Halloween Night part 2

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The sight of Michael Morbius was beyond frightening. His nose was pushed up like a bats, his ears were a little more pointy then a normal person's, and his skin was sickeningly pale and hallow. Not to mention the red eyes and blood drawing from his mouth, which just made him look like a monster. Chloe had to pull back behind the fridge to refrain from screaming at the sight of him. She was pretty sure it was safe to assume he was what he seemed to be, a vampire.

She didn't know how that was possible, but she didn't have time to figure it out. She needed to get back to Clarissa and sound the building's alarm. She started to slowly sneak out the door, trying not to step on the broken peaces of glass and alert the assailant. Luckily for her, there wasn't that many that close to the door. However, it wasn't the glass that gave Chloe away.

Morbius had a few nifty tricks that came with being a vampire, like being able to catch the scent of other's blood. Once he inhaled again, he could tell there was someone close almost immediately. However, the scent of this particular person had him stunned for a moment. It was unlike any other blood type he had ever scented, and it drove his thirst for blood mad. It seems that Chloe's rare blood type was also very noticeable by bloodthirsty creatures.

After processing this amazing scent, Morbius stepped out of the room through the other entrance that was right next to him. He then saw the ginger running straight down the hallway, briefly looking over her shoulder before taking a hasty right.

"Chloe, what're you doing?" Clarissa asked once the redhead came charging back in and locked the door.

"Sound the alarm, there's someone else in here" she quickly said. Her boss did as she was told on que, running to where the building's alarm was and pulling down the switch. Immediately afterwards, they could hear the ringing sound above and all throughout the vet. Clarissa then went over to the phone to dial 911, but then Chloe peaked through the door's window to see Morbius again. "Run! Go!" she shouted, charging towards Clarissa to head out the other door.

The creature of the night kicked in the door, only to find that they had sped away. It was no big deal though. Chloe kept a tight grip on Clarissa's hand as they rushed down the halls. They then heard the sound of the other door getting smashed behind them, startling the two and making Clarissa scream. Clarissa was so panicked by the events, she ended up pulling away from Chloe's grip without even realizing it.

"Boss!" Chloe called, but her boss was too panicked to even hear her.

Chloe then saw Morbius was still after her, getting much closer, and continued running away. She figured if he was just after her, she could lead him away from Clarissa and try to trick him somehow. As she ran, Morbius started charging after her, and he was much faster then a regular human. Chloe knew she needed to think fast and kept running as fast and as hard as she could, keeping all eyes, ears, and senses open. Morbius then started bouncing around on the walls to try and catch her faster, which gave her an idea.

She kept on running, glancing back every chance she could to make sure she timed this right. Then, right as he was about to pounce on her, she ducked, causing him to crash through the wall. She let out a laugh before jumping back to her feet and running back, hoping to find Clarissa and get outta there before that guy regained his composure.

However, Clarissa had been running aimlessly around for minutes without even realizing it. She didn't know where she was going, where Chloe had disappeared to, or even where the hell she was. Once she realized all of this, she finally came to a stop and started scanning her surroundings, increasing her state of panic. She tried calling out for Chloe, but it came out as a barely audible squeak. She then continued to panic as she unknowingly, mindlessly backed into another room.

She then instinctively closed the door once she was in, turning on the light afterwards. But once she turned, Morbius was standing right there in front of her. She screamed from the shock and horrific sight of him.

"Ssshhh" he then tried to calm her, raising his hands in a innocent gesture. Once she made direct eye contact with him, she really did start to calm down. Morbius didn't really have any of the supernatural traits of a vampire, but he did have that weird hypnosis trick. The one where they make eye contact with their prey and convince them to do as they pleased.

"Don't be afraid, I'm just looking for some help" he calmly said in an assuring manor. "Can you help me, please?" he kindly asked.

"Uh....y-yes.....yes, I would love to" she said mindlessly.

"Good" he grinned. "Now tell me, where can I find that redheaded friend of your's?"

"Um...I don't-"

"Clarissa!" Chloe said as she opened the door, but then stopped once she saw the monster standing behind her.

