Chapter 7. A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

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"One day we all die. Remember that."

"Please Elle! Please you're killing me here!" Tilly whined. I wrinkled my nose at the two incredibly short and leopard print dresses that barely reached past my ass.

"Honestly I might as well go in my birthday suit with all the dresses you're pulling out!" I huffed, sitting on her bed. Her eyes widened and it seemed like she was seriously considering that I should arrive to this party naked.

"Ok ok, something a bit more modest. I have one more thing. My older sister gave it to me before she got pregnant," She said, digging through her wardrobe. I gave a quizzical look. I wasn't too sure on how to feel upon the fact that someone was impregnated after they owned this dress.

"Aha, here the bitch is!" She said with a triumphant smile. I laughed at her constant use of interesting language.

She turned to reveal a black and red short dress, with lace long sleeves and a dip in the back. Red stripes wrapped around the sides but didn't didn't connect on the stomach or back.

"That's doable," I said with a thumbs up. She quickly handed it to me before turning around for me to get dressed. I struggled to get it over my hips, but it fit like a glove afterwards. 

"Wow, where have your curves been hiding?" She asked with a playful smile. She lead me to her bathroom, showing me what I looked like.

"Wow . . ." I muttered. The dress was absolutely gorgeous.

"Makeup time," She grinned with an evil smile. I gulped in fear.

Various amounts of plucking, applying mascara, smokey eyeshadow, winged eyeliner and lipstick later, we decided on just straightening my hair. 

"Ok look!" She squeeled, turning me to face the mirror. I gasped again, shocked. I felt like a totally different person.

"Jeeze, are you gonna grow up to be a makeup artist for Beyonce?" I asked her with a teasing grin. She laughed.

"Try tattoo artist." She responded. Tilly was wearing a black tight dress that was lace all over except for mid section and bottom. 

"Tate is going to drool when he sees you like this," Tilly said before handing me a pair of black stilettos, quickly putting on boots with a huge heel.

I blushed, despite my best efforts. But would Jason drool? Would he feel regret? Oh damn I hoped so.


We quickly arrived, parking around the corner. I could already hear some crazy dubstep music playing from around the corner. It was that loud! 

We quickly got out and made our way to the party.

"So, what's your boyfriend's name?" I asked her. She smiled.

"Gavin Mcfaggatron. My punk rocker, vegan, black haired, tatto-covered, lip peirced, asshole lover." She said with a dreamy face. I smiled. It seemed like she really liked him. Although she called him a "Mcfaggatron" and an "asshole".

"How did you and Tate meet anyway? Your guys's relationship happened really fast," She asked as we walked up the street, the warm summer air surrounding us as the music became louder and louder with each step.

My heart froze and I nearly tumbled down the street in these ridiculous shoes. Did she know? Was she catching on?!

"Oh um, in the hallway, we kinda just bumped into each other," I told her, which wasn't exactly a lie.

"Did you guys bump into each other or bump eachother?" She asked with a smirk. I gaped at her.

"Um, not the latter!" I hissed in defense, making her laugh.

"Easy crouching tiger," She chuckled. My heart warmed before a bright smile took over. Tate called me that when I punched him. Oh memories.

"This place is huge," I said as it was now in front of us,  The mansion was blasting with music that vibrated up and down my body. 

"Gavin's mom is a neuro-surgeon and his dad does real estate in the 90210, so yeah, he's loaded. But he never shows it, and I love him even more for that," She said as we walked up the porch. At the door, I could already smell weed and hard core liquor. 

"Ready for this bitch?" She asked with an excited grin before rubbing her short red hair up again.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I groaned before she opened the door, and everything hit me at once.

It was hot and muggy, and there were what seemed like 100's of people dancing with one another and grinding as well. Tilly grasped my hand led me through the crowd, and into the kitchen where it wasn't as crowded.

"Hey, asshole," Someone with black hair said with a smirk, walking over to us. I frowned.

"Sup loser?" Tilly asked before she grabbed his face, and kissed him hard. I turned my head awkwardly. I could only guess who this was. 

"Gavin, this is Elle. Elle - Gavin," Tilly said, turning to face me. I awkwardly waved while he sent me a head nod. Well they had a lovely relationship . . . note the sarcasm.

"Where's Tate?" Tilly asked. Gavin looked up the stairs, making us follow his eyes. Tate stood there, in his gorgeous attire, hair up and smile on. He was with a few guys and one chick, that was staring at him like he was an instagram filter she wanted to buy.

"God, why does he hang out with her?" Tilly grumbled. 

"Who?" I asked innocently as if I didn't see her.

