- 17 -

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"So, you're saying you're a half-blood?" Jimin asks with wide eyes. I nod. "My dad was a vampire, my mom was human. My brother got closer to a vampire while I got closer to human. The blood in my veins still works to my advantage, without really changing anything".

I feel a gaze on me and look around every faces to find it comes from Namjoon, a very focused look to his eyes. The clearing of a throat gets my attention to Jungkook. "You keep saying 'was' as if they're gone".

Jin, Hoseok and Yoongi all tense, probably remembering the call with Rosé earlier. I sigh and rub the back of my neck. "It's because they are, Jungkook. My brother is still alive but... it's a long story". His eyes widen, bright orange turning to pale blue. I smile. "It's alright, you don't have to feel bad. I... might share this story one day, but not now".

Sad eyes look at me and I sigh. "Let's not focus on this, please" I mumble and Taehyung, as the ball of sunshine that he is, claps his hands with a wide smile. "Why don't you come to our home? I know Jin-hyung won't allow us to skip the rest of the day, but since they took the day off, you could wait there until we come back! Then we could something together!".

Every heads nod before hearing for my approval. "That would actually be a good idea since we need to make sure the bonding completes all the way. I would even have you sleep over in my bed to make sure we get in as much contact as possible" Hoseok says as he looks at me and I blush wildly at his proposition.

"Well... I get where you're coming from, but isn't this..." I start, unsure of how to word this. "A perfect idea? It is. Don't bother getting clothes at home, Jiminie can share his with you" Jin says and just like that, the conversation is over. They're acting just like Rosé. Making decisions for me and then telling me what's going to happen instead of telling me could happen. Oh well.

I do have a concern though. I turn to Jin and he meets my eyes. Lips into a tight line, I point to where he used the syringe earlier. His eyes widen as his mouth forms an 'o' . He turns to the group. "There's something important we should talk about too. It's about Y/N's blood".

All eyes turn to me and I see how Jimin and Taehyung's eyes crease in worry. They have experienced it after all, if only a little bit. "What about it?" Jungkook asks in curiosity while Namjoon leans forward, ears ready to hear whatever it is we have to say. I notice Yoongi also moving forward to listen while Hoseok holds my hand tighter.

"I'll say it, Jin. My blood is... different. Rare. Dangerous. It's barely found around the world and people who have it have to be careful from a young age. It's the Golden blood type. It is known to be extremely... tasty to vampires. The simple act of smelling it can activate your instincts and take over your senses, making you go crazy and unaware of your actions. So in that sense, let me say it again, my blood is dangerous. If we're going to do this, the soulmate thing, it makes sense that you know. Everyone says it wouldn't apply to soulmates, but I don't want to believe it because... what if it doesn't apply?".

My words are greeted by heavy silence. As expected. A river of sweat is forming in my hand that Hoseok is still holding so I try to pull it out to wipe it on my clothes, but he only grips onto it firmer. "I stand by what I said this morning. Try us" Hoseok says as his red eyes look determined, unafraid. "I collected blood samples, one to make sure the lack of bonding didn't affect her negatively while the others are for us. Not to enjoy tasting, but to grow used to it. It'll be a good test to see how we can handle ourselves while under its effects" Jin explains and everyone nods firmly.

"It's fine, I'm sure we can get used to it rather quickly. Jimin and I were fine last time, it just made us a tiny bit hungry" Taehyung says with a smile, unaware of how serious this is. "Yeah, it's a soulmate's blood, obviously it won't hurt us, nor make us hurt you, it's impossible" Jungkook adds and I start to feel my blood boiling.

"Huh... guys-" Namjoon starts after noticing my expression, but gets cut off. "It's like training, right? If it is harder than we think, we'll just have to keep trying, it can't affect us forever" Jimin says with bright eyes, as if the solution is that easy.

"Guys-" Namjoon tries again, but again, gets cut off. "Should we try right now? The samples are in the other room right? The smell doesn't seem to affect Jin and I that much so we could watch over the group to make sure everything goes well" Yoongi then says and I snap.

I raise from my chair, pull my hand our of Hoseok's hand and make my way to the front door to put on my shoes. "Wait, Y/N-". I open the door and slam it shut behind me.

