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That was just another day when the sun decided to spread his warmth over the chilling December breeze, but it disturbed the beautiful sleep of the Ragini who felt asleep last night without her knowledge while crying.

She slowly tried to open her eyes but her body doesn't wanted to spoil that solace called sleep rarely blessed her. When she decided to enjoy the warmth of her bed few more minutes her mobile beeped indicating an incoming call.

She took her mobile and confused when she saw an unknown number on the display, frowning she pressed the green button lazily and placed her mobile near her ears. When she heard the words from the other side her eyes filled with tears, "I will be there in an Hour sir" saying so she wiped her tears and went inside the restroom to get freshen up.

After a whole month the cold water running through her skin made her flinch. She remembered the words she heard this morning. "Mrs. Maheshwari we got some in formations about your missing husband Laksh Maheshwari, it will be nice if you came here to collect those information" voice on the other side said and at that instant Ragini believed that there was someone called God who is still helping her.

After freshen up she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her face was pale and her eyes had dark circles around them. The glow which was always there in Ragini's face was not there, and we can't expect more than that when her soul Laksh is missing from the past month and there is no news of him.

Her life which was once a mess became mess once again but one thng kept Ragini from becoming insane and that is her Love. Laksh and his Love for her was the only thing which kept her breathing all these days.

But from the past two days she felt the feeling of her heart fading away and she felt unbearable pain inside her heart which made her feel like she will die any second soon.

Brushing the thoughts away she rushed out of her room to catch the next bus. The family members who saw her running like her world is going to end didn't failed to notice the new ray of hope they witnessed in her eyes.

But no one dared to stop her ask he something. The Ragini they witnessed a month ago stopped them to go near her.

"Maa I saw some hope in Ragini" Swara said to Annapurna and she nodded her head in agreement. "I too saw that Swara but I'm afraid that what will happen is that hope got broken, I'm really afraid to saw their same Ragini back" her worry was clearly evident in her face. Swara held her for support yet her memories ran back to the day when he discovered a totally new Ragini, who was only there for minutes but shook the bottom of the whole Maheshwari household.

That was the third day of Laksh's missing and Ragini was not the same. She didn't touch any food from time the she learned that Laksh has gone missing, yet not a single tear escaped her eyes.

The whole family is crying or cursing but she remained silent. No words, no emotions, no feelings noting came out of her and that made Parvathi worried for her granddaughter. An unknown fear strokes her heart when she saw the immobile state of her Ladoo.

Wishing to bring out some emotions from Ragini she pulled a action, but less that she knows that her that will end up in hurting Ragini more.

"Ragu, why are hurting yourself for the man who left you? Laksh is not a child he would have came here if he ever cared for you. I think he never loved you Ragini. This time also this is some drama of him to hurt you and to separate from you" Parvathi's words made Ragini lift her head and glare at her grandmother.

"Dadi, what are you blabbering?" she asked in a slow and low tune, yet it was so deep that it send shivers to every single person there. in a second all them witnessed the change of expression in Ragini's face. But parvathi was not bothered by all this. She personally felt that all problems in Ragini's life is just because of Laksh and badly wanted Ragini to come out of Laksh.

"I'm not blabbering Ragini, just think, Swara returned to Sanskar even at the time she lost her memories and look at sanskar he never give up on her at any situation, that's because of true Love, but Laksh, he betrayed you, tried to kill you, faked his love to you, then married another girl in front of you, again now he left you, his love was never true Rag.." before she could complete she was pushed to the wall and Ragini was holding her neck and choking her. Even when she struggled for breath Ragini stood unaffected.

"You, you are calling my Laksh's love for me as Fake? How can you say that?" her voice echoed all over the house. When Swara and sharmista tried to pull Ragini away all they got was a push which was strong enough to make them fall.

"You said that Swara and Sanskar united because they loved truly then are you saying that my Love for Laksh is fake?" she sounded like a psycho.

Suddenly her hold on Parvathi's neck loosened and she fell down. Ragini's hands starts to shiver and she walked back murmuring something until her head hit the pillar. She slid down the pillar murmuring that her Laksh never loved her. "My Laksh never loved me" that was the only words that left her mouth till she gets her conscious.

Till the day Swara never forgot how hard they tried to bring back the present Ragini. She became normal only after reading Laksh's dairy in which he mentioned how much he loved his wife, Ragini.

But that day the Ragini he witnessed never left her mind. Ragini was not a saint from the beginning. But she was always emotional. Even when she did bad things to save her marriage with Laksh, she was always guilty, even though she acted as evil in front of everyone but that was just for her Love and for her Laksh. But this time this Ragini seemed different, and at the time she dared to kill the person who she loved like her mother, Swara and no one has any idea about her that drastic change or the things which made her like that.

Ragini got down from the taxi and rushed into the Commissioner office. She looked at the person sitting there. "Sir, I'm Ragini Laksh Maheshwari, you called me this morning, what did you find about my Laksh ji, he is fine na?" he words made the police officer look at her in daze.

Looking at the hope in her eyes his heart took a second to think about her state when she learns the truth. She was too young to undergo this kind of fate.

"Look, Mrs. Maheshwari, I'm really sorry to say this but fate won't support us all the time" his words made her froze. Her heart beat started to rise and her hands begin to shiver.

"your husband is dead in an accident, his face is completely damaged so it took more days for us to find out" nothing after your husband is dead entered into her mind. Her heart became numb and her brain stopped functioning. Without talking a word she stood and left the place.

She walked senselessly in that lonely road and she looked like a complete disaster. The clouds started to shed tears unable to witness her pain. Soon that tears became thunderstorm and lighting just like the pain in her heart.

The heavy rain hid her tears form the outer world and those pearl drops which left her eyes mixed themselves with the clouds tears.

As the pain in her heart entered into her veins and hurt her whole body she fell sown on her knees and let out a bitter cry. She cried and cried until all energy drained out.

Another pair of eyes shed two drops of tears unable to witness the pain of the boldest person he ever met. But he wiped her tears and his pain behind a smile. Smile can be faked, pain can be hidden but can love and grudge can be hidden and faked in the same way, only destiny knows the answer for that.

ok guys the first part is here. do share with your friends and share their veiws on this story.

feel free to comment

and once again dedicated to akka Soundari94and my friend, mridu9907

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