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In all honesty, I thought this story was kind of a flop and badly written for a while but seeing all your comments and words of love, especially how some of you have reread it so many times really warms my heart and helps me keep going, so thank you, truly!

"Rosé is coming back today, isn't she?" Jimin asks me as we eat lunch in the dining room.

That sudden sentence has us looking up from our plates to stare at the pretty vampire who looks curious to know.

If we base ourselves on her reaction earlier this morning, she would make a beeline for this place before nightfall so I would expect some nervousness on their part. I know I would be terrified.

But that would be if there wasn't a sudden snow storm happening where she currently is. It took everyone by surprise and now the planes are having to reschedule. I shake my head at him.

"She can't, still stuck where she is for a few more days. Said the weather is complicating things. There also was a disappearance in her family so they're starting a search. I'm worried for her, I hope nothing bad happens" I mumble, fork barely getting any food anymore as I think of what she explained once the subject of my turning dropped. She sounded really nervous.

"I'm sure she'll be fine, she's a strong vampire and she must miss as much as you miss her, you'll probably see her by the end of next week, she won't be able to stay away for too long" Jungkook attempts at reassuring me and I smile at him with a small nod.

"You're right, she'll be back before I know it" I reply, watch as he shows me his bunny smile, adorable face looking all proud for trying to cheer me up.

That sight alone helps me feel better and I take another bite of my food with a quiet hum. I should enjoy the food I'm given properly, anything that worries can wait for later. It's not like I could do anything anyway.

Yoongi strokes my back softly, his presence not having left my side since earlier, instincts needing to remain close for probably a few days with the knowledge he got about me.

Which I don't mind, really, it just won't help him to see me turn tonight, not while I'm in pain. The best would be for him to remain out of the room but that would be like asking a mother lion to give up on her only cub, there's no way this is happening. Yoongi will remain near no matter what and no one is changing that.

I sigh before getting a bite to my mouth. I'm trying to get myself ready for what's to come but since I don't know what exactly to expect, it's making me restless. It's going to hurt, I know that much but it's barely enough to cover the whole subject of turning. I could search on the internet but...

I guess knowing would only make me more anxious and that wouldn't help with my lingering anxiety.

Namjoon told me that he would be the one turning me and after making sure I was fine with that, proceeded to tell me that it would be better to do that at the end of the day so that I can have the next two days to recover and adjust to my new senses.

It all feels rushed, but I understand, it feels like we're kind of fighting against the clock.

Namjoon's words this morning when he talked to the girls revealed that there are things I'm not aware of and it brought more light to the situation about why they're so anxious without telling me exactly why.

I'm not sure I even want to know, to be honest, this has to be about a memory one of them had about me and just knowing about it... I don't think I could handle it right now.

I trust them enough to know that they have a reason for not telling me and I respect that. They haven't pushed for any of my secrets so I owe them the same treatment.

We don't need to tell each other everything, especially since that conversation about how their past isn't all that pretty. I could see that it's a sensitive topic and I'm not going to do that to them. We all carry darkness behind us.

We finish eating our meal in a lightly tensed ambiance, one Hoseok, Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung do their best to fight with light jokes, a good attempt that helps a little before we watch as Namjoon leaves the table to head back to his room with Jin, the two of them getting everything ready for the night.

Water, snacks, soft blankets, tons of them, pillows from every rooms, everything they can think of to make sure that when the vampire senses kick in, I can be soothed by their scents while being properly hydrated and fed.

The best way to be fed would be directly from a mate for the first few days but Jin prepared snacks to give me the possibility of choosing, not wanting to make me even more anxious about something that can wait.

Feeding on them would help me recover faster and help me remain in control for longer but I can't deny that the idea of sinking my teeth in someone's skin to drink blood makes me really uneasy, so I haven't given them any clear answer about what I want just yet.

Although they can't know exactly how it will feel for me to suddenly be able to feel hungry for blood because that's something they've lived with all their life, I appreciate the gesture of trying to make sure I don't have to do what would be expected of me as a new vampire. I can make that choice when we get to it.

I look down at the cast on my arm, now wondering if we'll be allowed to remove it tomorrow. Part of me is happy to get my wrist back, the other feels sad that their doodles would be gone from my arm. I love looking at it when I'm bored.

"By Sunday, you shouldn't have to wear it anymore so depending on how you feel about stepping out of home by then, we'll head to the clinic before the exams start" Yoongi says, eyes reading me easily when he sees me gazing at it. "And don't worry, we'll make sure to cut it carefully so you can keep it as a souvenir".

I look up to meet his gaze with a smile. "That would be really great, thank you".

