The Truth Exposed

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(A/N Ayy, 1k votes)

Y/N's pov

Getting up shakily i looked to the old woman who stepped out the train. I am not dealing with her, she can take care of herself for all i care.

Snow fell from the coulds as Ruby walked around picking things up and Yang was tugging on Bumblebee which was stuck in the snow

Yang: Great! Just great! We're stranded! We lost a third of our party! And we have gained a defenceless old lady!

She pulled on it one last time making her falk into the snow, her bike fell over making me sigh

?: My name is Maria Calavera and i am not defenceless!

She turned to us as she shrugged Oscar off while sticking a finger in the air

Maria: I'm just a little hard of hearing... and blind without my eyes... that are in desperate need of repair

She tapped on her "eyes" as they opened properly and a spark came out of it until they shut most the way again

Maria: Okay... i'm starting to see your point

Qrow walked over while grunting, i sat up and dusted myself off

Qrow: Yang knock it off will ya? If we lose our cool now we'll just be fighting even more Grimm

Blake: Does that even matter? Apparently we've been attracting Grimm ever since we left Haven

Me: I'm sorry what?

Blake: The relic attracts Grimm

Me: ...Are you fucking with me?

Yang: Oh and how could i forget about that?! What happened to no more lies and half truths?

Oscar: Yeah, i think it's time we got an explanation

His eyes glowed for a moment before he slouched over, he changed his posture now that Ozpin was in control.

Ozpin: I did not lie to you, i simply thought it was bwst to withhold the trutg for the time being

Yang: No we're past that! I wanna know why you're still not telling us everything

Ozpin stayed silent for a moment before taking up his normal mannerisms while Maria was behind her.

Ozpin: It is true that Grimm are attracted to the Relic, it's faint but undeniable and i believe it has to do with their origin but i'm not entirely sure. Regardless i fear that making you all aware would only add anxiety and negativity, it seemed like the safer option

Yang: Is that why you chose to lie about Lionheart to everyone too?

Ozpin: Yes as a matter of fact!

He began pacing and we followed him down the incline

Ozpin: I believe the kingdom of Mistral deserves better than the truth and i believed that Leonardo deserved to be remembered for his life time of service and not the unfortunate missteps he made in his final years

Yang: Missteps?!

Ozpin: What professor Lionheart did was reprehensible, i am not here to argue. But does one lapse in judgement truly negate all his good, do we all not have regrets? You may have met professor Lionheart but you never met the man he was before Salem found him

Me: Everyone should know the truth, if we don't look back at our history we are destined to repeat it. How can they know what to do if what they've been told is just a lie?

He turned his head to me before looking forward again

Ozpin: They'll have guidance from the right people i can assure you that.

Yang: Look we're ment to be on this together, you can trust us! We're not going to turn our back on-

Ozpin: Do you really think Leo was the first?!

He stopped walking at the drop of a hat as Ozpin hung his head.

Ozpin: That he didn't say those exact same words to me? I'm sorry but you have to understand that my behaviours are backed by experience, i'm not saying i have reason to think you will betray me but i'm saying i have reasons for the things i do, the secrets i keep.

Me: You're just giving me more and more reasons that shows that my distrust of you is valid

Ozpin: Look i...

He began looking around before looking to us in confusion

Ozpin: Where's the relic?

Ruby: Right here...

Ruby pulled out the relic from behind her and held it in two hands

Ruby: It got scattered in the crash

Ozpin held his hand out and pleaded

Ozpin: Please hand it over

She looked hesitant for a moment before looking away and holding the relic closer to her

Ruby: So all that time you talked about having faith in humanity... that was just for everyone else...?

Ozpin lowered his hand as Ruby talked before sighing

Ozpin: That's not what i meant to suggest... Ms Rose the relic is a powerful item and i feel as if it is my burden to bear

Ruby: But... you said it couldn't do anything right now

Blake: Why does it matter who's carrying it?

Me: Yeah, if the all the wishes or questions or whatever are used up then it shouldn't matter

Ozpin: I just-

He froze as seemed to be struggling against some kind of force, raising an eyebrow his voice changed back to Oscar's

Oscar: Say her name... Jinn

Ruby looked down to the Relic, seeking hesitant to do so

Me: Jinn

Suddenly everything around us froze, the snow stopped falling as i looked around confused. The relic floated out Ruby's hands as blue smoke surrounded it.

Soon enough the smoke formed into a person with blue skin, gold accessories and long blue hair.

She stretched her arms, floating in the air for some reason.

Jinn: It's been far too long. Now, what knowledge to you seek?

Ruby:...What has Ozpin been hiding from us?

Ozpin: NO!

He ran at her so i pulled out my gun, before he got to her everything disappeared as i was left in a white void, looking around confused i searched for the others

A castle erupted in the distance as Jinn began to speak

Jinn: Long ago there stood a castle which housed a lonely woman

A woman formed out of nowhere, she was sitting in front of a mirror, she had a dress on and had long blonde hair.

Jinn: That woman's name is Salem. She was locked away, seemingly cursed to be alone till the day she perished, this was during a time where magic was plentiful

The view faded to a man with tan skin with brown hair and eyes who wielded a cane that had a green gem sitting atop it

Jinn: Yet one man braved the challenges but unlike all the others he succeeded in setting her free, this mans name was Ozma

Jinn: They found companionship in one and another and fell deeply in love, yet what no man nor beast could do a simple illness could. Ozma died leaving Salem alone again

The scene showed Salem crying, kneeling next to a bed while holding his cane. It changed to show Salem placing down flowers at a set of stairs.

