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The doctor then showed All Might an X-Ray scan of (YN)...

Doctor: We've been scanning his body quite a few times and ... this came up.

All Might started to observe the x ray from (YN)'s body...All Might started to realize that all of his insides of his body was nothing but green liquid all over....

All Might: What the!? I mean, is that his blood??

Doctor: Not quite. You see, over the pass week, we found out about it as we then started scanning and checking his insides. When we found out about this, we realize it's not just only liquid, it's something how radioactive gamma radiation liquid.

All Might: Radioactive...what?!

Doctor: Gamma radiation liquid, his insides is nothing but gamma. Not even a single red blood on him...just pure...gamma. But what doesn't make sense is the fact he's still alive with all that dangerous radioactive radiation on his body.

All Might couldn't believe his ears what he's hearing...

Doctor: And what really worries himself. During over the pass week, some of the nights, when me and some of the nurses and doctors check on him, he somehow starts to have these nightmares of who knows what he's dreaming. We tried to calm him down, but when he open his eyes wide, his eye were nothing but red, glowing, his eye pupils shrinked as his whole body started to get veiny, muscular, it was like he was getting stronger somehow...luckily we were able to make him sleep as he then was back to normal. This happened 2 or 3 times...and so far...he's been relaxing some times...that's why I will ask you again All Might, will you take care of (YN) and this situation? We can't no more, it keeps scaring our patients.

All Might started to think about it as he then was playing with his thumbs for a while as he looks back at the doctor and tells him...

All Might: Of course I will. I will do anything to help the poor kid. And don't you worry, he'll be safe and sound with me and the rest of the teachers and students.

Doctor: Good. I'm glad to hear that. That's all I wanna tell you, now come with me. We must check on (YN) and see if he awake now.

All Might: Okay.

As the doctor and All Might exit the office, Momo was still waiting for them to come as she was still sitting next to (YN) she waits, the doctor and All Might then arrive...

Momo: All Might!

All Might: Momo, Hows (YN)?

Momo: Still resting.

Doctor: So...Anything happen that triggered him to wake up??

Momo: Triggered him? What do you mean by that?

All Might: Well you See Momo, it's that-

Suddenly, the three realize (YN) moving as he seems he is starting to wake up...

Momo: *gasp* he's waking up!

Doctor: Good. At least nothing is triggering him.

(YN) started to open his eyes slowly as he woke up and started to see light, he notice he was laying down on the bed as he realizes Momo on his left side...

Momo: Oh Good! Your awake!

(YN): ...

Momo: Um...

Doctor: Shoot. I forgot to tell you guys, he doesn't talk very much.

Momo: Oh...I See. So...(YN), how do you feel?

(YN) then starts to look at himself as he then raises a thumbs up to Momo...

Momo: Heh, Good to hear.

(YN) then stood up as he places his hand on his head as he looks around the room...

(YN): ...

All Might: If your wondering young (YN), your at the hospital. You were in serious trouble. Luckily for you, my student over there is the one who brought you here.

(YN) then stares at Momo as Momo then blushes touches her cheek with one hand as she then said...

Momo: Y-Yeah, that's me. Th-The names..Momo Yaoyorozu...and it was an honor to-

Suddenly, Momo was then cut off as (YN) quickly reaches towards her and hugs her as Momo then blushes a bit more...

Momo: E-Eh...(Y-YN)...

Doctor: Hehe, I think he's trying to say is "Thank You" like I said, not much

(YN) kept hugging Momo for almost a minute...

Momo: Uh...(Y-YN)?? Y-You Can let go now...

(YN) then let's go...

All Might: So, what now Doc? Is he good to leave with us today??

Momo: Us??

All Might: Sure, i just don't wanna tell you why, bu all you gotta know is that (YN) will be living with us at UA.

Momo: Splendid! I-I mean...Oh, that sound good to me.

Doctor: As what I see, he is able to leave with you.

All Might: Good. Do you have any spare clothes for him??

Doctor: Oh yea, we bought some clothes for him. (YN), follow me and I'll lead you to a room where you can change yourself.

As (YN) then got out off the bed, he then follows the doctor as for Momo and All Might, they went to the at the fron desk at the first floor to wait for him. Minutes later, they then see (YN) coming out of the elevator as they see him with clothes on. A red shirt with black pants and shoes on...

All Might: Glad to see you again Young (YN).

Momo: You look Great (YN). Im glad your okay and yet you look healthy as well-

Momo again then got cut off as (YN) then hugs her again, Momo started to blush as well....

Momo: (Y-YN)...! *blushing*

All Might: Heh, looks like he's starting to like you.

Momo: All Might!

All Might: Hehe, sorry.

(YN) then let's go as he then gives Momo a small smile as Momo blushes and smiles at him as well...

All Might: So, ready to go?

Momo: O-Oh! Y-Yeah, I am, (YN)?

(YN) nods, saying yes..

Momo: Good. Let's go home then.

The three then exit the hospital as they then entered the limo and head over to UA. (YN) then sat next to Momo as he tilts his head towards her shoulder as she blushes, Momo wasn't bothered at all as she smiles. All Might then looks to see what is going on, he also smiles....


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