Part 7: The Thorn

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Then he brought a dress out that was made of animal fur; it was made in of beautiful white fur. She slipped it on as he slipped into pants made of the same delicate fur. She brushed her hair up into a bun, a few stray curls fell framing her face.

"Gorgeous." He said looking into her eyes; adoring her simply beauty and glow.

"Well you look pretty good yourself." She teases him, and he giggles softly.

"Nice come back." He laughs.

"So are you going with no shirt?" She asked.

"Ya it's a male wolf thing." He said reaching around her to put on a necklace which was adorn with wolf fangs. He then picked her up and ran out the front entrance into the woods, running with incredible speed. He finally stopped when they reached a village. Setting her down he instructed her.

"Now stay here till I tell you to come." Nodding as he left the room Aubrianna heard several people happily greet him.

Something suddenly began rustling in the bushes behind her causing her to jump and climb high into a tree. A hybrid cougar, mortal enemies of wolf hybrids, stalked out into the clearing. She watches as two others walk out, talking amongst themselves.

"You sure you heard something?" One asked.

"Yes it was a young female I'm sure." The other male replied. Their attention was averted by a young woman walking past. Aubrianna jumped down as the men ran after the woman.

"Hey ally cat over here." She whistled and they turned towards her. Ready to fight one of the males swung at her; dodging his advance she swung her foot out striking the backs of their knees. Falling to the floor in a heavy thud, they were out cold.

"Ya you might want to get out of here. I'll get rid of them." She tells the girl but she doesn't budge. Aubrianna sighs, tying them up and howls; calling for help from Eames. Eames came running into the woods, looking for the source of the howl.

"Do I even want to know? And didn't I say no pushing it." He asked walking up to her, taking a hold of her by the elbows.

"Oh come on babe they totally started it." She replied slyly as he moved to pick her up.

"You're such a pain. I'm kicking your butt if you get wounded again. I'll call for someone to pick these guys up." He said nodding to the pile of Cougars, she looks over to where the woman standing, noticing that she had disappeared. Wrapped her hands around his neck he carried her out of the woods.

"Hey Rick there some cougars out there can you make sure someone gets them?" He asked a tall male with  dark brown hair and golden eyes.

"Oh my I hope that no one got hurt." He says not even glancing in Aubrianna's direction.

"No they're knocked out cold." He replies and the male nods heading off into the woods.

Then Eames started walking and carrying Aubrianna, who noticed other members watching them.

"Eames where are we going?" She asked.

"You'll see." He said his expression turning serious; then stops.

Looking to see why he had stopped a girl stood right in front of us. She was beautiful blond hair, blue eyes, and even tall.

"Hello Freya. Long time no see." He said sarcastically trying to cover his nervousness.

"Probably because you left me at the alter on our wedding day. Who's the squirt?" She asked in a cool tone, eyeing Aubrianna still in Eames arms.

'Squirt the hell. She better not be talking about me.' Aubrianna thought angrily eyeing Freya.

"This is Aubrianna." He said calmly as she moved closer, close enough to where Aubrianna felt like she was being suffocated. Freya ripped Aubrianna out of his arms and tossed her to the ground. The moment she was on the floor, Freya was all over Eames. Growling as she stood Aubrianna pushed her hair out of her way and stalked out. Her face flushed bright red as she stormed off; not wanting to blow up. She left the village in a huff but noticed she was being followed by another wolf clan member. Turning to face him, she noticed he was a much older man and was very tall.

"Why are you following me?" She said gritting her teeth trying to hide her emotions.

"Sorry, but you looked really mad. I just wanted to make sure you were ok." He said, she then let out a deep breath that she did not realize she had been holding. Showing him her pendant he replied softly in a gruff voice.

"So your Eames fiancé. Man that's gotta be awkward running into Freya." She nodded solemnly.

"Not only that but I feel really out of place here. My species only picks one partner our whole entire life and we can't get another. So yeah, I'm upset, I'm the only one of my species. Which if I don't find a partner my species will go extinct." The words fly out of her mouth, lifting her of some of the weight on her conscious. Kneeling in front of her to see her face more clearly.

"I would expect you to feel that way. You do love him don't you?" He asked realizing that she was now crying. Frustrated she wiped her cheeks quickly making them red. He grabbed a hold of her hands and looked into her eyes.

"It's ok to cry, if you truly care about them." He said, his voice was very gentle.

"Well I don't know, the only other time I cried was when my mom died." She said, wiping under her eyes, wiping away her tears.
"Do you have any family at all?" He asked.

"No. The only reason I call her mom is because she made me. I came from a machine." She admitted, the male comforted her with a hug and some advice.

"Well you do know you can call me dad, gamp's, or uncle which ever you prefer my dear." He said standing up leading Aubrianna back to the village.

When they reached Freya and Eames in an awkward embrace gramps began yelling at them both. When he was finished he turned to address her. Gramps led them back to a huge white house in the center of the village. Turns out Gramps is the alpha of the wolf clan, a very caring, gentle and sweet man. To bring up everyone's mood and the atmosphere he had Aubrianna help him prepare dinner. While the meal cooked they played card games together. Aubrianna soon began to perk up and even laughed when he started playing jokes on her. But stopped though when she seen Freya and Eames walked in, hiding all trace of emotion from her face. Eames walked quickly over to Aubrianna, embracing her.

