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Me and the girls were now at the Hosu General Hospital, me and the girls were at the waiting room as the nurse and doctors were checking on the person we found. Thank goodness we manage to bring him here in time. As were waiting for a couple of minutes, we then realizes Mr.Aizawa-Sensei and All Might arriving with the boys...

All Might: Your girls! Are you all alright??!

Ochaco: Yeah, we are.

Aizawa: We came here as fast as possible.

Izuku: Yeah, and we all came along as well to see what's going on!

Tenya: But I do not understand the situation here. You girls seem to be very well and healthy. What's seems to be the problem??

Tsuyu: Well, Ribbit. We were just heading to UA until Momo found a helpless person in the alley.

All Might: Really??!

Momo: Yes. Not only that. He looked helpless. He wasn't in his clothes, only in shorts. I couldn't just leave him there, so helped him and so the girls as well.

All Might: I see...what does this person look like??

Momo: Well, he looks like our age...

Mina: He has brown hair as well...

All Might: I see...Well, good job on calling the ambulance on the person you girls. Especially you Young Yaoyorozu, it was heroic of you to call 911 on a helpless person.

Momo: Thank You, All Might.

Suddenly, a doctor then approach to All Might and the others...

Doctor: Excuse me, Mr. All Might?

All Might: Ah yes! What is?

Doctor: I know these girls are your students, so are these the girls that brought (YN)?

All Might/Aizawa: (YN)?

Girls: (YN)?

Boys: (YN)?

Momo's Mind: So...that's his name...(YN)...

Momo: Yes! If that's his name, then me and my friends are the ones who brought him here's me called on him for help as well!

All Might: Yes. She and her friends were the one who who called to help (YN)? So, what's the news about him?

Doctor: Well, good news is he's alive and okay for the part of it. But the bad news is that we still need to check on him. From what I can see from the results is that he hasn't been eating nor drinking, and it's weird he's somehow alive...lucky for him. But yeah, we need more time to check on him, give us like a week and then we'll give you call to let you know you can come back.

All Might: Very well then, you know where to call right?

Doctor: Yup, UA High.

All Might: Alright then, thanks doc.

Doctor: Anytime.

We all then started to leave the hospital as we were all heading back to UA. Mmmm. I hope (YN) is doing okay. I wonder if All Might I'll let me go with him to come back here next week for (YN)...

Momo: Uhm, excuse me, All Might?

All Might: What is it, Momo?

Momo: Would you mind...if I join you coming here next week for (YN)? I-It just...somehow now I'm starting to be worried about him and all...

All Might: Hmm. Your starting to care about (YN) huh?

Momo: *blushes a little* w-well, you can say that I guess...

All Might: Heh, sure. You can come with me when we come back.

Momo: R-Really??

All Might: Of course.

Momo: Thank you, All Might.

All Might: Your welcome, young Yaoyorozu.

I somehow started to feel happy. The fact I get to see him again. So all we can do is wait...


A week later then pass as it was Saturday. Me and All Might started heading over to the hospital...we were at a limo by the way as we were minutes away to get to the hospital...

Momo: Thank you for taking with me again All Might.

All Might: Much appreciate, Momo.

We then arrive to the hospital as we entered to the front desks to look for (YN). They allowed us as we then went to go see the doctor from upstairs. We then arrive to the floor where (YN)'s at...we then found the doctor. Waiting for us...

Doctor: Ah, All Might. Glad you come. And I see you brought a guest as well?

All Might: Yeah, she wanted to come along and check on (YN) as well.

Momo: Yeah.

Doctor: Good to hear. Now, would you follow me please?

The doctor then started to lead us to the hallways as we then arrive to a room where (YN) was lay there, sleeping...he seems to be really okay and relaxed

Doctor: Good news. He's 100% okay. He just needs more rest.

All Might: Good to hear. Hear that Momo? ...Momo?

I then was kinda distracted by starring at (YN) for a while, I just couldn't take my eyes off from as I started hearing All Might calling my name several times...

Momo: Huh? Oh, sorry. I just got a bit distracted there. And yes, I am glad to hear (YN) is okay. So, when is he able to go home?

Doctor: Yeah...that's the thing. All Might, May I have a few words with you? At my office?

All Might: Oh, sure. What about Momo?

Doctor: She can enter the room and have seat with (YN) until he wakes up. If it's okay with-

Momo: Truly! I-I mean...Yeah, I-I don't mind.

Doctor: Very well then, just have a seat where ever you want.

All Might: I'll be back Momo. Won't take long.

Momo: Got it.

I then entered the room to see (YN) still relaxing on his sleep...I then grabbed a chair with me as I sat next to him...somehow, I feel good being around him somehow...I don't know why...


As Momo stayed with (YN), All Might then kept following the doctor as they arrive to his office...they entered.

Doctor: Please, Have a seat All Might.

All Might: Sure.

Doctor: Now, what I'm about to tell you...isn't hard for me to say have to bear with me All Might.

All Might: Of course, Doctor. What seems to be the problem.

Doctor: ...We have been checking on him a lot of times in his DNA...we know who he is, his name is (YN), he is an 18 year old teenager...with no family, no parents, and no siblings.

All Might: What?! But how!?!

Doctor: According to the results. his parents somehow die by who knows, he's been living on the streets for 11 years ago.

All Might: Dear god...and all those years he was able to survive?! Without food nor water?! How can that be?!

Doctor: We don't know, All Might. But what we do that he doesn't have no where to stay nor live. So that's why I'm asking you, if you can possibly be responsible for (YN)? We can't just let him go and live on the streets again...

All Might: ...Of course I will. I'm All Might for Christ sake! I can't let a teenager to go back to the streets again! Not even Momo will be happy about it. So to answer your question Doc, I will take care of him.

Doctor: Great. That's good to hear from the greatest hero of them all.

All Might: Absolutely. So, is that all you wanna tell me?

Doctor: ...Not quite. There's Alonso something me and the nurses found out.

All Might: What is it??


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