I'd rather starve

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(Kouen x Fem! Reader)

Summary: Your life hasn't gotten any better all while staying in the castle.

Hey! I got some free time and decided to write the next chapter, you all deserve it for being so patient with me.


"Sister! There's a girl in the castle!"

A little porcelain cup with a small chip on the rim sped around the kitchen on its saucer, excited to see a girl in the castle. It was the first time in years that any of them had seen a human, much less a human girl. Maybe she would break the spell.

A teapot giggled as she looked at the little teacup speeding around the kitchen, "yes, Hakuryuu! We know," she said giggling, referring to the teacup that was too excited to settle down.

Hakuryuu, not listening, continued to jump around the entire kitchen, "what kind of tea does she like?" He asked himself as he began doing small tricks with the help of the saucer, "herbal, oolong, chamomile... I'm too excited, Hakuei!" He exclaimed as he made his way to the tray where his sister was.

"Slow down, you'll break your handle!" She scolded as the stove was getting ready to pour water in her for the tea. Hakuryuu only giggled as he couldn't contain his own excitement as they were finally going to meet her.

"Heads up, Hakuei," said the stove, who was known as Amon, as he began to pour the hot water in her. Hakuei sighed in bliss as she felt the hot water surround her, it really was the only good thing about being a teapot. The hot water always had her feeling nice and calm.


Kouen walked into the dining room, ready to eat whatever the head chef, Amon, prepared. As he sat down with his long red cloak billowing behind him, he noticed the same setup he had at the other end of the table. He grew angry as he knew what they were doing.

"KOUHA!" He bellowed as he swiped hand on the table in anger causing two utensils and a glass cup to fall on the floor, shattering it to pieces. He got up, his chair scraping against the floor, and stormed into the kitchen, ready to yell at his brother.



Koumei and Kouha flinched as the scream echoed throughout the castle, "be calm, let me do the talking," said Kouha as he assured his trembling brother, soon coming in was Kouen with the normal angry look on his face.

"You're making her dinner." He stated as he glared at the clock and candelabra standing on the kitchen table with scared expressions on their faces.

Kouha chuckled a little nervously, "well, we thought you might enjoy the company," he responded with a small smile. They both flinched once again at the hard look Kouen gave them, it was obvious that he wouldn't hurt them but he could be scary at times.

Koumei soon began to stutter in hopes to lighten the situation, "master, I just want to assure you that I had no part of this hopeless plan," he said, a little upset that he was interrupted from his studies for this plan, "preparing a dinner, designing a gown, giving her a suite in the east wing!" Exasperated Koumei, not even realizing he spilled the information of them giving you a bedroom.

Kouen's eyes widened as he heard Koumei, "you gave her a bedroom?" He asked harshly, obviously upset that you were being given good treatment.

Koumei, seeing the anger directed at him, frantically shook his head, "no, no, no. He gave her a bedroom," said Koumei as he pointed to Kouha.

Kouen huffed as he circled the kitchen to try and calm his anger, he growled slightly at the stove as the fire in it grew, the fire dimmed. He seemed angry enough to lash out at the tiniest little thing.

Kouha nudged Koumei with his elbow and shot him a small glare, he then turned to his brother who was now glaring at him, "this is true." He soon came up with his next statement, "but if this girl is the one who can break the spell then maybe you could start by using dinner to charm her," Kouha said with a suave tone.

Kouha tapped his candle on Koumei's head, "good thinking Koumei," he said happily, giving all the credit of what happened to his dear brother.

Koumei gaped at his brother, "what...?" He asked, not understanding what had just happened.

Kouen scoffed, "that's the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard! Charm the prisoner," he said as he stocked the kitchen thinking that it was utterly ludicrous.

Kouha looked solemnly at the ground, "but you must try, En-nii. With each passing day, we become less human," he said as he gestured to his arms which were beginning to stiffen.

Kouen looked at him as if he were ignorant, "she is the daughter of a common thief," he spat, still not forgetting about when your father stole a white rose from his rose bush that sat outside, "what kind of person do you think that makes her?" He asked as if the answer was obvious.

Hakuei, who had been quiet with Hakuryuu hiding behind her, "oh, you can't judge people by how their father is, now can you?" She asked raising a vine that had been painted that acted as an eyebrow, she was referring to their own father who wasn't the best of people.

Kouen only sneered at her and made his way out of the kitchen with the rest following suit. As he walked he tried to keep his old memories out of his mind, it wasn't important now. Breaking this curse was.


Now, Kouen stood in front of the door where your room was. He seemed hesitant with his siblings and Kouha's servants standing right behind him. He took a deep breath and banged on the door, "you'll join me for dinner. That's not a request," he stated harshly, giving the door a small glance.

"Gently, En-nii," coaxed Hakuei, "the girl lost her father and her freedom all in one day," she said gently, the servants in the castle knew better than anyone how it felt to lose freedom.

Kouha nodded in agreement, "yes, the poor thing is probably shaking, scared to death," he said with a solemn tone.

