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(Kouen x Fem! Reader)

Summary: Even if you did feel something for the beast you still had to help your father. But it seemed like the beast was going to get more than he bargained for by letting you go.

A/N: Can you believe I started this whole fanfic just because I liked the thought of Kouen singing this song?


"I was the one who had it all...

I was the master of my fate

I never needed anybody in my life... I learned the truth too late."

Kouen let his gaze fall from the rose and to the floor. He shuddered, but he didn't know if it was from the cold from the open ceiling or from the pain of losing you.

"I'll never shake away the pain

I close my eyes and she's still there."

He closed his eyes and flinched when all he saw was an image of you reading a book to him, his fondest memory.

"I let her steal into my melancholy heart

It's more than I can bear..."

He walked away from the rose and outside the balcony, letting the cold envelope him even more. Kouen watched as you rode away on your horse from the castle and his life.

"Now I know she'll never leave me

Even as she runs away

She will torment me

Calm me, hurt me, move me

Come what may."

He looked away from you and walked to the stairs of one of his watchtowers, hoping to try and spot you from a higher ground.

"Wasting in my lonely tower

Waiting by an open door."

After feeling he was high enough he looked out one of the windows to still see you riding away through his garden.

"I'll fool myself she'll walk right in...

And be with me forever more."

Kouen growled and walked away from the window to continue walking up the steps of the tower.

"I rage against the trials of love.

I curse the fading of the light."

He walked out of the top of one of the watchtowers and onto a ledge connecting to another one. He tried catching another glimpse of you before walking into the opposite one.

"Though she's already flown so beyond my reach

She's never out of sight

Now I know she'll never leave me

Even as she fades from view."

He walked into the opposite tower and walked up the steps with you still running through his mind. He hoped to reach the top before you left his sights.

"She will still inspire me

Be a part of everything I do."

Kouen glanced through another window to try and catch just one more glimpse of your retreating figure.

"Wasting in my lonely tower

Waiting by an open door."

He finally reached the top of his tower and looked down to where you were riding, his garden which was covered in heavy snow and frost.

"I'll fool myself she'll walk right in

And as the long, long nights begin

I'll think of all that might've been."

He flinched as he heard the noise of your horse riding away growing fainter and fainter. Kouen felt even worse when he thought of the fact that you weren't even looking back at him. Besides, who's to say you really ever loved him.

"Waiting here for evermore."


As you rode away on your rose you felt a pang of guilt reach your heart at the thought of leaving him. You weren't sure what the feeling what might be just yet, but with your father in trouble you couldn't risk anything.

I'm sorry...


Sinbad struggled against the men gripping his arms and dragging him somewhere. He was just about to go and leave to save you when he saw men along with Jamil waiting outside his door. He knew it wasn't good, but he didn't have the time or the strength to escape. He was forced to yield to them.

"This man is weak!"

Ugo heard the noise coming from outside his home and looked in horror to see Sinbad being dragged away. When he asked one of the villagers where they were taking him he interjected, "please, he needs a hospital, not an asylum!" He tried yelling to them until Jamil shoved him away without even listening to him.

Sinbad was grateful for Ugo and tried harder to rip away from the men, especially after seeing how close he was to the carriage. It was too late for that as he was thrown into the carriage with no remorse and groaned when his head hit one of the sides.

"Have you ever been inside of a madhouse, Sinbad?" Asked Jamil, holding the door to the carriage open with a smirk, "you wouldn't last a week."

Jamil chuckled with the same sinister smirk on his lips, "give me your daughter's hand and I'll set you free," he said simply, quirking up his brow. 

Sinbad narrowed his eyes at him and glared. "Never," he said sternly causing Jamil to grow angry and slam the doors shut. Sinbad flinched and allowed his muscles to relax, you may be with a beast but at least you weren't here seeing him like this.

"Take him away!" Jamil ordered.

Sinbad felt his heart drop when he heard the horses and felt the carriage begin to move. This was it, he thought to myself, I'll never see her again. 

That was until you came riding in and stopped in front of the horses, blocking their path. "Stop!" You commanded. The rider looked at you with confusion while the villagers looked surprised to see you there. You hopped off Baal and went to the back of the carriage where Jamil was.

