I want adventure!

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(Kouen x Fem! Reader)

Summary: Your father left to the county fair to show off his invention and Jamil tried to make a marriage proposal.

Gonna write this now because I don't think I'll be able to during the week. I have a small question, what do you all feel on NSFW in this?


You stood next to your father as he loaded the small wagon he had attached to his horse, Baal. He had a smooth black mane along with a gray coat that almost made him look blue from afar.

Sinbad mounted his horse and looked to you, "what shall I bring you from the market?" He asked as every time he went to the county fair he always came back with a gift for you.

You smiled and pet Baal's mane which brought a satisfied whine from him, "a rose. Like the one in the painting," you said referring to the painting he did a while ago of a red rose.

He chuckled, "you ask for that every year." You'd had to throw one away every year as well given that it starts to wilt soon.

You grabbed your father's hand, "and every year you bring one back."

Sinbad rested his hand under your chin, "then I shall bring you another one." He leaned down to press a kiss to your head. You smiled and stepped away from him and the horse as they were getting ready to leave.

"Bye Papa!" You called out as you waved at him.

"Bye Y/N! Take care while I'm gone!" He called back, he was still apprehensive about leaving like every other year but this time it worse than usual on account to Jamil pinning for you. He shook his head, you'd be fine. After all, you were a strong woman that could take care of herself.

You stood on one of the cobblestone steps as your father rode away, "stay safe..." You mumbled, feeling scared for his journey through the woods. Your father may deny it at times but he was old and you didn't trust going by himself. Unfortunately, he always insisted you stay home and take care of other things.

Speaking of which...

You went inside and gather a few things as an idea came into your mind. You may not look out but like your father, you had a few ideas of your own.


You sat at a small water hole, where the town cleaned their necessities and clothing, reading a book as a mule pulled a barrel filled with dirty clothes and soap. As the mule moved the clothes moved in a circle, thus doing your laundry without having you lift a finger.

"What are you doing?"

You looked up to see the same little girl from earlier that you had begun teaching to read.You remembered her name to be Morgiana, you noticed how she sometimes played with Alibaba, Cassim, and Aladdin.

You chuckled at her confused expression, "just doing the laundry," you answered with some slight disdain as no one ever really liked doing chores.

The little girl nodded and looked at the book in your hands, "can you continue teaching me?" She asked shyly. You smiled as a small blush coated her cheeks and patted a spot next to you.

"Of course. Let's continued where we left off," you said, opening the book to the last sentence you two were working on. Morgiana smile and immediately went to sit next to you.


"T-The cat... ran from... th... the dog..." She trailed off and looked up at you asking if she read it correctly.

"That was amazing! You've been practicing, haven't you?" You asked enthusiastically, turning the page showing her another sentence to read. You looked to her as she read it, she had a small spark in her eyes. It was adorable how happy she seemed.

"What on earth are you doing?"

You froze and looked up to see the headmaster of the boy's school nearby, Matal Mogamett. He sneered at you, "isn't it bad enough to already have one girl reading, must you teach another one?" He asked, disdain lacing his tone.

You quickly closed the book and said nothing, not wanting to anger him or the villagers. Unfortunately, it was too late for that as Matal gestured for some men to walk over and pointed to your barrel full of clothing.

The man snickered and nodded, they grabbed it and dumped all over the ground, dirtying the clothes once more.

You groaned and got up to pick them up to put in a basket you brought with you. Fortunately, Ugo had been walking by and helped you pick them, "I'm so sorry about this," he said.

You shook your head, "it's not your fault. Thank you for helping." You got up with the basket in your hands and trudged back to your house with slight regret and embarrassment.


Jamil and Budel stared at your house from the inside of a bush, having heard of your incident, they thought up a plan. Jamil swiped a branch to the side and smirked, their plan was as simple as most thought.

After you having had that horrid incident occur he thought you might want a little comfort and in your depression, you might even marry him, so he could comfort you and protect you. He had even adorned himself in fancy clothing just for the occasion.

Budel chuckled, "she's gonna get the surprise of her life, huh Jamil?" He asked, thinking that their plan was the best one concocted.

Jamil nodded, "yep, this is her lucky day." He let go of the branch he was holding causing it to fall on Jamil's head and knock him out for a few seconds.

Jamil disregarded that and stood at the set he and Budel, mostly Budel, had arranged. Once you had said yes to his proposal he'd take you outside to marry him, you wouldn't even have to wait to become his.

"Thank you all for coming to my wedding," he said, flashing them a smile, "but first I have to go in there and propose to the girl..." Everyone laughed along with Jamil expect for this three fans who were busy stuffing their noses in tissues about their lost love.

He turned to Budel, "Budel when Y/N and I come out you-" He was interrupted as Budel cut him off by nodding vigorously.

"I strick up the band." He began waving his baton causing the band that Jamil paid for to start playing the wedding march. Jamil growled and stuffed Budel's head in a tuba.

"Not yet," he hissed as you might hear all the commotion outside and spoil the surprise. He was not about to waste all of this time just for you to find out about it all.

"Sorry," said Budel as his voice echoed from inside the tuba.