Morbius then threw her to the side once she turned. He didn't need her anymore, and he didn't care about getting her blood at the moment, only this redhead's. "Relax madam, there's no need to fear me" now he was trying that same technique with her, and it seemed to be working because she wasn't running away. "I'm only looking to get some help, and you seem like you can do that for me" he said as he stepped closer and cupped her shoulders. "Yes, you can help me, can't you?"

He started leaning in closer and closer to her neck, but then pulled back and screeched as he felt something sharp pierce his gut. It seems that Chloe's will was a little too strong for his mind tricks. She continued running and got right to the stairs. She tried as fast as she could to get to the roof, knowing more then one way that could help her. Morbius yanked out the scalp she used and snarled in rage before following her direction.

To make sure he didn't catch her, Chloe got off on one of the other floors to throw him off. She then found another set of stairs that led her to the roof, reaching it in seconds. She ran to the edge of the large building and peaked around, not seeing an escape, or her web slinger. She should be around, she should've known Chloe would've been home by now and come to see her. Her attention was caught by the sound of the door slamming open, turning to see Morbius had returned.

"There's nowhere else for you to run, or hide" the vampire stated. "So come on back down and save us both the trouble, it's pointless now" he continued, but Chloe just got up and stood on the edge.

"I'll jump, I will!" she warned. "You don't get me either way, so just let me go!" she hollered.

But then, still obsessed with getting her blood and in a haste, Morbius charged at her. Chloe instinctively jumped back before he could catch her. She then screamed once she started falling, preying that Beca was near and would swoop her up any minute now. Speak of the devil, the brunette was right on que. Chloe felt the swooping sensation of someone grabbing her and swinging away.

She opened her eyes to see her black, blue and purple suited hero carrying her away. "I knew you'd catch me"

"Don't I always?" Beca smiled.

"But couldn't you have gotten here a little sooner?!" Chloe asked.

"You know how I like to do things, it's more fun that way" Beca smirked and Chloe rolled her eyes. "Besides, theatrics, fear and excitement, it's all part of the Halloween spirit baby" she joked as they continued swinging.

"Beca!" Chloe shouted, looking past the masked avenger. Spidey turned over her shoulder as best she could to see Morbius gliding after them.

"Ugh, this is so not how this night was supposed to go!" Beca grunted as she started swinging faster. "Hold on as tight as you can!"

"Just so you know, I think that guy's a vampire" Chloe noted.

"I know he is, I'll explain later!" she replied.

She kept on swinging as hard and as fast as she could, trying to stay ahead of Morbius. But he just kept gliding faster, faster then they were swinging. That, and Chloe's extra weight and the clothes she was wearing was only slowing them down. It was only a matter of minutes before Morbius tackled them in midair, sending them crashing into an old abandoned and really torn up chapel. They tumbled and rolled and crashed into pieces of wood and objects left around them.

The three lied separately as they tried to recollect themselves. Chloe regained herself just in time to see Morbius lunge at her. She screamed before he was suddenly yanked back by Beca's web, smacking right up against the wall.

"Are you ok?" Beca panted as she ran to her fiancee.

"Yea" she sighed in relief.

"Stay behind me" Beca ordered, and then turned back to face Morbius, who quickly recovered from the hard hit. "Michael, stop!" she shouted as she held up her hand. The vampire stopped immediately, surprised that she knew him. "I know who you are, I'm a friend of Doctor Connors, we can help you" she panted. "I know you don't wanna do this, Curt even said you were a good man, please don't prove him wrong" she pleaded.

"I already have" he panted back, his voice low and saddening, but also dark and sinister. "I'm not proud of what I am, or what I've done, but I can't change it. And after all these years, no-one, not even Connors, can change that. So I might as well accept what I am....a monster"

"Your whoever you choose to be Mike, don't make the wrong choice" Beca pleaded again.

"The wrong choice....chose me" he countered. "If I could stop all of this, I would, but I can't. Now get out of my way!" he threateningly demanded.

"No can do count Mikey boy, she's my fiancee, and even if she wasn't, I still can't let you do this anymore" she stated, now ready for a fight.

"Then you can die with her!" he growled before lunging at her.

