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So I ended up wearing Jimin's clothes because apparently, he decided to participate in the game without telling anyone and played the cuddly soulmate to get me in his arms.

He wasn't taking a no as an argument as to why I shouldn't be wearing his clothes and so, Taehyung and Jungkook ended up having to relent when Namjoon said that enough is enough.

"It's okay, Jungkook. You get to have your drawings on my cast... it's like me wearing what you own, in a way" I try to soothe the vampire as he pouts, fingers coloring the remaining details before it's time to go to school.

He scrunches his nose and nods. "I know. I'm just sulky because Jimin played us dirty" he mumbles, eyes then looking satisfied as he turns my arm to make sure he didn't forget anything. I smile and admire the final result, amazed that someone could do something so beautiful in such a short amount of time.

"If we think about practicality, Jimin's clothes are closer to my size than yours. You guys are too tall for me. Even in his clothes, I look like a spaghetti noodle alone in a pot of water" I say, hopeful that he could change his way of thinking about the situation. I don't want them pouting all day. Taehyung isn't doing any better, his tall body looking all small in Hoseok's arms.

I cross eyes with the vampire and his amplified pout makes me smile. "Taehyung, I'm sorry but it really looks fake. I can see in your eyes that you like seeing me in Jimin's clothes" I tell him, watch as he sits up quickly, eyes going confused before he's standing up to walk to me.

"How do you know?" he asks, curious. "Your eyes have been going from a few shades of yellow to a blue, always with some pink sparkled in there. I didn't see anything having to do with bad emotions, which means that you're pretty happy about the situation" I explain with a shrug of the shoulders.

Namjoon comes by, surprise coloring his eyes. "You can tell which emotions are related to which colors?" he asks and when I nod, brows furrowed at the expression on both of their faces, I watch as they share a look, Jungkook coming to stand besides them with amazement.

"Could you tell us? I admit that we go more with instincts about it, we never really paid attention to that sort of thing. Now said like that, it sounds wrong, but... yeah" Namjoon lets out, a little embarrassed about his lack of knowledge.

I smile at the look on his face, not used to seeing such shyness from him. "I don't mind at all. I guess I should ask you all something relating to that as well, since we're on the subject" I say as I grab a paper from the kitchen with a pen.

"Oh, could it have to do with what you talked about earlier?" Hoseok asks as he comes to join us, curious eyes looking over my shoulder as I take a seat at the table to start writing down the different colors.

I nod. "It is. For my new book, my editor, Lee Ji-eun, gave me five months to come up with something and send her the first draft. That's why she called this morning. I was actually scolded because I have yet to start, but so much happened recently that I just didn't have the time. My idea concerns vampires so that's why I feel like I should ask for permission first" I explain as I then start writing the emotions that go with each colors.

Yoongi, Jin and Jimin come to join us and they all gather behind me, a few hums of understanding as I write.

"I didn't know so many emotions could come from the same color. I kind of feel exposed now that I know you know so much" Taehyung whines softly, his arms hooked around my shoulders as he keeps his eyes on the paper.

I purse my lips, knowing that this could definitely make them awkward towards me. "I'm sorry. I've always been one to ask questions when I don't understand something. Growing up with vampire eyes around me, of course I had to understand that as well. Does it make you uncomfortable?" I ask, eyes going to meet theirs as I turn around on my chair, Taehyung forced to step back by doing so.

Jin is first to react, a smile on his face as he shakes his head. "Not at all. It makes me relieved, to know that you have such a good grasp of this knowledge. Maybe then you can help us so we can understand ourselves better. Being born a vampire doesn't come with a manual of instructions and asking other vampires about the meaning of colors is... not quite taboo, but no one likes to talk about it" he says, eyes seeing a past long gone behind us. The way the others shift about at his words, I know that they all went through the same struggle.

"I know. That's why my idea for this book would be about getting rid of that confusion. I'd like to write a guide of colors for vampire eyes. So that both humans and vampires could understand. It wouldn't only be a guide, but I want people to understand that vampires are so much more than simply strong beings. If humans can finally be aware of that, to realize the extent of your emotions, then maybe the tension would lower. Violence comes from ignorance after all, we learn to hate what we don't know" I explain, teeth going to nibble on the corner of my bottom lip as I see a few different emotions flash through their eyes.

Yoongi, Taehyung and Jimin seem to be hesitating while the others seem impressed. Namjoon's eyes are almost sparkling, the yellow so bright and flashy I'm sure they'd glow in the dark.

"I'm still not quite processing that my baby mate is my favorite author. It makes me so proud to know that the mind behind the book about half bloods is yours, your ideas have all forced me to see beyond the reality that I know and you've shown me things that have changed me for the better. I'm all for it. We need the walls between races to break down if we want more peace than hate and for you to be behind that, it's such an honor, really".

