My Beautiful Camellia

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Ango looked on the screen as Chuuya's ability levels were being tested. It hurt a lot worse than Chuuya used to remember being tested on. This time they were more prepared to make sure the red head didn't destroy the facility, and escape. Ango used the speaker in the room to talk to Chuuya.

"You know we still probably wouldn't have found you if it wasn't thanks to your fiance."

What? Was Chuuya hearing that right...? But Tsumiki wouldn't-

"He sold you out. Told us you were with him in that hotel room. That's how we were able to find you. Glad we did a beast like you shouldn't be out in humanity."

Chuuya didn't utter a word but the pain was present on his face as a tear rolled down his cheek. Ango's eyes widened and they became quickly uncaring. "There's no point in being upset about it. Soon you'll just be sleeping again so you won't grieve over the betrayal." Ango said heartless.


Chuuya was grabbing the few items he had. He didn't want to talk to them or say goodbye. There was no need. It'd be better this way. It would only make everything more complicated if not hurt a few feelings in the process. Chuuya walked down the stairs to the ground floor, and he grabbed his shoes by the door slipping them on. He went to go unlock the cafe door but a light was flickered on.

"What are you doing?"

Chuuya sighed. "I'm leaving alright? I don't belong here with your people. I'd just cause unnecessary trouble."

Tsumiki chuckled. "You could let us make that choice for ourselves you know?"

"Well I'm making it for you." Chuuya said grabbing the door handle. Tsumiki put his hand on Chuuya's and looked him straight in the eyes.

"You can't run forever and surely you don't want to be alone."

"I've always been alone it's nothing new to me." Chuuya opened the cafe door but Tsumiki closed it back trapping Chuuya between him and the door.

"What are you so afraid of? What? Are you afraid we're gonna stab you in the back? Turn you in? You've been here for weeks. Don't you think we would have done that already?"

"I don't know what I think..."

Tsumiki sighed. "Well that sucks. Cause I know what I think."

Chuuya chuckled. "Oh and what's that ha?"

Tsumiki pulled Chuuya close by the waist and he kissed him deeply. Tsumiki kissed him for a few moments before he pulled away. "How much I like you... and how I'd really hate to see you go." He said cupping his face.

"I just... I need space okay? Just tell them I went to a hotel or something... I don't know..." Chuuya left without a word and Tsumiki let him that night. But that never meant he gave up.

A few weeks went by and Chuuya was given the space he wanted. But it was short lived. Leaving his job at a local cafe, Tsumiki would walk him home. He somehow knew his schedule which was unnerving. If Chuuya was at the grocery store and there were things he couldn't reach Tsumiki was oddly there to grab them. Chuuya had gotten a puppy and magically that puppy had a box of new toys waiting on his doorstep two days after. Chuuya was thoroughly exhausted trying to ignore the guy but he simply didn't take Chuuya's clear no's as an answer.

Chuuya was just finishing up a long shift and he sighed as he took off his work apron and placed it over the apron rack.

"Goodnight Chuuya." His co worker waved.

"Ah night." Chuuya waved. When Chuuya walked out of the cafe there Tsumiki was with a bouquet of red camellia's. "Don't you ever give up?"

"Not in the slightest." He smiled. "C'mon just one date?"

Chuuya sighed. "Fuck it... Why not. At this point I'd be absolute asshole to keep ignoring you."

Tsumiki jumped for joy and Chuuya chuckled, what a dork. Tsumiki grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers. "Ah for you beautiful." Tsumiki handed Chuuya his camellia's. Chuuya smiled as he sniffed it.

"So why red camellia's?" He asked.

"Well the color reminded me of your hair. And how you have a very passionate and fiery personality. But I also got them because the red ones symbolize deep love, passion, and desire." Tsumiki smiled.

"Love, passion, desire..." Chuuya blushed a bit and he smiled softly as he sniffed them again. Walking home with Tsumiki.


"I knew you didn't have good intentions!" Amon said angrily. "How could you do that?! He's not a toy!"

"He's a god of destruction. What do you expect? Eventually the government was going to catch up to him."

"He's more than that to us." Amon spat. "He's our friend! Our family! Something you'd know nothing about you heartless bastard!"

Dazai's eyes narrowed at that.

"Enough!" Shirakawa yelled. "Right now our top priority is to get him back the government must be more prepared for him now. To make sure what happened a few years ago doesn't occur again."

Tsumiki looked at Shirakawa. "Me and Dazai already figured that out. I'm going in alone. Just me. You guys will be outside waiting for me to bring out Chuuya and making sure no one else from the government stands in my way."

