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(Kouen x Fem! Reader)

Summary: your father gets lost in the woods and you go after him.

I suppose I was lying when I said I was busy... Thought I was going to be honestly.

Anyway, I need to clear up an issue. Some of you misunderstood my question, anyway, let's start a little lesson here. 

I asked the last chapter how would y'all feel on NSFW? Most of you automatically thought, *le gasp* not that scandalous action!! Sweethearts, I did not mean sexy time, let's go over what NSFW stands for.





And that means something that would not be deemed safe to look at or do at a workplace. Example, what I meant was small little intimate acts like pecks on the neck or lips, now, in my opinion, that would not be appropriate for work cause who would just wanna walk by and see two coworkers just press kisses to their lover's neck? Not me.

Do we understand each other? Yes? Good. 

No? Then I don't know what other examples to say...


Sinbad looked to his surroundings, but as he was in the forest all that could be seen was trees and sometimes the occasional bird or chipmunk. The man grew weary as Baal trotted through the endless sea of trees.

He glanced down at his map with a perplexed look on his face, "we must have missed a turn..." He mumbled as he pet his horse's mane, "where do you think we are Baal?" He asked, chuckling, not even worried that he might be lost.

As Sinbad continued he and Baal came across two pathways with various signs all written very messy and scraggly. Sinbad looked at both paths and nudged Baal to one with a more ominous and dark scenery. Baal took one look and turned to other side which at least had some light to offer.

Sinbad grew annoyed at Baal, "come on, Baal. It's a shortcut!" He insisted even if he didn't look at the map to make sure. Baal only insisted until Sinbad tugged in his reins and forced him that way.

Baal flinched as thunder began to rumble, signaling a storm. Leaves began to shake as hard wind began blowing by, almost knocking Baal off his hooves. Baal then lost all control as lightning struck and split open a tree.

Sinbad went to calm him down and get him off his hind legs, "it's okay, we're safe... You know what they say when one path closes another opens."

If Baal were human he wouldn't have resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

As they continued on with their new path, both began to grow apprehensive. The scenery hadn't gotten much better as the leaves seemed much darker and fewer animals were in sight. The path also seemed slippery as Baal almost lost his footing a few times.

There was also a lot more snow in this path as it fluttered down the trees. Sinbad brushed his hands up and down his arms to generate more warmth as he wasn't expecting the journey to be this cold.

Sinbad froze when he heard a small growl coming from behind, he cautiously looked to the side to see a white wolf with its teeth bared towards them. He snapped Baal's reins, "GO! GO!" He yelled. Baal took off at an inhumane speed to outrun the wolf but it was futile as it only called for more with a howl.

He grew scared as one chased them on higher ground and two other's came from behind, snapping their teeth at the cart attached to Baal. All while snarling and baring their teeth.

Soon all the wolves were right behind and continued to bite at the wagon only for some to loose footing but soon continue on with the rest. "GO BAAL!" Yelled Sinbad as he wanted to make it out of this alive for his daughter.

Thier luck in outrunning them seemed to run out as wolves appeared in front of them having been drawn by the howling. Baal jumped over the wolves causing Sinbad to lose his grip and fall off, along with him went his invention which fell out of the box and smashed once it hit the ground.

Sinbad got up, a little disoriented, and crawled up a small ledge to get away from the wolves. Up there he was only met with another one which didn't seem to happy after losing the horse.

He began to slide off only to see three wolves at the bottom, in an attempt to save his skin he called out to Baal, "BAAL!" He yelled, the horse soon came around with the wagon still in tow.

Sinbad pet his mane, "good job boy. Let's get out of here!" He snapped Baal's reins causing the horse to go faster to escape the clutches of the wolves. They didn't seem to give up as they continued to run after him and the horse.

Seeing an iron gate come into view Sinbad grew relieved as he could close it and save their skin. Although, he didn't have to as the wolves stopped right at the gate and growled at him while another howled.

Sinbad sighed in immense relief, "Baal you saved my life," he said with immense gratitude as they strolled into what seemed to be a courtyard. Sinbad looked around with curiosity as he had never seen a place like this before.

Hedges were scattered all around and trimmed to just the right shape that looked fitting for an established royal. He got off Baal and led him to the stables where he could be fed and hydrated.

Sinbad left him there and proceeded to the castle, where he would have to thank his unwitting host. Although, as he wandered through the courtyard a sense of familiarity washed over him but he shook it off and blamed it on the fear of the wolves.

His eyes, although, did widen at the massive size of the entire castle as he climbed up the stairs. It looked abandoned with the state of it but the lit lanterns proved otherwise. He walked to the door and just as he was about to knock the door, it opened by itself, "oh, thank you..." He mumbled, not noticing that the doors had opened by themselves.

He turned to close them and huddled into his coat, trying to gain some form of warmth even if it was wet. He looked around to notice the inside of the castle looked just as old as the outside with cobwebs and dust acting as a form of decorations.