I perk up at his words, a happy blush covering my cheeks as he grins at me, more than pleased to know that I've had such an impact on him and the view he has of himself as well as the world. I turn to the others, see Jin, Hoseok and Jungkook nod at our soulmate's words, clearly agreeing with his opinion.

"I guess... it wouldn't be such a bad idea. We need to learn to open up, it's just not everyone who's going to be pleased with the idea. I'm honestly scared about your safety if one day, people get to know that you're behind that book" Jimin whispers, worried eyes meeting mine with.

"I understand your worry but think about it. Think about all the times you wish you knew more about yourself, about your race. I don't want to make any of you uncomfortable by writing this book so if even one is against the idea, I won't do it" I say, hoping it wouldn't reach that point.

Yoongi presses his lips into a fine line and hums. "I'm not all for it, but... we need to be pushed out of our comfort zone if we want to change the future. If I think about all the young vampires... this could make their lives so much better. If they can understand the colors, then they could stay away from the wrong people. I say you should do it".

I sigh in relief and turn my gaze to Taehyung. "What if it makes people abuse of this knowledge to use us better?" he mumbles so quietly I barely hear his words. "I... I don't know what to say to that, Taehyung. I guess it's something that could happen, but I want to believe that humans know better than to do something like that" I tell him, watch worry coat his orbs.

I take hold of his hands within mine and smile softly. "Are you scared of how people would react to you if they knew the emotions behind each colors?" I ask, see him nod slowly. I hum and pat his hand gently. "You know what? Today, keep this guide with you and take a moment to look around you. Observe and tell me if you feel any different towards others because of that knowledge. How's that?" I offer, see interest on his face as he eyes the paper.

He nods cutely and accepts the sheet when I hand it to him with a smile. Jin takes that time to clap his hands. "Alright, time to go now, you have classes soon" he says and I instantly pout, body slouching on the table to avoid having to get up.

Hoseok chuckles and pulls me up by the arms like a puppet. "Anyway, this one doesn't need colorful eyes for us to see through her. She clearly wants to go to school, she's so excited about it" he coos and I frown before trying to get out of his hold but he instead hugs me from behind.

Jungkook giggles and comes to hug me from the front. "She's excited because she probably feels that something's going to be different today" the young vampire adds and I frown at his words. What is he talking about? Looking up to meet his eyes, I see a playful yellow/lime color in his eyes. What the heck?

"What are you talking about? What's going to be different?" I ask, eyes going around the room only to see them looking away from me, except for Jimin. Jimin's eyes are a strong lime and this time, I'm not too sure if he's mocking me or if something just amuses him that much.

"You'll see soon enough, baby. You'll see soon enough" he muses, the mystery only growing deeper. I turn to Namjoon and Jin but they only smile and start leading our group to the front door.

Hating the fact that no one's willing to tell me what the heck is going on, I turn to Hoseok to see him already staring at me with a quirked eyebrow. "Is it something bad?" I whisper, watch as his eyes soften and he shakes his head with a hand going to ruffle my hair softly.

"It's nothing bad, don't worry. Although I can't really say that the way this came to be is... let's say legal, but still, nothing bad" he answers, his eyes looking back for a brief second and when I turn around to see who he was looking at, it's to find Jin suppressing a smile.

"Not legal... you might be right on that one, Hobi" he says before letting out a laugh. Namjoon and Yoongi sigh simultaneously, but don't say anything against that which makes me even more confused and nervous about today.

"Aww, look at her becoming all worried, she won't be able to focus in class" Taehyung coos with an amused grin as he wraps an arm around my shoulders. I huff softly and bend down out of his reach to grab my shoes and wear them once we reach the entrance.

"I'm just going to trust Hoseok on the part about it not being anything bad since you guys aren't going to tell me anytime soon" I mumble in a pout. Said sunshine smiles at my words and starts humming a song as he too wears his shoes, the others not close behind in doing so, except for Jin.

"Give me one minute" the elder says before leaving our side to do whatever it is he needs to do. I stand up and grab my bag, already expecting the worse to happen today.

Maybe the math teacher will leave me alone? That would be great. I don't want to deal with him. I sigh and softly kick my heel on the floor, wondering if there's something I could do to protect myself next time. Should I just make a fool of myself and scream? That ought to get someone's attention?

Fingers sliding under my chin make me look up until I meet Namjoon's eyes. "Don't worry, nothing will happen to you today. We'll make sure of it" he reassures me, somehow guessing what was going through my mind.

"How can you be so sure? The teacher always seems to find a way to get to me when I least expect it" I mumble, observe as red starts coating his eyes. "Well he won't anymore. I can promise you that much, he won't be able to get close to you again" he counters, voice assured and confident.