"Heather Varbin. She tries to hang with us every chance she gets. A big head of blonde hair, with no brain." Gavin scoffed, turning Tilly so she was against his chest and facing me. 

"Better go and get ya man before she swoops in," Tilly said with a wink. I gulped. I wasn't too sure I wanted to go up there. Maybe I could make him see me first? Then I looked at the crowd dancing beneath the staircase and I see that's impossible.

I took a shaky step forward before Tilly grabbed my arm. I turned to face in her in confusion.

"That fuck nut has nothing on you. You're the whole package m'dear.  That hoebag is all blonde hair. You got this Crouching Tiger!" She said with a fist pump. I laughed, happy with her support. Gavin rolled his eyes but smiled before he nibbled her ear. 

That's my cue to leave. 

I began to walk through the crowd, millions of beads of sweat both forming on my body from the heat, and swished onto me as I brushed past all the bodies. 

"Hey," Someone tapped my shoulder, stopping me from getting to my trek to the stairs. I was so close! Just a foot away even! I looked up and Tate was still laughing with some of his buds and that "fuck nut hoe bag" lightly touching his arm. I stink eyed her from afar before I returned my attention back to the person who touched me.

"No touchy," I said lightly. There was a guy with light blonde hair and towering height staring me down with intense eyes. 

"Want to dance with me?" He yelled over the music.

"Oh um, I can't but thank you for-" He quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me to his chest, making us dance. I let out a squeek of shock. Oh hell no. He touched me. No touchy. NO TOUCHY GOD DAMMIT!

I pushed him off.

"Excuse me!" I hissed. He frowned.

"I can tell your something else, so how about we just go upstairs . . . or outside," He said with a wink that would normally make any girl go weak at the knees. 

"Go fuck yourself!" I yelled over the dubstep lame "Turn Down for What" song. His face contorted into one of shock and mere confusion. I wretched my arm away from him. Before I saw Tate, let alone made it alive in this stupid party, I was going to need a drink. I quickly walked away from Sir Touchy, to find the red solo cups stalked on a table. 

Stomping my way over, I picked one up, and quickly downed it. My throat burned and I realized that whatever this was, it was not ordinary beer.

"Take it easy Champ!" Someone yelled. I turned to see a girl with a high pony tail, crop top and short skirt laughing. I blushed before I felt my eyes water. 

"What the hell is this?" I yelled so she could hear me.

"Tequila and Blueberry Smirnoff why?" She asked.

"Cuz I think I just felt lava run down my throat!" 

"That's how you know it's working!" She replied with a laugh. Immediately I felt my skin tingle.

"The name's Lola, but everyone calls me Loli!" She said, holding her hand out. Her dark brown eyes seemed warm and kind, despite her jet black wavy hair.

"Elle, but everyone calls me Elle!" I shouted, shaking her hand.

"Ahh, Tate's girl. Hey I gotta go, but maybe I'll see you around school!" She yelled before she began to walk off. I smiled as she left. 

Oh speaking of Tate . . . I looked up to realize Tate was not on the stairs anymore, but rather standing still in the crowd of sloppy dancers, staring at me with wide eyes. I looked at my shoes, like they were the most coolest things on the planet. I knew he was coming towards me - like I could feel it. 

"Elle?" He asked, shouting over the music. I looked up and forced a smile. His eyes greedily scanned my body. I felt a heat blush takeover my face.

"You look . . uh . . different," He stammered with a smirk. I pouted.

"You don't look so bad yourself," I replied.

"So, I was thinking .  ." He trailed off, grabbing the drink from my hand before taking a sip.

I mock gasped. "Tate Green thinks?!?" He rolled his eyes as I giggled, a small hiccup coming out of my mouth. 

"Are you already drunk after one of these?" He asked.

"Psh!" I said before I grabbed another drink, slamming it on the go.

"Ok then, anyways, you know what couples do?" He asked with a mischevious glint in his eyes. I bit my lip. "Hm?" I asked.

"They dance," He said with a head nod towards the living room. I laughed, rolling my eyes. Why not? I was already buzzed.

I led us out of the kitchen, quickly grabbing a red cup while he wasn't watching. He placed his hands on my hips as we guided me through the couples and friends grinding and twerking on the dance floor.  Suddenly, my secret jam started to blast on the stereo.


Tate came to side, eyeing me to watch what I was going to do next. I smiled, and my hips began to sway to the music that filled my being, sending bass vibrations through my body. I continued to sway until I turned to see Tate staring at me like I'd grown a 3rd head. Immediately my self confidence flew down the drain.

