Sisterly Advice

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A/N: Hello readers! I just wanna give everyone a heads up that this one-shot ties in with the Spidey-Beca stories. If ur wondering how and why then here it is, and Staubrey shippers ur gonna love this too. (SPOILER ALERT) Y'all know how in the first story, Aubrey falls in love with Jesse, and then he tragically dies? Then in the 2nd, Aubrey and Stacie start dating just to not only help Aubrey move past her grief, but also help Stacie get past her dating problems? Then finally, in the 3rd story, we discover that their relationship became more then that? Well, this is gonna describe just how exactly that came to be. So I hope y'all enjoy.

Beca had just returned from patrolling as Spider-Woman and was now back in her ajoined room with her fiancee, Chloe, at the Maniacs house. She had gotten up early that morning to help out some of her superhero friends to take down a meeting between members of HYDRA and some local mob bosses. It was another job well done, and she had spent the rest of her patrol out saving the day from modern-day crime. Now it was about 3:30 in the afternoon and she was telling her redhead about her adventurous day.

"....and what's really sad is that these guys were either professional criminals or evil spies or something, but they were really sloppy" Beca informed as she removed her spidey suit, and started pulling out regular clothes. "I'm amazed Nat, Murdock and the rest of those guys even needed me"

"Maybe they just like having you around, I certainly do" Chloe winked. "And you are pretty awesome"

"Mhm, and you know it too" Beca winked back over her shoulder.

She then went back to ruffling through her droor in deciding what to wear. Chloe on the other hand just stayed on the bed, leaning her head on her palm that was propped up by her elbow as she just watched her half-naked hero. The ginger bit her bottom lip as her eyes ran shamelessly over the brunette's body. Beca had nothing except a sports bra and underwear on, which showed her body off perfectly. Not only did Chloe love seeing that firm muscular body on her hero, but it also showed that she suffered no wounds which was great. The only wounds she had were the scars of past battles, which Chloe thought were hot!

Before the web slinger knew it, Chloe's warm, slender, comforting arms wrapped around her waist. She then leaned back against her future wife's body as Chloe placed her head on her shoulder. The DJ moaned at her fiancee's embrace, even more so when she started kissing, nipping and sucking at her pulse point. That, combined with the smell of her perfume and Chloe's hands snaking down to Beca's weak points, the avenger was pretty much helpless.

"What're you doing?" Beca breathlessly asked, her head leaned back, her eyes closed and her sanity long gone.

"What? A girl can't admire her woman's body?" Chloe whispered, then went after Beca's earlobe.

"C-Chlo, I get dressed....and catch up on the...the work I missed" she managed to get out, her breath starting to become more laboured.

"First off," Chloe spun the brunette around to meet her eyes. "You look much better without clothes, which I know from firsthand experience, and second," she hoisted the brunette up, keeping her arms tight around her lower back, forcing Beca to wrap her legs around her waist. "We can always get you caught up later. For now, you've had a busy day, I think you should relax....and should be given a reward for all of your hard work" she finished as she lowered her fiancee onto their bed, and then attached their lips together.

Beca giggled into the kiss before letting it deepen, their tongues already dancing. But it was soon interrupted by Chloe's phone. Both women groaned at the unholy sound, which ironically was a Spider-Woman song Emily herself made.

"Just don't answer it baby" Beca pleaded.

"It might be important" Chloe irritably sighed before reluctantly taking the object outta her back pocket. "Of course it's Aubrey" she said even more irritably and Beca giggled. The ginger answered the phone while Beca started playing with strands of Chloe's red curls. "Bree, if the world's not about to end, then this conversation is gonna be very short... AND heated" she noted.

Beca continued to smile and play with her fiancee's hair while studying her features, hoping this wouldn't last long. But she was surprised when Chloe went from irritated to confused. "Uh yea, she's here with me" Chloe said, Beca shooting up her eyebrows in wonder. "Ok, we'll be here" she noted before hanging up.

