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"Father? Brother? What are you doing?"

"I'm telling your brother about a legend. Do you wish to join?"

"Yes please."

"Then come over here and sit down... Now where was I...?"

"'No one could ever learn to love a beast!'"

"Oh that's right...

Our story takes place in a corner of France where a young boy walked down the streets singing a song.

His brown hair was blowing slightly in the wind and a single hair popped up and curled in the end.

Little town, it's a quiet village.
Everyday, like the one before.
Little town, full of little people.
Waking up to say~

All of the townsfolk loved him although they found him slightly strange. He always smiles as he was reading all the stories and fairy tales in the town's library.

There goes the baker with his tray like always,
The same old bread and rolls to sell.
Every morning just the same,
Since the morning that we came,
To this poor provincial town.

The baker stopped in his tracks to greet the boy. "Good morning, Feliciano!"

The boy stopped and smiled at the baker. "Good morning Monsieur!"

The baker nodded at him and almost tripped over his own feet. "Where are you off too?"

"The bookshop, I just finished the most wonderful story, about a man finding a boy in a box under a..."

Feliciano didn't get the chance to finish before the baker cut him off. "That's nice... Lily, the baguettes! Hurry up!"

Well the baker wasn't really much of a talker anyway. His little sister Lily liked to help him out.

Look there he goes, that boy is strange no question.
Dazed and distracted, can't you tell?
Never part of any crowd.
Cause his head's up on some cloud.
No denying he's a funny one, that boy!

Some people greeted each other out on the road,
"Good day!"
"How's your family?"
A merchant was having a conversation with a lady in the doorway to his shop.
"Good day!"
"How is your wife?"
A woman was having a discussion with her husband.
"I need six eggs!"
"That's too expensive"

There must be more than this provincial life!

Everyone in the town went out of their way to greet the beautiful boy although he didn't really notice.

He walked into the library and greeted the librarian happily.

"Good evening!"

"Bonjour Feliciano! Have you already finished the book?"

"I have! Do you have anything new?"

"Not since yesterday dear"

"Oh I see well that's alright! I'll just borrow... This!" Feliciano pulled out a book as if he knew where everything in the library was.

"But Feli... You have read it twice already!"

"Well it's my favorite one! Far off places, incredible magic, fantastic friendships, dragons in disguise! It is marvelous!" (High five if you get the reference)

"I'll give it to you."

"But sir, I can't take it."

"Please, it isn't every day you meet someone who loves books as much as yourself!"

"Well thank you very much sir!"

Look there he goes, that boy is so peculiar! I wonder if he's feeling well!
With a dreamy far-off look!
And his nose stuck in a book!
What a puzzle to the rest of us is he!

Oh~! Isn't this amazing?
It's my favorite part because, you'll see!
Here's where he meets who he had looked for,
but he won't discover that it's him 'till chapter three! (If you cry you got this one!).

Now it's no wonder that he is called 'beauty'
His looks have got no parallel!
But behind that fair facade,
I'm afraid he's rather odd.
Very different from the rest of us...
He's nothing like the rest of us,
Yes different from the rest of us is He!

Two men walked down the road as Feliciano was reading his book carefully.

"Wow... You didn't miss a shot, Antonio! You're the greatest hunter in the whole world!" The shorter Italian said walking after the tanned spaniard.

"I know."

"Pfft... No beast alive stands a chance against you... And no one else for that matter!" The Italian was always being sarcastic but the spaniard didn't seem to notice.

"It's true, Lovino, and I've got my sight on that one!" Antonio pointed to the not knowing Feliciano walking down the street.

"The inventors son?"

"He's the one! He's the lucky one I'm going to marry."

"But he's..." Antonio cut off the Italian.

"The most beautiful person in town."

"I know but..."

"And that makes him the best. And don't I deserve the best?"

"Of course... I mean you do, but I mean..."

Right from the moment when I met him, saw him I said he's gorgeous and I fell,
Here in town there's only he who is beautiful as me
So I'm making plans to woo and marry him

Look there he goes, isn't he dreamy,
Monsieur Toni, oh he's so cute,
Be still my heart, I'm hardly breathing,
He's such a tall, dark, strong and handsome brute

Good day!
Mais oui!

Everyone was talking loudly and filling the streets. With a few movements Feliciano was out but Antonio had trouble even moving in the crowd.

There must be more than this provincial life!
Just watch I'm going to make him my wife!

Look there he goes a boy who's strange but special,
A most peculiar Monsieur,
It's a pity and a sin,
He doesn't quite fit in!

But he really is a funny boy.
A beauty but a funny boy.
He really is a funny one!
That boy!

Antonio had made his way around the crowd and was now standing in front of Feliciano.
"Why hello Feliciano."

"Hello Antonio..."

Antonio snatched the book out of the small Italians hands and looked at it questioning.
"Antonio... Can I please have my book back please?"

"How can you read this? There are no pictures!" The tall spaniard said as he was twisting and turning the book.

"Well it's called imagination Toni... Don't you know about it?"

"You know you should focus less on the books and focus more on me." Lovino watched them from a little away with his arms crossed and he rolled his eyes as some girls swooned next to him because of Antonio showing off his muscular arms.

On the inside Lovino's heart hurt every time the spaniard went close to Feliciano.

"Why do you even want to think and get ideas? You should come to the tavern with me and watch my trophies."

"No Antonio!" Feliciano snatched his book back from the spaniard's grasp.

"I'm going home to help my grandfather... Bye! Ve~" he said as he turned around and went home quickly.

Feliciano went home and into the basement where he found his grandfather laying on the floor in a barrel coughing as his invention had exploded into his face.

"Nonno... What are you doing...? Nonno?" Feliciano was coughing as he made his way to his grandfather who was cursing his heart out in Italian as he tried to get out of the barrel.

"Nonno... Are you alright?"

"Y-yes o-of course I am! I-I was just trying out my new invention... But it's just a peace of junk!" His grandfather said as he came out of the barrel.

"But nonno you always say that about your inventions..."

"Well it won't work and it never will!" The grandfather gave the machine a kick as he walked over to Feliciano.

"Oh nonno... Of course it will ve~ I know it will! And you'll win the fort prize tomorrow at the fair! You'll become world famous! Veee~" The boy looked at his grandfather with a smile and the old man changed expression.

"You really believe that?"

"Of course I do nonno! I will always and have always believed in you!" The old man folded up his sleeves and went back to the machine.

"Well then I'll have it fixed in no time! Hand me my tools please!"

Feliciano took the tools with him to his grandfather who was laying under the machine.

"Hey nonno... Do you think I'm... Odd...?" His grandfather went straight out and stood up to look at his grandson.

"My nipote? Odd? Where did you get that idea?" Feliciano looked down at the book in his hands.

"I don't know... I just don't have anyone to talk to..."

"What about that... Antonio wasn't it? He's a handsome fellow..." Grandfather Julius went back to working on his machine after patting Felicianos head.

"Oh yes so handsome... And rude and conceded... Nonno he's not anything for me... I don't like him..."

"Well then don't worry! This invention will change our life! Just look!" Julius went back up to pad Feliciano's head and pulled the lever and the machine turned on and began chopping wood like it was supposed to do.

"It worked nonno! It worked!" Feliciano was yelling because of the noise coming from the machine.

"It does! Well then help me pack and I'm off to the fair!"

"I'm so proud of you nonno!"

Feliciano helped his grandfather load the wagon with the invention and waved goodbye as his grandfather drove off to the fair.

"Goodbye nonno!"

"Goodbye nipote! I'll be back soon!"

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