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The league of villains arrive somehow, the boys were on their guard, ready to fight when they make their first move...

Izuku: You guys!? The hell you doing here!?!

Tomura: Why, isn't it's like always, taking you down like always and wiping out the heroes for good! But...that's not the only reason we're here...

Kirashima: Then...The hell you guys are planning now!?!

Tomura: Why...we just wanna go and visit our "little friend" and I notice he isn't with you all.

Denki: Little friend??! What do you-oh no!

Tokoyami: He's talking about (YN)?!

The boys started to realize (YN) is taking longer than not expected to be....

Sero: Uh..Guys!? Why is he taking long to come out!?

Suddenly they heard a loud scream, which was (YN)...

Bakugo: The fuck!?!

Todoroki: (YN)! He's in trouble!

Izuku: We have to go save him now!

Dabi: Not so fast!

Dabi then emits his quirk as he burst his blues flames towards the boys...

Todoroki: Watch Out!!

But Todoroki uses his ice quirk to create a ice wall to save his friends...

Todoroki: That should hold! Come on! Let's go find (YN)!!!

Tomura: ...NO!!!

The boys make their run to go after (YN) and look for him...meanwhile at the restrooms, (YN) was slam to the wall as he was hurt as He can barely get up...

All For One: Come on now (YN), why aren't you angry?? Turn to that monster of yours! Come on! Let's see if you still got it!.

(YN): Wh-Why!?! Why are you coming for me!?! What do you want from me!!?? You killed my parents! You made me into a monster! What worse you want that you took everything from me!?!!

All For One: ...your power.

(YN): Wh-What!?!

All For One: ...If I remember, the gamma radioactive radiation you have inside your body, not only it makes you into a monster, but it also held' San incredible power. That's why I need it. So I can erase the heroes for good! Now, be a good boy and kindly let me take your-

(YN): Screw you!!!

(YN) rushes towards All For One for a punch, but blocks it and grabs him by the neck and lifts him up...

All For One: Don't make this harder for you! Now, give me your-

(YN) then spits All For One's mask...

(YN): Fuck...You!

All For One then started choking him harder as he then swings him and tosses him with full force to the wall as (YN) crashes through...the boys also arrive to see the wall crashes they see (YN) knocked out...blood coming from behind his head...

Izuku: (YN)!!

Bakugo: Oi!! What happen!?

Izuku: H-He's unconscious! He's bleeding from behind! We have to take him back now!

Denki: U-Uh, G-Guys!

Everyone then notice someone aside them, they were shock and a bit fear to witness to see All For One...

All For One: Well...if it isn't the next generation of heroes. Is (YN) your friend? *chuckles* of course he is! Now, kindly hand him over yeah?

Bakugo: Like hell! If you want him, then get pass through me!

Bakugo was ready to fight until Todoroki then created a ice wall...

Todoroki: No!

Bakugo: Damn it Icy-Hot!

Todoroki: This is No time to fight! We gotta get out of here now and take (YN) back!!!

Bakugo: Tch! Fine whatever!

Izuku: Shoji! Hold (YN) from your back and carry him!

Shoji: Got it!

Shoji pick (YN) up and holds onto him from his back as everyone then rushes to the back door and heads back to UA quickly...

All For One: Well...that was disappointed.

Kurogiri: What now??

All For One: Looks like we're going to pay a little visit in UA, Kurogiri, I want you to go and find Tomura and the others and lead them to UA now!

Kurogiri: What about you??

All For One Don't worry about me...I'll be at UA any moment.

Kurogiri then vanishes as he then heads over to Tomura and the others...

Tomura: Kurogiri!

Kurogiri: Listen, Master said that the students are heading back to UA! We must go and find them now!

Tomura: Splendid...let's get a move on then.

Meanwhile back at UA, Momo and the girls were watching TV as All Might and Aizawa were joining them as well...until the boys then suddenly bash inside the living room, startling the girls, All Might and Aizawa...

All Might: Boys! What's wrong!?

Izuku: (YN)'s hurt!

Momo: What!?!?

Momo rushes to (YN) as the girls follow here as All Might and Aizawa go as well...Shoji then lays (YN) down on the sofa...Aizawa quickly gets the first aid kit for some bandage behind his head, wrapping around his head quickly for its blood not to lose...

Momo: Wh-What happen!?!

Izuku: L-League of villains!

Momo: What!?

All Might: What?!? The villains!?!

Kirashima: N-Not only that...A-All For One was there as well...he hurt (YN) and made him unconscious!

All Might: A-All For One!!?? Why?! How!?

Izuku: Don't know! But we have to stop them, their after (YN) somehow! I just don't know why the villains are after (YN)!

Suddenly, a warp gate then appeared outside as everyone started to notice it, then, the league of villains started to come out from the warp gate...

Denki: Damn it! How did they find us!?

