Tale As Old As Time

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(Kouen x Reader)

Summary: Jamil and Budel cook up a not-so-good plan while your father grows angry at being treated like a lunatic. Meanwhile, you and Kouen start to get ready for a ballroom dance.


Jamil sat in his usual chair in the tavern while tapping his fingers impatiently against the armrest. It was clear to everyone he was growing irritable, it had been days since he's seen his lovely Y/N (although, even though you weren't his no one had the gall to correct him when he called you his). He was almost considering Sinbad's story to be true, keyword being almost. He still didn't consider himself to be crazy enough like Sinbad just yet. 

Meanwhile, Budel stood behind Jamil wondering how to help him out of this depression. He twiddled his thumbs until something hit him, although not literally for once. "Jamil, I have the best idea!" He exclaimed causing Jamil to look at him both annoyed and interested. 

Budel, seeing his interest, spoke, "we're sure to find a way to get Y/N out from wherever she is once she finds out her father has been... taken away," he explained. It seemed like a perfect way to get her out of hiding and Jamil looked as if he agreed judging by the smirk on his face. 

"Yes, it's perfect. Just about any asylum would take him if they heard his crazy story," he declared, "once Y/N finds out she'll come running out of hiding and when she begs for her father back, I'll strike her with a deal!"

Jamil chuckled to himself as he thought more and more of his "brilliant" plan. He then grabbed Budel by the shoulder and began pushing him out the door, "come, Budel! We have work to do!" He said. 


Ugo looked at Sinbad with worry as he scurried around perfecting his weapons. He tried tidying up for him whenever Sinbad tired himself out, only for it to be messed up by Sinbad when he woke up again. One thing he never moved, however, was the small stuffed rabbit sitting on Sinbad's desk. He recognized it as Y/N's, looking at it hurt him more than he would admit. You were one of his dearest friends and not to mention one of the only people who came into his library. 

He sighed, "Sinbad... Where is she exactly? Are you sure it was even real?" He asked. It hurt Ugo to ask this and to think that something worse could've happened to you but the more he thought about it, the more it didn't make sense. 

Sinbad didn't seem to take too kindly to his insinuation and grew angry. "What do you mean by that?" He asked sternly, "Are you saying I'm crazy as well? That I should be locked up with all the other lunatics?!" 

Ugo flinched at Sinbad's words and clenched his jaw. He swore to himself to never speak of what had happened, but too many memories came back when Sinbad mentioned a castle. There could only be one castle he was talking about and he prayed that it wasn't the one he tried to forget. 

Sinbad sighed in frustration, "if you're only here to think of me as the rest of this town does then I suggest you leave..." He said, turning away from his oldest friend to continue working. 

Ugo let his eyes drift down to the floor then slowly back to Aladdin who was busy sleeping comfortably with a blanket around his shoulders. He let out a sigh, "Sin... That castle that you're talking about..."

Sinbad's brows rose and he turned to look at Ugo's tense form. "What?" He asked, "do you know something?" 

All Ugo could do was let in a deep breath as Sinbad was getting ready to pester him. "That castle," he said, "is dangerous..." 

"What makes you say that? You know, besides the beast who has my daughter prisoner," Sinbad said sarcastically before scoffing and turning back to his work. To him it didn't seem like Ugo had anything useful to say, he could've guessed for himself that it was dangerous. 

"That's not it!" He exclaimed making Sinbad jerk up from the sudden shout, "... A few years after Aladdin was born his parents were called to go over there and they left Aladdin here with me so I could watch him."

Sinbad rose a brow and listened intently to the story, wondering where it might be going. Ugo continued, "they said it would only be a few days... A few days turned into months... And then those months turned into years..." Ugo let out a staggered breath at the thought of his closest friends. He felt tears prick his eyes but he immediately blinked them away. 

"They never came back..." He whispered, "I assumed the worst of it as I know for a fact that they would never leave Aladdin behind, they love him too much. I'm sure you can try to imagine how it felt to give that kind of news to a child."

Sinbad tried connecting the dots of it all, "are you saying... The beast could have killed them?" He asked warily. 