He hums with a smile of his own before frowning, just about ready to permanently sew my hand with his when I separate them again to grab my dishes to set them in the kitchen, not wanting to leave anything on the table when I can take care of cleaning them now.

"Stop releasing my hand so often, I hate not holding a part of you, you know how it is when the instincts kick in" he grumbles while he follows closely behind, ready to steal me again once my hands are free, a mission of high priority to him right now.

I huff a small laugh while shaking my head, this vampire of mine making my heart melt into a puddle almost everytime he says something like that and I want nothing more than to give him what he wants, but I need to finish my task first, much to his displeasure.

"I know, but I also know that these won't wash themselves, I'll be fast" I tell him, hear his unhappy puff of air in answer but he doesn't complain again as he keeps waiting nearby while the others also get up from the table to start dispersing around the floor.

"Should we do something in particular today? So we don't have to focus too much on tonight" Taehyung asks, the question meant for everyone but he mainly stares at me as he asks since it's going to be affecting me the most. My last day as a human.

I chuckle when Yoongi wraps himself around me from the back when he decides that I'm taking too long, his chin going to rest on my shoulder. "It's your last day, how do you want to spend it?" he asks me, his thought process taking him in the same direction as mine.

"Hyung, you make it sound like she's going to die" Jungkook whines, clearly not liking the choice of words that were used.

"Well technically-" Taehyung starts but Jimin glares at him, which shuts the younger vampire's mouth instantly, eyes turning apologetic. Jimin turns to Jungkook. "She's not going to... it's just part of the process, part of the changing, that's all. Don't worry too much".

I sigh, their discomfort with the subject letting me see that it's making all of us anxious. I hope we manage to get some rest tomorrow, although especially them since they'll be the one seeing everything happen in details.

I expect the night to be a blur for me, but for them? It's going to be clear as day.

I force myself out of my thoughts to answer Taehyung's question, my silence starting to get misunderstood by them when they start shifting from one foot to the other, brains searching for a way to get rid of the heaviness surrounding us now.

"To be honest, I should probably study. I don't want to take it easy since the exams are really soon and studying is sure not going to happen this weekend. I want to make use of today as much as I can" I answer his question, watch as a pout takes place on his face.

"You want to study the day you're going to be turning?" Jungkook asks with a shocked gasp that makes me laugh.

"Well it would be a shame to fail when I'm so close to the end, wouldn't it? The good notes won't be gained by neglecting my studies" I retort, which makes Yoongi koala snort behind me.

"For a moment, I thought Namjoon was the one speaking" he says and Hoseok bursts into laughter as he walks to the living room before plopping down on the couch with a sigh.

"Although the idea of studying is more than boring, it's also a good one, I do still kind of struggle with some French and science, I swear, I regret taking these subjects" he says and I laugh, easily imagining his confused face while in class.

"You do look like someone who would find these subjects difficult" I hum, not thinking much of what I just insinuated but Hoseok does not pretend like he didn't hear as he lifts his head to stare at me.

I meet his glare just in time to see him gesture for me to come over with a finger, my amusement not about to go unpunished by him.

Before I can even process what is going on, Yoongi is pulling me away from the sink with him towards the couch where he then pushes me straight onto Hoseok, the latter's arms quickly closing around me while Yoongi keeps hugging me, his body snuggled behind me as he too lies on Hoseok.

That makes for a really uncomfortable looking pile of bodies, but it's actually pretty nice. The vampire's smile under us lets me know that I'm not alone in thinking that.

"So you find my struggle funny AND you dare say that my appearance has something to do with that" he says, his fingers going to my chin to turn my head until I'm looking at him and I grin as I observe him, his eyes a beautiful happy yellow as he enjoys what we have too much to be mad about what I said.

"Maybe just a little" I giggle when his hands pinch my cheeks softly, his lips going to pepper tickling kisses to my neck. "You cute little mate, you're just asking to be bathing in love by teasing me like that" he muses softly, a pretty pinkish purple taking over his orbs that has my soul warming up.

"Maybe just a little" I retort again, a louder laugh leaving me when Yoongi joins the teasing along with Hoseok, the two of them intent on making me forget entirely about my worries for as long as they can.

"There will be no studying happening at this rhythm" Jimin says with a chuckle as I start screaming, fingers going to tickle where my skin is most sensitive without me being able to do anything to free myself.

Taehyung shushes him with a wide smile on his face as he installs himself front row in front of the mess the two vampires holding me are causing.

"I don't mind, I don't want to study" he chirps, eyes focused on our smiles while Jungkook joins his side on the floor, visibly of the same opinion as he leans his head on his hyung's shoulder.

