Our First Time

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A/N: Hey readers! I finished another story which means I'm back with a one-shot. Now a couple of things I want to note before we begin is 1. If you're wondering what the title, Our First Time, means, it means THAT first time. In other words, this one-shot is going to be rated M. If you don't think you're up for it then that's ok, just stay tuned for the next one-shot. If you do read this one then the other note is 2. This will also be MY first time of writing something like this, so it's kind of fitting. But also, keep that in mind in case it's not great, but I hope it turns out well.

Also, some quick news: if any of you are following my co-author, Anonymousmunchkin, her profile was inadvertently deleted. Don't ask how, long story. But we're working on getting it back up and we've sent in words to Wattpad. If any of you know ways that could help or just like to send us any good vibes, positive thougths, prayers, suggestions, etc, then please do.

Ok, enough rambling. Hope this turns out good and please enjoy.


Most young couples tend to rush things in a relationship, but not Beca and Chloe though. They knew to take their time with each other, and that only made things even better. It took time for them to come to terms with and admit their feelings for each other, took time for them to find the right circumstances, and they took all the time they could to make sure everything they did together was done right, building each moment to perfection and savoring every second of it. They've been dating for eight months now and it's been an amazing journey for the both of them. However, since they've dated for a decent while now, there was another time that they've been wondering about; their 'first time'.

It wouldn't just be their first time together, but their first time in general. Chloe was pleased to find out that Beca was still a virgin, but Beca was more then surprised to discover Chloe was still one as well. She may have been a party girl, but she also wanted to wait for the right person; and she believed it more then anything to be Beca, who felt the same way about her. The question that still remained of course was, when?

They talked about it and talked about it and they knew they should wait, take their time as always. But at the same time, they knew they couldn't wait too long, they could barely keep their hands off each other as it is. However, since Valentine's day was approaching, they figured that would be as good a time as any. So, it was settled. Valentine's day would be the day of their first time.

Beca was relaxing in her usual spot out in the quad, listening to her latest mix as she waited for her girlfriend to arrive. Once the redhead's class ended, she went out to the quad, knowing what Beca's favorite spot was, and smiled when she spotted the brunette. She was lying back with her headphones on and her laptop open as Chloe went up to meet her. Beca was so lost in her mix and the thoughts racing through her head about tonight, she didn't even realize when Chloe came up and knelt down next to her. Chloe gently shook her shoulder to see if she was awake and Beca jumped in surprise.

"Oh, sorry" Chloe giggled.

"Oh hey" Beca replied as she sat up, removing her headphones and pausing her mix. "It's fine, just... listening to my mix"

"You looked peaceful too" Chloe commented.

"Thanx" Beca scoffed as she closed and stashed the laptop in her bag.

"Sorry I had to....barge in on your moment there" she quickly apologized.

"No no, it's fine" Beca assured. "Just.... felt like calming my nerves for a few minutes" she noted before taking in a quick breath. The two were silent for a moment as they began to feel the tension rise between them again. They've been feeling it on and off again since they decided about tonight; and as each day drew them closer to it.

"So, your....class is over now?" Beca broke the silence.

"Yea, all done" she nodded nervously. "Oh, and uh....I got you this too" she handed her a rose that was white with red on the tips.

"Thanx, it's pretty" she grinned.

"I thought it would suit you too" Chloe added with a smile.

"It does look good with my skin" Beca followed.

"Exactly" Chloe laughed again and Beca joined. "So, you um....ready to go?"

Beca looked back up into her girl's bright skyblue eyes, feeling her nerves creep up again. Chloe felt the same nerves as Beca took in a deep breath.

"Yea" Beca nodded as she let it out.

"Alright, let's go" Chloe sighed, trying to calm her own nerves as she rose.

Beca grabbed her bag and stood with her girlfriend, entangling their hands before walking away together. They didn't have rehearsals today since most of the other bellas usually made plans for today as well. The bellas were also kind enough to set the house up for just the two of them before they went out on their own dates. Beca and Chloe continued to walk hand in hand through the quad until Chloe remembered something.

"Oh! I almost forgot"

"What?" Beca asked worriedly, but relaxed when she received a sweet lovely kiss from her girlfriend.

