of the word 'dating' made Ying blush, she shyly looks at him.


"I couldn't hear you properly, can you say it louder?" Fang teases.

Ying shot him an annoyed glare, "I said... yes!"

Fang chuckles, as he hugs Ying tighter. Oh how long he awaited for this moment. Finally, he was dating the girl of his dreams. Ying blushes harder, when Fang hugs her tighter. She was over-joyed that her crush was now her boyfriend, it was a dream come true. She was going to tell Yaya, Ying knew Yaya was going to be proud of her. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, the two love birds releases from the hug. The door opens, revealing Alexina.

She looks at the two, "Are you two finally dating?"

Both of them were caught off-guard, they look at each other.

Alexina smirks, "I'm going to take that as a yes."

Alexina brings out an notebook, she starts writing. After a couple of minutes, she stops writing. She opens the door, and leaves.

"What just happened?" Ying asks.

Fang shrugs, "No clue..."


Yaya was sitting in her chair, still daydreaming about Boboiboy's confession. Well technically it wasn't a confession, but you get the point. She brought back to reality, when someone taps her shoulder. Yaya turns, only to see Boboiboy.

"Hey Yaya, I was just wondering, have you seen Gopal?" Boboiboy said, oblivious that Yaya had turned red.

"I-i haven't, maybe he already went home?" Yaya nervously suggests.

Boboiboy shook his head, "I don't think so, his bag is still here."

Yaya looks around, she notices the classroom was already empty.

"What time is it?" Yaya asks.

Boboiboy takes a look at his watch, "5:12 pm..."

Yaya's eye widen, "Already?!"

Boboiboy laughs, making Yaya blush from embarrassment. Boboiboy stops laughing, he gives her one of his dazzling smiles.

"You seem distracted, anything bothering you?" Boboiboy said.

Yaya blushes, "Uh.... nope! Nothing!"

Boboiboy raises a brow, suspicious of the sudden blush. But he shrugs it off, after all it was none of his business. He flashes Yaya a smile, before he heads for his seat. Yaya sighs in relief, then she looks around her. She spots Ying's bag, but the owner itself was no where to be seen, this made her raise an eyebrow.

"Where's Ying?" Yaya thought.

The door opens revealing Gopal, he was panting. Boboiboy approaches him, with his arms crossed.

"Where were you?" Boboiboy asks in a commanding tone.

"I was being chased around by your fan-girls! They wanted me to give your number!" Gopal exclaims.

"How do you have my number? I haven't given it to you." Boboiboy said, catching Yaya's attention.


Boboiboy raises an eyebrow, "Well, I'm waiting..."

"I um kinda uh asked it from your...." Gopal tried to make an excuse.

"From my what?"

The door opens again, revealing Ying and Fang. They all noticed that they two were holding hands, this made Gopal and Boboiboy smirk, while Yaya confused.

"Ooh~ Fang's got a girlfriend!" Gopal teases.

Fang shot Gopal an irritated glare, making Boboiboy laugh. Ying on the other hand was blushing.

"For your information, Ying is now officially my girlfriend." Fang proudly informs them.

"So Alexina was right! You two would end up together!" Boboiboy exclaims.

They all look at Boboiboy confusingly, especially the couple.

"She said that?"

"Yeah, she told me that all the Fayi shippers were rooting for it." Boboiboy said.

"Fayi shippers?" Fang and Ying asks at the same time.

"Ignore what I just said." Boboiboy dismisses the conversation.

"Okay then, well I better tell Yaya, she looks very confused." Ying told them, while pointing at Yaya.

The three boys nod, indicating that she was allowed to leave. Ying smiles, then walks towards Yaya. Ying sits down on the seat beside Yaya, who was giving her the 'I-need-an-explanation' look.

"Me and Fang are dating now..." Ying states.

Yaya grins, "Who confessed?"


"Aw~ Your crush since 1st year of high school confessed to you?!" Yaya exclaims, loud enough to be heard by the three boys.

Ying nods, she could imagine that Fang had a smirk plastered on his face right now. And she also had a hunch that Fang would always tease her about this.

"That's great!" Yaya said.

"Yeah, but are you okay?" Ying replies.

"Huh? Why wouldn't I?" Yaya asks her friend, obviously confused.

Ying frowns, "Your crush likes someone else!"

Yaya fakes an 'o', "Right..."

"Yaya has a crush?" Gopal asks.

Ying and Yaya's eyes widen, they both turned to the boys.

"You heard what I said?" Ying shakily asks.

The three boys gave her the 'Are-you-serious?' look, Gopal face palms.

"You kinda yelled it."

"Oh yeah, oops! Hehehe, my bad!" Ying said, earning a glare from Yaya.

"So who's the lucky guy?" Boboiboy asks.

The two girls glance at each other, "Uh... No one!"

"Come on, we're friends!" Boboiboy argues.

"And I'm your boyfriend!" Fang adds.

Ying stuck her tongue out, "Go figure it out for yourselves!"

The two boys sigh, not noticing the evil smirk on Gopal's face, only the girls noticed. They would be lying if they said it wasn't terrifying, seriously, they didn't know Gopal can look so evil.

"It's Boboiboy isn't it!" Gopal exclaims.

Yaya blushes, "Wh-what? Pfft! No way! Absolutely wrong! Nope!"

"Yeah Gopal, that's impossible." Boboiboy agrees.

The three face palm, they had just realized that their leader was a dense idiot. While Yaya was quite relieved, she didn't want Boboiboy to discover her feelings yet.


~Time Skip~


The Five were waiting for 'B', he was running late again. 'G' was slamming his head on the wall, groaning. 'F' and 'YG' were talking, while 'YA' was patiently waiting for the door to slam open. Watching all four of them, was their manager Ochobot.

"Why is 'B' taking so long?" 'G' asks.

"I don't know, he probably has a rough life compared to all of us." 'YA' replied.

Ochobot was watching 'F' and 'YG' interact, he could notice that the two were acting lovey-dovey. This made him arch an eyebrow, did something happen and he wasn't informed? Before he could ask, the door slams open. A panting 'B' enters, obviously he was running earlier.

"Late again?"

"Sorry, I kinda had to meet someone." 'B' replies.

"Really who?" 'G' asks.

"Um can't tell you guys..." 'B' answers.

'G' shrugs, "Okay..."

'B' takes a glance at 'YA', which she notices. 'B' quickly looks away, slightly blushing.

"Okay, you only have 2 minutes before show time! Go! Go! Go!" Ochobot tells them.

The five rush towards the stage, which was covered in smoke. They were all in position, they all exchange looks with a bright smiles. Once the smoke disperses, they come face-to-face with a crowd.

'B' smiles, "Are you ready for another performance!?"

The crowd cheers and yells.

"1... 2... 3... Go!"

(Author: Hey guys! Thanks for reading! What do you think? I think I'll be editing this chapter. Sorry if your disappointed, I tried my best 😭)

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