Chapter 8. Act 1, Scene 2!

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So I won't be updating as fast anymore because school has just started and I'm slammed with honors homework from English, History and  Algebra 2. 

I won't forget, but I'm just lettin ya know~

"Some hearts don't heal as fast nor as well as others."

I spent the weekend barfing in a bucket, drowning myself in cups of water and Ibueprofen all while Tate came over and stayed the night again. I was generally confused on why he was here. Maybe he thought it was still his fault. Obviously! 

Yet him and Eve get along real well. 

We're all in Eve's room and the two are screaming at the TV, while their fingers jab different buttons on the wii.

"That's bullshit!" Tate grumbled, clearly in a sour mood. I was curled up on the bed, beginning to feel more alive than before. I still had a water bottle plastered to my side with a fresh clean bucket on the ground.

"Awe, don't be sad little boy!" She said with a fercious grin as she continued to walk the Wii's tennis ball inside the TV.

He groaned before he brought his hand back to swing. I felt a small wave of nasea rush through me, making me groan slightly.

"You ok over there sicky?" Tate asked with a teasing grin. I held my stomach and pulled the blankets over my body. The naseas feeling left as soon as it came.

"Just peachy," I growled. I was tired of being hungover. I hadn't eaten much. Just a couple crackers for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

"I might as well call you Princess Puke from now on," Tate said with his head lolling back in laughter. I scowled.

"If you do I'll kill you with a spork," I threatened darkly.

"I'm shivering in fright," He said mockingly. Eve huffed.

"This is boring," She announced before throwing the remote on the ground.

"I agree. Let's do something!" I chimed. I was tired of laying in bed all day. Maybe getting up and out will make me feel a little better. And at this rate, anything was better than being cooped up in here. 

"Why so you can flood the streets with your vomit?" Tate asked with a shit eating smirk. I balled my fists.

"No, with your blood," I hissed.

"Please, I'm untouchable babe," He said with a wink. I rolled my eyes.

"Ok, well, either you two can keep flirting or Tate can get out so I can help you pick out an outfit for today," Even said with a shrug.

"We're not flirting!" I spat in defense.

"I wasn't, she was," Tate said with a grin. 

"You're so annoying," I huffed.

"But you love it."

"Bite me."

"Your wish is my command, Princess Puke," He said with a smirk.

"That's it!" I growled before thrusting the sheets off me. I quickly rolled off the bed, my feet shuffling onto the ground. With a step back, a horrified look overtook Tate's face as he realized he wasn't getting away with his words.

Right as I took a step, Eve's arms wrapped around my stomach, holding me back. What the hell?!

"Let me at him!" I growled, clawing my hands through the air. Tate began to uncontrollably laugh.

"What are you laughin at you prick?!" I shouted, anger rushing through my veins in a flurry.

My squirming and Tate and Eve's laughter stopped when the doorbell rang. 

"I'll get it," I groaned.


"If I stay up here, I'm going to throw into our neighbor's huge cactus plant. Plus I need water anyway," I said with a chuckle.

They both rolled their eyes before  Eve let go of my stomach. I let out a deep breath before taking a step. I glanced at Tate, before I threw a punch in his arm.

"Hey!" He shouted in shock, rubbing his arm slightly.

"Next time, it shall be a spork!" I threatened before walking away with an amused smile on my face. I heard him grumble something before I waltzed down the stairs - already feeling better.

At the bottom, I made my way to the door, and swiftly pulled it open.

"Jason?" I asked, confused. He was standing here. In my doorway. He was holding a bowl. Wait, why is he holding a bowl? That's not very romantic if you ask me. 

"Hey, I just thought I'd stop by," He muttered. 

I sighed. "What do you want?" I asked gently. His eyes lifted to meet mine.

"I heard about the party, and about that guy. I remember the last time we were at a party, and you jumped into the pool by the roof," He said with a chuckle. I laughed as I thought of that night. There was a bet that I wouldn't do it and I ended up jumping in - along with 50 bucks in my pocket.