His hand lets go of my chin to cup my cheek and I can't help but lean into the touch, eyes unable to leave his as I see his orbs become a softer color. "We're your mates, we'll protect you. No matter the cost" he murmurs, forehead going to bump gently against mine. I smile and nod, enjoying the comfort his warmth provides me until Jin comes back and hands something to the guys.

"I made you all lunchboxes. Don't mix Y/N's with someone else's, I don't want her eating something bloody" the elder warns as Yoongi and Jimin grab the two filled bags. I turn to the vampire with surprised eyes. "You made me one too?" I ask him.

Jin nods and steps closer to engulf me into a hug. "Of course I did. You should remain with the guys today, okay? Don't be alone, even when going to the restroom, take one of the girls with you. Please".

As I process his words, I wrap my arms around him and hum. "I'll make sure to remember and be careful" I promise, not just to him but to them all. Once satisfied, he lets me go and Namjoon opens the front door.

"Now you all go before you run out of time, don't want to be late". "I think we're already late, hyung" Taehyung says and I look at the time on my phone. My eyes widen and with a gasp, I run outside.




"Well well well, look here who decided to join us for today's revision" the literature teacher says as we step inside the room. I bite on my bottom lip, half expecting him to turn us around and out of class but he instead motions for us to head to our desks.

Quickly, I run to the back of the class while avoiding the annoyed glances I get. I take a seat at my desk and frown, eyes noticing many scribbles on the surface.

Slut. Multi-mate shameless hoe. Reverse gang-bang bitch. Vampires' snack. Blood bag.

Those are only a few of what I can read. They really didn't waste time. I expected this to happen at some point, but I didn't think it would be so fast. Some heads turn back to stare at me and I note the amusement in their eyes as they give themselves away as the culprits. They don't even try to hide it.

"Individual or team work, as usual. If you have questions, you know where to find me" the teacher says, his words eliciting some laughter because he never leaves his desk, yet always says the same thing.

On the other hand, I'm far from trying to laugh. Not when I notice Namjoon standing up to join me to my desk with serious eyes, probably taking note of my fidgety self. With panicked eyes, I try to cover the sentences with my arms but how am I meant to hide anything from his eagle sight?

He drops his bag next to me and stands still for a moment, eyes taking in all the other words I couldn't hide, which is a lot. He then gently removes my arm to see the one I was trying to hide the most. One that both scares me and hurts me.

She killed her family and now she's going to destroy the Bangtan coven.

Namjoon takes my hand and lifts me up to stand behind him before kicking my desk across the back of the class, the noise it produces so loud I wince, body trying to be smaller behind his large body as I stick close to him.

"Excuse me, I think this desk is broken, can we get another one?" Namjoon says, voice stoic and frighteningly cold. The only thing that remains soft about him is the way he keeps holding me, thumb rubbing my skin soothingly.

"Now, Mr. Kim, you might be a powerful vampire but that doesn't give you the right to cause trouble in my class, what was the cause of this action?" the teacher says with a just as bored voice, like he doesn't have the energy to deal with this shit.

"Very simple, sir. Some of your students seem to have found themselves a new hobby, which is to insult my mate with very hateful sentences written on her desk. This desk is what I hit because it would be illegal to snap a neck. Should I keep going?" Namjoon responds and the mood in the room shifts instantly, no more amusement or curiosity.

The teacher clears his throat anxiously. "A desk is better than a neck, indeed. I can't tolerate my class being disturbed the way you did, but since your reason is... understandable, and with the both of you having the best notes in this class, I give you a free pass and allow you out of class for today, it won't affect your attendance. I... will deal with this situation myself".

Namjoon is quick to nod, his free hand grabbing both our bags before he pulls me with him towards the door. Once at the front of the class, he stops and turns around.

"The next one to attempt something as stupid as this again will not end up so lucky. I'm sending a warning here and now, whoever messes with the Bangtan's new mate is starting a war. Make sure to be prepared before you try something. Teacher or not".

I bite on my lip at the strength of his tone and let him pull me out of the room and away from the angry and fearful gazes, door closing loudly behind us. He stands still again, as if awaiting for something.

"Now who of you young students was fearless enough to do something like that?! Do you have no will to live?! Against the Bangtan coven of all groups?! Do you want to die?!" the teacher shouts, the loudest I've ever heard him and that seems to satisfy Namjoon who resumes our walk towards the outside.

His feet are fast and I struggle following behind, but I don't dare open my mouth, sensing from his hold on me that he's barely restraining himself from snapping someone's neck, anyone's would probably do at the moment. He opens the exit door and takes us away from the building, some students running around the campus from being late, but the place is mostly empty.

He suddenly stops and I bump into his back before bouncing backwards, but not enough to fall since he's still holding my hand. Our bags drop to the floor and he turns around to face me, a mix of turquoise and red mixing and clashing in his eyes as he stares at me, eyebrows furrowed and mouth into a fine line, red gathering on his lips as I notice his fangs poking into the flesh.

