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Double update? Yes!

Yoongi's POV

Today, I make it my personal mission to take notes of names of students who I hear talk about the teacher's deals, whether it be for sex or money, their mouths unleashing information as if this place is soundproof to the point that I can't hear anything.

Maybe they don't give a shit, maybe they think I don't give a shit, which they would be right if it didn't concern my mate's safety.

It really baffles me how loud they are, uncaring of who's around them as they talk of how they only had to open their purse for the teacher to give the answer sheets, but those are the proof I need and I'm not one to complain when I get what I want easily

There is one time when I set my phone to start recording and tuck it in my desk's drawer before leaving for a small break only to remain at a not too far distance, just enough to see the teacher come in with a student, a young girl who seems like she could achieve so much if she simply took the time to study properly instead of using her body in such a way.

It pisses me off to see an adult make use of his position in such a way, to abuse the students' vulnerabilities and easiness to be influenced. I feel bad about those I'm going to expose, but at the same time, if they want to achieve something, then they should just work for it properly, this ought to be a good lesson for them.

So many work their ass off to the point of passing out in classes to ace the exams while others only think of taking the easy way out. I know that this University is filled with rich students, spoiled brats more than anything else, but I hate that it's such an easy to accept mentality here.

Watching them both leave the room after a while, the girl limping while the new vampire smirks makes bile rise to my throat. To think that the asshole wants to do that to my mate makes me sick, my guts twisting in anger that he used to dare try to deal with her that way to make her get good grades instead of helping her understand like a professor should.

The fact that he's after her blood now while using her past to threaten her, it makes me want to rip his head off his shoulders, but I promised to not do that and I shall hold my end of the deal, although it doesn't make things any easier.

Knowing what's awaiting me, I take in the fresh air of the corridor before holding my breath as I enter the infirmary, feet taking me to the soiled bed already to throw everything in the hamper for the cleaning department to take away. I open the windows, grab my phone and walk out of the room to breathe in fresh air again.

I put an end to the recording and send it to Jin along with all the names and little recordings I made where I know the teacher's name is clearly mentioned. He has the best reputation here so I know the principal will listen to his every words and will most likely apologize on his knees even if he's only on the phone.

I sigh and put my phone back in my pocket before turning around to find said teacher staring at me with a smirk. I breathe in only to regret it, the smell of sex sticking to his skin like the grossest perfume.

"I'm honestly surprised that you guys aren't doing anything so far to try and get rid of me. I did threaten your mate, you're one of the Bangtan coven, aren't you? I heard students talk about it. Maybe you're not taking me seriously, you think you can just keep an eye on her and keep her away from me but what you don't know is that I'm not alone in this. There's someone backing me up, someone behind her past and he longs for a taste of her blood after so long of only remembering the scent.

Did you know that she's behind her family's death? Ran back home one day after he tried to get her only to have her blood make her father and brother fall to their instincts and try to kill her. Her mother tried to protect her and gave her life for that purpose. Her father killed himself, her brother disappeared from her life, such a tragedy, really. I wonder if it'll happen again, mates can attack each other if they become losts, can't they? Now I'm really curious to experiment" he mocks while I clench my fists so much I break skin, knowledge that Y/N didn't want us to have graving itself in my mind.

He really doesn't know shit about vampires and mates to say what he just did, Y/N's blood would never make us want to attack each other, but just seeing the smirk on his face makes me want to rip it right off his skin.

I take a step forward, his taller body doing nothing in front of the anger seething out of me and he must feel it because he steps back until he hits the wall behind him. I grab him my the neck and pull down to bring his ear leveled with my mouth.

"Do you want to know how I take care of those threatening my mates? First, I make sure to bring them somewhere where no one can hear anything. I make sure your world becomes as dark as possible by digging your eyeballs out, that way, the only thing you can focus about is the sound of my feet circling you while pain slowly starts spreading through your whole body. You'll have no idea what's happening to you, but the scent of your blood will fall like a waterfall across your skin. I'll make sure to make you suffer slowly, a little at a time for as long as I can. Did your blood-mate not warn you about us? Are you sure he's not just using you for his entertainment?" I whisper, feel him try to shake me off only to fail miserably as I keep him locked in place.

"Let me go before I destroy your human bitch" he growls.

Wrong move.

I tighten my hold around his neck before running a nail along his throat until the smell of his blood reaches my nose and the sound of his breath hitching reaches my ears as his body starts shaking.

"Not used to smelling your own blood, are you? It's not too bad, a little too bitter smelling to my liking but some vampires like that. I've heard of some vampires tasting their own blood and becoming addicted to it. Shall we try and see if it's your case? I'm curious to see whether you'd try to make yourself bleed to death just to get more of it" I whisper, fingers going to get a grip of his nape to pull harshly, his body limps in my hold, his instincts telling him he can't win against me.

"The only reason you're not dead right now is because my human mate doesn't want me to be punished but don't test me, young one, surely you're not as dumb as to go against the previous head of the vampire mafia, are you? We might have relinquished our position, but don't think I can't get contacts as easily as you drink water. I have no doubt someone would find a good use for your body" I threaten him before stepping back to see his wide, terrified eyes.