"There, we can go now" she said cutely and Beca just laughed with a shaking head.


Once the couple returned to the bellas house, they were warmly welcomed home by all of their fellow singers. Of course, they were also bombarded with questions like, "Y'all ready for the big night?!" and a bunch of joking comments and weird remarks. It wasn't anything less than what they expected of course. Once the commotion calmed down and Aubrey and Stacie were able to silence the room, each pulled the two into separate rooms to help get them ready. Stacie was helping out Beca while Aubrey helped out Chloe. Fat Amy would've helped out Beca as well, but she was spending the day with Bumper, of course. As for the other bellas, they were getting everything set for Beca and Chloe's Valentine's dinner.

"Please don't make me look like Dorothy" Beca pleaded as Stacie fixed her hair.

"Relax, you're going to look hot" Stacie promised.

"So, you and bree doing anything tonight?" Beca asked.

"Yea, we have something planned, with maybe a few guys"

"I don't even wanna know"


"Ugh! I still can't decide what to wear" Chloe complained as she searched through the clothes she and Aubrey picked out.

"Calm down, what're you struggling with?" Aubrey asked.

"I'm not sure if I should wear red because it looks good with my hair-and because it's Valentine's day, or blue for my eyes or black because it's sexy or white because.....I don't even know" she panicked.

"Ok, no worries" Aubrey eased. "The great thing about your body, is that it usually speaks for itself; and the great thing about Beca is that everything about you just shines to her. So, you need something that will bring out everything you have, all those things about you; making you look beautiful, sexy, loving, all the above"

"Not to mention meaningful and will really set things up for after our dinner" Chloe added.

"Exactly! It's your special night, so live up to it! You are going to look like a goddess with your outfit on, so how do you think you'll look when it comes off?" she asked with a promising grin, which Chloe was slowly reflecting. Eventually, it turned into a full grin as well. "Ha ha! There she is!" Aubrey cheered. "Now, I would recommend wearing....this"

She pulled out the same blue plaid dress that Chloe wore the day she met Beca at the activities fair. It looked just as stunning as it did that very same day too.

"This one?!" Chloe asked in surprise. As much as she loved the dress, this was the least likely choice she thought Aubrey would pick.

"Trust me, it's perfect" Aubrey grinned.

She remembered the way Beca looked at her on that day when she was wearing that dress. Sadly, it was brief and Chloe hadn't worn that one since. So, she knew that this would be the perfect one for tonight. Especially, with what they were planning for tonight. Chloe scoffed as she continued to examine the dress, remembering that day that seemed so long ago, yet like it was only yesterday. She never even considered wearing this one, yet it seemed like the best choice possible.

"You sure this will work?" she had to check and be sure.

"Positive" she smiled.

"Thanks, you're amazing" Chloe said as she leaned in for a hug.

"I know, it's because I'm your best friend" she replied and Chloe giggled.


"I know and I'm sorry for jabbering on" Beca said from the bathroom as she changed. Stacie waited patiently on the bed in the room. "I just want tonight to go the right way"

"Well, take it from someone who has PLENTY of experience with this, just do what you can and it'll play out on it's own" she informed.

"Oh yea? What was your first time like?" Beca asked.

"Honestly, it didn't last long, and sometimes they don't too" she answered. "But, it was still great nonetheless"

"I'm sure it was, considering how often you returned to it" Beca smirked.

"Fuck you" she jokingly retorted and Beca laughed. "But seriously though, no matter how it goes tonight, I know it's going to be great for you guys"

"Thanks Stace"

"And believe me when I say, after tonight, neither of you will want to go back either" she laughed.

"So that's how it is, huh?" Beca laughed as well.

"Yep, that's a line once crossed, it can't be uncrossed" Stacie jokingly added.

"Ok, it's on now" Beca noted.

"Alright, let's see it!" she scooted to the edge of the bed with anticipation.

Beca exited the bathroom and walked out to reveal her outfit. She wore a bright red dress that complimented her brown curls, along with her pale white skin, and somehow brought out the deep inner brightness in her ocean blue eyes. That, combined with the black bridal heels, the lipstick and the way Stacie did her hair, she was a total knockout.

"Wow" Stacie finally said after examining the nervous brunette.