You sat curled up in a chair by the fire as you read your book. You had finished washing up all the dirtied clothes from the incident, even if it did waste some of your own water. Now you were even more bitter than before an account to what happened, those stuck up villagers were poking fun at you.

You groaned and then went back to your book to forget about that childish action, just as you were about to get to the good part, someone knocked on your door.

You sighed, put your book down and made your way over to the door. You pulled down something looked like a set of binocular's and looked into them to see outside the door, these were something your father had made.

You groaned to see Jamil's smirking face out the door, it seems your day could get worse than it already was. Being polite and using the manners your father taught you, you reluctantly opened the door.

You held back a sneer as Jamil stood there, "Jamil... What a surprise..." You said with a slight lack of enthusiasm. It was a surprise indeed... A bad one.

He strolled with his hands in his front pockets, "isn't it though?" He asked, "Y/N, there are many other girls who would love to be in your shoes. This is the day-" he stopped as he saw a mirror and looked at his teeth, he turned back to you, "this is the day your dreams come true..."

You backed away as he came closer to you, "what do you know of my dreams?" You asked slightly tested but amused. As far as you knew only your father and Ugo knew of your dreams.

He chuckled, haughtily, "plenty." He sat down in your chair and rested his muddy shoes all over your book, you resisted the urge to glare but you did anyway as that was your favorite one.

"Picture this," he said gesturing with this hands, "a rustic hunting lodge, my latest kill roasting on the fire, and my little wife massaging my feet." He took off his muddy boots and left himself in tattered socks, one which was showing off his toe.

You plugged your nose as you looked in disgust, they smelled worse than they look. He continued with his fantasy, "while the little ones play with the dogs. We'll have six or seven."

"Dogs?" You asked, hoping he wasn't talking about kids. Just imagine the actions that would take place just for seven of them, you cringed.

He stood up, "no, Y/N. Strapping boys like me," he said pulling on his collar and patting his chest to emphasize himself.

"Imagine that," you said wearily as you skimmed your book before putting it up on a shelf. As you felt him behind you, you put the book up on a wooden shelf filled all of your father's book on inventing and painting. Some were even on weaponry.

"And do you know who that little wife will be?" He asked with a smirk as he trapped you between the wall and himself.

"Let me think..." You said with widened eyes. You turned to see his face close to yours and his arms trapping you.

"You, Y/N." He smirked as his lips began to come near yours. You grew fearful and shifted around, going under his arm you escaped but not for long.

"J-Jamil, I'm flattered but..." You used your father's rocking chair to cover yourself from him. Jamil kept coming towards you with a lustful intent in each of his steps.

You were pinned against the door as he trapped you once more, "I-I don't know what to say..."

"Say you'll marry me," he said as he ran his lips across your neck causing you to cringe and try to back away from this situation, fortunately, your hand reached the doorknob.

You began to turn it, "I just don't deserve you." With that said you had opened the door causing Jamil to fall from it suddenly opening. As he fell, he landed in the mud.

Once he was seen outside Budel, thinking the wedding was starting, started waving his baton and the band began to play the wedding march having seen the signal. Before closing the door you threw his boots out before they stank up the house.

Budel, having seen him in the mud, stopped the band and looked down to him. "So, how'd it go?" He asked with a chuckle while swiping up Jamil's bangs with his baton.

Jamil only sneered and grabbed Budel's collar, lifting him up, "I'll have Y/N for my wife. Make no mistake of that." He then threw Budel into the mud with the pig that happened the be in there.

Budel glared at his back and scoffed, "touchy," he said to which to the pig agreed with a small snort. Everyone then realized it was all over and began to pack everything up while muttering what a waste it was. Jamil's fangirls only sighed with relief.

As you heard all the hustle and bustle die down you looked outside to the chicken eating the feed from a wooden bucket, "is he gone?" You asked with slight fear.

You sighed in relief and stepped outside to feed the animals, you then grew angry with the recent events, "can you believe him?! He asked me to marry him!" You said while throwing down feed causing the chickens to cluck around you and eat.

You opened the gate to where the goats were, "me, the wife of that boorish, brainless...

Madame Gaston!

Can't you just see it?"

You picked up a rag and began to clean with a hand picking up your dress to seem like a housewife.

"Madame Gaston!

His "little wife"."

You placed it on your head and grew angry, "ugh!" You threw it down causing the animals to get scared.

"No, sir!

Not me!

I guarantee it

I want much more than this provincial life!"

You ran out of the stables to the meadow with the wind blowing through your hair with leaves blowing all around you as if they were dancing. You ran up a hill and breathed in the wind, you let your hair loose, letting it flow with the wind.

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere

I want it more than I can tell

And for once it might be grand...

To have someone understand

I want so much more than they've got planned."

You sighed as you were about to go back into the house, you heard clopping from behind you. You turned and your eyes widened to see Baal, your father's horse, along with an empty wagon.

"Baal!" You stopped the spooked horse and began rubbing his nose to comfort him, "wait! Where's papa?" You asked as you didn't see him anywhere.

You turned back to the horse and pulled his snout down, "you have to take me to him!" You said, unhooking the small wagon and getting up on the horse.

Tears filled your eyes at the thought of anything happening to your own family left.

Papa... Please be okay... 

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