Be Our Guest!

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Feliciano heard a knock on his door and he called out the person who knocked.

"Who is it?" He asked and heard a woman's voice.

"Mrs. Iryna. I thought you might want som tea dear."

Feliciano thought that the voice sounded nice so he went to open the door and in came a teapot hopping with a cup, milk and sugar.

Feliciano was surprised and he walked backwards into a dresser to see it move.

"Oh watch out sweetie! Careful."

"But... This... Is impossible!"

"I know it seems that way." The dresser leaned on the bed where Feliciano sat down.

"I told you he was pretty mama!" The little cup said to the teapot.

"Alright Peter that'll do. Now hold still so we can pour some tea."

"Of course mama!" The little cup hopped forward towards the Italian boy who sat down on the floor on his knees.

"Thank you very much! What are your names?" The boy asked politely as he picked up the cup gently.

"My name is Peter!" The cup said while laughing softly. It appeared to be tickling when someone drank from him.

"My name is Elizabeta!" Said the wardrobe and bowed softly.

"I'm Feliciano Vargas! It's so nice to meet you all!" The boy said with a smile.

"We all thought that you were so brave Feliciano!" Said Peter with a smile.

"But I lost nonno... All my dreams... Everything..."

"Now now it'll turn out all right in the end... Oh look at me talking away... We have supper to prepare!" Mrs. Iryna said with a smile as the teapot, cup, sugar and milk left.

"What should we dress you in for dinner?! Oh I know! I know!" Elizabeta was excited to be able to dress someone after such a long time.

"You are so kind... But I don't want to go to dinner..." Feliciano said silently.

"But... You must..." A small sound came from the hallway and a clock emerged from the door.

"Dinner is served." It said in a British accent and bowed deeply before smiling.

The beast or Ludwig was pacing back and forth in the dining hall while being closely watched by Iryna and Francis.

"Why is it taking him so long? I told him to come down here so why isn't he here yet?!" Ludwig growled and sneered at the two.

"Try to be patient sir. The boy lost his grandfather and his freedom all in one day... Give him some time." The pot said concerned and the candle decided to say something.

"Master... Have you thought that perhaps this boy could be the one to break the spell?"

He had chosen the wrong topic to speak off. Ludwig turned around swiftly and yelled at the candle.

"Of course I have!... I'm not a fool..." He grumbled the last part and continued pacing.

"Good!" The candle exclaimed excitedly. "Then you fall in love with him and he falls in love with you and poof! The spell is broken! We'll be human again by midnight!"

"I'm afraid it's not that easy Francis... These things take time." Iryna mentioned and looked at the burning candle.

"But the rose has already begun to welt!" Francis said and turned to Iryna.

"It's not gonna work... He's so beautiful and I'm... Well look at me!" Ludwig growled and received sad looks from the two others.

Iryna smiled at the pouting beast and softened her voice.

"You must help him to see past all that." Ludwig shut her off and she got mad.

"Well you can start by making yourself more presentable! Straighten up! And try to act like a gentleman."

The beast sat up straight and looked confused. He acted slightly like a dog when receiving the instructions.

"When he comes in give him a dashing smile. Come come show me the smile!" Francis said and smiled to let Ludwig know what he meant.

He flashed all of his teeth in the weirdest smile possible making the coat tree facepalm.

"I saw you Gilbert!"

"I know, I know!"

Francis and Iryna gave Ludwig commands as to what to do:

"Be gentle"

"Impress her with some wits"

"Be caring"

"Be charming"

"But most importantly control your anger!" The two said in synchronization when the door opened and all of the shut up thinking that Feliciano would come inside.

In came no Feliciano only a scared and nervous clock.

"Good evening..." It sounded with the nervous British accent.

"So... Where is he?" Ludwig asked impatiently.

Arthur stuttered. "W-well... H-he isn't... C-coming..." It was as silent as a whisper but Ludwig was infuriated.

"WHAT?!!!!" He yelled, it felt like the whole castle shook as he stormed through the doors and ran towards Feliciano's bedroom.

Francis, Iryna and Arthur all ran after him as quickly as they could as Arthur was trying his best to talk some sense into the master.

"Please! Listen! Master Ludwig! Please! Stop!"

Ludwig had quickly made his way to the bedroom and hammered his fist onto the door making it shake because of the power he used.

"I thought I told you to come down for dinner!" Ludwig yelled his voice filled with anger.

"I'm sorry... But I'm not hungry!" Feliciano said stubbornly.

The three behind Ludwig looked away sadness showing on their face. After all they would never become human if Feliciano and Ludwig didn't learn to love one another.

"YOU COME OUT OR... OR... I'LL BREAK DOWN THE DOOR!!!" Ludwig yelled in his fit of anger.

"Master... I could be wrong... But... Errr..." Francis laughed nervously.

"But that may not be the best way to win the boys affections... Oui?"