"What?" Beca asked.

"Hey guys!" the door opened to reveal young Emily enter the room. "We just fin-oh my God.......Beca!"

"Does she look amazing or what?" Stacie grinned.

"Chloe is going to be floored when she sees you" Emily nodded.

"More like she'll be ready to pounce on her and keep her floored"

"Ok ok" Beca laughed. "What is it you wanted to say, Em?"

"Oh, just um....everything's ready now, and so is Chloe" she informed.

Beca took in a deep breath to calm herself. "Ok, I think I'm ready too"

Stacie and Emily both smiled.

"Alright, let's go cap" Stacie instructed.


Chloe was now dressed and at the bottom of the stairs with Aubrey, waiting for Beca to arrive. They chatted amongst themselves before they heard footsteps approaching from above. Everyone peaked up as the three ladies appeared, but Chloe's attention was solely focused on the brunette in the middle. Her jaw nearly hit the floor at the sight of her stunning brunette. Beca's reaction wasn't much different when she spotted her girlfriend. Her eyes lit up and her breath became heavier with a widening grin. Everyone else downstairs gasped upon seeing Beca, having never seen her in something like that before. Chloe waited with much eagerness, jumping on the inside, as Stacie and Emily escorted her date downstairs. Beca figured she needed it too, so she wouldn't pass out and fall down the stairs in front of Chloe. She managed to make it safely down without falling, but was hardly able to tear her eyes away from the redhead. She then stood there smiling wide and bright, staring deep into her girlfriends angelic eyes.

"You look....stunning!" Chloe stated.

That's the first time anyone's ever called Beca stunning, and she wanted to devour Chloe for it.

"Uhm, thanx....so do you" she awkwardly replied, making everyone giggle, along with bringing out Chloe's bright smile.

"Alright, I think you two should walk this way now" Aubrey noted and the bellas laughed, escorting the two towards their date.

The bellas escorted their co-captains to the bellas dining room. Only, the head of the table was set up just for them. The chairs were brought out, some candles were set on the table close to where the two would sit and the food was out and ready, along with any and all utensils they needed.

"Wow, great job guys, it's looks wonderful" Chloe stated.

"Thanx" some of the bellas said simultaneously.

"We setted up everything as best as we could," Emily noted. "and we were hoping you guys would settle for Chinese" she motioned to the cartons of food sitting by the plates.

"That's just great" Beca nodded with a wide smile. "Thanx legacy" she gave her prodigy a hug.

"So, is everything good?" Stacie checked.

"Yea" Beca and Chloe said simultaneously.

"Alright" she clapped her hands togther. "So, I guess we'll leave you both to it"

"Great, and again, thanks for everything" Chloe replied, giving hugs to Aubrey and Stacie.

"Sure thing" Aubrey replied.

"You two have fun" Cynthia Rose chimed in and everyone laughed.

"Just don't cause too much damage" Aubrey added and they laughed again, only she was being half serious.

"We won't, we love you guys" Chloe replied and everyone said their goodbyes before the bellas went off on their own dates, leaving the house all to Beca and Chloe.

Once everyone was out, Beca and Chloe looked at each other with red cheeks and they both started giggling.

"You really do look stunningly beautiful" Beca stated.

"Thanx, so do you" Chloe replied.

"You know, that's the first time anyone's ever called me stunning" Beca sheepishly confessed, receiving a smile and a sweet kiss from the ginger in return. The kiss then resulted in an open mouth kiss, and another, and another. The two then looked at each other and giggled a little again.

"Well, you do, among other things" Chloe said before placing another kiss. "Come on, let's eat before I lose my will"

"Yes! I'm starving" Beca agreed, not having eaten anything all day.

"And I'm sure we'll need the energy for tonight" Chloe grinned with a peck on the cheek, making her girlfriend's cheeks burn.

Chloe sat right at the front of the table while Beca sat on her right, ensuring they were right next to each other. They ate and chatted and were just loving each other's company as the time went by. It's been nearly an hour and nighttime was almost in it's full. Beca and Chloe had been switching from eating to chatting to eating and so on as the night went on. Despite what a lovely evening they were having, Beca still seemed a little distant, tense even.

