Extra scene

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A dear reader asked for an extra of what would happen if Y/N isn't present for the grand reveal and I'm not one to deny requests when asked so nicely, so here you go, and I hope it pleases you!

This is only for fun and in no way will have an impact on the story. You may skip it if it doesn't interest you.

Scenario for - What if Y/N isn't present?

Jin's POV

We leave Hoseok behind with Y/N to make sure she won't have any relapse because of the bond and proceed to meet up with the others at the usual restaurant near her home. Yoongi sighs as we sit in the library and looks at the corridor, nervously anticipating their arrival.

"It's going to be alright, Yoongi-ah, they won't get mad. Probably" I tell him and he shoots me a look of despair.

"Why would we be mad?" we hear a voice say from the doorway the room. We turn to see Jungkook staring at us in confusion, the others behind him, peeking over his shoulders. "Come sit down first" Yoongi says and I motion to the chairs in front of us to confirm his words. We took a large table instead of the couches, so the others can easily tell that this is not a meeting to relax and unwind.

Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook and Namjoon take a seat in front of us, backs straight as their orange eyes flicker between nervosity and wariness. "Did something happen?" Namjoon asks, his jaw moving forward as he tries to think of anything that could have happened without his knowledge.

"It's nothing bad. Surprising, mostly. For you four anyway. Hoseok already knows" I say, noting how they frown at the mention of our absent mate. "Where is he by the way? He didn't come to school this morning, you all left together in a hurry" Jimin asks, causing Yoongi and I to share a look. It's now or never.

"We hum... we actually went to Y/N's place this morning. You're all aware of her health degrading over the last week, well we found out why" I start and Yoongi pats his knees in quiet self encouragement. "There's something I haven't told you. The first time Y/N came to our clinic... we actually connected. Meaning... she's our soulmate".

"You're saying what now?!" Jimin exclaims with wide eyes and Taehyung almost falls down his chair. He leans over the table and grabs him by the shoulders. "You're saying, Y/N, our cute Y/N, our adorable little human is our soulmate?!" he screams and we all wince at the strength behind it, but I  nod nonetheless.

Namjoon seems shocked, his eyes staring at the table without blinking. "So... you hid the truth from us for all this time? That doesn't explain why we didn't connect with her. I looked straight into her eyes more than once" he says, his eyes flickering between orange and green, like he doesn't know how to feel about this.

Jungkook's jaw tenses and he presses a hand over Namjoon's lap in comfort. "She asked me not to say anything. She didn't know at the time that you guys are my soulmates. She did it to avoid hurting us, because of what she saw. She got anti-memory lenses probably right away she left the clinic" Yoongi answers and their eyes all fall on him at that.

It's quiet for what feels like years. "So... she doesn't want us?" Jungkook asks softly, causing Yoongi and I to shake our heads quickly. "She's coming to terms with it. She's very close to you guys, so a part of her fears that you'll be disappointed to know that she's our last soulmate. Something about her past also makes her scared that things will turn badly, like it's bound to happen. I'm still trying to make sense of her words" I counter and he nods slowly. I thought he would be fine, but suddenly, his eyes turn a dark red, almost black. That can't be good.

"What's on your mind, bunny?" I ask him worryingly, he doesn't look too happy. "Just remembering all the people who talked trash about her. I was going to let it go because I didn't want to overreact, but now... I'm having second thoughts about this decision" he says as his eyes flash in amusement.

We all turn to each other with a gulp. Jungkook can be really scary sometimes. "Let's not murder anyone now, that wouldn't be good" Taehyung mumbles as we all keep an eye on the youngest, hoping his eyes could go back to normal. He sighs and closes his eyes before opening them to show his normal brown orbs.

Crisis avoided. For a little while.

"You still didn't tell us why Hoseok is not here. Is he with her? If so, why? Did they bond?" Namjoon brings the conversation back on track, causing all of us to turn to him. I nod at his words. "Hoseok actually triggered the bonding process that day when she got ambushed. He couldn't know, obviously since it went unnoticed by lack of connecting. He only learned the truth yesterday at night, so we went to her place as soon as we could this morning. Just in time" I explain but flinch when he hits the table with strength. He seems mad, disappointed. "So if Hoseok didn't connect the dots, she'd be dead right now" he growls and we look down in shame.

"Is she alright now?" Taehyung asks with worry, only sighing in relief when Yoongi and I hum a yes. "Hoseok is staying with her to make sure the bond completes nicely. She should be fine soon".

Namjoon suddenly stands up and dusts his shirt before walking to the door. "Where are you going, Joonie?" Jimin asks him in confusion, causing the vampire to turn to us with a raised eyebrow.

"Going to see her, what else? I need to see with my own two eyes that she's well. Maybe scold her a little too. Then cheer her up. Something like that". He starts walking but stops before turning to us. "You two along with Hoseok aren't getting away with it either. I'll make sure this never happens again. No more secrets" he says in a low, deep growl. My heart skips a beat at the tone used. This isn't going to end well.

Taehyung is quick to jump up on his feet to run after his hyung and Jimin follows closely behind. "I still can't believe she was right in front of us all this time" the latter says in a hushed voice, causing the other two to hum at his words.

"I'm going to make sure she knows how happy I am about this. It's actually perfect. She can be mine now" Taehyung adds, causing all of us to frown at him. "Ours" Jungkook growls, causing the vampire to shrug with an unbothered look on his face. "Ours. But still mine. I liked her first" he says, but Jimin laughs. "Yeah, right, I don't think so". They start bickering over who bears the strongest feelings for her and Namjoon sighs before leaving the room.

Yoongi turns to me and bites his bottom lip. "Is it a good idea?". I shrug. "We'll find out. I'm not stopping them, I'm too scared of their reactions. Especially Namjoon's" I reply and he scoffs. Jungkook stands up and smirks at us. "You'd probably hang from the ceiling for a day or two by the boxers".

"Yeah your know what, going to her place is a wonderful idea, let's go" Yoongi fakes a smile to save his skin and leaves me behind.

Knowing that the maknae would put his threats into action, I stand up and follow the group out of the restaurant. Y/N's in for a surprise.

So, I will again remind you that this has no impact on the story, it was only for fun! I hope you enjoyed lmao. Next chapter will follow what happened in chapter - 16 - . It's currently 23:34 so I apologize for any badly written sentences that can be found here. I used the last 1% of my energy to write this.

Love you guys, borahae!

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