You reached through the bars of the carriage, "Papa," you said with tears in your eyes. You didn't think you'd ever see him again, but after seeing him like this your urge to cry was stronger. He wasn't looking well, he was pale and looking skinnier. 

Your father, however, didn't seem to care about his health once he saw you. He felt a tear run down his cheek, "Y/N. I thought I'd lost you," he choked up while holding onto your hand, fearful he might lose you again. 

"Let him out! He's hurt!" You ordered sternly, anger rising up along with the sadness of seeing your father like this.

The driver of the carriage pulled your hand away from his and had no emotion on his face. "We can't do that. But we'll take very good care of him," he said. 

You frowned at him, "my father's not crazy," you persisted. You looked around and saw Jamil, he may be your only hope now. 

"Jamil, tell him!" You pleaded.

"You know how loyal I am to your family," he said, you wanted to scoff at the lie, "but your father's been making some unbelievable claims."

A villager walked up to back up Jamil's claim, "it's true, Y/N." 

Budel walked up alongside him with a nod, "old fools been raving about a beast in a castle!" He said with a small laugh causing a few villagers to laugh along with him. 

"I've just come from the castle and there is a beast!" You said, it hurt to speak of him but if that's what it took to save your father then you didn't care. 

Jamil scoffed, "You'd say anything to set him free. Your word is hardly proof," he said, resting his hands on his hips. 

"You want proof?" You asked harshly while digging through a bag you had with the mirror inside and looked into it, "show me the beast." The magic in the mirror swirled and, soon enough, you saw the beast roaring into the wind in agony. 

You showed the mirror off to everyone causing them to rear back in fear and gasp. Jamil, however, grabbed the mirror and looked with disgust, "This is sorcery!" 

"Look at this beast!" He exclaimed, "look at its fangs!" He showed the mirror to everything causing them all to rear back again in fear. They all thought the same thing, what a horrid looking creature. "Look at its claws!" Jamil continued. 

You shook your head, "no. Don't be afraid!" You interjected, "he's really kind and gentle." A fond smile grew on your lips as you remembered all the memories from the castle. 

Jamil looked at you with disgust, "The monster has her under his spell," he said while pointing the mirror at you, "If I didn't know better I'd say she even cared for him!"

You glared at him, "he's no monster, Jamil! You are!" You poked his chest while getting close to him. In any normal circumstances Jamil would pull you closer but after thinking you were under his spell he backed away from you in disgust. 

Jamil glared back at you, "he's a threat to our existence!" He retorted while turning back to the villagers, "we can't have her going to warn him, lock her up!"

"No!" You struggled against the hold of the men grabbing you, but it was futile as they were stronger. You heard the doors open and felt your father catch you in his chest. You tried to reach the doors before they shut them, but groaned and banged your fists against them when they did.

You heard Jamil continue to convince the villagers of just how frightening the beast can be and felt your heart sink at the thought of not being able to reach him in time. Your eyes widened at all the bloodlust the villagers had for the beast and you wanted nothing more than the break free and stop them. Your heart was aching and you tried to figure out why. 

Ugo looked at the once peaceful village and his eyes widened at their anger. He was happy Aladdin was safely away from all of this, but he was worried about you and Sinbad. He scrambled away from the villagers and waited until they left. He watched as they lit torched and ripped off statues from buildings for weapons. 


Meanwhile, the Ren siblings were spending the last time they had together. Kouen had his attendants on his lap while Hakuryuu snuggled close to Hakuei's side. Koumei was sighing while sitting by Hakuei. 

"At least he finally learned to love," mournfully commented Koumei. 

Kouha scoffed, even if he was happy for his brother he felt depressed at the thought of staying like this forever. "A lot of good that does if she doesn't love him in return," he said, melancholy.

"No. This is the first time I've had any real hope she would." Hakuei sighed and looked in confusion as Hakuryuu hopped up to the window to see small lights nearing the castle outside. 

"Did you hear that, sister? Is it her!? Is she coming back?!" He asked excitedly, unaware of the future danger. The rest of them climbed up to where he was and looked with hope.

