The Recovery

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A/N: Hey everyone! I'm back! I know it's been a while since I've done these and I'm sure ur all wondering what me coming back means. Well, I also know y'all won't want me to ramble too much. So, I'm gonna give you guys a cute little one-shot first, and then afterwards I'll kinda discuss everything with you guys. So without further ado, please enjoy.

During a cardio run at rehearsals one day, poor Beca tripped on a stair and injured her leg. It wasn't anything serious, but she needed a cast on her leg for about a month. That meant walking around on crutches and not being able to do anything on her own for a while, which Beca hated. Luckily, a certain redhead that Beca never minded having around had volunteered to help out. It wasn't really a surprise since Chloe was always the most caring of the bellas, but the other singers suspected something more then just that.

Chloe was now bringing the brunette home after being cleared by the doctors. Chloe stepped into the living room of the bellas house and held the door open so Beca could enter.

"Thanx" Beca sighed as she used the crutches to enter, hating the effect it was having on her arms. Chloe shut the door once she was inside and accompanied her to the living room couch. Beca blew out a sigh as she tried to balance the crutches and lower onto the sofa.

"Easy, take it slow" Chloe said softly as she assisted the injured brunette. Once Beca sat safely on the couch, the ginger placed a pillow on the table before carefully bringing Beca's casted leg up on top of it.

"Thanx, but you know you don't really need to do this" Beca noted.

"No it's fine, really" Chloe assured before sitting next to Beca. "You know I enjoy doing this for people, especially if it's you" she added, a slight blush creeping into Beca's cheeks.

"I know, I just don't like being the one who needs to be taken care of" Beca mentioned.

"I know you don't, but it's only temporary" Chloe reminded. "Besides, it could be nice for us. We haven't really done anything together besides the bellas in a while"

Chloe was right, and Beca couldn't deny that she had missed moments like these, moments where she and Chloe got to be real friends and not just fellow singers. "I know, and I've missed you too" Beca admitted. "I'm sorry I've been so busy lately, I just....everything piling up all at once with the bellas, the intern, it's just been a lot"

"It's ok, I haven't exactly been much of anything besides a bella myself" Chloe sadly replied. "But, now we get to change that" she said more cheerfully with a light playful slap to Beca's thigh, just right above the cast. The feeling of having Chloe's soft hand on her thigh sent butterflies to Beca's stomach. "I was thinking since Aubrey has the girls out for rehearsals and we have the house to ourselves, we could have just a nice little you and me re-bonding day" she smiled as she rubbed her hand along Beca's thigh and cast, increasing the butterflies.

"Well, whada-whatchu....have in mind Chlo?" Beca studdered, taking a breath through her nose and hoping to recover, as well as hoping Chloe didn't catch on to her.

"You know, just....order in, watch Mean Girls or something. Maybe I can go up, grab ur laptop and we can listen to some of ur mixes if you want, and whenever ur ready I'll help you upstairs" she suggested.

"You do that for me?" Beca smiled.

"Of course I would, and you know it" Chloe smiled back.

"Ur amazing" Beca complimented, and this had a blush creep up into Chloe's cheeks, then Beca's once she realized what she said. "So, what're we ordering?" Beca asked after an awkward moment of silence.

They settled for pizza and Mean Girls. Then once that was all over, Chloe went upstairs and got Beca's laptop before bringing it downstairs to listen to some of her mixes. What she discovered, was that Beca had actually prepared an entire playlist that she thought Chloe would enjoy.

"Where did you find the time to do all of these?" Chloe wondered in amazement.

"You know me, I always make time for my music..... and my friends" Beca smiled proudly.

"And you made this whole playlist for me?!" she asked again, still amazed by the fact.

Beca should've been a little more prepared for that, but she was caught completely off guard instead. Her cheeks were suddenly turning more red by the second. She took in a deep breath as she tried to think of a way to explain. "Well yea, I mean.....ur special to me" she admitted, it was the best way she could put.

Chloe smiled with a warm heart as Beca just went about her business, avoiding eye contact with her best friend. Beca and Chloe both have had feelings for each other for a while now, they just never really did anything major to pursue them. It always seemed like the circumstances were wrong or the moment wasn't right, and usually their own heads would always get in the way. But they had it bad for each other and everyone knew it, even Beca and Chloe sort of semi-suspected it as well, just never able to approach the subject for one reason or another. They have managed to find ways of hinting their feelings without actually saying "hey I like you" in whatever way possible. Plus, both were secretly hoping that having the house with just each other would hopefully spark something between them again.

