Chapter 6: Trust

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Then she grabbed some wood. But when she looked back Chad was gone. So she just carried the wood back to the tent. She piled it up beside the stove. When she heard other women talking. She looked outside to see that there was a group of women cleaning clothes outside. She darts back in the tent when one of them looked at her. She grabs some clothes and decides to go wash up. She snuck out the back and into the woods she finds a pond to bathe in. She undresses and gets in the waters not warm but it's not that cold either. She washes her hair and body. When she felt something wrap around her ankle and drag her deep into the water. She knew she couldn't not transform into her beast form without her masters consent. She struggles to break free when something sharp dug into her side. She finally uses her claws to paralyze it. But it still refused to let go and she was running out of air. Reaching down she digs her fangs into its side pumping her toxic venom in it. When it let go she swam to the surface. She rushed to the bank of the pond and quickly got dressed. She ran back to the tent. Lifting her shirt up she seen large deep gashes in her side they weren't healing the way they should. So she grabbed a cloth wrapped it up and wrapped it around her waist to put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding. She was pulling her shirt down when she heard the women yelling when she peeked out they were welcoming the soldiers back. She sighed.

"Old bitty's almost gave me a heart attack." She muttered to herself.

Then she suddenly felt really dizzy she shook her head but something wasn't right she started falling forward. When someone caught her. She knew it was Eames.

"Are you all right?" He asked, she started struggling to answer him but nothing came out. When her body started shaking violently. She felt so helpless. Which is something she's not familiar with. She's never felt fear. It terrified her.

"Lucy can you come here somethings wrong with Aubrianna." He yelled and a older woman ran over. She took one look at her.

"Take her inside immediately she looks like she's been bitten by a serpent. Their highly venomous even to the biggest of monsters. She'll need urgent care." She said, he took her inside and laid her on the bed. Lucy ran in with a medical bag and pulled out a syringe.

"Do you know where she got bit?" She asked him.

"No I just got back so I knew nothing about it." He says.

"Then turn around I'm going to have to strip her." She garbs a knife and starts cutting the side of her shirt. She stops when she sees the cloth she wrapped around her waist. She removes it exposing the fresh wound. She stick the needle in and extracts the venom. Aubrianna roars in pain. He paced back and forth. She pulled the needle out. Then she cleaned the wound. But it still wasn't healing properly. Aubrianna body starts transforming into her beast form. But she starts fighting it.

"No don't fight it. It's the only way your body can heal itself." Lucy said, so she let herself transform. Luckily the tent was big enough for her. Eames was froze stiff. She whined and her ears went down.

"Ahh poor baby. Looks like you upset her with your reaction." Lucy said, petting her.

"I sorry babe I didn't mean to I just wasn't expecting you to be so big." He said.

"It's fine I'm used to it. I'm a beast I always scare everyone." She said, turning her head. He walked up and hugged her.

"Aubrianna I will always love you no matter what shape you take." He said, her tail started wagging.

"It'll be a while till she can move but she should be fine now. But she will be in a lot of pain." Lucy said, and left.

"Don't you worry about a thing I'm going to take good care of you." He said, and for the first time she actually felt he really did love her.

'Maybe emotions aren't so useless  after all.' She thought. He never left her side either. He even hand feed her since she couldn't move.

"You comfortable?" He questions.

"Yes thank you." She said, putting her ears down as sharp pains started going through her body. She closed her eyes and whimpered. He starts petting her hoping it'll help.

"Hey baby it'll be alright I'm right here and I'm not leaving your side." He said, sitting beside her. She yelped as he pet her. The pain doesn't stop for two hours. Exhausted she falls asleep while he cleans her wounds.

"Good night beautiful." He says kissing her head. Then he passes out beside her.

The next morning she was feeling better she transforms into her human form and gets up. The wound was completely healed you couldn't even tell it was ever there. While getting dressed Eames woke up. He jumped up when he realized she was awake.

"What are you doing up you should be resting?" He asks walking over to her.

"I'm fine see you can't even tell I was wounded." She said showing him her shirt.

"Ya well I'm not letting push yourself. I'm not letting you out of my sight till your strengths back." He said she sighed. She hugged him.

"You know your a pain in the ass but your my pain in the ass." She smiled and giggled. He laughs.

"I'm a pain in the ass babe you should look in a mirror your that had me worried sick about you yesterday."  He said, and looks at her.

"Don't ever scare me like that again. I seriously thought I was going to lose you." He continues. Her heart started pounding.

"Ya thanks to you I didn't." She said, wrapping her arms playfully around his neck. He wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her close.

"Thank you I mean it. No ones ever been there for me as much as you are. To be honest I never been afraid in my whole tire life. It something I'm not familiar with so it makes it kinda terrifying I know that sounds stupid. But I never felt so weak in my life. The point is thank you." She said, he smiles.

"Well I'm your fiancé I never going to leave your side. I'll be with you the rest of your life." He kissed her.

"And nothing you say would remember I have your memories I know how smart you are." He said, winking. She froze.

'Wait so he was on to me the whole time.' She thought. She smiled.

"So you knew your a good actor babe." She said caressing his.

"Yes I knew the whole time your not the only genius in the room. I'm the one that comes up the war tactics for the soldiers. You think they let just any moron do that." He chuckles. She tenses up realizing he knew what she was thinking.

"So I'm guessing I'm not the only one that can get in people's heads. Ok so I might of read you wrong. Your a great guy. So if you knew why do you like me so much." She said.

"I love you because of what type of person you are. My personality actually the same as yours. Trust me I'm pretty distant with everyone else. I just wanted to wait till you warmed up to me." He said, caressing her face. She blushed realizing how much she had fallen for him.

"Oh I've more then warmed up to you." She said, kissing him. He smiled. Then pulled out the pendant he gave her when he purposed to her and put it around her neck. She smiled.

"Come on theirs someone I have to introduce you to if we're going to get married." He said, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Who?" Asked playing with her hair. "My alpha every clan has one. Be respectful he acts as a father to all of us. He's a very good man." He said, but she knew something was up.

"So what's the catch?" She asked. "His daughter and me used to be together. In fact we were even engaged." He said, he sighed.

"So what happened?" She asked.

"I thought I loved her but it turns out I really didn't. We were young and we grew up together. Plus I knew we wouldn't work out. We were to different. She was gentle and innocent. I was rough and kinda a bad boy. Point is she wanted a completely different future then I did and I didn't see her in mine. Her father really never did forgive me for breaking his daughters heart. But I know I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He said, she nodded.

"He will eventually." She said, smiling.

"Well I hope he does your my trump card." He chuckle.

"So how am I a trump card?" She asks.

"You can use your good looks to persuade him." He laughs.

"Your funny." She laughed.

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