"....and then Fat Amy ended up just crushing the whole bottle on stage" Chloe laughed as she spoke and Beca giggled.

"Then she splashed it all over herself" Beca added and Chloe laughed again. "That was a mess"

"Yea, but it was fun, like always" Chloe grinned and Beca nodded, but the brunette kept her eyes averted towards her food. "So, um....do you think we should pick back up rehearsals for tomorrow or wait until next week?"

"Um....you know everyone's been working really hard for the winter special, I think they've earned a few days to themselves" Beca replied.

"Ok" Chloe nodded and Beca went back to picking at her food. Now Chloe knew she needed to cut to the chase. "Alright, what's going on Becs?" she placed a hand on her forearm for soothing comfort.

Beca looked up and sighed before answering. "It's nothing really, I'm just nervous about tonight"

"Well, if you change your mind, that's ok" Chloe reminded.

"No no, I still want it to happen tonight, that's not changing" she quickly assured. "I just want it to be great, like it should be"

Chloe smiled before capturing Beca's hand and stroking her arm with her free hand. "I know Beca, I'm nervous about it too, but it's our first time. So, it'll be great no matter what happens" she promised, looking Beca straight in the eyes to let her know that it was guaranteed. The brunette smiled from her girlfriend's assurance. "So don't worry so much, ok?"

"Alright" she replied before leaning in for another kiss, that lasted for a sweet second. The two then smiled at each other again once they separated.

"Now, let's finish our food and then maybe we can watch a movie or something until you're ready, ok?" she suggested, not wanting to rush things.

"Ok" Beca nodded.

Twenty minutes of eating and more normal talking later and the couple was finished. They then went into the living room, pulled up Netflix and cuddled on the couch. Chloe knew it didn't matter to Beca what they watched, so she just pulled up Silver Linings Playbook, something she would likely enjoy at least a little bit. They stayed cuddled into each other's embrace as the movie went on, just enjoying the warmth and comfort of being with each other, like there was no better place to be.

Then, after about halfway through the movie, Chloe peaked down to see Beca staring up at her with those deep blue eyes again. She also had this creeping smile on her, like she was staring at heaven. Chloe's eyes lit up and her own smile began to form as she stared back into her girlfriend's soul. She then brought her hand up to cup the chin of the brunette before slowly leaning down into a kiss. The petite dj raising herself up to meet her redhead halfway down. The kiss was sweet at first, then it got steamy. Beca rolled herself onto Chloe's lap as both of their breathing started getting heavier. The two forgot all about the movie as the kiss grew more passionate. Beca taking the ginger's bottom lip in before tracing her tongue across it. The redhead granted her access as the two began to explore each other's mouths and battle for dominance. Both were moaning and starting to feel the heat rise between them. Beca pulled away with a gasp when Chloe started letting her hands explore. The two leaned their foreheads together for a moment as they tried to regain their breath.

"Let's go upstairs" Beca whispered.

"Ok" Chloe replied, switching the movie off as Beca slid off her lap.

The two walked hand in hand as they made their way up the stairs, giving each other shy glances and giggling when their eyes met. They felt the tension rising again once they entered the bedroom, which was nicely set up for a romantic, not to mention steamy, evening. The candles were lit, the bed was made neatly, the air smelled nice and fragrant, there was even a few rose pellets lying around. By all accounts, a perfect setup for an evening like theirs. Chloe was legitimately amazed by the sight of the room, never even imagined Beca would've set it up like this.

"I uh....thought this would be nice" Beca said once she received the astonished look from the redhead.

Chloe gave her a sweet peck on the cheek from her thoughtfulness and said, "Thankyou, it's perfect"

Beca smiled and stepped further into the room as Chloe shut the door. Now she was as still as a statue with her hands entangled and her nerves tight.

"So, uh....you ready?" Beca sheepishly asked.

However, once Chloe saw how Beca was, she started to feel the same. She needed to do something that would calm both their nerves and set the right mood. Otherwise, this wasn't going to go NEARLY as well as they had wanted it.

"Um....let me do something first, just to....set the mood and make sure we're both relaxed and ready, ok?" she asked and Beca nodded, but was confused as to what Chloe was doing.

