The Castle

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What neither Feliciano or Julius had given a thought was the wolves in the forest.

Julius was attacked and his horse ran away when a lightning stroke.

The old man ran as fast as his legs could carry him through the forest and to a large gate. The gate opened as he knocked for his life.

He stood face to face with a giant castle.

With slow footsteps he entered the seemingly empty castle and called out to anyone there.

"Hello?! I'm terribly sorry to intrude but my horse ran away and I need a place to stay for the night!"

On a table not too far away came to voices in whispers.
"Poor fellow we should help him..."

"Not a word Francis!" The clock on the table smacked his hand onto the mouth of the candle beside him.

The candle moved one off its own hands to burn the clocks hand.

"Have a heart Arthur!" Then the candle jumped forward and called out to the old man.

"Excuse me! Monsieur!" The old man turned around and fell backwards onto his bum because of the surprise.

"I am sorry to have startled you my good sir!" The candle jumped off the table and stood on the floor.

"My name is Francis..."

"You have gone and done it Francis!" The clock jumped down from the table too and went to Francis.

The inventor quickly picked up the clock to inspect it wondering how someone made a talking clock. While Francis was laughing at the apparent Brit being twisted, turned and tickled.

The French candle took good care of the old man while the stubborn clock was protesting trying to stop what was going on.

While the poor man was sitting by a fire, he met various furniture, they all had different names, accents and personalities.

A tall coat tree by the name of Gilbert.
A nice teapot called Iryna, she had a slight Russian accent.
The last he met, was a tiny teacup, his name was Peter.

Julius was enjoying a nice cup of tea with the nice furniture when a large beast with long golden fur and striking blue eyes entered the room and grabbed him with his lion-like hand.
The beast dragged the poor man into the dungeon.

The next morning a wedding was placed outside of the unlucky Italian boys house, although he hadn't noticed at all since he was deep into the book he had borrowed the day before.

"I would like to thank you all for coming to my wedding!" Antonio spoke, as people were smiling some crying and one particular Italian, frowning and rolling his eyes as he was doing everything he could to just see a bastard instead of the prince.

"Well I guess all I'm missing is to propose to him!" Antonio went over to Lovino.

"So when I come out with Feliciano you'll..." He was cut off by a sarcastic answer from the poor boy.

"I know I know... I'll strike up the band." He said lazily and pointed to the band that began playing loudly. He was grabbed by the spaniard who held his collar.

"Not. Yet." He said and the Italian nodded looking at the beautiful spaniard's face.

The spaniard went up and knocked on the door where he disappeared for a second before the door was opened and Antonio was pushed into a pool of mud.

Lovino couldn't help laughing and he had the band play the wedding song to slightly make fun of the spaniard.

The Italian bend down to lift the hair from Antonios face and grinned.

"So how did it go?" He asked with a laugh.

It didn't last long though because the spaniard was furious and pulled the Italian into the mud as he walked out of it.

When everyone had left Feliciano came out off his house to feed the animals.

"I can't believe he asked me to marry him! I mean...

Monsieur Carriedo,
Can you see it?
Monsieur Carriedo,
His little wife.
No sir! Not me! I guarantee it.
I want much more than this provincial life!"

Feliciano ran a little and spun around. He ran out to look at the view over the lakes and the woods.

"I want adventure. I want it more than I can tell...
And once it might be grand,
To have someone understand.
I want so much more than they've got planned..."

He was startled when his grandfathers horse came running onto the field where he was sitting without his grandfather.

"Where's nonno? Where is he boy? What happened...? I have to find him... Please boy take me to him!"

Feliciano jumped on the horse and rode as fast he could towards the forest.
It took a while but he finally made it to the large castle.

Inside an argument was going on between our clock and candle.

"Great idea wasn't it? Invite him in, serve him tea, sit in the masters chair? Pete pouch!" Arthur said angrily.

"I was trying to be hospitable..." Francis defended when the large door once again opened.

The little Italian walked inside, slightly scared. He had a fear of going into unknown mansions, especially on his own.

"H-hello?" His fragile voice was shaking slightly as he took a step inside.

Feliciano went around the castle while calling out for his grandfather.

All the furniture was excited to see the beautiful boy walking around the halls especially a simple candle was excited.

"Do you see that?! It's a boy!"

"Yes I can bloody see that you wanker!"

"It must be the one we have been waiting for!"