They spent about an hour listening to Beca's playlist. Chloe was mesmerized by the song choices Beca mixed in, especially when it was her voice that came up and sung. But the ginger was also surprised by the list her dj made. It was a list of Taylor Swift songs that Chloe loved listening to, along with many other melodic type songs that actually went perfectly with Beca's soothing voice. It was very different then what Chloe was used to hearing from the brunette, but she loved it all nonetheless.

"That was a beautiful bunch you made" she complimented after the last song.

"Really? You liked it?" Beca grinned.

"I loved it, all of it" she nodded. "You never cease to amaze my little magic music maker" she said with a playful poke to Beca's shoulder, the brunette giggling from her silly but kind comment.

"Thanx, I was really hoping you would like it" Beca stated honestly.

"Of course, I always like your work it's beautiful, much like you" she stated without thinking. Beca couldn't believe she just heard her say that, and Chloe couldn't believe she said that out loud. There was an awkward silence between the two, but it was extremely brief as Beca's attention was stolen immediately afterwards by an intense feeling in her leg.

"Ah ssshhh oh come on!" she frustratedly said as she tried to snake her hand in the cast, but to no avail.

"What, what is it?!" Chloe panicked.

"Ah, it's always right in the middle of the damn cast!" Beca growled as she then tried to dig her knuckles through the contraption, and then started pounding on it.

"Ok hold on, hold on" Chloe quickly ordered, now realizing what was happening. Because luckily, she came prepared for this. Chloe reached into her back pocket and took out a back scratcher Fat Amy gave her in case of situations like this. She knelt down on her knees as she extended the scratcher to its full length. She then slipped it in the bottom of Beca's cast and began sliding it up.

"A little higher" Beca hastily instructed as Chloe started running it up and down her leg. "A little more this way" she gestured with her fingers for Chloe to go to the right. "Right there right there, ah" she sighed in relief as Chloe finally reached the spot. Chloe giggled as Beca just laid back with her eyes shut. The brunette enjoying the relieving sensation as Chloe continued her work, watching intently as she did, loving the petite girl's expression.

"You....are a real life saver" Beca stated with full gratitude. Chloe smiled as she pulled out the scratcher and placed it on the table "I could kiss you right now"

"What's stopping you" Chloe winked and Beca giggled. But then, they both went back into serious mode. She could tell that part of Chloe really was wanting to kiss her. As for Beca, she could actually feel some magnetic force pulling her towards Chloe. She leaned forward, her breath still and her eyes locked with the redhead's, who took in a deep breath as she tried to contemplate if this really was happening. But before she could get her answer, the blaring sound of her phone suddenly erupted.

Beca awkwardly averted her gaze while Chloe let out a frustrated sigh. The dj disappointingly sat back as the redhead took out her phone and answered. "Hello?" she irritably sighed. She listened to whoever was on the other line for a moment before responding, "Oh, ok, we'll see you tonight" and then hung up.

"Who was that?" Beca asked.

"Aubrey, we're having a big movie night after rehearsals" she answered. "It's also kind of a get well party for you" she smiled.

"And they're doing it with a movie?" Beca raised an eyebrow and Chloe giggled.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it'll be fun, I'll even make sure of it" Chloe stated promisingly.

Beca smiled at the remark, but then realized something. "Wait, that's like an hour from now. I'm not gonna be ready by then"

"Why not?"

"Well, I haven't bathed since before the accident for one thing, and I can't exactly move around too quickly for another" she pointed out.

"Oh, that's ok, I can help you" Chloe assured.

"Help me bathe?" Beca raised an eyebrow.

"If you want" she smirked mischeviously, causing the brunette's eyes to bulge. "No seriously," Chloe laughed. "I'll get you upstairs, and if there's anything you need, I'll get it to you, ok?" she smiled.

Beca smiled at the kind offer and agreed. Chloe helped her to get back to her feet before accompanying her to the stairs. Once there, she wrapped an arm around Beca's waist while she wrapped her's around Chloe's neck. Chloe had great balance, so she was able to carry Beca up the stairs while holding her crutches at the same time.

