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Ragini reached her house fully drenched in rain, but there was no life in her, she was just a Zombie then. Why not? Her life is already gone leaving her to dwell in this sorrowful world. Her eyes have lost its colors, and her whole face is swollen.

 As soon as stepped into that house, her heart skipped a beat to remember her some memories which was her solace hours ago.

She lived her life all these days with the beautiful energy she got from those good memories. But now that memories itself turned into a arrow and pierced her heart and soul.

Each and every corner of that house remembered her the times they spend together. Even at the times when he hated her she felt content at least for being with him. even when he left her she consoled herself by saying that " Love is not only about living together, but living far by loving each other is also love", but now how she was going to console herself? Can she say that he is living in heaven happily so be at peace my heart?

She didn't even have that hope of him being in heaven after all his deeds. She saw living room where he married her for the second time. He promised in front of the holy fire that he will there be with her at any circumstances. But now he left her all alone. And once again all promises became a Lie.

Annapurna was the one who noticed Ragini first. "Ragini beta" her calls became unanswered and she moved towards Ragini and placed her hands on her shoulders. Ragini turned back and looked at Annapurna but removed her hands and walked towards her room.

Annapurna looked at the expressionless Ragini and felt something wired.


His heart was not at peace from the second he saw her crying vulnerably. She was always a bold person and he always admired the way she faced problems. But now when he saw her in the Road crying her heart out, he felt an immense pain in his soul. That pain was always there from the time he left her alone, but that pain shot up to the peek now.

He placed his hand over his heart which is dying to meet her, but his circumstances are not favorable. He has a responsibility which he can't just throw away.

Her eyes which were shedding tears captured his mind once again and he banged his hand on the nearby wall. He closed his eyes and her face came in front of his conscious. Her painful eyes, the sorrowful tears which was almost hidden by the rain but not from him, her lips which are shivering because of the cold water, her hair strands which disturbed her now and then by blocking her vision, everything are engraved in his memory. He often wondered that how he can memorize her every feature just by looking at her from this far, but never got his answer.

As his mind realized the pain of his soul and his Ragini he decided to back to her, go back to the place where he left her alone last time.

"Don't worry Ragu, I'm coming to you, your Ajay is coming to you, I promise Ragu I will never let you go through any pain (one minute silence to everyone who thought that as Laksh)


Ragini entered into her room with pain covering her face. She closed her eyes not wanting to see anything around her. Each and every inch of that room remained her about Laksh. Every corner is filled with their memories. She walked towards the dressing table where her Nuptial chain is placed. She took that in her hands and placed it near her heart. The second when he adored her neck with that flashed in her mind and she held it more close to her and tried to feel his warmth, when she failed miserably she broke into a bitter cry.

She remembered each and every good memory they shared over this dressing table. Even at the times he faked his love to her she felt very happy just because of his closeness, now where she is going to find that happiness? She had no answer.

She closed her eyes to control her pain which is making her week each passing second but ended up in getting memory of another beautiful moment they shared.

It was their wedding night when she gave her hand to him to hold.

"Don't leave my hand once again Laksh, I can't withstand that "she said with tear filled eyes.

"I will never leave your hand Ragini, never until the day of doom" he held her hands and pulled her towards him.

Another un kept promise increased her pain. She balanced herself by holding the dressing table. But when her hand slipped she fell own with a vigorous cry. She clutched her top and cried till her felt no voice coming out of her throat.

She walked towards their wedding photo which is hanging n the wall. She caressed his face with her hands,

"Why, Laksh? Why did you left alone in this world? Don't you know that I can't survive without you? I always told you that you the reason for me to live, yet you decided to leave me. You know that my heart is beating only for you and yet you dared to kill that beat, don't you? You wanted to punish me, that is why you punished me like this, isn't? ok I'm ready to accept your punishment Laksh, I'm ready to live without you but remember Laksh there is no Ragini, without Laksh." She said.

She took that photo in her hands and hugged that close to her heart. She slid down the cold wall until her body touched the ground. Keeping the photo close to her heart she sits there in the same position until she fall asleep due to the tiredness. But not a single tear escaped her eyes, and nor a single wimp left her throat after that.

Ragini opened her eyes when the sun rays directly hit her face. That day the rising sun didn't gave her any hope like it did every other time. She always believed that her Laksh will return to her in the next dawn but now she don't even have any hope left to continue living. She looked around her room and shocked to find things broken here and there. She didn't remember broking any of them, with confusion she left to the washroom and looked at her reflection in the mirror.

That reflection was nothing like her; Ragini wondered whether she lost her true self already or not. The traces of dried tears made her cheeks look more pitiful. Her swollen eyes with dark circles around them, the smudged eyeliner, messed up hair, everything made her look like a complete disaster.

She one second thought about the family's state when they got to know the truth, they will become a disaster just like her and she doesn't wanted that to happen. She knows that hiding this truth of Lakshya's demise from his family is not fair, but she don't want to hurt herself and that family with the truth.

"Sometimes hiding a truth can hurt less than telling that openly" and Ragini decided to do that.

She opened the water tap and fleshed that cold water in her face. But that cold water didn't make her shiver like the last morning. She wiped her face and placed her hand over her chest. She can't feel that stupid thing called heart beating anymore. All she felt a vacuum and nothing more.

Her heart might decide to stop hurting her by feelings and decided to do its job of pumping blood.

She packed her dress in a bag and came out of her room. "Ragini, what is this?" Swara asked when she found Ragini standing there with her bags.

The all Maheshwari gathered there, "Swara, I decided to live alone for some time, you know this place hunts me with Lakshya's memories. I can't survive here. So I decided to stay away for some time. I believe that one day Lakshya will come back, that day I will also come here to be with him once again, only if he wished" she said and no one dared to stop her.

They all know the pain of her but no one can really understand that. But they didn't wanted her to be in more pain.

Annapurna knows something was not okay. She has this feeling from last two days. And today when Ragini said Lakshya instead of Laksh her doubt conformed. But she was not dared enough to question Ragini, not after what happened yesterday.

Ragini left her house and reached Chennai, in search of solace but less that she knows her sanity is going to be lost there when she meet the person she least expected.

So guys do you liked this update. I hope that you will love this part.

So share your views.

How is Ragini's feelings?

Did you felt any change in her?

What about my dear Ajay?

Laksh, is he really dead?

Excited for the next part?

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Take care bye see you.


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