The West Wing

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Arthur and Francis led Feliciano around the castle while Arthur was telling him about what they saw.

Feliciano wasn't paying much attention to what was said and walk towards a staircase leading to the west wing. Arthur and Francis ran in front of the boy to stop him from taking another step.

"What is up there?" The boy asked curiosity lingered in his voice.

"Nothing! There's absolutely nothing but dust in the west wing!" Arthur rambled not realizing what he said.

"So that's the west wing? What's he hiding up there?" Feliciano wondered and took s few steps up the stairs.

"Nothing absolutely nothing!"

Arthur and Francis tried.

"Then why is it forbidden?" Feliciano asked walking past the two on the step.

"We can show you something else! Like the gardens or the library?!" Francis said and made Feliciano stop.

"Library?" He asked and made the two men happy.

Feliciano followed them down the steps as they rambled and walked quickly down the hallway not noticing that Feliciano wasn't following.

Feliciano snuck up the stairs and quietly made his way down the hallway.

He looked around at the dark place. He stopped in front of a smashed mirror looking into it.

"It gives me a bad feeling... But why is it smashed?" Feliciano wondered as he walked to the great doors slowly pulling them open.

He walked around looking at all the destroyed furniture.

He turned around and saw a torn painting and walked to it.

He pulled up a part and placed it where it belonged just to see a handsome man being formed.

His eyes had a beautiful blue color and his blonde hair was only long enough to be pulled back and placed in a ponytail on the back.

Feliciano felt like he was in a trance but then he felt a glow.

He turned his head to see the prettiest of flowers. He walked towards the beautiful rose and looked at it through the glass.
It was hovering in the air.

"It's so beautiful... It's a shame that it's wilting..." He thought and sighed softly.

A large shadow fell upon him and Feliciano stood face to face with the beast.

Ludwig jumped in front of the rose and turned to Feliciano.

"Why did you come here?" He felt a slight rage.

"I-I'm so sorry..." Feliciano backed away slowly.

"I warned you never to come here!" He said, he didn't really tell he just used a rough tone.

"I didn't mean any harm... I'm sorry!" The boy said moving further away.

"Do you realize what you could have done?!" Ludwig was now yelling and he pushed the table into the wall with so much power that it splintered.

"Please! Stop!" Feliciano said as his back hit a wall.

"Get out!" Ludwig yelled and Feliciano ducked as Ludwig punched something beside him.

"GET OUT!" Ludwig yelled even louder and Feliciano ran as fast as he could away from the west wing. He hurried down the stairs falling a couple of times.

Ludwig stood in the room realizing what he had done. He fell to his knees and cried. He felt the tears stream down his face but it was silent. He hid his face in his hand and continued to cry as Feliciano ran away.

The boy ran past Francis and Arthur who tried to stop him but they didn't manage to stop him before he pulled the heavy doors open and snow blew inside.

Feliciano left on his horse and rode into the forest feeling the ice cold wind blow into his face, he would not look back.

Feliciano was in the middle of the forest when his horse became scared.

He noticed a lot of yellow gleaming eyes appearing from the snow and soon realized what they were.

Wolfs was attacking from the side and Feliciano hurried the other way as the wolves followed.

He avoided every branch and tree on his way trying his best to shake off the wolves. He rode into an iced lake and to the other side where a wolf packed jumped in front of him.

The horse threw Feliciano off and into the snow as it was stuck to a tree.

The boy shook out of fear but saw no other solution than to grab the nearest weapon, in his case a thick stick and hit a few of the wolfs before it broke.

A wolf jumped at Feliciano as the boy fell back and closed his eyes shot holding his arm over his head as protection as a wolf bit into his white shirt.

A large and fury hand roughly pulled the wolf away.

A roar echoed in the forest and Feliciano opened his eyes to see a red cape blow in front of him.

When he looked closer he saw that it was the beast who saved him.

The beast took a step over the small boy on the ground ready to defend him and so he did.

The beast rushed at the wolves and began to fight.

While the wolves bit into his skin he did nothing but pull them off and once he had slammed one of them into a tree they all retreated.

The beast turned around slowly. He was panting out deep breaths and when he was facing Feliciano a large wound could be seen.

The blond fur on the beasts arm was painted red with blood and a bit of the fur was ripped off together with the skin.

The boy made eye contact with the beast for a second, his brown orbs fixed on those piercing blue ones before the beast fell over and passed out in the snow.

Feliciano turned around about to run away... But he couldn't. He turned around slowly and looked at the beast and the blood pool beside his arm.