"What?" I whined, stopping.

"Nothing," he said with a chuckle before grabbing my hips. I took a deep breath, more aware of my movements so I didn't look like a fool - granted I was a tad bit tipsy. I brought the drink up to my lips, actually enjoying the burning feeling trickle down my asophogas and into my tummy wummy.

Tummy wummy? 

Man, was I really that drunk?

His hands tenderly grasped my sides as we swayed with the music. I was actually enjoying this, and having a good time. I opened my eyes, finding myself facing him with barely any space between us. I panted from being out of breath as I stared up at him. I suddenly couldn't help the smile that overtook me as I realized all we were willing to do to get at Jason. Tate dropped his head before laughing with me.

"Excuse me!" Someone hissed before tapping me. Still laughing, I turned around to see the one and only Jackie. She was wearing leopard print with pink stillettos. I gulped.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked her haughtily. Tate grabbed my shoulders, attempting to calm me down.  

"No no, I guess I just wanted to see if you still had a bruise," She said with a smirk. Did Jason tell her that he hit me by accident.

"What's it to ya?" I asked over the music.

"Hey, no need to get snippy with me. I just want you to know," She said mocking sad, putting a hand on my arm, "being in an abusive relationship is nothing to be ashamed of," She said, glancing at Tate behind me. I recoiled in shock, looking back at Tate.

"I would never hit her!" Tate growled behind me. I felt my skin prickle with anticipation to punch the living shit out of this chick.

"Hey, a picture is worth a thousand words!" She said with a giggle. I couldn't help it. I had to.

I quickly brought my fist back and allowed it collide with her nose. She fell backwards on her butt, cupping her nose. There was no blood, but I was sure it was no longer straight.

"Yeah well what does that one say?!" I spat in triumph.

"Oh shit, you got knocked the fuck out!" I heard Tilly yell in her face while her boyfriend laughed. I glanced back at Tate to see him grinning down at me. I giggled, stumbling over on these heels.

"Ok, why don't we go outside for a breather," He suggested before grabbing my hand and leading me out of the crowd.

"Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?" I whimpered. "I totally punched the shit out of her! Did you see it?! Oh god that felt amazing," I said with a dazed smile as he pulled me outside. Fresh air hit me like a tidal wave, and I really took in how muggy it was in there.

We walked past people laughing around in their friend groups as he led me to a secluded side of the yard. There was a little tire swing attached to a willow tree that towered over us.  I immediately ran over to it, hoisting my legs through the loop.

"What are you doing?" Tate asked with a teasing smile. I groaned as I shoved my heeled foot through the loop and pushed off the ground, swinging back and forth.

"I'm swinging, a durr pa durr!" I said. He chuckled.

"I wanna go faster," I whined, but I couldn't touch the ground, for my heels flew off in the air, landing on the grass.

Tate came up to my side, with a smirk as he pushed me. 

"Woah hey!" I shrieked as he pushed me with massive force, making me go higher. I laughed, leaning back as he laughed too. Suddenly, I felt my heart skip when I realized I leaned back too far and I shit you not my life just flashed before my eyes. 

I screamed in terror as I slid out of the tire swing, and fell. I landed on something much softer than grass, making me turn open my eyes. Tate was underneath me, frown evident on his face.

"You make a nice pillow, ya know that?" I asked him.

"I think you broke my everything," He said, making me roar out in laughter. I quickly got off and sat next to him. He slowly got up, easing into a sitting position.

"Did you really just fall out of that there tire swing?" he asked at my side. 

"Hm, I believe so," I said with a British accent.

"I'll be right back, I need an advil, and you could use some too," he said, quickly dusting himself off. 

"Okay, see you later alligator!" I called as he began to walk away.

"In a while pedophile!" I yelled louder, hoping to get a reaction. 

"See you later masterbater!" I yelled, emitting a slight chuckle as he turned the corner. I giggled, laying on the grass and looking at the sky.

The warm breeze felt so good. I felt my eyes about to close, until someone's hand clamped on my mouth. I screamed inside my mouth as I saw the guy who tried to get me to dance with him earlier.

"Hey, you look alone cutie," He purred, his breath fanning my nose. He was just a hair away from me as I was pinned underneath him  with wide and horrified eyes.

I squirmed and struggled.

"I wouldn't do that. If you scream, or shout, I'll fucking kill you," He said, suddenly a screw driver at my neck. Panic kicked in and my breathing became ragged against his hand. His eyes traveled down to my cleavage.

This was it. The end. I'll be in the newspaper tomorrow. Girl raped and killed at a party. Killed by screwdriver. Raped by random guy. 