"Please~" Arthur said "attempt to be a gentleman..."

"But he is being so difficult!" He whispered keeping himself from shouting as he gestured to the door.

"Gently... Gently..." Iryna said softly and Ludwig growled as he turned to the door.

"Will you come down to dinner?" He grumbled annoyed.

"No!" Feliciano said sternly and Ludwig pointed to the door to show what he meant.

"Gentlemanly! Bow and smile." Arthur said silently and Ludwig did as he was told, although against his will.

"It would bring me great... Pleasure..." He said and bowed his head "... If you would join me for dinner..." He was about to raise his voice when Arthur coughed slightly saying something mumbling.

"Now say please." He said hidden in his cough.

"... Please." Ludwig added and looked at the door hearing Felicianos sad but stern voice once again repeating the same word.

"No thank you!" He said and the three things on the ground looked surprised up at the door.

"You can't stay in there forever!" Ludwig yelled then received a reply.

"Yes... I can!" Feliciano said.

"Fine! Then go ahead and STARVE!!!" Ludwig yelled and turned to his three companions.

"If he doesn't eat with me! He doesn't eat at all!" He said and stormed off.

"Oh dear... That didn't go very well at all did it?" Iryna asked the two 'men'.

"Francis stand watch at the door and inform me at once if there is the slightest change!" Arthur said and Francis went to the door and stood straight.

"You can count on me mon ami!" He said proudly as he began to walk back and fourth before the door.

"Well we might as well go downstairs and start cleaning up." Arthur said to Iryna and the two left Francis to watch the door.

At the same time Ludwig went into his room and thrashed around a few stuff. "What does he want me to do? Beg?!" He said at the magical rose. The rose had a beautiful pink color and it was shining. Pink light glowing all around it.

Ludwig picked up his magic mirror and said: "show me the boy." And a green glow came from the mirror before Feliciano was shown having a conversation with the wardrobe Elizabeta.

"The master really isn't that bad once you get to know him... His excuse for a brother is a lot worse..." Elizabeta mumbled the last part under her breath and looked at Feliciano with a smile. "Why don't you give him a chance?" she said leaning closer to the boy.

"I don't wanna get to know him! He is so mean to me..." Feliciano said sadly and crossed his arms over his chest before looking back at Elizabeta. "I don't wanna have anything to do with him!"

Feliciano didn't know that Ludwig was watching and even though Ludwig though that the boy was just troublesome he couldn't help the pain he felt in his heart. He placed the mirror on the table and looked down sadly while shaking his head.

"I'm just fooling myself... He'll never see me as anything but a monster..." He said feeling tears prick at his eyelids. He dried his eyes as he watched a flower petal fall from the rose. He had so little time.

"It's hopeless..." He said and leaned against the table as he hid his crying blue eyes in his furry hands.

Feliciano was slowly becoming hungry. So he went out off his room slowly making sure that no one was watching him.

"I'm so hungry... I wonder if there's any pasta in the kitchen...?" He whispered to himself and snuck down the hallway and down the stairs.

A snorting was heard. Francis had fallen asleep but woke up when he heard a door close.

"Mon Dieu! He has emerged!" Francis said and panicked silently. Arthur would have his head if he found out that he fell asleep.

In the kitchen Iryna was putting Peter into the cupboard so he could have a good nights sleep.

"Come on Peter into the cupboard to your brothers and sisters." She said softly and pushed Peter softly.

"But I'm not sleepy! I'm a grownup so I can stay up a little longer...!" A yawn gave him away and Iryna smiled.

"Yes you are..." She said and closed the cupboard while hearing Peter's snoring.

"I made all this food and it's just being thrown out... I'll kill him da?" The angry stove said and Iryna shook her head.

"Now now... It's been a long night for all of us брат."

"He's a foolish one if you ask me." Arthur said and threw a dishcloth on the floor angrily "after all he did say 'please'."

"But if the master doesn't learn to control that temper he'll never break the sp-..." Iryna was cut off when Arthur noticed Feliciano walk into the kitchen.

"Splendid! To see you out and about love! I'm Arthur Kirkland." He bowed and held his hand out for Feliciano.

The boy sat down on the floor and was about to lay his hand on the British clock when Arthur was pushed away by a certain smirking candle that took Feliciano's hand instead.

"... And this is the bloody wanker Francis..." Arthur said annoyed and gestured to the French man.

"Bonjour ma belle." Francis said and kissed Felicianos hand and Arthur pushed him away.

"Please tell us if there's anything we can do to make your stay more comfortable."

"Well... I am a little hungry..." Said Feliciano nervously and Iryna smiled.

"Hear that! He's hungry! Stoke the fire!" "Da" Ivan said and flames occurred from the stove.

"Remember what the master said..." Arthur whispered nervously.