"Hello?" He called out, hearing nothing he went to the fire, "my apologies for intruding but I've lost my way and needed shelter from the snow. I hope you don't mind..." He said while rubbing the chill from his hands.

"He must have lost his way in the woods..."

"Shut up."

Sinbad sharply turned hearing voices coming from nearby, "who said that?" He asked. He looked around and only saw a clock and a candelabra sitting at a table nearby. He picked up the candelabra to light the way in front of him.

"Hello?" He asked once more. He waved it around as he turned seeing nothing he shrugged but soon heard an organ playing nearby.

He sneaked into the next room to see an empty room with plastic covering the furniture and an organ in the middle of the room with the keys moving. As he stared at it the organ noticed, "shit..." It mumbled as it stopped and blew its candles out.

Sinbad didn't question it and went back to the fire while putting the candelabra down by the clock. He leaned down to touch the clock as he noticed the exquisite craftsmanship, "amazing..." He mumbled as he examined it.

"Why thank you!"

His eyes widened as he could've sworn it just spoke, he dropped it with a sudden crash causing gears and bolts to fly out of it. "W-What the hell?!" He exclaimed as it spoke.

When it was revealed the candelabra came to life as well, "nice going Koumei!" It said as it chuckled, even if it was the one who really spoke on Koumei's behalf. Sinbad couldn't help but be surprised as those antiques began to move and speak as if human.

He backed away as they neared him, having not listened to their conversation Sinbad didn't hear one was trying to be hospitable while wanted to kick him out, "h-how is this possible?" He asked himself, he must have been going crazy.

The candelabra spoke up again, "promise me when I say you're not going insane! It's quite possible when your idiotic brother falls for an enchantress!"

The clock, which seemed to be Kouemi, spoke, "don't speak so ill of your brother, Kouha!" He said as he smacked him upside the head. The candelabra, who was Kouha, groaned in pain.

Sinbad, not caring the for the dispute only ran off reaching for the door only to freeze by a roar coming in. He grew more fearful than ever before as he heard the candelabra cry out, "no wait!"

Sinbad only continued running and didn't look back as the roar along with the talking antiques scared him out of his wits. He mounted Baal, "GO!" He yelled, snapping the reins.

He glanced to his side and noticed a rose garden, he pulled at his reins, "wait! Y/N wanted a rose..." He got off and walked over to it, the roses were all clumped together in a small bush that almost had the height of a small tree. The vines wrapped all around them looked as if it was for protection.

Sinbad grabbed a pair of clippers he had in his coat pocket and clipped a white rose off. Being careful of the thorns he gazed at the beauty of it and as he was about to stow it away, the same roar echoed through the courtyard.

Although this time, it was much closer to him. Sinbad dropped the rose in fear and turned to see the silhouette of what looked to be an animal on account to the horns swirling above his head and the long red hair going down it's back.

"I-I-I..." Sinbad stuttered as he looked up at the monster where it was perched on its ledge. The monster growled and jumped down, landing on its paw-like feet and stalked towards him.

Sinbad fell over in shock and stayed that way as the monster dragged him off while Baal ran away in fear, back home to where you were.


Clad in a cloak it billowed in the wind as you rode to where your father might be. You grew weary as you did, looking at the scenery it didn't seem too friendly. You sighed as you weren't surprised your father would take such a dangerous path.

"Baal, are you sure we're going the right way?" You asked, apprehensive of your surroundings. Baal only neighed in response as if saying this is where your idiot father got himself lost.

You soon realized it was as the snow appeared and a smashed windmill was on the ground. You got off Baal and picked it up, "papa..." You mumbled sadly as it was broken now. You softly put it down and continued on.

You found yourself in an extravagant courtyard and looked around in wonder, "where are we?" You asked yourself, you stopped Baal at the foot of some stairs and left him at a stable.

You cautiously walked up the stairs, all while taking in your surroundings. The castle seemed old but beautiful at the same and with that humongous size, you wondered if there was a library at all.

You shook it off and pulled your cloak closer to get rid of the cold seeping through, you laid your hand against the railing despite all the snow on it and walked up, ignoring the snow in your shoes.

You picked up a nearby stick from a dead tree and held it close to you in the case of any threats, it was better than nothing. You pulled your hood on and walked up to the grand door which was double your size. You laid your hand on the cooled wood and pushed it open with little to no effort.


"You just had to say something didn't you?!"

Kouha only ignored his brother's excessive nagging, "well, what was I supposed to do?! He complimented you and it's only natural to thank someone! Seriously, Koumei, I thought you had more manners than this!" Scoffed Kouha as his brother seethed with rage.

"Why you-?!"

They were both cut off by a voice coming in, "hello?"

They both looked to see you, a girl, walking into the castle. Both gasped but Kouha spoke up, "look Koumei, a girl," he whispered as you strolled into the castle with a stick in your hand.

