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(Kouen x Fem! Reader)

Summary: Jamil is a nuisance and your father has a new invention.


Jamil smirked as he stared at you with your nose stuffed in a book. You were the only woman in town that could ever match his beautiful looks, the best of the best and as he told Budel, he deserves the best.

Jamil sighed blissfully and wrapped an arm around Budel's shoulder, right from the moment when I meant her, saw her, I fell for her. For she is the only girl in town that's as beautiful as me," he said as he gazed at himself on a store window.

From inside the store, one could see the various woman getting fitted for gowns, hats, shoes, and other accessories. In the store at the moment was Brigit, Fatima, and Dunya. All squealed at the sight of him.

"Look there he goes!" Exclaimed Brigit. As she pointed at him through the window.

"Isn't he dreamy?" Sighed Fatima as he looked at Jamil from afar. It seemed that even some men were attracted to him as well. He immediately went to fix his silver hair as Jamil looked his way.

Dunya placed a hand on her chest, "be still. My heart." Her heart felt as if it was going 1000 miles a minute as she so much as looked at him. They all swooned as Jamil made his way throughout the town.

"Oh, he's so cute!" They all said in unison. Jamil seemed to be the only thing they had in common as they always tuned in to be his cheerleaders.

"He such a tall, dark, strong, and handsome brute!" They said as they all collapsed on top of each other when Jamil sent them a charming smile and walked off. Budel rolled his eyes at the clueless girls and followed after Jamil to help him win you.

Jamil scanned the town for you when he found walking away with your head in the book, he grabbed a random bouquet of flowers to make his way over to you and propose.

Jamil ended up getting sidetracked most of the way on account to all the townsfolk in the way. He squeezed through most of them to try and get to you before you got home, "please let me through!" He yelled as he got passed all the townsfolk buying produce and greeting other people.

"You call this baking?"

You sighed as you kept your attention on the book, not paying attention to all the normal gibberish you hear every day.

"What lovely grapes!"

"How long is that yarn!"

Your attention was gripped by the book and you soon felt yourself wanting something like the adventures in the books as all of the same phrases you heard every morning were repeated. You ripped your attention away, among all the rowdy clutter you said, "there must be more than this provincial life!"

Jamil smirked as he quickly got through, "just watch I'm going to make Y/N my wife!" He declared. As they heard your name the townsfolk soon began to say their gossip once more.

"Look there she goes, that girl is strange!"

"A most peculiar mademoiselle!"

You rolled your eyes and made your way down the dirt road back to your home with your father waiting for you. He was the inventor that most thought was odd, not to mention he used to be the main event in gossip but it was soon switched over to you when you began to read.

Jamil sighed as he realized the town wasn't going to move, he gripped the top of the roof and proceeded to climb on top of them with Budel trailing behind him on the ground.

"It's a pity and a sin."

"That she doesn't quite fit in."

"She really is a beauty but a funny girl that Y/N!"

You rose a brow and looked back only to see the people go about their day, you soon shrugged and continued with your walk with your eyes back in the book.

You heard a thump in front of you and didn't look up as your full attention was on the book. You were just getting to the good part, you knew what happened after reading a few times but each time was more exciting than the last.

"Good morning, Y/N!"

You peeled your eyes away to greet the person but all you saw was a bouquet in your face. You moved it aside to see Jamil with a grin on his face, it started out with a bit of silence but then he spoke up, "wonderful book you have there!" He said smoothly.

You rose a brow, curious, "have you read it?" You asked, having never seen him read before.

Jamil said nothing and grabbed it from your hands, he stared at it with a perplexed expression, "well not this one, but... Others..." He said hesitantly. You slowly nodded, not believing him in the slightest.

Jamil disregarded the book and threw it behind him, making it fall in the mud. You gasped and grabbed it, wiping off the mud with your white apron before it stained.

"Y/N, it's about time you get your head out of those books and pay attention to more important things- " he flashed a smile- "like me." His look turned sympathetic, "the whole town is talking about this. They say it's not right for a woman to read, she starts getting ideas and thinking."

You rolled your eyes and put the book in your basket to avoid further damage to it. Your father didn't think like that, he was your only friend in this town. Sounds a little sad but if one met the people in this town it would be understandable.

You rolled your eyes, "Jamil you are positively primeval," you said, chuckling while wiping down your book.