"It's not your fault, Joon, please don't feel guilty" I whisper, pained by the hurt I see so flagrant on his face. "I know. It's their damn fault for thinking they have a say in every single fucking thing that exists on this earth. But they- you don't know how triggering this shit is. I just want to go back and-"

I take him into a hug and shush him gently, head against his chest, the position allowing me to hear his heart which beats so fast. He calms down right away, the anger causing a storm within him slightly less turbulent.

For all the times I heard when I was younger that vampires are heartless beings who don't give a shit about anything, cold beings whose heart are probably long dead, damn I wish I could just show them how wrong they are.

This vampire right here, a being so strong, so impressive and intelligent, can hurt just as much as the weak. And it's not even because he was the one hurt, but because I was the target of vile words.

"I'm fine, it's okay. Thank you for defending me, I'm okay" I soothe him, soon feeling his arms wrap tightly around me as his nose finds its way to my hair. "You didn't believe any of those words, did you?" he asks softly, his deep voice melting my heart instantly. I clench my hands on the back of his shirt and slowly shake my head. "No" I reply quietly.

Not everything. There's only one that keeps ringing in my head, like a vicious poison that slowly starts to spread through my blood. Who wrote that? Who knows about my family? Did someone hear the maths teacher speak last time? This could be bad, really bad.

Namjoon leans back to stare at me, unconvinced by my answer, my tone betraying me. I know he wants to ask, I can see it in his eyes. He read the words, it doesn't take anyone stupid to figure out the rest. But am I ready to tell them everything? Heck, I'm not even ready to go visit my brother even though I sometimes find myself dreaming of being allowed to hug him again. The fear of rejection is always enough to have me step back.

"We should study a little" I murmur and his shoulders slump before nodding, disappointed but respecting my choice to remain silent. "How about we go join Yoongi? We can work at his desk so we're not in the way" he offers and I hum, finding that a lovely suggestion.

Anything to keep my mind off what happened. Of what might happen again. Namjoon warned them, but living beings are known to be stupid as much as they're smart. They won't keep themselves from doing what they want and when they get it thrown back in their face, they complain.

Only, they might not only complain but scream in pain if they don't listen to Namjoon's warning. The teacher's screaming leads me back to what Namjoon said earlier this morning. About how their past isn't one to be proud of. Does the school know something about my soulmates? That would make sense, else the reaction would be overrated.

We start walking towards Yoongi's building, a few bows to the people working there that we come across before we enter the infirmary, the vampire's eyes automatically falling on us with worry.

"Why are you two here so soon? We just got here. Did you get hurt? Did something happen again?" he asks as he comes to us quickly, hands grabbing and lifting my arms to see if I'm hurt anywhere, then cupping my face and turning me left and right for a proper inspection.

"Not hurt, Yoonie" I say with a smile, watch as he freezes lightly over the nickname before resuming his worrying session. "Then what happened, doll? Why are you two here?" he asks again, eyes going over the two of us, seeking for an answer.

I sigh and scratch behind my ear. "Well... I was bullied. With words on my desk. Nothing to worry over" I eventually say, watch as his eyes widen before settling on Namjoon. "And I might have kicked said desk in anger. The teacher allowed us to leave" the vampire adds.

"You-" he sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Do you know who did it?" he asks and Namjoon shakes his head while I remain still, avoiding his gaze. Yoongi notices my lack of response and narrows his eyes.

"You know" he says and I look away. "You do, don't you?" he continues, tone one I can't counter, so I nod. "I do. Stupid guys, they tend to follow the trend of the day. They didn't start it. I don't know who's at the source, but that's the one we need to worry about, not the sheep" I say, hear them sigh again before Yoongi leads me to his desk.

"Alright, I'll keep an eye open and be on the lookout if I hear anything around. Young people tend to think they can say whatever crosses their mind when they're in the infirmary, the things I've heard..." he mumbles as he starts cleaning up the desk to make some space.

I chuckle at that, wondering just what it is that he's been allowed to hear so far. "You don't want to know" Yoongi responds with a smile, somehow reading me well. I pout playfully and watch as Namjoon joins my side with another chair, our bags settled on the floor under the desk.

"Now you two study, give me a reason to take your side if someone ever says something about you two not being in class" the older vampire says and I nod with a grin. "Yes sir. We'll be studying intently" I reply, hear his huff before he moves away to welcome in a student with a bloody nose.

"You heard him, Joon, let's make him proud" I chirp, watch as a smile slowly stretches across his face. "Let's do that, peach".

I'm sorry, this doesn't feel like the best chapter I've written so far lmao. I hope it was enjoyable nonetheless. Love you all!

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