He pounced on Spidey and took her to the ground. Spider-Woman fought him off with a couple of punches before shooting webs at the ceiling above and pulling herself up, kicking her feet up as well to send Morbius flying. That was until she shot two more webs at him and yanked him back down to the floor. The vampire crashed through the floor before Beca and Chloe heard another crashing sound. "Wow, I guess even in reality, vampires are such pussies" Beca joked as she turned to the redhead.

But then, her attention was drawn back by Morbius bursting back up again. He then went for a flying tackle that sent him and Spidey both flying over Chloe's head. The tackle was almost like a flying headbutt and shove that knocked her into the wall. Morbius then grasped at her throat before throwing her into a pile of wood, crahing everything in her path and causing some objects to collapse on top of her. He then saw that Chloe was making a break for it.

He tried to chase her down, but was instantly pulled back by Spidey's webs. The avenger followed her retaliation by webbing him up to the wall, but Morbius easily clawed his way out. The web slinger continued to try and wrap him up and keep him contained, but he was still able to tear through and start swinging at her. Spidey backflipped to avoid the hit, bringing her foot up into his jaw, before using her webs to yank him into a right forearm to the face. The monster retaliated with a straight punch to the sternum, sending her flying back before crashing into an old pole.

Spidey faced back up with clenched teeth, seeing that Morbius was just as furious as she was before regaining her stance. "You picked the wrong night for this count" she stated threateningly as she walked closer. The vampire roared as he lunged at her again, Spidey rolling back to sent him flying over her. She then shot a web to pull her outta the path of his next pounce, before grabbing a wooden pallet with her webs and swinging it at the villain. The wood shattered on impact, but Morbius seemed to have blocked most of it.

Spidey then grabbed a metal pole with a web and swung it around, colliding it with the side of his face before swinging and bringing it back up and down on the top of his head. But after the pole hit the floor, Morbius kicked it back up, grabbed it and threw it at the hero. She blocked it with ease, only to be knocked away by another flying pallet. She slid back and rolled back into a stance, only for Morbius to tackle her through the wall. Spider-Woman struggled as Morbius kept her pinned to the floor, trying not to get scratched or bit by the vampire.

Then suddenly, another wooden block smashed over his head. He tried clawing back at the redhead who did it and gave Beca her opportunity. She delivered a hard right hook to his face, and followed with a left hook before kicking him off.

"Come on, I gotta get you to safety" Beca panted as Chloe pulled her up, and started pulling the redhead away.

Morbius grunted and growled as he got back up and started chasing after the two again. Spidey grabbed a trashcan with a web and swung it at Morbius, catching him right as he lunged for them again and knocking him away. Beca and Chloe then got to the window, which was broken and open, before wrapping each other in their arms and taking off. They didn't go far though, they just circled around the chapel and swung into another building that was under construction.

"Alright, I think we're safe" Beca panted once they landed. They were on a floor surrounded by the usual construction work and barely any lighting, just whatever shung in from outside, but it was mostly dark. "You sure your ok?"

"Yea, only I think this Halloween is a little much for me" she sighed and then laughed.

"I know, me too" Beca joined her. But then, her spidey senses started going off again. The problem was, the way they were going off was to alert her of the closing danger, but not where it was or what it was. Beca kept scanning around the place, unable to see much through the dark.

"What is it, is he here?" Chloe whispered, also scanning around for the night crawling hunter.

"I don't know" Beca whispered back.

They then started to hear strange noises all around them, weird ones like clanging, movements, and some strange animal-like noises. Then there was an anxious moment that went by with nothing happening, just dead silence, and the wind blowing in all around them. Then suddenly, they were startled by a demonic cry as Morbius swooped in to knock the web slinger away. He then grasped at Chloe before she could run away, getting ready to bite her. Beca quickly shooting webs to pull her into a kick, knocking him away.

"Run!" she shouted and Chloe did just that.

Morbius jumped back to his feet and got ready to retaliate. Beca taking to the air with her webs to gain the advantage. But Morbius just super jumped and delivered a kick that sent her flying back, crashing into a concrete stance supporting the roof and leaving a crack in it. He then dove at her again, which she avoided by shooting a web to another stance. Morbius kept his pursuit of the avenger until she swung around and kicked him away.