"That was a crazy night," I said, reminiscing in last year.

"It was, and then that one chick and you had a keg stand contest," He said with a giddy look.

"She was insane! I thought my head was going to burst from standing upside for so long!" I said with a laugh. We both sobered up from our memories, and then I realized what was happening. I cleared my throat.

"So, um, why are you here then?" I asked. His face dropped and seemed downtrodden as he realized I wasn't willing to go any further into old memories with him.

"I was just about to ask the same thing," A dark voice arose behind me. I jumped in shock to see Tate with a pissed off look on his face. Was he here the whole time?

Jason's eyes narrowed into angry slits.

"I came to give Elle some soup," He said with a snarky voice.

"I've been making her some just fine," Tate retorted. I stood there awkwardly as the two stared each other down.

A question began to knaw at my stomach. What was their quarrel anyway?

"Perhaps," Jason began before a victorious smirk tugged his lips, "but don't you remember Elle? The special kind I used to make you when you were sick or upset?" He asked. I don't know why, but I began to feel guilty. If I was a dog, my ears woud've been flattened in fear and anxst.

"Unfortunately," I grumbled, crossing my arms.

I quickly grabbed the heavy and hot bowl out of his hands with a displeased frown.

I turned to Tate.

"I'm going to put this on the table, be nice . . . if possible," I whispered. I glanced at Jason over my shoulder before sighing. I stood up on my tippy toes, and placed a kiss on Tate's cheek. His eyes locked onto mine with blankness before I walked away to the kitchen.

Tate's POV***

I stared at him with anger before Elle walked away.

"What are you really doing here Jason?" I asked with balled fists.

"I'm here for Elle, you know that," He growled, taking a step towards me. I glanced behind me to see Elle dumping out the soup into the sink. I couldn't help but feel proud that she did that. I quickly shut the door behind me so it was just Jason and I outside.

"Why? Why're you here? You're the one who dumped her ass in front of our school," I seethed. This douchebag was really getting on my nerves. I felt protective of Elle already, and if he thought he could just win her back like that, then he would have to go through me. And that wouldn't be easy. I took a daring step towards him, hoping to egg him on to fight me. 

"What's it to you Green?!" He said, pushing me backwards. I was seething rage.

"What do you mean?!" I hissed in defense.

"Oh c'mon. The whole school, if not world, knows how you are. You're the guy who who'd rather spend 5 minutes in the janitor's closet than on a real date. You really think Elle will want that? A guy who she knows will never stay faithful? You're bad Green. Bad for her. You'll ruin her. You will be the reason for her destruction," He said, eyeing me up. He slowly began to walk away, before he got into a small black car and drove away without another word. 

"Everything ok?" Elle suddenly asked, opening the door.

"Yes," I murmured before walking back inside. 

And yet, another part of me is still thinking of Jason's words.

You will be the reason for her destruction

And for some reason, the thought made me cringe. I know enough about Elle to know I don't want to see her hurt - let alone by the likes of me. Even thinking about me saying the wrong thing and having her ignore me hurts. But why?

I had to get this out of my head.  Elle is just another chick - only we're pretending to be a couple for other people and for Jason. What's so special about her anyway? I had to get my mind off this.

"Hey, I gotta go, but I'll call you later," I told Elle before she sat down.

She gave me a concerned look.

"Ok, see ya," She said nonchalantly.

Without hesitation, I turned away from her and hastily walked outside and to my car.

Jason was right. This isn't like me. I'm not this "caring" and "soft" guy. I don't do that. I need to get my mind out of the gutter. I opened up my phone as I began to drive off. 

"Hello?" A female voice on the other line asked.


"Hey! Tate babes, where have ya been since spring break?" She asked with a giggle. I frowned.

"I'll be at your house in 5," I told her.

"Oooh! Sounds good, I'll go and undress then," She said with a laugh before hanging up. I sighed. 

This had better get my mind clear again.

So herp a derp.

Thoughts please?

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