I smirk. "I see you didn't know... that's too bad for you. Once someone makes it into my bad book, they rarely make it out alive for long. Think about your next move very carefully. I'm not scared of going to prison if it means your blood is spilled around your dead body but they'd need to find your body first and I wouldn't count on that happening".

With that said, I let him go before I lose sight of myself and quickly make my way out of the building. The sound of his body falling to the ground doesn't bring me any satisfaction, the need I have to see him dead and destroyed stronger than anything else.

Barely holding onto my last bit of control over myself, I make my way back home, mind screaming at me to mark the young human and to show the world to not mess with her, to make it as deep as I can, as visible as possible to let them know to not touch a single hair of her body.

Your POV

The sound of a door closing loudly has me jumping from my position between Jimin and Jungkook on my bed, the three of us playing games on our phones together.

At first, curious to know if Yoongi just came back but also worried about whether he's fine or not because he's not one to normally smash the door closed, I pull myself up and scoot to the end of the bed to step out of my room but just as I'm about to walk into the corridor, I collide into a body which forces me back inside and the door closes before locking.

I look up to see Taehyung gazing at us with nervous eyes, which causes Jimin and Jungkook to put their phone aside to get off the bed as well, our bodies surrounding the vampire who only proceeds to push me deeper into the room and away from the door.

"Yoongi, stop, right now" we hear Namjoon growl from outside and I look at the door in concern. That sounded oddly threatening.

"What's going on?" I ask before flinching when I hear something smash against a wall, the noise followed by a loud and scary shout.

"Come here baby" Jimin whispers before pulling me into his arms and back on the bed where the three of them surround me, a protective barrier ready to take action should they need it. But why should they need to protect me from whatever is going on down the stairs? Why are they fighting?

"Let me go! I need her, I need to mark her, for fuck's sake!" Yoongi screams, despair in his voice that makes my heart squeeze painfully, mind absolutely confused with what's going on. Jungkook hugs me tight from behind while Taehyung hides the sight of the door with his body, shoulders tensed.

"Not in that state, Yoongi. You're going to scare and hurt her" Jin retorts with strength, voice a dominant tone like I've never heard from the soft vampire.

I hear a groan, one that makes me want to rush out of the room to take the vampire in my arms and soothe him but Jimin and Jungkook tighten their hold around me before shaking their head.

"Not now, baby, let them handle him first" Jimin whispers, his voice soft and meant to be comforting, but his eyes tell me he's just as worried and anxious as I am.

"You don't know what that bastard told me! I swear I should've just killed him, I don't even know how I made it away without bashing his head against the wall. Y/N- she- her past is so- Fuck" Yoongi's voice breaks before he bursts into tears and I feel my heart shatter into pieces, eyes filling with tears at the heartbreaking sound.

"I need to go" I try again but this time, even Taehyung blocks me from moving away, his eyes also filled with tears that already run down his cheeks. "Not now, baby girl, not now" he says, but his voice lacks the resolve and I see he really wants to go too.

Jungkook's body around me starts shaking and I turn my head to see him pursing his lips heavily, eyes red with cheeks wet. "I've never heard him cry like that before" he says, a sob leaving him that only causes waterfalls to leave my eyes too.

I turn to Jimin to see that he's just as affected and when Yoongi's wailing begins, there is no way we can resist crying with him, the bond begging for us to get to him, to love our hurting vampire and to swarm him in hugs and kisses.

His words and reaction let me know that he was told of my past, that he's hurting for me but I can't even comfort him, can't soothe him. It pains me that I need to rely on the others to be by his side, I hate that.

I didn't want them to know about my past yet but I especially didn't want any of them to hear about it from someone else. I should be the one telling them, I should be the one opening that door, allowing them in, yet someone decided to break the window instead and pushed my soulmate inside without warning.

Now stuck inside a broken house, floor filled with holes that only I know how to avoid, how can he make it out without hurting himself if I'm not by his side?

With that thought, I gently push my three soulmates from around me and get out of bed again on shaky legs, their calls for me falling on deaf ears as I make a beeline for Yoongi once out of my room, eyes falling on his body sitting in the middle of the living room on the floor, so many things trashed about and broken near the walls.

Hoseok, Namjoon and Jin's soft voices reach my ears the closer I get, comforting words said that I know can't help, not before he gets to see me, hold me.

The sound of my feet as I walk down the stairs catch their attention and when they all turn to me, when my eyes fall on Yoongi's face, my bottom lip starts shaking at the despair in his eyes, his instincts needing me to feel better so he can too feel better even if the past he heard about is so far away.

When I see him open his arms for me in a silent plea, I run down the last steps and drop to the floor straight in his hold, the impact nonexistent as he remains still as a brick, arms closing around me and nose finding relief in my neck where my scent is strongest.

He peppers gentle kisses over my skin, his tears mixing with mine and soaking my clothes while mine soak his and we remain like that, unmoving and close as can be until he eventually starts relaxing against me, his hold never weakening.