"What did she want?" Beca asked.

"She just said it was an emergency and that she needed some sisterly advice" Chloe replied, showing confusion and concern herself.

"From both of us?" Beca asked.

"Apparently" she shrugged. "I guess you should get dressed after all"

"Oh so now you want me clothed?" Beca smirked, receiving a playful slap to the arm.


Half an hour later, their good blonde headed friend and former captain arrived, a familiar look of anxiouness displayed on her features. Chloe brought her bestie in for a hug right as she opened the door. Aubrey then sighed as she went over and stood by the desk, unable to sit despite Chloe's insistence. Beca stayed on the bed, fully clothed now, while Chloe stood by the door with her arms crossed. Both women looking concerned for their anxious friend.

"So what's up bree, you said you needed help?" Beca asked.

"Yea, I just....I feel like you two are the only ones I can come to about this" Aubrey confessed. "I just need....listening ears, knowledgeable voices, and I think you two are the best ones to talk to about this" she seemed like she was getting more anxious by the second.

"You know we're here for you" Chloe assured. "What is it?"

"I'm just.....I'm in a territory I don't know, and I just need people who've been there to tell me what the hell I'm supposed to do" she breathed. "I need you guys, because your my sisters, and you know this territory, and....ur all I have right now" she shrugged.

"Well, just tell us what ur going through and we'll do the best we can" Beca instructed, feeling sympathetic but still confused and unaware of what she was getting at.

Aubrey averted her gaze as she took a deep breath, mustering up the courage to tell them. "Ok, you know how....after Jesse died, me and Stacie each other? Just two friends helping each other out, she helps me through my grief and I help her with all of her dating problems?"

"Yea we remember" Beca replied and Chloe nodded.

"Well, I might be turning into....more then just that" Aubrey hesitantly explained.

Beca's eyebrows shot up as she turned to her fiancee, who had the same expression. Both women now understanding what Aubrey was looking for. They knew this territory very well, but were a little amazed that Aubrey was now crossing it. But considering how close the blonde had gotten with Stacie, it wasn't that big of a surprise.

"Ok, and what makes you say that?" Chloe asked, but Aubrey wasn't sure how to answer. "Do you...have feelings for her?" Chloe questioned.

After a minute, Aubrey sighed and said, "I don't know!" she turned away and leaned on the desk by the window. "I've never had feelings for another woman before, not ever. But lately, we've just been hanging out a lot more, and I.....I just love...being around her....*sighs* I don't know, I honestly have no clue what I'm doing....or feeling at all" she was now sitting in the chair with her head in her palms.

"It's ok, we've all been there" Beca assured.

"Yea, and you know how much courage it takes to admit you have feelings for someone, so this is pretty big" Chloe followed as she stepped closer to Aubrey.

"Yea but I don't even know if what I'm feeling really is that" Aubrey replied frustratedly.

"Well, let's just take it slow, and start from the beginning" Chloe eased as she sat on the floor cross-legged. "You said you two have been spending more time with each other?"

"Yea, we've just...we've been having a lot of fun together, so we've been making more time for each other and doing things more often" Aubrey went on as they listened intently.

"And you love being with her?" Beca asked.

Aubrey closed her eyes and inhaled deeply before responding. "Yes, I'll admit it, I do very much"

"Why? What draws you to her so much?" Chloe asked.

Aubrey thought for a moment, seeming to get lost in her mind as she thought up of everything that brought her heart to Stacie, what made her feel this way for another woman.

"Because.....when I'm with her, that pain that I've felt....ever since Jesse died, it's gone" she admitted, and Beca and Chloe smiled. "I don't feel it anymore, and she's kind, loyal, supportive, outgoing, and she's probably the most beautiful person I've........oh my God I am in love with her" she breathed out the last part, actually relishing at the realization and that she had said it out loud.