He smirked, "why thank you," he said as he glowed under your supposed praise. It wasn't praise but he didn't have to know.

He then brought up the flowers, "for your dinner table. Shall I join you this evening?" He asked with a confident demeanor.

You shook your head, "no..." You said slowly, trying to hide your feelings on the standpoint. If he came it would be a disaster and a horrid one.

"Busy...?" He asked, unsure of himself. You shook your head again and at this point, Budel came jogging up to you two, most likely to help Jamil.

The three girls followed Jamil around looked at you in disbelief. "What's wrong with her?" Asked Fatima, pointing at you.

Brigit clenched her fists, "she's crazy!" She exclaimed, if she could have just one minute with him she would faint.

Dunya sighed dreamily, "he's gorgeous!" She squealed as he looked at him with you.

"I have to help my father with something." It wasn't a lie as he always asked for your help on new inventions or small paintings he did on the side.

Budel started to crack up as you mentioned your father, "that crazy old loon?! He needs all the help he can get!" He said causing Jamil to crack up with him.

Your fists clenched, "don't talk about my father that way!" You yelled. You can deal with people talking about you but you always got defensive when ti came to your father.

Jamil frowned and turned to Budel, "yeah! Don't talk about her father that way!" He said to Budel, knocking his fist on the top of his head. Budel groaned and almost passed out due to force.

"My father is not crazy! He's a genius!" With that said you made your way back home, leaving Jamil and Budel to laugh amongst themselves.


You rested a hand on the wooden railing on the steps of your house. Hearing soft music come from the attic, you stopped. He must have been working on that music box as of now.

A small smile graced your features and you walked down to the attic where your father normally worked on his inventions. You quietly opened the wooden doors and were immediately met with paintings, canvases, nut, bolts, and all other assortments.

You looked to see a familiar purple head sitting at a desk while gazing at a small windmill playing a soft melody. You smiled and remembered he was planning on taking it to the county fair soon.

Your father smiled as he looked at the inside of the windmill which held a ceramic woman wearing a red dress while holding a baby with e/c eyes and h/c hair with a purple haired man painting the both of them.

How does a moment last forever

How can a story never die

It is love we must hold onto

Never easy, but we try

Sinbad looked back at the painting that showed your mother and you as a baby. He smiled and turned back to the windmill which showcased their old home in Paris.

Sometimes our happiness is captured

Somehow our time and place stand still

Love lives on inside our hearts

And always will

Sinbad closed up the windmill and glanced up to see you there, "oh, there you are. How was town today?" He asked as he put on his glasses to get a better look at the gears, he reached for a tool but didn't get it as you chuckled and handed it to him.

He smiled up at you and his gaze went back to the gears. You then sighed, remembering his question, "same as always. People gossiping about and the same normal morning as always." You reached into your basket and pulled out your book, "I did get a new book though!" You said, excited.

Sinbad pressed a kiss to your head, "that's good but something seems to be on your mind, what is it?" He asked, squinting his eyes as some screws seemed out of place.

"Jamil... He asked me to join us for dinner! Can you believe that?!"

Sinbad knew better than to interrupt you when you were going on a rant. "I mean one could only guess what goes through his mind when he wants a woman to marry. He even had the nerve to laugh at you!" You exasperated, you fell onto a chair, "honestly, papa, this town isn't for me... I don't fit in here... Do you think I'm odd?" You asked referring to what all the villagers say.

Sinbad scoffed, "the only people that are odd are the small-minded townsfolk here! They gossip because they don't have anything else going on that's interesting in their lives!" He declared while putting his handmade tool down and turning to you.

He grabbed your hands, "even in Paris I knew of a woman that was like you, ahead of her time. People mocked her but soon found themselves imitating her," he said as he was referring to your mother who was just like you in the sense that she was stubborn and strong-willed.

Your grip tightened on your father's rough hands, "please just tell me one more thing about her," you persisted as you never remembered much about her on account that she died early in your childhood.

Sinbad sighed and let go of your hands, he began tweaking around with the gears again. "You mother was... Fearless..." He said as he screwed something in, locking a gear in place.

Sinbad closed up the windmill as it was finally ready. You smiled and wrapped your arms around your only family left, "I love you."

Sinbad rested a hand on your head and one around your waist, "I love you too."

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