 "Could it be?" Asked Kouha, but his look of hope turned to fear, "Sacrebleu! Invaders."

"Ruffians!" Cut in Hakuei.

Koumei eyebrows furrowed, "Well, there you go. So much for true love... Man the barricades, and hold fast!" He commanded. They hop down from the window and quickly went to warn anyone else in the castle. 

Judal came in and ran to the door, "move aside!" He said, propping himself up in hopes to delay the invasion. He thought of Kougyoku sitting up there in your old room, unaware of the danger and tried his hardest to stop whatever could be coming in.

He grunted at the first thump against the door and held his ground. Each time they continued, however, it grew harder to hold down the door. Judal heard the door's wood begin to split and felt anxiety fill him. 

"Get Kouen already!" He said. 

Kouen nodded and quickly went to go find him. 


You looked around the carriage when the villagers left for a means of escape to warn the beast. You groaned after not finding anything but still continued to look, "I have to warn him," you said desperately. 

"Warn him?" Asked your father, "how did you get away from him?"

"He let me go, papa. He sent me back to you," you said, sitting down while holding his hands.

 Sinbad's brows furrowed, "I don't understand."

You sighed and dug into your dress to pull out the small rattle you took from your house in Paris, "he took me there," you said softly, "I know what happened to mama."

Sinbad felt tears prick his eyes, "then you know what I had to leave her there," he choked up, "I had to protect you."

You nodded. "I always have to protect my little girl," he said, "maybe a little too much." He chuckled and wiped his tears with his sleeve. He pulled you into his arms, "just let me hold you like this. You don't know how much I missed my little girl."

You nodded and let you face snuggle into the crook of his neck. You both stayed like that for who knows who long until you heard the lock of the carriage and the doors open. Your eyes widened to see Ugo there along with a guard knocked out. 

"We don't have much time," he said, grabbing your hand to pull you out, "you have to hurry."

You nodded and looked to your father who only gave you a nod. As you ran to Baal Ugo turned to Sinbad with a guilty look, "Sinbad, I'm sorry for what I said and not believing in you," he said.

 Sinbad only smiled and watched as you began to ride away. "Don't about it," he said, "right now we just have to hope she'll succeed."

Ugo nodded and watched along with Sinbad. 


Koumei rounded a corner of the top of the towers and looked at Kouen's defeated form. He sighed but soon remembered the problem at hand, "brother, excuse me," he said, "we have a-"

Kouen interrupted them with a sigh, "she's not coming back," he said, devoid of emotion. 

Koumei shook his head, "no..." He went back to his original reason for coming when he heard the screams, "they're breaking down the door!"

Kouen didn't even care anymore now that you were gone, "it doesn't matter know," he said. You weren't coming back and he didn't need to live anymore, especially if you weren't with him. 

"Let them come..."


Koumei came back and looked as the hope in his sibling's eyes vanished when they saw Kouen wasn't with him. "He's not coming!" He said angrily, "We're on our own." He ran to Judal and the others to push back against the doors. 

Judal groaned, "you've gotta be kidding me!" He said angrily. 

"Don't worry," said Koumei, "I have an idea." 

He motioned for everyone except Judal to come to him and relayed the plan. Someone then told Judal and he nodded. He quickly let go of the door as everyone got into their places.


Jamil watched with a smirk as the doors came open. They walked inside cautiously with their torches held in front of them. Jamil held Budel in front of him as a human shield and looked with knitted brows as everything seem normal besides cobwebs and dust. 

Budel chuckled as he came across a teacup and a teapot. "Well hello," he said jokingly, "you must the talking teacup." He turned to the teapot and spoke to it. 

"And you must be its grandmother," he said. 

His brows knitted in confusion when he saw steam blow out the top. Hakuei's eyes opened in anger, "grandmother?!" She exclaimed, "Attack!"

Soon enough, the whole castle came to life. Every one of the villagers gasped and raised torches along with weapons to protect themselves. Jamil used Budel as a shield as chaos ensued and once he sure he was safe to upstairs after sacrificing Budel to the weight of a piano he quickly walked up the steps. 

"It's hero time..."

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