Beca and Chloe glanced at each other with full grins, feeling as happy as they could for their best friend, before Beca scooted closer and placed a hand on Aubrey's knee. "I know exactly how you feel bree" she smiled. "When Jesse died, the pain was so surreal.....I wasn't sure if I'd move past it. But being around Chloe, I was immediately proven wrong" she then turned to the redhead with a smile. "It was then when I knew how truly important she was to me" she noted and Chloe looked like she was gonna cry. "It's important to be with someone who can do that for you, like I cannot tell you enough how important that is and it's always a great thing to have"

"Yea, so you should definitely talk to her" Chloe followed.

"Who-Stacie?!" Aubrey asked.

"No, ur chemistry professor, YEA STACIE!" Beca joked and then laughed.

"But....I don't know if I can" Aubrey now seemed worried. "I mean, she's known for sleeping with a bunch of guys, not girls"

"No, but....she doesn't strike me as the kind who wouldn't wanna get with a girl some time" Chloe reasoned.

"Plus, you said it yourself that she's also been putting effort into seeing you more often, and she seems like she enjoys it too" Beca pointed out.

"Yea, but....what if she doesn't feel the same way?" Aubrey worriedly asked. "She doesn't seem like she's fully letting me on"

"Maybe she does and is too scared to, just like you" Chloe smirked.

Aubrey still didn't seem too sure, something still holding her back. "What if she's not ready to go there with me just yet? Or what about...Jesse?" she went on. It was obvious that she was not only worried about how Stacie would respond, but also if she would be betraying the man she loved.

"Aubrey, Jesse was my best friend through most of my life. He would never want you to mope around and be sad because of him, he would want you to be happy more then anything" Beca stated assuringly, and promisingly. "As for Stacie, maybe she is maybe she isn't. But if you go up to her and just be honest, speak from the heart, tell her everything you told us, I think you'll be telling her the things she's been waiting to hear since this started" she stated with a confidant smirk, sparking some hope in the blonde.

"Yea, I've seen her around you too, I think you've got a hell of a shot" Chloe added promisingly. "In fact, I would almost guarantee it" she smiled, increasing Aubrey's hope.

"You guys are sure about this?" she had to ask. "Especially about Jesse?" she turned to Beca.

Beca smiled as she took her friend's hand and said, "Positive" without an ounce of doubt within her.

"If it helps, we can be there with you" Chloe suggested. "I mean we'll...hide somewhere, but we can keep a close eye and support you" she smiled.

Aubrey glanced between the two ladies as they just sat there and smiled, eagerly awaiting her next move. She was still nervous as all hell, but she had enough confidence in her to at least try. One of the biggest joys of having friends like these was their ability to keep you strong, build your confidence in moments like these.

The next thing they knew, Aubrey, after a moment of processing, took a deep breath and reached into her pocket with her free hand. Beca could tell from the way she was gripping her hand that she was about to make a serious move. Aubrey pulled out her cellular device and began scrolling, her friends watching intently as she did. She then tapped on the screen and brought the phone up to her ear.

It was only a second of anxious waiting before Aubrey started talking. "Hey Stace, where are you right now?" Beca and Chloe glanced at each other again with proud, yet slightly nervous, smiles. "Would it be ok if I came down there and talked to you about something?" she asked, the redhead and her DJ just barely able to hear Stacie's voice on the other end. "Ok, see you soon" Aubrey slowly put the phone back down as she hung up and took a deep breath.

"So where is she?" Beca broke the silence.

"She's back at the quad" Aubrey replied, seeming more anxious then ever. "How do I look?" she shrugged with a nervous smile.

"You look amazing" Chloe smiled, and then the three ladies leaned in for a group hug.


They rushed to the quad on campus immediately after that, and saw the leggy brunette with blonde streaks herself sitting on a towel, leaning back against a tree while reading a book. Beca, Chloe and Aubrey appeared in the distance, out of her sights, and immediately spotted their co-maniac.