Ugo frowned at him, "no! I'm saying that place is dangerous and if you go there you might risk your own life to try and save Y/N!" He exasperated, "just imagine how it would make her feel to know her father died trying to save her from something that might not even be real!" 

Sinbad glared at Ugo fiercely, "Enough! I saw it for myself! I saw it take my daughter away from me!... And you're telling me to stay away?!" He yelled causing Aladdin to stir. He clenched his fist and tried not to scream at Ugo again. 

"Look..." Sighed Sinbad, "I think it's best you leave... Now."

Ugo relented and picked up Aladdin on his way out the door. Before he left he heard Sinbad say one last thing. 

"I know what I saw and even if the whole town doesn't believe me... My daughter is still stuck there... Alone and scared. I'll do anything to get her back."


Kouen grumbled to himself in embarrassment while getting cleaned in his bathtub. He felt his cheeks redden as he thought of what happened earlier in the ballroom while you were helping Kouha's attendants clean. Although, Kouha and Koumei seemed ecstatic when he spoke of it. 

"I saw her in the ballroom and said, "you're making everything look beautiful." And mentioned we should have a dance tonight... I never imagined she'd actually say yes!" He vented as the coat hanger helped scrub him clean, "what was I thinking?" 

Kouen buried his face in his hands. A girl beautiful and frail like you could never love a hideous beast like him, things like that just didn't happen. Kouha thought differently, "no, En-nii. It's perfect!" He said excitedly, "the rose has only a few petals left which means tonight you can tell her how you feel."

He didn't seem very convinced as he dried himself off with a towel handed to him. "I feel like a fool," snapped Kouen, "she'll never love me..." He said dejectedly while shaking the water off his hair causing Kouha's candles to blow out. 

Kouha huffed in annoyance and lit them again. "Do not be discouraged," he said convincingly, "she is the one."

Kouen groaned, "I wish you'd stop saying that..." He grumbled. He put on a robe the coat hanger gave him and sat down in a chair in front of a mirror in his room, it was surprising he had one now that he thought of it considering how much he hated to look at himself.

"There is no "one"," he insisted. That what his father always told him and based on the look his mother always had when around his father he began to believe it. 

Kouha wasn't convinced of Kouen's attitude and ignored his statement. "You care for her, don't you?" He asked, "well, then, woo her with beautiful music and romantic candlelight."

"Yes," chimed Hakuei, who had come in at the right time, "and when the moment is just right..." Hakuei giggled at the thought of the romantic evening, it seemed so heavenly. 

Kouen, meanwhile, looked unsure of himself, "well, how will I know?" He asked.

"You will feel slightly nauseous," said Koumei.

Kouha brushed off Koumei's statement, "don't worry, En-nii. You'll do fine," he said reassuringly while patting his shoulder. 

"Just stop being so nervous and tell her how you feel," assured Hakeui, soon enough her warm demeanor turned to a cold one, "because if you don't you'll be drinking cold tea for the rest of your days!"

"In the dark," chimed in Kouha.

"Covered in dust," threatened Kouha's attendants, who, ironically enough, came in to dust Kouen's room. 

Just as Kouen began to look even more nervous than before Kouha clinked his candle holders together making them chime. "Start with the hair!" He said, "women love nice hair."

Koumei picked up a brush and handed it to the coat hanger, Kouha would usually be the one to work with hair but as of now, he couldn't really use his hands for obvious reasons. 

Hakuei poured some hot water into Hakuryuu, "I'll take the fingers and toes!" She chimed in. 

"Chapeau, brush those teeth. They need it," ordered Koumei with a slight grimace.

Kouen felt very tense during the whole ordeal. Not only has it a while since he cut his hair and trimmed his nails, but it has also been a while since he's enchanted a woman and even then none of those women had ever been like you. He flinched when he felt Kouha begin to shine his horns and Kouha's attendants put powder on his face. 


They all cringed at the makeover they made for Kouen. The rosy cheeks and the white powder covering his face certainly didn't make his scary appearance look any better, it made him look scarier if anything. Kouha, who looked to be cringing the hardest, sighed, "okay, I can fix this."