Koumei scoffed, "I can see that." He snapped, "I lost my hands, not my eyes," he sassed causing Kouha to pout at him and whine about him acting so rudely.

He got back to the subject at hand, "she could be the one to break the spell!" He whisper-yelled growing excited at the thought of being human again.

You turned sharply as you heard voices, "who said that?" You snapped with fear in your voice, wielding the stick in your hand. You walked towards the voices where a candelabra and a clock were sitting.

You narrowed your eyes as you could've sworn you had heard their voices from there. Your thoughts were interrupted as you heard a loud cough echoing through the empty castle, you recognized it as your father, "papa!" You yelled as you ran towards the source but not before grabbing the candelabra.

Koumei looked in shock and sputtered out a few words as you had just grabbed his brother and walked off.


You found yourself walking up a spiral staircase that almost seemed to have no end and at the top, you found several wooden doors with metal bars. "Papa!" You called out again as you looked through the dark, desolate room.

You heard a voice, "Y/N! Is that you, Y/N?" He called out before having an entire coughing fit. You ran to your father and dropped the candelabra, grabbing his chilled hands. Your eyes widened as your father was sick.

"Oh, papa! Your hands are freezing, who did this to you?" You demanded with a glare at the thought of someone doing this to your father. You would tear them limb from limb as they caused your father to be in such a horrid condition.

He shook his head frantically, "don't worry about me, Y/N! You must go, now!" He yelled as he frantically looked around for the thing that threw him in here.

You shook your head, "no! I won't leave you." You resisted as your father tried pushing you away. Tears filled your eyes, "papa! Please talk to me! Who did this?!"

Your father was cut off by a loud roar, he grew frantic, "Y/N, get out of here! He'll find you!" He yelled as he grabbed your hands in an attempt to push you away.

Meanwhile, you looked around the dark room only to see nothing but a silhouette running by from time to time. You grew fearful but stayed as you wanted your father out as soon as possible. You breathing grew heavy as the figure came closer.

You grabbed the candle to light your way and the stick from earlier. "Who's there?! Who are you?!" You yelled raising the stick high above your head to strike.

All you got in response was a sudden jump causing you to drop the candelabra in nearby puddle drowning the room in a deeper darkness. You felt whoever it near their face towards yours, "who are you?" The voice asked menacingly.

You looked to the side to get some proximity between you and the mysterious figure, "I-I came for my father," you stuttered as you felt their breath on your face. The voice scoffed and walked from you, very quickly might you add.

"He is my prisoner. He is a thief." He spat as you heard him circling you. His feet seemed to be big as you can hear every step he made and very loudly.

You shook your head, denying any fact of that, "liar! He would never!" You yelled at them as they accused your father of something he would never do. You were very protective of him, it was especially when the villagers spoke ill of him.

"He stole a rose..." Boomed the voice as he threw the white rose your father had gotten you at your father at your feet. You looked shocked as your father remembered your request and picked up the rose, you flinched as you felt a thorn and blood dripped down your finger.

You heard the voice let out a sharp intake of breath as you felt him staring at your slightly bloody hand. You shook it off, "I asked for the rose..." You said confidently as it was your fault your father got it in the first place.


You turned to your father who had tears in his eyes for the first time in a while. He shook his head, "I will not have my daughter here forever!" He yelled while clutching the metal bars.

Your eyes widened, "what?! Forever?! It seems like too harsh of a punishment for a rose!" You yelled as the voice stayed in one spot as you felt his eyes on you. You squinted your eyes as all you can see of him was that, his glowing red eyes.

Your father had a look of disdain, "apparently that's what happens here when you pick a flower!" He spat, not feeling very keen on being locked in a cage. The voice growled in response causing Sinbad to double back in fear.

You staggered back as he growled near you. "I received eternal damnation for one. I'm merely locking him away!" He growled but his voice grew voice soft, "do you still wish to take your father's place?" He asked as you had been fighting for his release.

You narrowed your eyes as you noticed he had done everything to stay closer to the dark, "come into the light."

You saw the silhouette falter but soon step into the small sliver of light that was in the dark dungeon. Your eyes widened and you felt your body go limp as the first you saw were the swirling horns on his head as your eyes traveled down you saw hair coming from the nape of his neck all the way down to his hips, making it look like fur which covered most of his body but not his chest, making it bare along with a part of his arms. Paws replaced what was supposed to be his feet and claws replaced his finger and toenails. You could also see a tail between his legs and a goatee on his chin.

You took in a deep breath as tears filled your eyes, you hesitantly answered, "yes." You then collapsed to the floor in tears as you realized you were with that beast for all your life.

Your father felt tears in his eyes, "no, Y/N, no! I've lived my life, leave me here!" He said as the beast dragged him out his cage. You reached out to him only to see his retreating figure, "papa!" You called to him with tears falling down your face.


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