part 6

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"Swara wear this " sanskaar said hand overing a packet to the Swara.

"What is this??" Swara asked taking packet from the Sanskaar.

"Just wear and call me" saying this sanskaar went outside.

Swara looks at the packet in confusion, she opened the packet and found a beautiful red sari.

"Why did he give me ??  "There was a question in her mind, Swara used to wear saris after many attempts because she never wore sari without her mother or dida.

Sanskaar looks towards Swara who is looking beautiful in the sari were wet hair adding more beauty on her. He mesmerized seeing her were Swara immediately look other side while sliding her hair behind ear feeling uncomfortable in his graz.

"Sorry" Sanskaar murmured on his act.

Swara went to the mirror, she picked a small pinch of vermilion and was planting vermilion on her forehead, but Sanskaar hold her hand which make her confused in his act. She looks him with questionable.

"You will get to know... Now come with me" Sanskaar said removing his hand from her hand.

" But how can I come without putting Sindoor?? If I don't put Sindoor people question about my character"fear clearly visible on her innocencent eyes, this is not Swara who was always fight for herself.

"Shhh no one will question you about it. Trust me. "" sanskaar said making her calm while slowly cupping her face.

Swara sees in his eyes who is asking her to trust him.  She does not want to trust them, but there is something in his eyes that Swara make her clam. She just nodded

"Now come with me" Sanskaar said going out.

Swara went after him  He sat on the driver's seat and swara sat on the passenger seat.  Sanskar car starts and goes away from there.

He stopped his car near the temple.  He comes out of the car after swara.  He climbs on the stairs with the swara and comes into the temple.

"There will be questions in your mind that why have we come to the temple?"Sanskaar said looking towards the swara were swara just nod her head.

"I want to marry you legally, I know that there is no love or trust between us but I still want to marry you and we can not live without getting married for a long time." Sanskaar said looking towards swara who is starting him continuesly.

"If people come to know that I am staying with Sanskaar without marriage, then they will again rise finger on my character " fear again encircle in the heart.

Swara just nod her head. Sanskaar and swara sit on their place were pandit start his mantra. Both stand up for 7 round, both start taking round,one without promises were other promising himself.

They again sit on their respective places, pandit ask Sanskaar to fill the swara hair line with Sindoor.

"I know Awara,what you agree to this marriage but I promise you, I will always keep your side and will save you from everything" Sanskaar filled her hair line with Sindoor while promising himself were little Sindoor fall on her nose.  He adore her neck with mangalsutra.
She closes her eyes while feeling a vermillion on her empty hair line, she does not know what she feels in her heart when Sanskaar filled her hair line but it is beautiful.  When she used to fill her hair line with a fake vermillion, she never felt it.  In the heart, she now realizes that she is belong to someone.  She does not love him, but still she is his.

They stand up from there and stand infront of lord praying something.
"I am a little happy that Sanskaar is not like my father, who left his responsibility and ran, but I have no hope in this marriage and I know that I will never find happiness in my life, I just married this  Because people could not lift  finger on my character. "swara Said in mind while folding her hand without asking anything from God.

"Hope I will get successful what I want" Sanskaar said closing her eyes.

"Shall we go" Sanskaar said looking towards swara were swara just nodded her head.
Both start walking, but Swara simply feels a little dizzy.  She grips her head, seeing her head holding, Sanskaar caught her from shoulder.

"What happen swara?"Sanskaar ask her getting worried.

"Feeling little dizzy" she said still holding head.

"You wait here" Sanskaar make her sit on the temple stairs. He remove varmala from her the neck.

He went to the nearest Shop , brought a bottle of mineral water and come to her. He opened the bottle and make her drink.

"Shall we go to doctor" Sanskaar said closing the bottle.

"No need.. Now feeling better" said swara.

"Are you sure na" swara nod her head.

Swara got up from there and was about to walk but Sanskaar raised her in arms. She looks at him while widening her eyes.

"Sanskaar what are you doing??" Swara asked him nervously.

"You are not fine" Sanskaar reply.

"Plz put me down..All are seeing us sankaar"swara said looking at others who are seeing them

"Let them see us, I don't care what they will think about us, your health is more important to me "sankaar said looking at her and again start walking towards the car.

Swara look toward him who is showing care for her. His eyes really showing concern towards her but her big question is his care for her or his baby??

Sanskaar make her sit on a passenger seat carefully and went towards resister office. They resister their marriage putting fake marriage date so no one double on them or question on their relationship .

Sanskaar and swara enter in the tent. Swara went in bathroom to fresh up till then Sanskaar serve her lunch. Swara come out fresh up and sit on the bed.

"Swara here is your lunch and water" he said placing water on the table were swara just nod her head.

"I have to go office till then you finish your food,if again feel dizzy just call me ok" he said placing soft kiss on her forehead and went for them.

She just touch her forehead where he placed kiss. She don't know why she feel special when he placed kiss on her forehead. This kiss something assuring her don't know what but feels good.

After finishing her lunch she come out to inhale some fresh air. she see laksh taking on phone so she about to go from there but Laksh called her from behind. She stand there only showing Laksh back. Laksh come infront of her.

"So are you happy with my brother" Laksh said taunting her were she just remain silent looking other side.

"Just because of you I am suffering, I am trying to forget you but I can't. If you did not came in my life may be my life better today" he said with teary eyes.

"If you really love me then you had not married with Ragini" swara sadly smile

"I just married to save her" he justify himself.

"Really?? Her sister was missing ohh sorry ran away from home in your word, her mother was broken ,instead of giving her strength she was going to sucide wow" swara said mocking tone.

"If I ran away from my marriage then I will never came back in my home and never try to explain myself" swara said sadly.

"You just came back explain yourself that I am innocencent" said Laksh mocking

"Leave it Laksh, all are finish. Now nothing can change between us. I can't force you to find the truth if you want just go in xyz hospital and try to get information about me " swara said while going from there.

"If you find truth don't came back to me as I already belong someone now. " She said before entering the tent .Tears rolled down from her eyes  were Laksh just stair her retiring figure.

To be continued

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