"Don't worry my savior... I will not leave you..." The boy whispered as he ran over to the large figure in the snow. He used all of his powers to pull the big creature onto his horse and walk back to the castle where the worried servants who quickly helped him to get some hot water and a small cloth met him at the door.

The beast was sat in his chair in front of the fireplace and Feliciano sad on his knees beside the hurt man about to tend his wounds when the beast awoke.

Ludwig felt the sting on his arm and began to lick it softly before Feliciano stopped him.

"Don't do that..." The beast growled and hid his hurt arm.

"Just... Hold... Still..." Feliciano said as he tried to catch the arm trying to avoid the cloth but Feliciano eventually caught it.

As soon as the wet cloth was placed on the wound the beast yelled out in pain and all the servants hid behind a table.

"That hurts!" The beast yelled and Feliciano stared at him.

"If you would hold still it wouldn't hurt as much!" Feliciano yelled back.

"Well if you hadn't been running away this wouldn't have happened." The beast said matter-of-factly with a sarcastic smile while gesturing to his wounded arm.

"Well if you hadn't been so mean and frightened me I wouldn't have run away!" Feliciano said with a shaky voice.

The beast opened his mouth and pointed, then closed his mouth before thinking of what to say and then he spoke.

"Well you shouldn't have been in the west wing." He said and Feliciano was shocked for a second.

"Well YOU should learn how to control your temper!"

The beast couldn't think of anything to say back and pouted as he let Feliciano hold his arm.

"Now hold still please..." Feliciano said with a softened voice.

"This might sting a little..." He added silently but the beast heard him and starred as the cloth was placed gently over his wound. He bit back a growl and looked away with closed eyes as Feliciano said something once again.

"By the way... Thank you... For saving my life..." The beast took in the words he just heard and everything in him softened, everything from his voice to his heart.

"Your welcome..." He said and looked into the boy's eyes.

"I... I never asked... About your name...?" The beast mumbled nervously as Feliciano smiled.

"My name? It's Feliciano Vargas!" He laughed softly as he looked at the beast. "And yours?" The boy asked now focused on the blue eyes.

"... Ludwig... Ludwig Beilschmidt..."

At the same time Antonios plan was put into work.

"I don't usually leave the asylum in the middle of the night... But he said that you'd make it worth my while..." An old voice sounded in the dark room.

Antonio finished his beer before pulling a small bag after coins out and giving it to the old man in front of him.

"Ah... I'm listening..." The man said with an evil smirk as he rubbed a coin between his fingers.

"It's like this; I've got my hand said on marrying Feliciano... But he needs a little... Persuasion..."

Lovino laughed after a swig of his beer. "Turned him down flat." He laughed again and took another swig before Antonio punched the beer away making the Italian shut up.

"Everyone knows that his grandfathers a lunatic! He was in here tonight rambling about some beast in a castle!" Antonio said angered earning a glance from Lovino.

"Julius is harmless..." The old man said surprised.

"The point is; Feliciano would do anything to keep him from being locked up..." Antonio was cut off by another laugh from Lovino.

"Yeah even marry him." Lovino said with a smug look as he pointed at Antonio. The spaniard raised his hand and the Italian braced himself for the punch that never came.

Lovino might annoy the spaniard at times but Antonio would never harm the boy.

"Very well..." The old man snickered.

"We just throw his grandfather into the asylum unless the boy agrees to marry you...?" The Italian nodded annoyed and the old man shook his head softly.

"That is despicable..." He then laughed with an evil and deep voice.

"I like it!" He said and closed his hand around the golden coin.

At this time Julius was preparing himself to go back to the castle with or without any help.

As soon as he was out of sight Antonio and Lovino arrived at the house.

Antonio went to knock at the door but noticed that no one was home.

"Oh well... Guess it's not going to work after all..." The Italian said and walked away from the door before his collar was grabbed and he was lifted off the ground by an angry spaniard.

They stared into each other's green eyes.

"They'll have to come back sometime. And when they do we'll be ready for them... Lovino..." Antonio dropped the Italian into a pile of snow.

"Don't move from that spot until Feliciano and his grandfather come home!" Antonio said and jumped on the carriage leaving Lovino in the snow alone.

"Bastard!" Lovino yelled after Antonio as the carriage disappeared.

"What's so great about that Feliciano anyway...? Ve~ I'm so cute and I read so many books because I'm the prettiest around ve~..." Lovino made puppy eyes as he mimicked Feliciano out of annoyance.

"What an idiot..."

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