Meanwhile, things were the exact opposite with you. Kougyoku took pride in the half-bun she put your hair in, she held it up with small pins looking similar to golden leaves. "Beautiful," she gushed before getting a quizzical look on her face, "but something is missing..."

Soon enough, the gold branches surrounding your room began to disintegrate and cover your yellow dress, giving it a beautiful glow. "Yes," marveled Kougyoku, "the finishing touch."

You looked down at the dress and back up at Kougyoku with the brightest smile you've ever had. This, you could surely say, was going to be one of your greatest memories. It was just a shame your father couldn't see how beautiful you looked. 


You stood at the top of the stairs on one side and looked to the other. Nerves began to rack your entire body and you weren't sure they were gonna go away soon, especially after seeing Kouen in his dashing red coat with golden accents. You could surely say to yourself he looked quite handsome. 

Kouen, unbeknownst to you, was thinking the exact same thing. Except his nerves were heightened and he thought you looked like an angel. Wait, scratch that, at this moment he could swear your beauty was outshining even the enchantress from all those years ago. He just hoped he wouldn't trip as he walked down the stairs meet you in the middle. 

Tale as old as time

When you two met each other in the middle, you wrapped your arm around Kouen's as he led you to the middle of the ballroom. 

True as it can be 

You tensed as you neared the middle of the ballroom. The truth of you not being able to dance would soon be evident when you two began to dance. To your surprise, Kouen reached his free hand over your's which was holding his arm and gave it a squeeze.

Barely even friends

Then somebody bends unexpectedly

Before you began to dance you cast a glance towards the piano, who you learned to be named Judar, which was currently playing with Kouha and Koumei standing atop it watching you two. 

Just a little change

Small to say the least

Both a little scared 

Neither one prepared

Beauty and the Beast

Once you two stopped walking and stood in the middle of the ballroom you smiled up at Kouen and curtsied with your head facing down. You looked back up at him and stood up causing him to bow to you. 

You then held your hands out for him to grab, which he did, though hesitantly at first. He then began to lead the dance. 

Ever just the same

Ever a surprise

He twirled you causing a smile to appear on your face. Kouen soon rested one of his hands on your waist and held the other tenderly. You then rested your free hand on his shoulder. 

Ever as before

Ever just as sure

As the sun will rise

You soon found yourself letting go of your worries as led the dance. You felt as if he were letting you glide across the marble floor with ease, you'd never felt freer in your life. 

Tale as old as time

Tune as old as song

Kouen felt the same way you did, maybe even a little better. This was the first time in his life when he felt the weight of the curse lifted off his shoulders, it was safe to say that he even forgot about it all. 

Bittersweet and strange

Finding you can change

Learning you were wrong

As Hakuei sang this song for you two in the place of Kougyoku she felt a weight leave her chest as she watched you two. It was plain as day that her brother was in love, surely anyone could see it. She was also sure that Kouha and Koumei were ecstatic right now. 

Certain as the sun

Your eyes never left Kouen's as you two danced, even as he dipped you and lifted you up with an arm around your waist. Everything about this night was magical and you never wanted it to end. 

Rising in the east

Tale as old as time 

Song as old as rhyme 

Beauty and the Beast

Kouen twirled you one last time before he held his arm to you and led you outside to the balcony. His siblings looked with a sparkle in their eyes when they saw you two go outside alone. It was Kouen's best opportunity and they just hoped he wouldn't screw it up. 

Kouen huffed his breath being visible due to the cold. "I haven't danced in years," he said, reveling in the small memories that came back when he remembered how he danced at so many parties, "I'd almost forgotten the feeling."

He glanced back at the ballroom and then to you, "it's foolish, I suppose, for a creature like me to hope that one day he might earn your affection," he spoke nonchalantly. 

You let your gaze meet his eyes, "I don't know," you said, insinuating it might not be too crazy. 

He looked at you with a hopeful look in his eyes, "really?" He asked, "you think you could be happy here?"