"So do you like her alpha?" He asked. "Yes very much so, she's a sweetheart. Trust me she's a keeper." He said kindly as Eames hugged her. Freya shimmied over.

"Why didn't you just say you were his fiancé?" She asked.
"Because I wasn't thinking and I didn't want to blow up on anyone. I have a really bad temper." Aubrianna said. "She does be glad she walked away." Eames said petting her.

"I'm actually surprised you didn't go all beast."

"I was thinking about it. But then I thought I don't want to end up destroying everything." She joked.

"Well I'm glad you didn't." He said, she looked at Freya.

"Do I seriously think I look like a kid or something. I mean I know I'm short but you can tell I'm not a kid." She said.

"True you are pretty mature but height you look like a kid." She said, so Aubrianna made she self taller.

"There happy?" She asked.

"Yes neat trick by the way." She said, and Aubrianna turned to Eames. He was not happy.

"Ok I'll make myself short just stop looking at me like that." She said, and he started wagging his tail.

"Wait you like short girls?" She asked.

"You have no idea. I'm actually a monster so ya this isn't what I really look like." She said, Freya's eyes got huge.

"Wait so your a monster like you mean a beast?" She asked.

"Exactly." She answered.

"Can you show me I've always been fascinated by monsters?" She asked.

She knew that Freya was just mocking her so she ignored it.

"You picked a hairy beast to marry. You really have sunken low." She laughed so Aubrianna turned into her beast form growling in Freya's face.

"Who you calling a hairy beast." She snarled showing her sharp white fangs. Freya fell to her knees shaking. She was absolutely terrified. Eames walked in front of her. She put her tail between her legs, put her head, and ears down.

"That's a good girl calm down she's not worth you getting mad." He said petting her.

"You seem to have her pretty under control. I've never seen a beast so tame." The alpha said, walking over.

"That's because I'm her master or she would probably would of ripped Freya apart. What you did was down right stupid she's a weapon and you know what happens when you play with weapons you get hurt." Eames said, looking at Freya.

"How was I supposed to know. You need to get rid of her she's dangerous." She yelled.

"Not happening and she's only dangerous as I want her to be. Go on Aubrianna show them a little of what you can do." He said. Pulling a container out. She put her fangs on the lid letting her venom pour into it.

"See that your lucky she didn't bite you or you'd be dead she exerts a venom that's more poisonous then the most poisonous snake. She has traits of the most powerful animals on earth and more. Her body is always evolving. Once you find something to weaken her her body finds a new way to evolve. You can't beat her." He said putting a lid on the container and handing it to the alpha. Then he reached up to neck. Moving the fur away revealing gills.

"The other day she almost drowned so she developed gills to breath under water and a immunity to serpent venom." He said letting go of her hair. He had managed to do what no one else had he figured out not only how her body works. But he also managed to figure her out as well. She turned into her human form. When he put a blanket around her.

"So how do you manage to keep her under control?" The alpha asked.

"She imprinted on me which makes me her master and she can't go against her masters word. She does whatever I  want including what she looks like. That's how they programmed her." He picked her up.

"So she's a test subject. I never thought in my wildest dreams they'd create something like this. If their this far we better watch out we don't know what they'll come up with next." The alpha said.

"Well her labs the only one that's gotten that far that I know of." He replied.

"He's right I keep track of the other labs and their progress." She said, crawling over to a computer. She stuck her finger on the screen it lit up as she absorbed all the information form it. The she crawled back over to Eames.

"So did you find anything new?" He asked.

"Sort of you want me to transfer the info to you?" She asked.

"Yes if it's not to much for you."  He reached both of his hands out. She put her hands in his and looked into her eyes.

"Wait that one was a secret file isn't it from the same lab as you. So you weren't the only on one of your kind they made did you know about this?" He asked.
"No I didn't but he's older then me and his main DNA didn't not come from a wolf like mine did. It came from a black panther. He doesn't seem to evolve like I do either." She said, letting go.
"I see do you think he's a threat." He said.
"No I've known Kyle for a long time. My whole life in fact he's a good guy. I just had no idea Kyle was a test subject they never told me. He helped raise me and I had no idea. Why would they hide that from me." She looks down.
"Kyle huh don't worry baby we'll figure." He said, kissing on her head.

"Thanks." She said, getting up.
"So what are you going to do now?" The alpha asked.
"To be honest I don't know. There's to much going on inside my head. I have to discuss it with Eames and come up with a plan." She said.
"No absolutely not your still  gaining your strength back." He says.
"She was injured recently I seriously thought she wasn't going make it. I not letting her do anything I think is dangerous." He continues. She sighs and looks down.
"See this is what I have to deal. He never lets me do anything. You wouldn't even let me walk by myself." She blurts. He wraps his arms around her.
"That's because your my partner worry about you. Your my everything. I hate seeing you injured and in pain." He says angrily. She grabs his shoulders and pulls face really close to hers.
"Honey calm the fuck down. You're over reacting." She said loudly. They both let a deep breath.
"You good?" She asked.
"Ya I'm good. I got this." He informed her.
"Good." She said letting go. He stood up.
"You have my consent. But only on one condition." The alpha says breaking the silence.
"Alright what's your condition?" Eames questions.
"I get to walk her down the aisle." He said, smiling warmly.
"I'm okay with that I don't have a dad anyways." She said, giving him a hug. Then she walked back over to Eames. He picked her up into his arms and they left.

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