"Oh boy" Aubrey breathed.

"Alright, don't panic" Chloe instructed as she fixed up the blonde's jacket, making her look ready for her big moment. "Your gonna do great" she smiled encouragingly.

"Yea, just remember to scream and beg if you need any help" Beca smirked, receiving glares from both ladies. "Don't worry" she laughed. "Just remember what you said, what we taught you and everything will be fine" she assured with a soothing hand on her shoulder.

Aubrey took in another breath and blew it out. "Ok, thanx for doing this for me guys, it really means a lot"

"Of course" Chloe smiled, rubbing her shoulder.

"Now go get ur girl" Beca ordered. "Don't make me hafta drag you over there cos that's not gonna look good"

"Ok ok" Aubrey giggled, getting a few steps ahead of them before taking in another breath, looking over her shoulder, towards the two, and saying, "Wish me luck" with a thumbs up. The engaged couple returned gesture and then watched intently as Aubrey made her way towards the brunette.

"Alright here, hope on" Beca instructed after giving the quad a quick glance around. Chloe then, with a look of confusion, wrapped her arms around her fiancee.

"Woo!" Chloe said as Beca super jumped them both up into a tree to stay hidden and watch everything display. "We should do this more often" Chloe smiled and Beca chuckled, always loving these adventures with her girl.

They eagerly looked on as Aubrey walked over to Stacie and knelt down in front of her. She smiled upon notice of the blonde. "Hey bree" she said as she set her book down and removed her headphones.

"Hey Stacie" she smiled back.

"So whatchu wanna talk about?" she asked, leaning forward in a cross-legged position.

Aubrey averted her gaze and tried to keep calm as she got ready to express her true feelings. "I uh.....I just wanted to say thankyou, for everything that you've done for me in the past while. It really means a lot to me, and I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed us spending time together"

Stacie smiled with some red in her cheeks. "Well....thank you too, you know I'd do anything for you, and I've also....really enjoyed our time together" she replied. "I feel the same way because you've also...helped me through a lot with the....sleeping around and...all that shit, so..." she and Aubrey both started to giggle. "Yea, I'm really happy we did this, and it's....really sweet of you to...come up and say all of this to me"

Everything Stacie had said to her, plus the way she was looking at her, told Aubrey that this was the right moment, and to go for it.

"Well, the thing know why...I agreed to do this in the first place, right?" she checked.

"Yea" Stacie nodded, a sad look from remembering how hurt Aubrey was, but also curious as to where she was going with this.

"Well, I hope you don't mind me saying this, but I feel like....this is turning into more then just that, and the reason for that is beacuse...." she began to tell her everything that she told Beca and Chloe. About how she never felt pain or grief when they were together, how much of an incredible person she thought she was, and even confessed on how she thought she was perhaps the greatest person she knew right now.

Beca and Chloe closely watched with much intent as Aubrey spoke her heart out. They especially focused in on every reaction Stacie was giving her. She had actually covered her mouth to hide the grin and the blush forming on her features. It also seemed as if there were tears forming in her eyes.

"I know this all probably sounds cheesy, but I don't care. You helped through the worst time of my life, and I wanna return the favor by being the best person in your life, and for us both have the best time of our lives....with each other" Stacie then removed her hand as she had to wipe away the tears in her eyes. "I don't know if you feel the same, it's ok if you don't. But if you would like to take this thing we have....and make it something bigger, something...more special, I would like that too"

Stacie let out a scoff from the last notion and wiped away more tears forming. "You really mean that?" she asked with a squeaky voice.

"Yes, from the bottom of my heart" Aubrey nodded with a smile, all nerves being replaced with shear confidence.

Stacie let out another scoff as she covered her mouth. She sniffed and wiped away her tears before practically pouncing on Aubrey, crashing their lips together in a heated, extremely passionate kiss. Aubrey ended up falling back on the grass from the near-tackle maneuver, being caught by surprise until she started kissing back. The kiss quickly deepened along with their passion, this being perhaps the happiest moment of their lives.