With every words they said, the faces of my family kept appearing in my head. Words of love, promises. All tainted with blood. Because of my blood. I don't wait to see who's going to come after me and make my way away from the clinic.

I know they would eventually be fine. I had marks in my memory with Hoseok. But them talking in my face as if the matter is light, as if we're talking about a tough to make breakfast, that just doesn't sit well with me.

They don't know how much pain my blood has caused, they don't know because I'm not telling them, but how am I supposed to say that my dad and brother tried to kill me because I was wounded? How mom tried to protect me and got killed instead. I barely survived and owe it only to a human calling the cops because of the screams they heard from outside.

That night, my brother and father got sent to prison. Dad killed himself, unable to live with the thought of killing mom. My brother wants absolutely nothing to do with me, saying that I'll only ever bring despair to others, that my blood is a malediction.

And it's true. I brought this upon my family. Stole a happy life from my brother. I destroyed everything. All of that because I was a dumb kid who trusted the wrong people.

At that moment, my blood freezes and my body stops moving. A chilling feeling washes over me and I look around to try and see where it's coming from. I start shaking from the intensity of the staring and to say I'm scared is an understatement. I want to run away, but my body won't cooperate.

Why the heck did I have to walk without paying attention to my surroundings? I don't know where I am, dark and empty streets surrounding me as the feeling intensifies. The sound of feet running resonates all around me, as if trying to trick my mind into finding the source but never able to pinpoint the right location.

It suddenly goes away just as a hand grabs my shoulder and I scream before moving away from it, turning around quickly to see-

"Whoa, whoa! What's wrong?!" Namjoon exclaims with red eyes as he looks around and then at me with panicked eyes. The others soon appear behind him and rush to us just as my legs fall under me. Still shaking, the feeling was very real. "Y/N!" I hear repeatedly as bodies crouch around me.

Feeling tears gather in my eyes, I look up to meet their eyes. "S-someone... a vampire... they- it felt- I froze-" my thoughts are in disorder as I try to focus on the ones around me at the moment, not the one who's gone. 

An arm pulls me into a hard chest before sliding to my back, bringing a feeling of security with it to calm me down. "You're alright... you're alright" Hoseok whispers softly into my ear, not letting me go until my breathing goes back to normal.

I lick my lips as I process what just happened. Except, I don't know what just happened. That was the most scared I've ever felt after my family incident. "Can you explain what just happened?" Yoongi asks carefully, waiting patiently for me to look at him.

I meet his eyes to find worry and care mixed together. "I felt someone stare at me from afar... but it made my blood and body freeze, my senses alert as if I was in danger, yet I couldn't move a single muscle. The sound of running... all around me... I felt like an animal in cage. It stopped just before Namjoon touched my shoulder, that's why I screamed...".

Hoseok stands up and walks a little away with Yoongi and Jin. Jungkook joins them and I watch as they talk about something, eyes flashing a bright red before they jump on roofs and disappear out of view.

"They're going to see if they can find out who it was" Jimin explains when he notices my confused eyes. "How about we bring you home for now and wait there with you, I'll make you some warm tea to help you relax" Namjoon says with a warm smile. I turn to see Taehyung and Jimin also smiling, eyes expectant for a yes, so I nod and stand up with their hands hovering over me.

Now up on slightly trembling legs and a trio of vampires surrounding me like bodyguards, they lead me to their home, a small walk that makes us step into a richer section of the district with beautiful houses.

I'm honestly not even surprised to learn that they live here. They all have that rich vibe to them, maybe because they're vampires. I've more often met vampires that are five times my age than vampires that are my age. Rosé for example, she just turned 153. Lisa is 97. I'm surrounded by old people. I feel like a baby with them.

I guess I am. My whole life experiences barely cover a tiny portion of theirs. With my vampire blood, I've heard that I'd live longer than regular humans, but for how long, how my body would react to growing up hasn't been really confirmed yet because... half-bloods eventually get killed before they reach old age. That's why we usually stay quiet about this.

We stop in front of a beautiful house and I notice the guys turning to me. Large eyes waiting for a reaction. I sigh and look in front of me.