Chloe went to where Beca's CDs, music and sound equipment all were. She went through the rows of different mixes on Beca's laptop until she found one that would be just right. She quickly checked and made sure it was setup right, having been shown this by Beca many times, before clicking on the song and hitting play. She walked back right to the front of Beca as the song played. It was a mix Chloe and Aubrey had her make a few months ago; Perfect by Ed Sheeran with Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis.

Beca scoffed once she heard the song play. Chloe then smiled as she gestured for Beca to come closer. The brunette stepped into her girlfriend's embrace as they wrapped their arms around each other in a sort of dancing-like position. Chloe began to gently rock and sway Beca side to side as the song played, making sure they were both getting more relaxed and comfortable. Beca leaned further against Chloe's body as she began to feel more at ease by her girlfriend's soothing antics. The two singers just kept moving each other side to side while leaning on each other's shoulders. The song and the dance both stripping away all of their nerves and worries.

They stayed like that through the whole song, breathing each other's scent and feeling nothing but love and desire, until the song came to an end. Beca and Chloe raised their heads from their shoulders, looked into each other's loving eyes, and leaned in for another loving kiss. Chloe's plan clearly worked as the kiss quickly grew more passionate, and heated, by the second. It continued for a moment before they broke for air again.

"Last chance to change your mind" Beca whispered. "Cos once the clothes come off, that's it"

"I was going to say the same thing" Chloe whispered back and they both giggled.

Finally, both were feeling the courage to move forward. Beca took in one last breath before stepping back, gesturing for Chloe to stay right where she was. Chloe watched as Beca boldly reached for the straps, pulling them over her shoulders before letting the dress slip down, revealing a matching black bra and panties. Beca saw as Chloe's eyes grew darker with desire, both of their breaths growing heavier, as Beca reached behind for her bra strap.

"Wait" Chloe stopped, startling Beca. "Let me do it, please" she stepped closer with her arms out. Beca kept breathing steadily as she nodded.

The redhead nervously smiled as she slowly reached behind the brunette, unclasping her bra and letting it fall off her shoulders, revealing her two firm round breasts. Chloe kept her hands on Beca's shoulders as her eyes landed right on the goods, her breath becoming labored. The feeling of being freed, exposed in front of her lover, and the way Chloe was admiring her form had Beca breathing labored as well. Chloe was able to look back up into Beca's eyes as if to say "you are amazing" and bring her hands up to cup her face. Beca placed a kiss on the inside of her palm before gently moving her hands down to her breast. Chloe didn't hesitate to start slowly kneading, massaging and tweaking, earning sweet pleasurable moans from her DJ. She could not believe just how fit and well formed they were, it was ridiculous even.

"How....did you get a pair...like this?"

Beca let out a brief chuckle. "Just lucky I guess"

She went back to enjoying the moment as Chloe knelt down, bringing her hands down to Beca's waist and pulling her underwear down as well. Now Beca was completely nude, all for Chloe to see and admire. Chloe rose back to her feet to get a good look at Beca's entire body, taking in every inch of her petite girlfriend. Beca couldn't help but smile from the way Chloe was looking at her, like she was the most perfectly glorious thing Chloe had ever seen. Chloe smiled when she looked back up at Beca. She then turned around and raised her hair so Beca could see her zipper. The brunette stepped forward and easily unzipped her girlfriend's blue dress. She was pleased to find that Chloe had no bra under her dress. The ginger turned back to face Beca, giving her the perfect view as the brunette pulled down her dress, and her panties, to the floor. Now both women were fully nude and standing before each other to take in.

Even though they technically saw each other naked before, they never actually got to 'see' each other naked. They never really got to look, let themselves be looked at, and truly admire and study every bit of their amazing bodies. Now there was no holding back, no shyness, and no need to not look or cover up. Beca decided to go ahead and take her turn into putting her hands to work, and Chloe too returned the favor with sweet loving moans.

"You look....like a fucking.....goddess" Beca whispered in awe.

"Yea......and so do you"

Chloe pulled Beca in and crashed their lips together, unleashing everything that's been building up ever since the day they met. Bodies pressed, lips locked, tongues battling and hands roaming, they were a fiery mess. Once Beca moved to Chloe's pulse point, the redhead gave her a tight squeeze on her butt before moving her to the bed. They got a few steps before Chloe finally just picked her up and carried her the rest of the way. She laid her gently on the bed before connecting their lips again. They managed to move further up the bed without separating.