"B-But that's suicide!" Amon said worriedly.

"Tsumiki will be alright. He has tricks up his sleeves." Shirakawa smiled. "If that is what you wish Tsumiki so be it."

"Thank you, Boss."


Tsumiki kicked the vent off of the air duct and he jumped down into the government facility. Tsumiki stumbled as the ground shook a bit... Chuuya... Tsumiki hurried down the hallway with his gun on his back. Tsumiki remember the facility well. Much hasn't changed since the last time. If he was right... then the testing room was still in the same place. Tsumiki ran as fast as he could to the testing room, and he used his gun to shoot the keypad making it malfunction and the door open. Ango turned around and his eyes widened in surprise. "You-!"

Tsumiki looked at Chuuya. He was hooked up to all different kinds of wires and needles were in both arms. Tsumiki's teeth gritted in anger.

"You were foolish to come back. We let you have a normal life."

Tsumiki chuckled. "You did me no fucking favors. I left on my own. If you need a test subject back fine I'll be just that. But let him go."

Ango laughed. "Why would I bargain with you?"

"Fine. Have it your way then." Tsumiki's eye turned red, and the man next to Ango illuminated red and he pulled out his gun and shot the others inside of the room before Tsumiki made him turn the gun on himself. "My how messy." He said heartless. Tsumiki stepped over the dead bodies, and Ango's eyes widened in fear as he pressed a button for more men to show up.

"Kill him now!"

Tsumiki turned around and he took control of another man. While the other man was a slave to Tsumiki's control, Tsumiki used his gun to kill some of the men storming the room. Ango couldn't believe how much easier it was for him now to control his ability and make such skillful use of it. Tsumiki kicked one of the guys back from him and he wrapped the strap around another guys neck pulling hard before tossing the gun up and shooting the guy behind his back. Tsumiki walked over to Ango pressing the gun into his chest. "Let him out."

Tsumiki was caught off guard as a woman kicked him in the back and she put a gun in Tsumiki's face. "Korosuto..."

"I'm sorry it's nothing personal Tsumiki. Just doing my job." She said looking at him. Tsumiki heard the click of the gun but the bullet never hit him. It stopped mid air.

"What the fuck?!" Korosuto yelled and she winced as the bullet flew back at her hitting her in the chest, Ango turned around and he was surprised to see Chuuya's ability destroying the hold. "What?! No! No! That's not supposed to happen!"

The glass shattered in Ango's face and Korosuto's, Tsumiki was saved from the glass hurting him as bad since he was on the ground. When Tsumiki stood up corruption had came out on it's own. His eyes widened. "Chuuya!" Tsumiki broke the keypad look in the room and he ran inside. "Chuuya!"

Hasegawa was listening through the ear piece. "Tsumiki what's wrong?!"

"Chuuya's ability it activated on its own!"

Dazai snatched the ear piece out of Hasegawa's ear. "You mean corruption?!"

"Yes!" Tsumiki grunted as he was sliding across the floor. "Shit!"

Chuuya laughed madly as he lunged at him. "Chuuya stop it!" Tsumiki blocked Chuuya's hit with things around the room. "It's me! Chuuya it's me!"

Tsumiki barely dodged a gravitational ball, it completely ate through the metal tray. Tsumiki's eyes widened. He threw it to the side as Chuuya kept attacking him. Tsumiki misstepped and Chuuya grabbed him. Throwing him across the room making him hit the wall hard. Dazai was just running into the room at the time.

"I-..." He wheezed. "I- I know you're angry... I'm sorry..." Tsumiki said sadly. "... It was a mistake..." Tsumiki said playing along to getting Chuuya into the situation.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Dazai yelled.

Chuuya lunged for Tsumiki. Tsumiki grabbed his right arm and his left hand went through Tsumiki's chest. Tsumiki spit out blood.

"Ack..! Ah...!" Tsumiki grabbed the needle out of his pocket. And he stuck it inside Chuuya's right arm. The medicine in the needle lulled corruption back to sleep, Chuuya's eyes went from that blank white back to it's ocean blue. "...I-... I love you... always... always remember that... my beautiful camellia..." Tsumiki let out one last shuddering breath before he died. Chuuya looked down at Tsumiki and his eyes widened.

"...No... No, no, no... Tsumiki... Tsumiki wake up...! ...Tsumiki...!" Chuuya laid over his body crying. "...Oh god... I'm sorry! I'm so sorry... please wake up...! ...TSUMIKI...!!!!"

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