Meanwhile, Beca and Chloe were still watching the whole thing. When they saw Stacie lunge herself at Aubrey, they joyously squealed and laughed at the events displayed. They could see Aubrey and Stacie briefly breaking the kiss to laugh themselves before continuing it.

"Yea, they're pretty cute together" Beca nodded with a smile.

"Yea, but we're cuter" Chloe mentioned with a peck on the cheek. Beca turned to her ginger with a grin before leaning in to connect their own lips for a moment. "You know, this kind of reminds me of our kiss" Chloe nodded back towards the pair.

"Why" Beca furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Our's was very different" she reminded.

"I know, but the circumstances were pretty much the same" she replied. "We were both really nervous, but both really....really into each other, and it was filled with plenty of surprises" she smiled as she moved a stray hair away from Beca's face. "Not to mention how happy we were when we kissed"

"Well, when you put that way" Beca smirked and Chloe giggled. "But I'm still happy when we kiss"

"Me too" Chloe grinned before leaning in to get another. This one lasted a little longer, until Chloe's attention was taken away by Aubrey and Stacie again. "Look at those two" she giggled, and Beca followed her gaze, seeing the pair still making out in the grass and laughing with the redhead.

"Yea it reminds me of our first too" Beca agreed.

Aubrey then remembered the fact that they were being watched. She just barely broke the kiss to see her two friends still in their tree. She smiled happily and gave them a thumbs up. But then, she mouthed the words "Woah shit" when Stacie started working on her neck.

"I remember us doing that too" Chloe nodded with a seductive smirk. "Many times at that"

Beca turned to Chloe with that same smirk. "It's getting you turned on just thinking about it, isn't it?"

"Mmmm, maybe" she shrugged innocently.

"Well, we've mentioned how happy we get from kissing" Beca reminded. "But I know something that'll make us even happier" now she looked just as mischievous as she did seductive.

"And what's that?" Chloe raised an eyebrow with a just as equally seductive look.

"Going back to the house and finishing what we started" she answered gladly.

"Mmm" Chloe leaned in to capture the brunette's lips. "That would make me *kiss* very *kiss* very *kiss* happy indeed" she stated before the kiss got deeper, and then they began to make their way back home.

However, Beca wasn't the only one bringing someone back home tonight. Stacie had Aubrey back at the Maniacs house within minutes. It seems that these two ladies had been waiting long enough, and could not wait a second longer to have each other and this special moment. They were now back at Stacie's room, fully undressed, and kneeling across from each other on the bed. They just sat for a moment, observing each other's beautiful bodies.

But then, when Aubrey was expecting Stacie to pounce on her again, she instead leaned in and wrapped her arms firmly around the blonde. Aubrey just went with it, smiling as she too wrapped her arms around her new girlfriend. They just sat their like that for a minute, comfortably protected in each other's embrace, feeling each other's heartbeats through their chests and not wanting to separate.

"Sorry" Stacie said as she kept her head on Aubrey's shoulder and her arms comfortably around her. "I just....I've never had this before, and I wanna enjoy it"

"Don't be sorry, I'm in no hurry" Aubrey assured and they both giggled. "This is actually the happiest I've been in a long time" she admitted as she placed a kiss on her shoulder.

"This is the happiest I've been in my whole life" Stacie admitted back, and then Aubrey slightly pulled back to look into her beautiful green eyes. "I love you" Stacie whispered.

"I love you too" she whispered back with a grin, leaning back in to reconnect their lips.

But somewhere in the back of Aubrey's mind, she thought of how this would have never happened if not for Beca and Chloe. She would hafta thank em for this in the morning. Those were some really great sisters she had.

A/N: Stay tuned! We got one more one-shot and then a short story coming ur way. So Thankyou all for reading and have a nice day/night.

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