I don't notice when bodies stand up and leave, my whole attention focused on Yoongi and only him, my hands caressing his hair and neck where my fingers feel the mate marks. Lowering my head into his neck, I leave tender kisses on the different marks, each of them left behind by one of the vampires who I'm growing to love so much.

He exhales deeply, the last of his tension bleeding out of his body before he presses one last kiss on my bare skin and then rests his forehead in the nook of my neck when I feel the light poke of teeth against my skin, something that has my breath hitching in my throat.

"Don't worry, I won't" he murmurs, clearly needing more of my warmth before he can think about letting go. I nod against his shoulder and decide to remain where I am, arms tight around him for as long as he needs.

"How much... how much did he say?" I can't help but ask after a while, needing to know. He sighs deeply before pulling back to gaze at me, eyebrows furrowed as he uses his thumbs to caress my cheeks and remove the tears.

The pale blue to his orbs lets me know it's more than I wanted but I try to force a small smile anyway, one that doesn't quite work as much as I want. His lips turn downwards and he connects our foreheads gently.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to know before you would tell us yourself" he apologizes, words he doesn't need to say because it's not his fault.

"You didn't cause this to happen, Yoongi, you don't have to feel bad. I just feel so ashamed about what happened when I was young... if I hadn't been so naive, maybe my family would still be happy and alive today" I tell him, hot tears coming back to decorate my cheeks but his thumbs catch them without skipping a beat.

"If we could avoid every single thing that caused situations to turn bad, life would be a lot better, wouldn't it?" he murmurs, words that take me by surprise because I unconsciously expected to be told that it wasn't my fault, that I couldn't know or something like that.

It feels good to not be told that for once.

I nod. "It would. There are many decisions I would make differently. Like running away that first time we met, or getting the lenses, that was a dumb move" I let out, an attempt to lighten the mood that works a little when he chuckles.

"That wasn't a dumb move, that was what you thought to be the right thing to do at the time. See, if we were to know everything about the future, we could avoid all the bad things, but you know, wouldn't that also take away the joy that hides where we least expect it? How would we come to enjoy life if we already know what's about to happen if we make a certain decision? We made choices we thought right when we made them and that's not a bad thing. We did our best at the time with the best intentions in mind, how could we blame ourselves for that? What's important is that we learn from those mistakes to avoid them happening again. Easier said than done, but we're stronger than yesterday and weaker than tomorrow. We're all together, all eight of us. Through the darkness, through the light, we stick together".

I smile and let his words sink in. He's right. I can only judge my past reactions as bad today because I know the impact they provoked, but when I made the choices, I truly thought they were the right ones to make, whether it be befriending a friendly vampire or wanting to avoid hurting my soulmates.

Both did the opposite of what I wanted, but that never was my goal. I let myself calm down in his hold and breathe in slowly.

"Thank you for saying that" I murmur, eyes opening to meet his when he pulls back only to see that his eyes are staring at my lips. His orbs flicker up to mine, a silent question to which I answer by leaning forward to press my lips against his.

Instantly, he slides a hand behind my head to beckon me closer, the other wrapping around my waist where he makes me climb on top of him. I rest one hand on his shoulder while the other wraps around his back, lips unable to let go of the other as he captivates all of my attention, the oddly urged softness with which he tastes my lips making me forget about everything else.

My eyes almost roll back in my head when Yoongi's fingers start massaging my scalp and when I feel his tongue swipe across my lips to ask for entrance, I part my lips, brain nowhere focused enough to be able to make a conscious decision.

Yoongi rules my body and soul and he knows it when he smirks against my lips, his tongue making quick work of meeting mine to pull it into a controlled dance that he owns and leads, his taste making my senses flutter as his scent wraps around me like a carnivorous plant attracts its meal with sweetness before closing around it.

Yoongi is the light and I am in a quest to stay close to it as much as I can before it disappears, even if it burns me. He hums in satisfaction as I let him do as he pleases with me and when he suddenly retreats his tongue, his teeth sink into my bottom lip without warning, which gathers a whine from me that he swallows up eagerly.

He keeps his sharp fangs in the soft flesh for as long as he can until I start melting in his hold, the signal he was waiting for to let his tongue slide over it to heal the sensitive bite, dark and content eyes meeting mine when I finally find the strength to open my eyes.

I don't feel all there just yet as I gaze at him and it only seems to feed his ego more when he grins proudly, eyes not keeping any hint of the pain that filled them earlier. Instead of the distressed red, his orbs are now a beautiful mix of purple and pink, a sight that warms my heart instantly.

"You're still with me, doll?" he asks with a gentleness that contrasts with the look on his face. I nod slowly, still a little dazed but I manage a smile on my face and he hums before lifting me up into his chest as he stands up.

I let my eyes look around us to see Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook quietly sat on the couches, eyes gazing on the two of us.

"Well, that's something I'm going to remember for a long time" Hoseok muses happily.

To say I blushed is an understatement.

The volcano within me exploded.

Let's be real, who's surprised to read the word mafia? Y'all were probably expecting it right? 😂 Still, I hope I managed to make Yoongi's little threat interesting to read~ Love you all!

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