Chp.19 Coming For You

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It's been days now since (YN) started kept having those dreams from his past, now I'm starting to be worried about him...he barely sleeps and doesn't wanna eat. I tried everything and still nothing, I tried everything to make my boyfriend feel better, but nothings change now since that was afternoon as I was with the girls and the boys with (YN)...I then walked over to him with the boys as I made him hot tea, he thank me as I gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked over to the girls. me and the girls were all sitting down at the table at the kitchen...

Jirou: Anything Good?

Momo: No, not even close.

Mina: Did you try everything?

Momo: Yes, everything I have tried to make him feel better, but nothing is working, he keeps having the dream for these pass days, he even barely get some sleep, and I'm so worried about him.

Ochaco: Well, let's see if the boys can be helpful.

To the boys...

Denki: (YN), can you at least smile for us and stop making us feel worried? Even your girl is being worried for you...

(YN): I...can't. I just can't deal with this damn dreams I'm having!

Tenya: (YN), you look stress, Why not drink some Tea Momo has brought you...

(YN): *sips tea and sighs* at least her tea makes me feel relax...but still, if I go back sleeping, I'm still going to have these nightmares...

The boys started thinking...

Sero: Hey! Why not we all go to the arcade!?

Izuku: Arcade??

Sero: Yeah! Sure going to the arcade will make (YN) feel better, you know...friends hanging out!

Kirashima: Well, now that you think of it, there is nothing to do now, our training don't start until next week. So Yeah, I'm up for playing video games!

Mineta: Yeah! Im totally in!

Izuku: Hmmmm? Arcade...sounds fun. What you think, (YN)?

(YN): ....Well, if it makes me feel better...I guess I could use some gaming.

Denki: Alright! Arcade it is!

Izuki: What about you Kachan? You wanna go with us??

Bakugo: Mmmm. I'm only going cause I wanna beat all you guys in each every game! So count me in!

Kirashima: Awww. Never knew you can be this nice for once..

Bakugo: Nrgh! Shut it shitty hair! 💢

The boy and (YN) then started putting on some clothes to get ready to hang out at the arcade at the city. Minutes later, the boys were ready as they told the girls they will come back once they close. As they exit the living room, Momo got up as she rushes to (YN), calls him, as (YN) turns around as Momo then grabs onto both of (YN)'s hands

(YN): Hey, what is it, Momo?

Momo: I just wanna have fun with the boys, hope you come back feeling better, I'm just worried about you that's all...

(YN): *Chuckles* don't worry, babe. I'll come back better. And once I come back, we'll both spend time together, promise.

(YN) and Momo both kiss for a while as (YN) then leaves, waving bye at her and Momo waving back as as the day continues, the boys started walking to the city as they arrive to arcade which took a while...

Denki: Alright! We made it!

Kirashima: This is going to be so much fun!

Suddenly, (YN) was kinda happy to arrive in the arcade and have fun...until suddenly...he then sees three suspicious people standing in the other side of the street walk..

(YN) started to breathe heavily as he then shakes his head, eyes closed as he then looks back again...realizing their not there anymore...

(YN): What the-

Izuki: Hey (YN). You okay?

(YN): Y-Yeah...Its just...nothing really hehe. Come on, let's go and have some fun.

(YN) then walks in the arcade with the others as Izuki started to feel a bit worried for him, but he realizes he's not here to be worried, he's here to make him feel better, so he rushes to the others as he joins them to have some fun in the arcade...and so their fun began at the arcade. The boys started playing all the arcade games, some were fun and some were more fun...their were snack bars as well to enjoy eating snacks, somehow (YN) was starting to enjoy the fun already...he started beating some of the boys in every challenging arcade games, especially for Bakugo, lol. (YN) started enjoying having fun with his friends as the arcade was half minutes to close already they all went to have a seat at the snack bars where they had some benches...

Sero: Boy! Today was hella fun!

Mineta: I've nerve knew these arcades would be so much cooler!

Kirashima: Ha! Whats been better is that (YN) over here is already feeling better and beat us in every arcade game!

(YN): Heh, yeah...

Bakugo: Nrgh! (YN) you Bastard! You got lucky but mark my words I will be a better gamer than you!

(YN): Hehe. Keep dreaming Bakugo.

Bakugo: Tch. Whatever.

(YN): Anyways, Im going to use it. Won't take long.

Izuku: Okay then, hurry before they close.

(YN) then heads over to the restrooms as he then enters, takes a piss, and done as he goes and washes his he does...he suddenly started to see the mirror as the mirror was covered in steam and red eyes glowing....(YN) started to pant a little as he started to recognize something like this in his dream he had a while back...he quickly washes his face, looks back at the mirror as the mirror was steam at all...

(YN): Just...calm down. Not real...

???: Oh (YN).

Suddenly, he heard a voice as he quickly turns around...he started recognizing that voice he started panting a bit faster and panicking a bit...

(YN): Wh-Whos there!?!

???: Oh (YN)...How much i miss you...Well, not quite, but I've been expecting you to be alive still...

Suddenly, a black hole emerge out from the wall as a hand slowly started coming out from the black hole, like if someone was coming out, the person then came out from the hole completely as he then revealed to himself to (YN), which made him panting a lot and sweat as he started to realize...that not only does he remember the person he knows wearing a mask, but remembers the exact black suit he always wears, as his nightmare was coming true, All For One arrive.

All For One: Hello, (YN).

Meanwhile, back with the boys, they were waiting for (YN) as it seem to be he was taking a bit long...

Bakugo: Tch! The hell he's taking long!?!

Izuku: Maybe it's all the snacks he ate....should we go check on him???

Kirashima: Don't worry, Izuku. He's probably just finishing up already. Just relax and let him take his time, the arcade closes in 20 minutes anyways.

???: Oh...I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Suddenly, the boys turned around quickly to realizes Tomura and the rest of the league of villains arrive...the boys stood up quickly...

Izuku: Th-The league of villains!?!!!??


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