"Oh wow, such a beautiful and huge mansion" I say, voice neutral as I keep my face expressionless. Taehyung turns to me with a pout. "You could at least try to do better than that" he mumbles and I giggle. Their eyes turn a bright yellow and their postures rise to that of a happy person. "Finally, I was waiting for that sound" Jimin coos with a wide smile, eyes creased happily and Taehyung shows me his boxy smile.

"I guess... I have been rather quiet. It's just, this situation is... it's a little hard to face for me. A lot of thoughts and memories rushing through my mind at an awful speed" I explain, watching as their eyes sadden. "Not that I'm unhappy to be soulmates with you, it's really not that-"

"We get it, Y/N, it's okay. I also want to apologize for earlier. We didn't mean to ignore how you feel about this, we just tend to be very hopeful, we're ready to do anything if it's for you, but I promise we'll be more mindful of the circumstances and of how you feel from now on" Jimin says to calm me down when he hears my pulse quicken.

"Give us a chance, Y/N. I know we can do this" Taehyung says with his puppy eyes, causing me to nod just to make him stop. "Okay, okay. But at the first sign that this is going downhill, I'm stepping away" I reply, causing them to nod. "It won't happen, but deal" Namjoon concludes and then proceeds to lead us inside their home.

When we enter, we all remove our shoes and walk further in to find a beautiful and large living room adjacent to the kitchen. "You can take a seat on the couch, I'll make some tea" Namjoon says before heading to some of the cupboards next to the sink while Jimin proceeds to boil some water. Taehyung leads me to the couch and motions for me to sit down before taking a seat himself by my side at a respectable distance.

"Have you been able to read the notes I sent you by email?" the vampire asks with curious eyes. I nod. "Yes, they were very well taken, it felt like I was there in class listening to the teacher while reading it. Thank you, really, you've all been very helpful. The only thing really bothering me right now is maths. Jimin's notes are amazing, it's my brain that isn't. I don't think I'll make my way through next week's exam" I mumble as I run a hand through my hair.

"We have a little more than an hour left, if you want I can teach you now" Jimin says while taking a seat next to Taehyung. I huff softly. "I appreciate it, but it would be a waste of time for you. I'm a lost cause" I reply but he only smirks. "That's a challenge I'm willing to try. I'll make you understand so well you'll become a pro in no time" he counters, causing me to laugh.

"Jimin, that's the most hopeful yet ridiculous thing you've said so far" I say as I wipe a fake tear from my eye. His smile falls and this time it's Taehyung who bursts into laughter. "I'm serious! I'll show you just how great of a teacher I can be! You forget that I'm much older than our current maths teacher, henceforth, I know more than him" he smugly sends my way and my smile drops.

I turn to him with a weirded out face. "You know, Jimin... now that makes me a little uncomfortable". He gasps as Taehyung and Namjoon laugh loudly. I turn to see the latter walking to the coffee table to set down a cup of tea. "Be careful, it's hot" he warns and I nod with a smile. "Thank you, Namjoon".

I carefully grab the cup and blow on the liquid before taking a tiny sip. I hum, comfort already rushing through my body at the taste. Namjoon smiles warmly. "It's lavender tea. It does wonders to the body and has very calming effects" he explains. I close my eyes and slowly drink, the taste making me feel like melting into the couch right here and now. "It's delicious, it's my first time trying it, but I think I'll have some more often" I tell him, which makes him beam proudly.

The door suddenly open and I turn my head to see four disappointed men enter the house. "Not a single trace, not even a smell... he clearly knows what he's doing" Hoseok growls, the others nodding along. 

They all turn to the living room and notice me seated with the other three. "I was wondering where you went in the end, I'm glad to see you here, Y/N" Yoongi says with a fond smile and comes to sit on the couch in front of me. Jin and Jungkook follow him to cuddle together while Hoseok snuggles against me for what seems to be a natural reflex to him.

As for me, it makes me tense up quickly before my brain registers that we already bonded, so it's fine. He wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his side as he crosses his legs over the small table, a position of power as he smiles proudly. I understand why when I see flickers of pale green flash through many pairs of eyes. He's playing with them.

I give Hoseok reprimanding eyes, but he just responds with a wider grin. I just hope it doesn't make the others even less impatient about bonding. We should connect first. One day.