Jinn: Salem had heard of two beings, one of light and one of dark. She went to the brother of light and pleaded her case to him

It showed a beautiful spring with a large tree beside it, a being sprouting horns that was a bright yellow colour emerged as Salem kneeled before him

Salem: Please... bring him back to me

God of light: There is a delicate balance that has been created, granting your wish would disrupt it

Salem: So you won't bring him back?

God of light: I'm sorry but-

Salem: It's not fair!

Jinn: Salem had yet to give up though, she heard of a second entity, one where no man had gone and came back alive. This was a vile place were creatures of Grimm would arrise from

The Scene changed to a place with darkened skies and dead trees where Grimm roamed, Salem went unto her knees again as a dark figure sprouted from the blackened pools. It had horns and cracked it's body into place

Jinn: Salem pleaded her case to him but left out when she had gone to see his brother

God of dark: Arrise child, i shall grant your wish

He stuck his hand out as a dark orb appeared near Salem, it disappeared as Ozma came back in Salem's arms

Ozma: What happened, where am i? Where am i?

Salem: It's okay, you're safe

The god of light appeared close by and stared at his brother

God of light: Brother what have you done? You know what you did will upset the balance we worked so hard to create

God of Dark: I granted this womans wish, you may bask in creation but you don't control it

The dark god transformed into a dragon as grimm grew near, the light god also transformed into one albiet it was more slim and floated off the ground.

The light god killed Ozma once agaim but the dark god brought him back.

God of Light: You do not understand brother, she came to me before you and i denied her

God of Dark: It seems i owe you an apology

He breathed dark flames at Ozma and Salem and he died once again, this enraged Salem and she stood up as magic flowed around her

Salem: You two are monsters!

The light god charged at Salem, closing his mouth around her. I saw Salem falling and she fell into the spring of life but arose shortly after

Salem: What did you do to me?

God of Light: I made you immortal, i pitied you when you told me if what happened but now you shall never be with Ozma

Jinx: This did not stop Salem though, she believed the gods to be fallible so she traveled to different kingdoms and told them of how she stole immortality from the gods

The scene changed to Salem approaching the shrine of light with an army behind her.

Jinn: She amassed an army that she planned to use against the gods

God of Light: Who is the ring leader?

Salem stepped forward and fired magic at the gods, the army followed suit as a volley of arrows and magic came at the gods however the dark god collected it all in a ball and crushed it as a massive wave of magic flowed throughout the lands killing everyone.

God of Dark: Do you see how futile your attempts were?

Salem: I'll come back... with a bigger army-

God of Light: Do you not see? There isn't anyone else, you are the only human left

The God of Light vanished while the God of Dark shot up in a dark pillar and carshed through the moon breaking it as pieces fell back to the earth

Jinn: They disappeared from this world as Salem wondered it trying to kill herself do she could be with Ozma but she failed, she found herself in the realm of darkness once again and dove into the pits thinking that it could kill her.

She came up from the pits looking like she does today

Jinn: Yet they could not kill what couldn't die and made her into who she is today.

The scene changed to pure whiteness as the God of Lighy stared down Ozma

Ozma: Where... am i?

God of Light: You are inbetween realms, i have decided to give you a choice, return to life or go back to the afterlife

Ozma: I'd like to return to the afterlife, i don't want to go back if Salem isn't there

God of Light: But she is, however if you seek her out you won't find happiness nor closure. I am granting you a quest, bring the world to how it was where everyone lived in harmony and bring together the relics and it shall bring me and my brother back to judge you, if you haven't completed your task then it shall bring the end of mankind again

Ozma: I'll do it

Jinx: And so Ozma return but he would go through a cycle of ressurections. The world was not how he remembered, no magic was wield by anyone and there were beings much like him but bore fangs and horns who were locked in cages.

The scene changed to a wooded area with a run down house at the end of a path

Jinx: Ozma had heard of a witch that none dared to go to, he knew that this was Salem so he went to her domain

The door opened to reveal Salem, her eyes widened as they stepped closer and their hands intertwined

Jinn: Some how they knew that they had found eachother once again and shared their tales, Salem left out that she had caused humans to be wiped out in the first place and Ozma left out his quest and any mention of the relics

The scene changed to people being attacked by a nevermore when suddenly it froze and was crushed before turning to dust and Salem and Ozma floated in the air as people bowed to them

Jinn: They became rulers of the world, shaping it to how they wanted. Soon enough they had built their own kingdom and at the centre of it lived a family.

I was shown a painting with Ozma, Salem and four young girls, i saw the same people sitting and playing together.

Jinn: Yet Ozma had not forgotten his quest and told Salem of it and of the relics. She proposed an idea that he was against and tried running off with his children

I was shown them fighting as their kids were kids were caught in the crossfire, Ozma dragged his body along the ground and Salem rose from her "death" and she killed him before he could speak.

Jinn: Ozma wondered the world as he kept reincarnating as most were spent mourning, he learnt that he should value the life that the men he possessed had. Yet he never forgot if his quest. He found my Relic and asked question, where are the other relics? How can i find them? And how do i kill Salem but he didn't like my answer

Jinn: You can't

(Lemme know what you think)

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