The candle went after the searching boy to help him find his grandfather.

"Nonno?" The boy called out as a door was opened behind him. He didn't know that it was the certain candle and clock leading him to the dungeon.

Feliciano saw the light from Francis move up the stairs, thinking that someone might be there he called out to them.

"Please wait! I'm looking for my grandfather! Please! Do you know where he is?" The boy ran up the staircase.

"Hello?" Feliciano yelled and he finally received an answer.

"Feliciano? Nipote! I'm over here!"

Feliciano ran to the cell door and grabbed his grandfather's hand through the opening.

"Nonno why are you locked in there?" Feliciano felt tears in his eyes.

"It's alright nipote... I'm alright... What are you doing here?"

"I came to help you. Your horse came back without you and I was so worried and so scared... I thought you had been eaten by wolves!" The boy held onto Julius' hand for dear life.

"I understand Feli... But please leave! And hurry up!" The old man coughed because of the cold.

"What are you talking about? Why...!" The Italian was pulled back roughly while a deep voice echoed off the walls.

"What are you doing here?!"

The Italian fell to the floor as the light turned off. Only the moons shine gave the room light and before him stood a tall shadow.

"I am the master of this castle!" Said the large shadow as it moved to further into the shadows to hide its golden fur.

"I came to get nonno! He's sick and I have to get him ho-..." The scared boy moved over to the cell door as the beast roared.

"Then he shouldn't have trespassed here!"

"But please! He could die! Please! I'll do anything...!" The beast turned around and his voice turned down the volume.

"There's nothing you can do... He's my prisoner..." The beast was walking towards the stairs when the small boy stopped him.

"There must be something I can... Wait...! Please... Take me instead of poor nonno..." Feliciano felt brave in this moment.

"You...?" The beast mumbled. He turned around and thought about it for a second as both his expression and his voice softened.

"You would take his place?" Julius protested against everything trying to make Feliciano realize what he was doing but the Italian didn't listen.

"Would you... Let him go?" The boy questioned silently. The beast walked towards him with a surprised look.

"Yes... But you must promise to stay here with me forever." The Italian looked at the shadow.

"Come into the light... Please..."

The shadow before him became clear.

The eyes shining in a bright blue color and the teeth as white as snow. His face was like a wildebeest and the body like a lion, but he stood and dressed like a human.

Feliciano stood up despite his grandfather trying to make him stop. The boy walked towards the beast with determination.

"You have... My word." He closed his eyes and the beast walked past him letting the old man out.

"Please nipote listen to me!" The old man said but didn't have the chance as the beast dragged him out and threw him into the carriage and sending him to the village with not even a single hesitation.

The beast was on his way upstairs when Francis stopped him.

"Master Ludwig!" The candle said softly.

"What?" Ludwig growled back.

"I was just thinking that since the boy will be staying with us for a while you might want to offer him a nicer room..." Ludwig growled at the poor candle that tried to smile.

"Then again... Maybe not..." Francis said with a tone of sorry.

When the beast came to where Feliciano was sitting he saw that the boy was crying.

"You didn't let me say goodbye... I'll never see nonno again and I didn't get to say goodbye!" The Italian boy fell to his knees on the cold stone floor and cried.

Ludwig felt bad of what he did and he scratched nervously behind his ear. "I'll... I'll show you to your room... Follow me..." The beast turned around as the Italian looked up his tears disappearing.

"My room?" He asked confused as to why the beast was showing kindness all of a sudden.

They were walking in silence. Feliciano got scared because of all the evil looking gargoyles and Ludwig, who was holding Francis took soft glances at the boy.

"Say something to him!" The candle whispered. The beast nodded softly and turned his head to look at the scared boy.

"I... Hope you'll... Like it here..." He said not really knowing what to say.

Francis waved his hands to signal that he should say more.

"Uh... The castle is your home now so you may go anywhere you'll like... Except the west wing." He said the last part sternly. He made the Italian forget that he was scared but at the same time made him curious.

"What is in the west w-..."

"It's forbidden!" The deep voice seemed to shake the castle and startle the boy. Not for long though.

They made it to a large bedroom and Ludwig opened the door for Feliciano.

"As him to dinner!" France whispered as Feliciano walked into the room.

"You'll join me for dinner. That's not a request!" He said and closed the door letting the poor boy sit startled and crying on the bed.

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