The guys fill in the silence with small talk and jokes here and there while I continue to sip on my drink, now more comfortably cuddled against Hoseok. As much as he made me nervous and awkward the first time I saw him, after holding hands all day, I feel much more at ease. Maybe the bond being activated as a play in this, or maybe this is just from seeing his warmer side throughout the day.

Suddenly, the ringing of my phone stops the conversation and I pull it out of my pocket. Oh. I get off the couch and walk into the kitchen before answering the call and put it against my ear. "Y/N, finally, my favorite w-" "Can I help you, Ji-Eun-unnie?" I cut her off, knowing that the others can hear what is being said too easily to my liking. "Aw, such a meanie, always so serious, huh. I just wanted to tell you that the money you earned was put into your account. Like you asked, I kept an amount aside, I just want to confirm with you before sending it away". "How much is it this time?" I ask, actually curious about it. "Around 10 million won, I'm sure this will help them tremendously" she replies with excitement. I gasp. "10 million?! That's amazing! Make sure it reaches them safely!" I say as I jump in place and she chuckles. "Of course, that's all I wanted to say really. Well then I'll leave you to your day, bye bye!". I end the call with a satisfied sigh.

I turn around on myself with a restrained scream. 10 million won! That's going to help feed a lot of mouths! They'll be able to buy better beds, more clothes, toys, books.

"Hum... can we possibly know what made you so happy?" Jin asks, which makes me trip on my feet and fall down on my bum. I look up, face burning red. Oh no. I can't believe I did that in front of them. Please kill me, anyone...

"Ah... you're adorable, those scarlet cheeks are to die for" Jin chirps with creased eyes as he takes in the sight. Jungkook has that side smirk, definitely amused while the others coo along with Jin. Hoseok eventually decides to help me up on my feet and looks at me with a hearty smile, which makes my heart swell at the sight, along with yellow eyes. Mixed with some pink, I realize. That only causes me to blush even more and I decide to focus all my attention on my phone.

"I just... I earned some money and asked my... friend to send it to an orphanage that takes care of children. A lot of half-blood in this one, they're the only ones accepting them so far so I try to help as much as possible since they don't receive many donations".

I look up to see widened, but proud eyes gazing at me. Especially Namjoon. "That's really nice of you, Y/N" he says, voice moved as he swallows some tears that make his eyes shine slightly. I grin, proud myself that this is something I can afford to do.

"I'm just doing my best so that the next generation can have a chance at a great life right from the start. If giving money and teaching people about us is the way to go at it, then that's exactly what I'll do" I say with a smile.

"That's very sweet. I just have a question" Jimin asks and I turn to him with curiosity. "How did you make so much money?". I deadpan look at him and say the first thing going through my mind to save my skin. "I worked".

Yoongi snorts loudly before clapping his hands as he laughs and soon the others follow. Jimin seems torn between laughing and frowning, but eventually decides on the first option. "So many secrets, Y/N, you can't hide them all forever" he says with a grin, but I just shrug. "I like being all mysterious, it gives me a charm, doesn't it?". "Oh it does, it definitely does" he responds with pink eyes, which the others see as well. But instead of teasing him again, they all simply seem content at the moment.

Until Namjoon looks at the time. "Oh fuck! Guys, we're late!" he shouts before running to the front door. All eyes widen and except Hoseok, Yoongi and Jin, chaos takes over as they trample unto each other to grab their shoes.

Taehyung turns to me one last time before leaving the house. "If you're not still here when we come back, I'm hunting you down!" he declares before closing the door.

I stay quiet for a moment, then turn to Yoongi who raises an eyebrow at me. "Now... is it just me or was that an invitation to play a game? Because I kind of feel like running away suddenly". Three smirks appear around me as a playful color lights their orbs. "If you're in, I'm in too" Hoseok says lowly with amusement. Jin and Yoongi hum in unison and I lick my lips.

"Let's play a little game then".

Huhuhuhu. A little more information for you all! Also, I can't wait for this game, I only hope it'll end up as great as I imagine it to be lmao.

For all of you interested, I made available the first chapter for a new story, Loving hybrids - Namjoon x Reader x Jungkook - hybrids AU. You're welcome to take a look if you want!


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