"You know, if it's you taking care of me, I don't think I mind it as much" Beca honestly noted as Chloe assisted her up the stairs.

The ginger and the brunette both laughed at the remark. "I'm honored"

Once they reached the bathroom, Chloe sat Beca on the edge of the tub before running the bath water. "How does this feel?" she asked as she let the water run over her hand. Beca reached her arm back to do the same and test the temperature.

"I like it" she smiles. Chloe kept the knobs on their settings until the water nearly filled up the tub.

"Ok, is there anything else you need?" Chloe asked, and Beca smirked at the thought of saying, "Yea, I need you" but kept herself restrained.

"If I do, I'll give you a holler" Beca smiled.

"Ok, I'll just be right across the hallway" she noted.

"Ok, thankyou" Beca called as Chloe began to walk away.

"Anytime" she smiled back before leaving. However, it was only a few minutes later when she heard, "Chloe!" and ran back. "Yea?" she asked, she saw that Beca was readjusting her shirt and that her bra was on the floor. It seemed that she had removed her shirt and bra but put the shirt back on before calling back Chloe.

"I uh...." Beca really wasn't sure how to say this. "I'm having....a hard time getting my... pants off without slipping" she muttered, avoiding all eye contact with the ginger.

"Oh, uh...." now Chloe was the one without words. Both ladies could feel the tension rise as the steam and humidity did. "How...can" Chloe asked after a brief minute.

"Um....just...hold me up real quick, if you don't mind" Beca said awkwardly.

"Um....alright" Chloe shrugged, taking a deep breath as she went over to the brunette. "So, I'll just uh...." she leaned her chin on her shoulder and wrapped her arms around the brunette before hoisting her up. Chloe was pretty strong for someone as slender as her, and Beca did her best to keep balance without putting too much weight on the redhead.

Chloe kept her best friend on her feet while the brunette tried to reach for her zipper. But because of the position they were in, Beca couldn't get to it without knocking them over. "Ugh, I can't get it" she sighed.

"Oh, well...." Chloe placed her back down on the edge of the tub. "Why don't you....stand on the crutches and I' know" Chloe suggested nervously. Beca was stunned at the offer she just made, making it get even hotter in the room.

"Uh...are you sure?" Beca asked.

"Well, I mean...not if ur uncomfortable with it" she quickly withdrew, but Beca was actually considering the offer. It wasn't that weird was it? Just Chloe helping her out is all.

"Just....don't peak down there, ok?" Beca asked.

"Oh of course not" Chloe nodded. "I mean, I know I barged in ur shower once, but I still didn't peak then, so I won't now" she assured, and Beca actually smiled from the fact that even when she was being weird and invasive, she was still kind and respectful, in a weird sort of way.

"Well aren't you so classy" Beca smirked and Chloe giggled.

"Alright, so....." Chloe began, and Beca took a deep breath before grabbing the crutches next to her and standing up. She leaned on the handicapped supporters as Chloe made her mark. She then leaned her chin on the brunette's shoulder and kept her eyes glued to the ceiling as she unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, moved her hands around to her waist and pulled the garments down. Once Beca's jeans and underwear hit the floor, Chloe helped Beca back on the tub, keeping her eyes to the ceiling as she did, before pulling back. "Ok, so you good now?" she chuckled.

"Yes I'm fine, thankyou" Beca said very quickly with a laughing smile.

"Ok, just holler when you need something else" Chloe quickly turned and left, not wanting to make this more awkward or give in to the temptation of looking down. Once she closed the door, she leaned back against it, took a deep breath and let it shoot out with closed eyes.

"Oh, were you going to shower too?! Cos I know we've been running low on hot water as of late!" Beca called from inside the bathroom.

"No it's fine!" Chloe called back. She probably needed a cold shower anyway.


Half an hour later, Chloe had taken a quick shower and gotten ready for the party tonight. Of course, her shower would've been quicker if she didn't need some of her own "cooling off" time. I mean things did get pretty heated earlier. She had thought about undressing and seeing if Beca would like her to "join her," but figured that might have been coming on too strong. That, and she worried she would've hurt her leg more.

Anyway, after Chloe got ready, she went by the bathroom to check on Beca. She almost opened the door by instinct and remembered that thing about personal space they had chatted about. Not to mention things have already been crazy today, so she just knocked on the door and said, "Hey, everything good in there?"