Meanwhile, you were doing the exact opposite. You were sitting on the windowsill with various fabrics spread around the room, you were escaping and letting some of the rope go out the window to see how far it was. The other end was tied to the bed post.

Kouen rolled his eyes and tapped on the door lightly causing you to look away from your escape plan, "just a minute," you called out.

Kouha perked up as your voice came through the door, "see? There she is. Now, remember, be gentle," he said softly.

"kind," chimed Hakuei.

"Charming," said Kouha's assistants in unison.


"And when she opens the door give her a dashing debonair smile," said Kouha gesturing to his lips, "come, come. Show me the smile," he persuaded.

They all cringed as Kouen gave them awkward looking smile, it wasn't very good or charming. They would have to guess it was on account to the fact that none of them had seen him smile in years.

"Oh, mon dieu!"

Kouen sneered at them and turned back to the door, "will you join my for dinner?" He asked in a softer tone as he tried to sound charming which hadn't been very good at all. It was surprising and puzzling how all those women fell for him all those years before.

You glared at the door with disbelief, "you've taken me as you prisoner and now you want to have dinner with me?" You asked, your expression matching your tone. It was arrogant in your opinion, the same man that imprisoned your father was acting almost as if he hadn't trapped your here forever.

It slipped out before you even realized it, "are you insane?" You spat.

Outside of your room, Kouen was huffing as if trying to keep himself from breaking the door open. Kouha's three servants hid behind him, "uh oh, he's losing it," said Junjun fearfully.

"Oh, dear." Koumei scurried behind the table so he wouldn't face his brother's wrath.

The banging on the door soon became harsher than before causing you to flinch, "I told you to join me for dinner!" He yelled at you through the door.

"And I told you no!" You retorted.

Hearing the commotion the wardrobe known as Kougyoku sprang to life, "ooh! What time is it?" She asked unaware of this current situation, "what's happening?" She asked once more, feeling the tension in the air.

You ignored her and glared at the door with fire in your eyes, "I'd starve before I ever eat with you," you spat as you walked back to the window to work on your escape plan once more.

"Well, be my guest!" Kouen howled in rage, "go ahead and starve!" He cried out as the part of the castle began to shake on account to the loud scream.

Kouen turned to his sibling, "if she doesn't eat with me. Then she doesn't eat all," he stated as he stalked out of the east wing to go back to where he normally was, the west wing. He walked quicker so he wouldn't say anything he would regret to his siblings.

Kouha sighed, "this may just be a lost cause after all..."


He let out a loud growl as he threw the doors to his room open, anyone who walked in would mistake it for an attic on account to all the old antiques, ripped fabrics, and dust clouding the room. It was untidy and in shambles.

Kouen didn't seem to pay attention as he walked to the center of the room where a small glimmer of light shown in contrast to the dark room, basking under the moonlight was a shining red rose in a small glass case covered in frost which swirled around it elegantly.

Kouen stared at the rose with disdain and grabbed the mirror sitting next to it, just like the rose it was another gift from the enchantress. It had the power to show him anything he desired, he held up to his eyes and flinched at the sight.

He shook it off, "show me the girl," he commanded.

The magic mirror swirled and showed you with your knees tucked to your chest, you were leaning against the door with a sad look on your face as you gazed around the room. He could see it in your face that you were upset.

He quickly put the mirror down and glanced at the rose, he sighed and leaned his head against the small table as a petal fell and shriveled down in a pile with other withered petals that had accumulated over the years.

Kouha's face fell as well as the rest of his siblings as they felt castle crumble and begin to fall apart. Some of the rubble had fallen in the fireplace where Kouha relit one of his candles, "another petal fell," he said with a melancholy tone.

"Kouha, we grew three more feathers and we just plucked yesterday," his three servants whined as they gestured the white feathers at the end of them.

Kouha held their hands, "I know, my darlings. Oh!" He looked down to his legs which were getting harder to move and emitting a small squeak with every step he took, "I'm getting more metallic every day."

Koumei groaned as he felt the hands of the clock moving, "oh, no. It's happening again. Pardon me," he said as the clock hands moved on their own but soon returned to normal with a shake of his head.

Hakuei interjected, "everyone, calm down. We still have time," she said hopefully.

She looked back as her younger brother called out to her, "sister, am I ever going to be a boy again?" He asked with child-like innocence.

Hakuei looked at Hakuryuu with pity, "oh, yes, Haku. You'll have your days in the sun again," she said in a calming tone as she rubbed her cheek against his in a comforting manner, "you just leave it to me."


You panted at the cold wind nipping at your face, you had tied more fabric to the rope and you were putting it out the window. It was effective and you were almost done hopefully when you were climbing down you wouldn't get anxiety.

As you were throwing outside you heard another knock at the door, thinking it was that beast again, you snapped at them, "I told you to go away."

"Don't worry dear, it's only me, Hakuei."

You quickly hid some of the rope under the bed and stood at the bed post where you tied, hoping that she wouldn't notice it. The door soon opened to reveal a teapot along with a small teacup. 

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