"Oh will you please Arthur! I'm not about to let the poor boy go hungry to bed!" Iryna said and Arthur gave in.

"Alright fine! Get some water and some bread and..." Francis cut off Arthur.


"Don't call me that!"

"... Angleterre! I'm surprised with you! He's not a prisoner! He's our guest! We must make him feel welcome here! Right this way my boy!" Feliciano followed Francis.

"Alright alright but keep it down! If Ludwig finds out he'll have our heads!"

"Of course of course... But what is dinner without a little... Music...?" Francis wiggled his 'eyebrows' and smirked at Arthur who stood frozen in place.

"My dearest boy! It is with pride and my deepest honor that we welcome you tonight! And now we invite you to relax, let us pull up a chair as the dining room proudly presents... Your dinner!" Francis gestured to the food on the table.

"Be... Our... Guest
Be our guest
Put our service to the test
Tie your napkin around your neck, Cherie,
And we provide the rest,
Soup du jour,
Hot hors d'oeuvres
Why, we only live to serve,
Try the grey stuff,
It's delicious!
Don't believe me?
Ask the dishes"

Francis gestured to all the plates and silverware.

They can sing,
They can dance,
After all, boy, this is France!
And the dinner here is never second best,
Go on, unfold your menu,
Take a glance and then you'll

Be our guest
Oui, our guest,
Be our guest

Feliciano was enjoying the show and hummed the tune as Francis sang and everyone danced on the table while Feliciano was eating whatever came his way.

Beef ragout,
Cheese soufflé,
Pie and pudding "en flambé"

We'll prepare and serve with flair
A culinary cabaret! You're alone
And you're scared
But the banquet's all prepared
No ones gloomy or complaining
While the flatware's entertaining
We tell jokes, I do tricks
With my fellow candlesticks

And it's all in perfect taste,
That you can bet,
Come on and lift your glass,
You've won your own free pass,
To be or guest!
If you're stressed,
It's fine dining we suggest!

Arthur was freaking out. He tries to make everyone quiet down. He was afraid that the master would hear.

Be our guest!
Be our guest!
Be our guest!

Francis pulled Arthur into the middle.

Life is so unnerving,
For a servant who's not serving,
He's not whole without a soul to wait upon,
Ah, those good old days when we were useful,
Suddenly those good old days are gone,
Ten years we've been rusting
Needing so much more than dusting,
Needing exercise, a chance to use our skills,
Most days we just lay around the castle,
Flabby, fat and lazy,
You walked in and then oops-a-daisy!

Francis dragged Arthur into a dance. "What are you doing?" Arthur whispered and searched for away to escape but the Frenchman didn't let him go. Arthur was dragged around, forced to dance as Iryna took over the song.

It's a guest!
It's a guest!
Sakes alive, well I'll be blessed!
Wine's been poured and thank the Lord,
I've had the napkins freshly pressed,
With dessert, He'll want tea
And my dear that's fine with me,
While the cups do their soft-shoein'
I'll be bubbling, I'll be brewing,
I'll get warm, piping hot,
Heaven's sakes! Is that a spot?
Clean it up! We want the company impressed
We've got a lot to do!
Is it one lump or two?
For you, our guest!
He's our guest!
He's our guest!
He's our guest!

Be our guest,
Be our guest,
Our command is your request,
It's been years since we've had anybody here,
And we're obsessed,
With your meal,
With your ease,
Yes indeed, we aim to please
While the candlelight's still glowing,
Let us help you,
We'll keep going,
Course by course,
One by one

Francis had let go of Arthur to sing.

'Till you shout, "Enought! I'm done!"
Then we'll sing you off to sleep as you digest,
Tonight you'll prop your feet up, But for now, let's eat up
Be our guest!
Be our guest!
Be our guest!
Please, be our guest!

Francis took Arthur's hand and spun him around once before hugging him.

Feliciano was clapping out of excitement. He had never experienced anything like it.

"Bravo! Bravo! That was wonderful! Stupefacente!"

"Oh goodness look at the time! Off to bed with you." Arthur smiled at the laughing Italian.

"But I can't possibly go to bed! It's my first time in an enchanted castle!"

"Enchanted...?" Arthur laughed nervously and Francis did the same.

"Who said anything about the castle being enchanted?" Arthur asked and turned to Francis and began arguing with him.

"You told him didn't you! Bloody candlelight!"

"I... I figured it out for myself..." Feliciano said and Arthur and Francis shut up and looked at him.

"I would like to look around... If it's alright I mean...?" Feliciano asked softly and Francis nodded much to Arthur's disapproval.

"Would you like a tour?" Francis asked when Arthur stopped him.

"We can't take him to... You know..." Arthur trailed off and Feliciano bend down slightly.

"Well then why don't you show me? You seem to know more about the castle than anyone!" Feliciano said with a bright smile. If Arthur hadn't been a clock he would have blushed. He agreed.

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