Jimin shakes his head but ultimately joins them on the floor too, quickly finding himself focused on the skin that keeps getting exposed as I scream bloody murder.

"I guess studying can wait a little".

Namjoon's POV

Hearing their banter and laughter down the stairs puts a smile on my face and I relax a little with a hum as I take in the bed and all of the blankets and cushions covering it, a lovely nest filled with promise of safety.

Jin organizes one last time the items on the table that will help us last through the night and most of tomorrow, something essential because I won't be able to leave her side, not even for one second.

"Being such a large group of mates really reassures me, there's always someone managing to put a smile on faces. Making her laugh like that considering what is going to happen at the end of the day is truly a feat in itself" he muses and I nod, definitely agreeing with him.

I'm so nervous that I couldn't do that even if I wanted to, I would only end up making her even more scared about what's to come so I'm really thankful that they can take care of her that well for me.

He turns to me at my silence and sighs before coming to hug me, the sight on my face probably not hiding much of how I'm feeling.

"Don't worry, we're all going to be with you, you won't be alone in dealing with the night. Your only real responsibility will be to not give too much of your venom, something Yoongi and I will help you with so don't put too much pressure on yourself, you don't need to do that" he says to reassure me and I nod, knowing that much but I can't help but feel incredibly nervous.

"She'll be in pain because of me, it's hard to take it easy while knowing that" I mumble, arms meeting around him to hug back to get as much comfort from him as I can, my heart squeezing so much it hurts.

"See things under another angle, Namjoon-ah. You'll be saving her, and us, a lot of pain. You know about the memory Hoseok had, what's going to happen tonight? It's nothing compared to finding her in a pool of her own blood half-dead. This is the memory we have to change at all cost. I don't care if everything states that it's impossible to do, we have to try and it starts with what we're doing right now".

l don't reply, instead hugging him tighter, needing more of the heartwarming love he can give me before I focus back on the task at hand - informing myself as much as possible about the procedure.

He's right, no matter how hard tonight is going to get, it can't be worse than what would happen otherwise. And to have her bear two of my marks... I can't lie to myself, this makes me really happy.

It's an honor that often causes fights among big mate covens, yet they gave it to me so selflessly, without complaining and with a smile because more than anything, our main concern is her safety.

"Do you think she'll regret it?" I ask him, worried that it might somehow make her distance herself from us. What if it's more than she expected? What if she hates being a vampire? I can't help but tell myself that it might turn out very wrong and that scares me.

Jin pulls back and holds me by the shoulders firmly, eyes very serious but the peaceful blue of his orbs helps calm me down instantly.

"Namjoon-ah, I'm telling you this as the oldest so listen to me carefully alright? Y/N is not stupid. She knows what being a vampire implies and she'll be amazing at it. She's seen the scary that comes with it, yet she's still here with us, isn't she? She's brave and she'll get through this her head held high with us by her side. Have some faith" he soothes me like a mother would and I let my head fall to his shoulder in exhaustion.

"I'm glad you're here. Thank you, hyung. l couldn't do this alone" I tell him, to which he chuckles fondly, a tender kiss pressed to the side of my head.

"You'll never be alone, Namjoon-ah, never".

???'s POV

I didn't take him for such a coward.

He learns of who her mates are and suddenly, he doesn't want anything to do with her anymore. I thought the smell of her blood would be enough to drive him to get her to me, but I guess I was wrong.

I stare at his lifeless body on the ground. Useless piece of shit, such a waste of my time and I can't even enjoy his blood as it spills from his wounds because it tastes like the worst kind of crap to ever exist.

It annoys me because I've already waited for so long, there she was nearly within reach, but he just had to piss me off with his begging to keep him safe from them. As if I need such a weak underling.

My lovely mate strolls over with grace before wrapping her arms around my neck, her bloody red eyes a sight that I love so much, her whole presence one I worship.

"What are you going to do now? You won't give up on the human girl, I know you" she murmurs, fingers caressing the back of my head as her breath hits my skin and gives me shivers.

I chuckle and pull her closer to me, loving her cold body against mine. "You know me so well, baby. I have an idea, but it will take some convincing. You enjoy a good hunt, don't you?" I ask her, already knowing what her answer is going to be.

She pulls back just enough to stare at me with interest. "Get to the point, my love. Who do I need to find?" she croons while teasing my skin with her soft touch. I grin and take her in for a passionate kiss before humming, pleased.

"Find her brother, keep an eye on him and tell me of his weaknesses, everything you find pertinent, do you think you can do that for me?".

She giggles, the sound precious to my heart. She caresses my cheek softly and smiles.

"Of course I can do that. Anything for my love".

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