Once they got further up and in the center of the bed, the perfect spot for them, they both separated with a gasp, and each let out a pleasurable sigh as Chloe ended up rubbing their spots together. It was unintentional and on instinct; but now that it started, it couldn't be stopped. Without even thinking, Chloe continued thrusting on top of Beca, rubbing their most sensitive areas together. With each thrust, Beca and Chloe both let out a sharp breath before drawing it back in, looking into each other's loving eyes and breathing each other's scent as they did.

"Oh my God!" Beca gasped.

"What?" Chloe asked without stopping.

"We're actually doing it" Beca managed.

"I know" Chloe almost giggled.

She then continued her movements as she planted a deep kiss, the two swallowing their moans, and kept it like that for a sec before moving to her neck. Beca's moans got louder as Chloe's got muffled into her neck. The brunette then started sucking and nipping at her shoulder, causing Chloe to work even harder at what she was doing. She left a perfectly noticeable mark on Beca's neck before sucking on her earlobe. Beca had a fistful of red curls as she brought Chloe up for another deep kiss. The two were forced to break it as Chloe picked up the pace, her movements becoming harder and faster as they felt it building up. Beca moved her hands down to the redhead's butt and wrapped her legs around the back of Chloe's thighs, offering whatever assistance she could. Chloe was moving as hard and as fast as she possibly could, her eyes locked with Beca's the whole time.

A minute later and they both reached it together, releasing high pitched moans of pleasure as they both threw their heads back before locking eyes again; feeling their first true moment of absolute pleasure and happiness. Chloe's pace slowed as both ladies road out their high. Then finally, she collapsed on top of Beca. Both were now panting, covered in sweat, and feeling thoroughly satisfied. The two kissed again before just staying there, leaning their foreheads together.

"That.....was perfect" Chloe panted and Beca smiled. "That's exactly, how I wanted our first time to go. I wanted us to lose it together, I wanted to look into your eyes as it happened, and it was so amazing"

"Yea, and then some" Beca sighed and they giggled. "But, it was quicker then expected"

"That's normal for first timers" Chloe assured. "But, the best part about it, a little feminine advantage we have?"


"We don't hafta stop" she grinned devilishly before planting another kiss on her lips, then chin, then neck, then started moving down her chest.

Beca's breathing started to get heavy again as Chloe kissed down her chest and in the valley between her breast. She stopped there and moved over to Beca's right breast. She kissed the inner side of it before sucking in her nipple, fondling with the other breast as she did. She kissed and sucked and even nipped a little before soothing it with her tongue. She then switched over to the other breast, giving it the same treatment while earning top notch reactions from her brunette. After that, she continued to move down Beca's abdomen, leaving marks wherever she went, until finally reaching Beca's sweet spot. Only, she didn't make any moves there. Instead, she kissed down Beca's inner left thigh, leaving more marks as she did. She reached the knee before switching to Beca's other thigh, also being sure to breath straight down into her core as she got closer. She was slow in her movements, torturing even, leaving Beca whimpering and wanting more without getting it. Chloe's teasing was driving Beca mad. It also didn't help that Beca had already reached an orgasm and that it left her senses on high alert. Chloe kept getting closer, but never actually got to where she was needed most. Beca finally decided she couldn't take it anymore and grabbed Chloe by her hair, gently tugging her to where she needed to work. Chloe hummed her giggles into Beca, feeling proud and victorious, as she sucked in her clit.

"Awe.....oh Chlo"

The ginger continued to suck and kiss before putting her tongue into work, increasing Beca's pleasure to a point Beca never thought possible. Chloe knew she wouldn't last long and had to work fast, but gently since this was still their first time. She kept pleasuring her clit as she inserted a finger. Now Beca's moans were getting even louder, wild even. They were about half as loud as when she reached her previous high earlier. If any of the bellas were home, they definitely would've heard her. One of Beca's hands was gribbing Chloe's hair and the other was gripping the mattress. Chloe knew she was getting close and decided to go ahead and insert a second finger, moving faster and curling her fingers inside. It was only a minute later when Beca reached her second orgasm, her back lifting off the mattress as she let out a deep guttural scream that was even louder then her first. Chloe even did the courtesy of lightly scratching her abdomen just to add to the sensation.

