Part 8: The Trial

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Dashing through the woods at high speed. It was already dark by the time they reached camp. He darted into the tent and put her down. She slipped out one of his shirt.
"Swiping one of yours" She teased. "Why you've got your own?" he asked while laughing.
"Because I want something comfy and your a lot taller then me so it doesn't bother me as much. Remember I'm still not used to wearing clothes." She said, tossing the blanket.
"I can live with that you are my fiancé. Nice view by the way." He teased, as he plopped on to the bed she stuck her tongue out at him.
"It's not like you haven't seen it before." She giggled slipping on some under clothes. She was still having trouble latching her bra so she just threw on his shirt and jumped onto the bed.
"Yeah but your figure, damn. So sorry if I can't help but stare." He said pulling her on top of him.
"You know sometimes you're a little to ornery." She said inching up to kiss him, he slid his hands around her waist tightly so she couldn't move away. But it didn't bother her a bit. She slid her hands up his chest and into his hair, curling her fingers in knots. His hands moved in small circles over her lower back and thighs. Their lips crashed against each other's getting lost in the heat. Eames moved his hands to her chest, groping gently.
"Babe do you realize where your squeezing?" Aubrianna whispered breathlessly her face flushing a hot red.
"Oh come on you totally started it." He said with an eager breathlessness, his cheeks flaring the same red as her. Underneath of her she felt
Eames grew hard below the waist. But when she looked to see he grabbed her face.
"Don't look." He said embarrassed.
"Oh so that's why, well I did start it so now I'm gonna deal with it." She replied kissing him down the length of his torso, stopping at the belt. He helped her peal back his pants and boxers...

When Aubrianna finished she laid her head on his chest, still breathing heavily.
"Damn I didn't think that would feel so good!" He exclaimed closing his eyes and wrapping his arm around her shoulders. She giggled.
"Good." She replied. Laying her head on his chest. He ran his fingers through her long flowing hair and down her back.
"I love you Aubrianna." He says rubbing her back.
"I love you to Eames." She replies sleepily as her eyes fell shut. He smiled. Kissing her head and falling asleep.

She woke up to a smell she didn't recognize. But it made her mouth water. She bolted up to see Eames cooking.
"Babe?" She questioned. When she noticed he still wasn't wearing a shirt.
"Now this I can get used to. Nice view." She said, jokingly. He looks down trying to keep himself from busting out laughing. He didn't say a word as he finished his cooking. Then he put the plates on a small table.
"What is it?" She asked looking at it. He stopped.
"Shit I forgot you've never had beacon and eggs. Trust me it's good. You'll like it." He said, putting a pile on her plate knowing her ferocious appetite. She took a bite and nods. He chuckles.
"So I'm off duty for a while so I get to go home but I got to go to the lab first for a check up on my progress." He said, as they ate.
"Ok I can't go to labs though." She said, finishing her plate.
"You know they lied to you they never ordered for the test subjects to be put down. They were only ordered to put them in the war. They probably lied to protect you. This war is brutal it's no place for a woman." He said, getting up to walk up to her showing her all the scars on his body. They covered his body from his chest to his toe. He cupped her face in his hands.
"And I don't blame them." He continued. Reaching down to kiss her.

They both got up and changed their clothes and got ready. They both dashed into the woods she had to wait up for him while he caught his breath.
"Damn your fast. I can barely keep up with you." He exclaimed. Still trying to catch his breath.
"I'm not even breaking a sweat I can go a lot faster." She teased. Sticking her tongue.
"Your kidding right?" He asked, whipping the sweat from his face.
"No I'm not kidding babe." She replied, kissing him. They both took off at break neck speed. Stoping when they reached a big white building. Eames grabbed her hand and dragged her in. She hid behind him when she seen the doctors. It was much bigger than the lab she was made in and there was a lot more doctors

When a man with a long grey bread walked over with a machine that looked like a scanner.
"It's nice to see you again Eames." He smiled checking his vitals.
"It's nice to see you to Dr.Cross." Eames took off his shirt and they starting walking  over to one of the desks. All the doctors had their own rooms which were separated by curtains. Aubrianna camouflage herself following Eames but it didn't work on her clothes so she had to ditch them. No one seemed to even notice.  Dr.Cross did a check up on his physical health. When Eames starts looking around frantically.
"Is something wrong?" He asked. "Where'd she go. My fiancé's missing. Didn't you see me walk in with someone?" He asked. Practically standing on a chair to see if he could see her.
"No no one. You were by yourself." He said, while Eames sniffed the air. His expression softened. As he got down and turned around.
"Can you step out for a minute Dr.Cross?" He asked not taking his eyes off her.
"Ya sure." He said leaving. Eames shut the curtain. Then he walked outside and grabbed her clothes that she balled up and tossed behind the bush. They stared at him when he walked back in.
"Give me a second." He said walking back into the room. He sniffed the air and turned around.
"Aubrianna lose the camouflage." He said, she did as he said and he gave her back her clothes. She put them on.
"Now didn't I tell you their good people so you don't have use the camouflage. You almost gave me a heart attack." He said patting her head. She looked up at him.
"Ya but you know how much doctors make me nervous." She said, grabbing his hand.
"You're not the only one the we make nervous." A woman yelled. He chuckled. Then he pulled back the curtain.
"Well I'll be there was someone else. She's a beauty. I didn't see her walk in though." Dr.Cross said, walking back over.
"That's because she camouflaged herself. Go ahead show him." He said, but when he turned around all you see is her clothes. Dr.Cross's jaw dropped.
"She can make herself invisible that crazy. We've never even gotten close." He said walking around her.
"Like a chameleon most of her DNA comes from animals. See the truth is we've always over looked one thing on every test subject. You've always tried to make the ultimate weapon you've always over looked one huge detail animals. They are the key to everything." He said, then Dr.Cross looked at him as she made herself visible.
"Someone finally did?" He asked excitedly.
"Yes but sadly they only made one her." He said, pointing at her.
"You mind if I scan you?" He asked.
"No go right ahead." She said, he smiled and lifting up the machine. He turned it on it started going crazy. When he pointed it at her. His eyes grew big as he looked at the screen.
"These are the highest ratings I ever seen." He examined. As he cleared his throat.
"It's because she's a beast." Eames said walking over. Dr.Cross's eyes grew large as they looked at him.
"S-she's a beast like a real beast?" He asked. Trying to fix his glasses.
"You think that's really what she looks like. She's huge."  He said, petting her. She nuzzles up against him growling a little but it was more out of satisfaction.
"Babe." She says, suddenly.
"What?" He asks kissing her head.
"You have to let me stretch my legs later I've been stuck in this meat suit to long." She says, wrapping her arms around him.
"Ok fine I'll take you out to a field in the woods so you can run. How's that sound?" He asks, pulling her close to him.
"Sounds lovely." She said, nuzzling him. He picked her up and walked over to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck.
"I gotta get going so when do you want to schedule my next appointment?" He asked.
"I'll call you. You get home and spend sometime with your woman." Dr.Cross said shoeing them away. They took off and headed to a field opening. As soon as he put her down she turned into her beast form. He started chasing her.

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