Dinner is served

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(Kouen x Fem! Reader)

Summary: Dinner had been a memorable experience.

Sorry for taking so long to update, who knew a few things would come up during the summer...


"Oh! Oh, aren't you a vision!" She exclaimed as the tray rolled into the room, "how lovely to make your acquaintance," she said politely, as she got a better look at you, her gaze traveled down and her eyes soon met your escape route which happened to be a rope made up of all the fabric Kougyoku used earlier.

Her eyes went from bright to solemn, "It's a very long journey. Let me fix you up before you go," she said, pouring some of the hot tea into the small teacup sitting beside her, "I have found that most troubles seem less troubling after a bracing cup of tea."

The small teacup took it as a signal to hop off the tray and slide his way towards you with the saucer, Hakuei called out to him, "slowly now, Hakuryuu," she warned as he was going a bit too fast.

You knelt down and gently grabbed the saucer, laying it in your hands. You took a small sip and relished in the taste of the tea, not to mention how nice and warm it was. It almost reminded you of home, where your father probably was.

You were ripped from your thoughts as the small cup greeted you, "pleased to meet you," he said with the equal amount of politeness his sister used in her tone, "wanna see my do a trick?" He asked enthusiastically not even waiting for your answer before bubbles began to form in the tea.

"Haku..." Hakuei warned as he began to grow a bit too improper, she turned to you with pity in her eyes, "that was a very brave thing you did for your father, dearie," she said with a small smile.

Kougyoku chimed into the conversation, "yes. We all think so," she added.

You walked over to the teapot, "I'm worried about him. He's never been on his own," you said as your hands began to fiddle nervously. Your father had depended on you for most of life and as much as he would never admit it, he was growing old and needed someone to care for him. Not to mention, he was always so reckless.

"Cheer up, my poppet," she coaxed, "things will turn out in the end. You'll feel a lot better after dinner," she said as Hakuryuu nodded beside her.

You rose a brow, feeling skeptical, "but he said, "if she doesn't eat with me, then she doesn't eat all"," you said, repeating what the beast had screamed through the door earlier.

She scoffed, "people say a lot of things in anger. It is our choice whether or not to listen," she explained as she began to roll the tray out of the room, "you coming, poppet?" She asked as you weren't following.

Kougyoku gestured you to the door, "go."

You gave her a small smile and walked towards the door, you had to admit, you were hungry and if he found out then so be it. At least you'll die with a full stomach.


Kouha burst through the door of the kitchen as soon as he found out you were coming down for dinner, "they are coming. Final checks, everyone! Tout de suite!" He called out as he began to race around the kitchen to check on preparations with Koumei trailing behind him.

"No, you don't!" He exclaimed as he didn't want to risk his brother's anger, "if En-nii finds out you violated his orders and fed her, he'll blame me!" He exasperated as it had happened before.

Kouha chuckled, "yes, I will make sure of it," he teased, hoping to scare and annoy his older brother, "but did you see her stand up to him?" He asked, still a bit surprised that someone had stood up to someone as intimidating as Kouen.

He got up to the sink to inspect all the dishes being clean, "I am telling you, this girl is the one. They must fall in love if we are to be human again and how can they fall in love if she's in her room?" He asked, holding up a spoon as he declared his statement.

He kicked up a plate and caught it in his hands, "Hey, Chapeau, you missed a spot," he said handing the coat hanger a plate that had been in his hands. The coat hanger took it and Kouha used one of its arms to swing back on a tray that had been rolling around the kitchen.

Koumei, who had been hanging off the side, added something, "you know she'll never love him," he said bitterly, remembering the way Kouen treated her earlier.

Kouha brought his face close to his and brought up his candle, "a broken clock is right to times a day, mon frère. But this is not one of those times," he said, giving Koumei's face a small tap before hopping onto a table filled with sweets, "stand up straight up! It's time to sparkle!" He exclaimed, hopping back onto the stove.

He looked into the pot and sighed at the blissful aroma emitting from it, "mmm! I have no tastebuds, but I can tell this is exquisite," he said as he walked through the stove while looking in different pots and pans.

"Off! Off me, while I work!" Exclaimed the stove, "pepper, get cracking! Salt, shake a leg!" He ordered.

Kouha soon jumped back onto the tray and wiped his face with a napkin while looking into a champagne glass. "Not so loud! Keep it down!" Fussed Koumei in fear of evoking their brother's rage.

Kouha shrugged and tossed the napkin away, "of course, of course! But what is dinner without a little music!" He exclaimed, tossing the glass onto a counter before getting off the moving tray once more.



Kouha walked out of the kitchen to see a piano walking into the dining room, "Maestro Judar, are you ready?" He asked enthusiastically.

He gave a small, weak chuckle, "it has been so long since I have performed. I can barely even remember now," he said as he proceeded to play a small melody only to stop suddenly and groan in pain, "Ah! Another cavity," he said solemnly.

"Maestro, Kougyoku is upstairs... Finding it harder and harder to stay awake. She's counting on you to help us break this curse," persued Kouha, hoping to get their once proud Maestro to play once more.

"Then I shall play through the dental pain," he said proudly.

"Uh, Maestro, play quietly, please," added Koumei who was still nervous about his brother catching wind of the entire operation.

Judar scoffed, "Oh, quietly. Sotto voce. Of course!" His expression became sour, "are there any more tasteless demands you wish to make upon my artistry?" He asked harshly while narrowing his eyes down at Koumei.

"No, that's it," shrugged Koumei.


Your eyes widened as Hakuei brought you into the dining room, it was extravagant. It was almost like your room, it was another thing you didn't think you'd ever get to see in your life, "there you are, my dear," she said sweetly, rolling her tray to the kitchen as you got settled in the dining room

You saw Kouha standing on the table and clink his candles together. You were pushed down into the seat as it came forward while the coat hanger doused the light and one of Kouha's attendants grab a tray to shine a light on him.

This was going to an interesting dinner.


You clapped as the song ended, "that was wonderful!" You exclaimed as Kouha gave a small bow, you never knew he possessed any of those skills. Not to mention how the entire staff in the kitchen pulled off that entire musical number in one shot, this castle truly was enchanted.

"Thank you, mademoiselle," said Kouha as he walked up to you and pressed a kiss to your hand causing you to giggle.

Koumei, having had enough of this, sighed and pushed Kouha away. "As much as this a beautiful setup, it's time for bed. Hakuei, please escort her to her room," he said, grabbing Kouha and dragging him away before he said anything else.

You looked to Hakuei who was standing by the door on her tray, "coming, dearie?" She asked sweetly as she began to roll out.

You caught up to her, "I don't understand why you're all being so kind to me. Surely, you're as trapped here as I am," you said, glancing down at the porcelain teapot, "don't you ever want to escape?" You asked, referring to their temperamental master.

"The Master's not as terrible as he appears. Somewhere deep in his soul, there's a prince... Of a fellow who's just waiting to be set free," she said the last half at the confused look on your face at her calling him a prince.

You thought about it for a moment, "well, with the way you speak of him you almost sound like you're interested," you said, stopping at the foot of the stairs, implying that she might have a small crush.

She gave out a chuckle, "something like that would never happen. I'm his cousin after all," she said her chuckle still resonating throughout the room.

You nodded and glanced at the stairs, "Kouha mentioned something about the west wing," you said, changing the subject.

She scoffed, "never you mind about that. Off to bed with you, poppet."

You gave her one last smile and walked up the stairs, "goodnight," you called.

"Goodnight," she replied.  

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