Chloe helped her to ride out her orgasm until Beca settled down on the bed. Her breathing was much slower now, but still sharp and hard. Once the remainder of Chloe's work was done, she crawled back up the bed to Beca's side, loving the way her body rose with each content breath, and that more then satisfied look she had upon her.

Chloe hummed a giggle before saying, "So that's how high your belt goes" and Beca let out a breathless laugh. The brunette then turned to Chloe with a evily mischievous look on her face. The ginger couldn't help but smile, and feel slightly turned on, from the look she was getting.

"I'm guessing you enjoyed that?" she asked before giggling.

But then, Beca crashed their lips back together and rolled on top of her. Now she was the dominant one. She let her tongue slip right past Chloe's lips and easily won control over her. Despite what Beca had been through and how much Chloe had taken out of her, she still managed to keep Chloe pinned down and maintain her dominance. Chloe hadn't realized how turned on Beca had made her until this sudden aggressive burst of her's, which only added to it.

Beca only broke the kiss to say, "my turn" and reconnected their lips.

Only now, she slithered her hand down the ginger's body, being sure to caress over her breast and even give it some much deserved attention before continuing down. She earned a good few whimpers and moans from her girlfriend as her hand moved. She then tugged on the ginger's bottom lip before kissing her jawline and moving to her neck. That, combined with her hand running smoothly down her outer leg, had the redhead gasping and moaning in pleasure and anticipation. Her breathing was growing more ragged as Beca continued to suck at her neck. While at the same time, sliding her hand over her knee and down her inner thigh. Chloe started gripping Beca's hair and shoulder as she felt her hand slide down her leg, feeling her senses and blood rushing and eagerly awaiting for it to reach it's destination. Beca smirked in her kiss as she finally reached it, inserting a finger while using her thumb and palm to rub her clit, earning sweet gasp from the ginger.

"Oh!....oh Beca" Chloe sighed through pleasure.

Beca was slow and gentle in her movements at first, making sure Chloe was aroused enough and that she didn't hurt her. After leaving her own mark, she then kissed down the redhead's chest until reaching her breast, returning the favor Chloe did while still pleasuring her sweet spot. Chloe arched off the bed, giving Beca more to work with, and started moaning even louder. Beca took this opportunity to insert a second finger and started working harder and faster. Chloe was repeating the brunette's name and letting her know she was close as she kept herself arched off the bed. This only spurred Beca on to use all of her strength, speed and antics, giving the ginger everything she had until she too reached a hard orgasm.

Chloe unleashed a high pitched scream as Beca helped her ride it out. Beca pushed herself as much as she good before neither one of them could go any further. Now both women were beyond exhausted. Beca crawled off of Chloe and cuddled into her side as the ginger wrapped her arms around her. The two just lied there in their post-sex bubble for a minute, trying to regain their breath and some sense of energy. They managed to share brief, but passionate, kisses before they went back to regaining their breath.

"Stacie was right, there's no way we're going back from this" Beca panted and Chloe giggled.

"Indeed" she grinned, planting one more peck. "You are amazing"

"Likewise" Beca grinned. "This was the best day ever, but I hope this isn't the only opportunity we ever get" she noted, knowing the crowded house they lived in.

"Maybe not, if we get adjoining rooms" she replied with a hopeful glint in her eyes. Beca seeming to like the idea.


"Yea, let's do it" she nodded.

"Ok" Beca scoffed, then leaned forward to lovingly kiss her girl again. It lasted a good minute before they started feeling more tired, they needed to sleep soon.

"Happy Valentine's day Beca"

"You too, and thankyou for being my first"

"My pleasure" they both giggled. "But right back at you" she pulled Beca even closer, the two molding together for a cuddle.

"I love you"

"I love you too"


A/N: The End. Yay! There, I did it. Call me a perv now. Bye! Stay tuned for more one-shots, don't forget to help/support my good co-author Anonymousmunchkin and have a nice day/night.

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