You let your gaze fall to the snow and the slowly deteriorating castle, "can anybody be happy if they aren't free?" You asked softly with a raised brow. 

Kouen frowned and turned his gaze to the landscape of the castle, rethinking his actions. He supposed you were right and he then felt guilt seeping into his gut after all those things he did to you. You, sensing the awkwardness in the situation, spoke, "my father once wanted to teach me to dance, but I never really wanted to at the time... I guess now would've been one of those times where it would've been useful."

Kouen smiled at the thought of you turning your father down to read a book instead, but a sad look took its place. "You must miss him," he concluded for you. 

Your smile faded away as well at the thought your father. "Very much," you said softly. 

Kouen went tightlipped but his brows soon shot up as he remembered something. "Would you like to see him?" He asked. 

You furrowed your brows in confusion and soon enough he was leading you to where the rose was. Laying on the small table of the rose was a silver mirror covered in frost just like the glass case of the rose. He handed it to you, "this will show you anything you wish to see."

You cast a glance at him and back to the mirror, "I'd like to see my father," you said, slightly unsure that it would work. Mist swirled in the mirror and you soon saw an image you wanted to forget. Your father, walking out of the house only to be grabbed by the arms and dragged into a carriage from an asylum. 

You gasped, "Papa!" 

Kouen looked to you in worry as your brows furrowed. "What are they doing to him?" You asked yourself, "H... He's in trouble!"

Kouen's jaw clenched and his fist tightened. "Then you must go to him," he said. He almost felt his words get caught in his throat but he managed to muster them out smoothly despite the ache he felt. 

Shocked laced your features, "what did you say?" You asked.

"You must go to him," he said, more firmly than last time, "no time to waste."

You tried to form words to express any of the multiple feelings coming up into your brain but nothing came out. All you could do was hand the mirror to him only for him to push it in your hands, "no, keep it with you..." he said, "then you'll always have a way to look back on me."

He smiled bitterly. Once you managed to form words you said, "thank you." 

But before leaving you grasped his hand tightly and pressed a small kiss to his cold cheek. You began to walk away and spared one last glance at him before taking off and running out the west wing. Unbeknownst to you, it also felt like you were running out of his heart forever. 

When you reached the castle door you looked back at the entrance and to the coat hanger, who bowed to you. You gave a small bow and walked out, not even noticing that Hakuei was looking at you with a sad look on her face. 


"I have had my doubts, but everything is moving like clockwork," said Koumei happily as he walked into the west wing. He didn't seem to notice the melancholy aura surrounding his brother as he spoke. 

"True love really does win the day," he continued.

 Kouen only shook his head and turned to his brother with sadness written all over his features. "I let her go," he said, turning to look at the wilting rose. 

"You what?!" Exclaimed Koumei as Kouha looked at him in shock. 

Kouha seemed to be the most shocked out of them all. "En-nii, how could you do that?" He asked. You were the one and only hope and that you're gone that was lost. 

Kouen only shrugged, "I had to."

"But why?" Pestered Koumei.

"Because he loves her," interjected Hakuei. 

Kouha looked at Hakuei in confusion, "then why aren't we human?" He asked desperately. 

"Because she doesn't love him. And now, it's too late," stated Koumei bluntly.

"But she might still come back," said Kouha's attendants hopefully.

"No," said Kouen, "I set her free... I'm sorry I couldn't do the same for all of you."

Kouen looked away from his siblings trying to let the memories of them being human fill his thoughts one last time. "Now go..." He said softly, "our time is almost past."

He listened as they all began to leave the room and how Kouha allowed his attendants to get under his arms and snuggle close to him as they left the room. 

He stared back at the rose... The very root of his problems and noticed how bitter it was that he would be alone once the curse fully took hold of him, just like the enchantress had intended. 

"I was the one who had it all..."


A/N: Tried my best to make this one as long as possible, but still end it with a nice cliffhanger. I'll try my best to bring out a chapter tomorrow or rather today as it is 1 AM where I leave right now... I should be asleep... Oh well, who needs sleep? No one. 

I hope you enjoyed, this story is close to being done~! Until next time~!

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