His hand suddenly reached down my dress, and I felt disgusted. Tears poured down my cheeks as I kicked and and squirmed, but he was heavy. Too heavy to kick off. As he felt me up, I cried all I had in me. Right as he lifted the screwdriver to my dress to rip it, he flew off me. Dazed, I looked up, leaning on my elbows. 

"Tate?" I whispered.

Tate was on top of the guy as he tackled him, sending punch after punch. I didn't move. I was frozen. I only watched all that just happened in front of me. Tears were still unknowingly flowing down my cheeks.

"Fucker!" Tate yelled, and I could tell he had been hurt, but the guy was still under him as Tate pummeled him.

"Tate, Tate man stop!" I heard someone yell. Gavin running from behind me to Tate's side, pulling him off.

"You'll kill him, stop!" Gavin ordered, slinging Tate off him.

"Take care of Elle, I'll deal with this," Gavin said once more. At my name, Tate's eyes wandered over to me and softened. There was blood on his hands as he wiped them on his jeans and crawled over to me.

I was still so horrified. I couldn't move.  Tate's hand lightly grazed my cheek.

"I never should have left you out here, especially in your state, I'm so sorry Elle," He muttered before standing up and grabbing my elbows. I stood up, shaking with fear. I turned away from the guy's body and Gavin huddling over it, on the phone.

Coming back to reality, I began to ugly cry. I almost died. Just now. Almost just got raped. I got felt up though, and that alone made me feel disgusting.

Tate wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. 

"I'm so sorry Elle," He kept muttering over and over again.

"Just . ." I whimpered, tugging his shirt. "Don't let go right now," I sobbed into his chest. He rested his chin on my head as he held me close. Before I knew it, I was rubbing at my skin, almost like I was trying to wipe away the guy's touch.

"Elle, stop, your skin is getting red," Tate said harshly. I looked up at him, my eyes blurry and sore.

"C'mon, let's get out of here," Tate said. I took a step, but I almost fell. Not only was I drunk, but I was traumatized. 

"Hold on," He said gruffly, before placing a hand on my back, and the other on the back of my knees. He quickly lifted me up bridal style like it was nothing. 

"Gavin! I'm taking the side gate out!" Tate called over his shoulder, not looking back. He walked on, but I didn't know where we were going. I kept my head tucked in his chest, arms clinging around his neck. Tate saved me. If he wasn't there . . . the thought scares me. 


"Elle . . Elle wake up," Someone called. I opened my eyes, welcoming a pounding headache and incredibly bright light. 

"She's definitely hung over," Someone else said.  I  opened my eyes fully to see Tate and . . . Eve? What was she doing here?

"Eve? Tate? Wait, where?" I sat up tenderly, seeing I was in my room.

"Tate drove you home. I helped him sneak you up. If Dad saw you, he'd have killed you," Eve said, sitting on the bed next to Tate.

"Did you drive over this morning?" I asked Tate. He bit his lip.

"I stayed over night actually." He smirked.

"Oh my god, you didn't!" I shrieked. 

"I had to. You kept mumbling my name in your sleep. What were you dreaming of huh?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. 

"I -! . . Last night . ." I trailed off.

"Are you ok?" Eve asked, her eyes glossy.

"I'm ok now." I said. I looked down to see I was in my pajamas. My eyes skeptically traveled to Tate.

"I gave you a bath while you were zonked last night. No worries," Eve said with shrug. I smiled gratefully at her.

"And what about the guy?" I asked, grabbing my head as it pounded painfully.

"He was arrested this morning at 3 am. Gavin called the cops after we left. Don't worry about him, kay?" He said with a gentle and genuine smile. I nodded.

"What day is it?" I asked, sitting back again.

"Uh, Saturday. Lucky for you." Eve scolded. I laughed, but it hurt.

"I'll go get some water," Tate excused himself.

"Wait, my dad might-"

"Business trip. No worries," Eve cut in. I sighed as he walked out the door.

"Damn he's cute Elle," Eve said with a giddy smile.

"Yeah," I said before huffing.

"Ya know, he really was worried about you," She muttered.

"Well I mean, sure I almost died. Who wouldn't be worried?" I asked.

"No Elle, I mean last night I tried to get him to leave. But he kept saying it was his fault, and he needed to be here. I think he's got a little crush on you," Eve said with a wink.

"Tate? No way. We're just acting partners. No more," I said with a laugh.

"Believe what you want, but I ship it. I call it . . . Telle! But be careful. I'm sure he's a playboy."

"Yeah, ok thanks sis," I murmured.

Long chapter

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