Kirashima: Shit! Nrgh! Looks like we have to fight them and keep (YN) safe!

All Might: No! I cannot let you fight against them, you all aren't ready for them yet! Let me and Aizawa handle them!

Izuku: What!? Why not?! We can help you as well! Come on All Might! We've trained so hard to become the next generation of heroes and this is our go nace to prove you all...and besides, we wanna save our friend!

All Might started to have second thoughts as Momo then said...

Momo: Please, All Might. I wanna fight too! I wanna fight for my boyfriend...

All Might: . . . . .Very Well then. Let's see what all you can do!

Everyone then started to get ready as they all go rushing to the door to leave the building...As they All leave, All Might notices Momo still with (YN) as he hears her telling to (YN)...

Momo: Dont you worry (YN). We'll get through this, and I will come back for you. *kisses him in the lips*

Momo then stood up as she goes rushing to the door...

All Might: Everything Okay, Young Yaoyorozu??

Momo: Yeah.

All Might: Dont worry, once we'll deal with the villains, we will come back for (YN), he'll be okay in here. Now come on, we got business to take care of!

All Might and Momo both leaves. Leaving (YN) alone in the living they both got out, they realize they were too late, the league of villains as already taken down all of their friends, not only the villains, but All For One appeared as well...

All For One: Toshinori.

All Might: Shigaraki!

All Might notices all of his students, and Aizawa knocked out....

Momo: N-No! My friends!

All Might: Y-You bastard!

All Might with anger charges to All For One...

All For One: Not so fast, Toshinori.

All For One's left arm started to grew as he faces his hand towards All Mights, he then led out a huge and powerful air cannon from his whole arm, releasing a strong powerful wind towards All Might, sending him flying crashing towards the wall...

Momo: All Might!! Y-You Bastards! You hurt my friends, you hurt my teachers...but most importantly, you hurt (YN)! And your all gonna pay! Pay I say!

Momo then created a staff and a shield from her body as she charges towards them angrily until, Toga quickly appeared behind her, grabs her and having her knife on her neck...

Toga: *giggles* I wouldn't do that if I were you, now be a good girl, and stay still, or else I will cut you and taste that blood of your, or I wouldn't mind cutting you up, you choose!

All For One: Well done, Toga.

Tomura: Hehe, to think these so called heroes are suppose to be better than us, and I was right all along. With master on our side, we are powerful!

Momo: Wh-What do you even want from us!?!

Tomura then walks over to Momo as he tells her in her face...

Tomura: Don't worry, once we take (YN) back with us, we will leave you all alone and-

Momo then spits Tomura in the face...

Momo: Like hell your gonna take him away from me! I won't let you-

Tomura quickly grabs Momo's neck as he started choking her...

Tomura: Don't push it! You don't want your skin to be shed don't you?

All For One: Tomura, that's enough. We're here for (YN) only, let her go.

Tomura then let's Momo go as Momo gasps for air and still being hold by Toga...

All For One: Now...twice, Go and find (YN).

Twice: what!? Why me!? ...Tch! Fine! But if I get him after that, you get me a soda!

All For One: Fine just go!

Twice: ...Okay!

Twice goes running to the building to find (YN)... as he does All For One notices Momo crying, shedding tears....

Momo: N-No...please Don't!

All For One: *chuckles* I see you care a lot about (YN), I can tell. Well,'cry all you want, because that is the last time your gonna see him. And don't you worry...we'll take care of him real good.

Momo started to sob quietly as she then screams...


Momo's scream caused an echo, a loud echo than t can be heard inside the building, (YN) was still unconscious, until suddenly, inside (YN)'s head, he started to see a vision, a vision that was happening right now, his friends hurt, everyone in trouble, villains coming after him, All For One as well...and his beloved love one in trouble as well, crying for him...back to him...he seems like he was starting to wake up, as he opens his eyes, wide as eye color were changing to red slowly and growls...meanwhile, Twice was running upstairs as he got to the living room, everything was dark...

Twice: Oh (YN)...where are you?? Come out Come out where ever you are...

Twice then realizes he might be laying down at the sofa, he quietly approaches to the sofa, and realizes he isn't there...

Twice: Damn it-

(YN): *Growls*

Twice hears a vicious growl as he slowly turns around and realizes a shadow silhouette starting to grow as clothes can be heard ripping apart and then revealed its red eyes...the giant silhouette then approached to Twice as he can barely see a red giant monster in front of him...which is (YN)...or none as...the hulk.

Twice: C-Crap...

Meanwhile outside, a window then breaks as Twice was then sent flying and crashing to the window and falling to the ground...

Magne: Wh-What?! Twice!!?

Spinner: What happen man!?

Tomura: ...N-No!

All For One: !!!

From the broken window, (YN) jumps out from it, lands on the ground as he reveals himself as the monster hulk.

Momo: (Y-YN)...



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