Morbius slid across the concrete before jumping back to his feet, and it was then when Beca swooped in for a vicious assault. She landed punch after kick after flipping kick and after web shot, making sure Morbius regretted ever coming after Chloe. She then slid under his legs before jumping up and delivering a knee to the back of his head. He angrily swung back with his claws, to which she avoided and countered with a kick. She then started webbing him up again, only being sure to get around him, get everything she thought could break out before stringing him up.

The vampire hung upside down as Beca continued to web him up, and then just left him in a cocoon-like state. She then laughed as he struggled to break free while still hanging. "Now you really do look like a vampire, your really into the Halloween spirit, aren't ya count?" she mocked, but he just snarled at her as he continued to struggle. "You know, I didn't want this Mikey. I didn't want the night to go like this and I'm sure you didn't either. See what happens when you don't control those urges?" she went on and he was just getting more agitated. "Maybe you should get out more, get some vitamin D in you, because you look like you need it"

But then, Morbius broke free and tackled Spidey to the ground. He then started landing hard clubbing blows to keep her down before getting ready to bite at her neck. That was until somebody smacked him over the head with a shovel. The hit didn't do much, but it brought Morbius' attention back to the task at hand. He smacked the shovel away from Chloe before standing back up, the redhead backing away in fear.

Once Beca regained her composure, Morbius knew he would hafta get Chloe away from her if he was going to successfully get her blood. So, he grabbed her, took off running, and started gliding to another building right next to them. Beca, moving fast and thinking even faster, jumped to her feet and ran straight after Chloe and her captor. She saw them glid up to the roof of a building with lots of electrical stuff on the top.

Moving as fast as she could, she super jumped off the level and started shooting webs at the top of the ledge to pull herself up. She joined the redhead and the vampire in a matter of seconds, right before Morbius had time to do anything. She got up on the edge and bounced off of it to tackel Morbius away. She then rolled back up and shot webs to pull her straight at Morbius, driving her knee directly into his face, knocking him away.

"You ok? He didn't get you did he?" Beca quickly asked as she ran back to the redhead.

"No" she sighed in relief. "You were right in the neck of time" she smirked with a pat on her neck. "See what I did there?" she didn't need to see past the mask to know the look Beca was giving her.

Morbius then jumped back to his feet, Beca going back into protective hero mode. Only this time, she gently pushed Chloe a few feet away before taking charge herself. As she ran, she attached Morbius' hands together with her webs and flipped over him while keeping her grip on the web. She then started yanking it back, causing the villain's fist to smack up into his face while saying, "Why you hitting yourself, why you hitting yourself"

But then, he clawed his way out before swinging back at the web slinger. She ducked under the hit before delivering a hard uppercut that sent him flying up. She then jumped up to meet his level and connected with a spin kick in midair. She caught him square in the gut, but then caught him with her webs before he could fly away so she could throw him back down on the concrete surface. Once Beca landed too, she got over his back and put him in a sleeper hold, thinking that would be best.

"To think someone as brilliant as you would be dumb enough to go after someone else's spouse" Beca stated as she tightened her grip. "Do not let your bloodthirst get you killed Morbius, you can-" she stopped and screamed when the vamp bit into her arm. She then got him right in the back of the head with a forearm, causing him to let her loose on his bite. "You bitey little pansy!" she shouted before throwing him at some of the big electrical wires.

Morbius' whole body jolted from the electricity, letting out a strangled cry at the relentless assault. Beca and Chloe both winced at the brightness of the sparks and the disturbance of the sight. After a minute, it stopped, and Morbius fell to the ground, alive somehow and tryna regain his breath. Beca glanced back at Chloe for a moment before going to check on the villain, removing her mask and cupping the bitemark as she did, and could not believe what she saw. Morbius was better looking now, almost even human again.

His skin wasn't as pale, or hallow, his nose had come back down to normal, and his eyes were a regular dark color. Not to mention his claws and fangs had disappeared too. She stared at him with wide eyes as he looked up at her and said, "You did it, you helped me, your the key"

Beca was just as amazed as he was, not knowing how this was possible, but not complaining. Her attention was stolen as Chloe knelt down next to her, cupping the brunette's shoulder with a smile.

"On second thought, maybe the sparkly bitches aren't so bad" Beca panted, and she and Chloe both began to laugh so hard that it hurt.

A/N: Stay tuned for part 3 and have a nice day/night.

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