"Yea! In fact I think I'm done now!" Beca called back, then Chloe could just barely here the sound of the water stopper popping out before the bath water drained. "Um, Chloe?"

"Yea becs?"

"I can't reach the towels, and I... may need help getting out" Beca stated with even more anxiouness then any she's had all day.

Chloe closed her eyes and took in another deep breath and let it out, knowing what Beca was asking and what she had to do. It seems that this heated tension was far from over.

"Ok, I'm coming in!" she announced before turning the knob and slowly entering. Beca kept herself as hidden as she could and Chloe tried not to peak. She grabbed the towel off of the door hanger, covered her eyes and walked closer to Beca, holding out the towel as she did. Once it was close enough, Beca grabbed the towel and wrapped it firmly and safely around her body.

"Ok, I'm covered now" Beca informed once she was done. Chloe uncovered her eyes to see Beca wrapped in the white fluffy towel, covering all of the good bits.

"Ok, so here we go" Chloe said as she reached down while Beca reached up, wrapping their arms securely around each other before Chloe lifted the petite brunette up. She then carefully brought Beca out of the tub and sat her back on the edge. "There, ur nice and safe and sound" Chloe sighed.

"I knew I would be, I can always count on you" Beca smiled.

The red in Chloe's cheeks almost matched her hair from that sweet comment. "You really trusted me a lot today" she mentioned.

"You kidding? I trust you more then anyone" Beca admitted without even realizing it.

"Thanx, I actually feel the same way" Chloe said with blush in her cheeks, and giving Beca red also. "Here, lemme dry you off" she then went over to grab another towel from the cabinet.

"Oh you don't need to do that" Beca nervously noted.

"No, I insist, please" she got the towel out and knelt in front of the handicapped brunette.

"I'm not that handicapped Chlo"

"I know" she laughed. "I just like....doing things for you, it's nice" she admitted as she began rubbing gently across her legs. Beca's heart began racing again as Chloe dried her off, smiling as she watched the woman she was in love with treating her like a queen. Chloe being caught up in the moment of watching and rubbing Beca's mesmerizing legs. Even though one was encased by a cast, they still looked amazing.

"I can't believe ur actually doing all of this for me" Beca stated wholeheartedly.

Chloe shot up her head for the dj's legs and looked into Beca's navy blue eyes for a second. "Ehm, well...I can't believe you made an entire playlist for me, so.....I might as well pay you back" she said as she lifted up her feet and dried them off as well.

It didn't take long for any of it to dry, and after a moment, Beca said, "I'm so lucky to have you"

Out of all the things Beca had admitted to her, that one took the cake. Chloe smiled shyly at her as she finished drying off her feet, and then stood to do the same for her back and shoulders. Chloe couldn't take it anymore, this game of playful hints and not knowing if they meant anything or what not. This whole day had been a series of maybe's and 'is it about to happen or not?' but now it was time to get to the bottom of it all. If chloe didn't find that out now, she never would.

"Beca, I wanna ask you something, but I don't wanna scare you away" Chloe admitted as she continued drying her off.

"Trust me Chlo, if that was possible, you would've scared me off when we were in the shower" Beca replied and they both giggled. "But seriously, ask away" she granted.

Chloe took a deep breath and asked, "Were you really going to kiss me today?" Beca was prepared for something big, but wasn't expecting that to be brought up again. "Actually, scratch that" Chloe saw the fear in her dj and decided to go easier on her. "Do you like me?"

Beca actually faced up this time. She saw the wondrous look in Chloe's eyes with a glint of hope in them. She could tell she was being completely serious with her question and needed to know. But was Beca ready to answer? Just come out and say it yet?

She didn't have time to though, because she and Chloe both heard the ruckus from downstairs, indicating the bellas were home. Chloe let out a frustrated sigh, this being the worst time out of all times. But she knew she needed to get down there, and Beca probably needed some time to herself, knowing her.

"Are you good here?" she asked.

"Yea, I' down in a minute" Beca nodded, trying to recover from the even bigger tension she just barely escaped from.

"Ok, I'll...get you ur clothes" Chloe sighed and then left the room.

Once she was gone, Beca took a deep breath and blew it out. She was gonna have some serious thinking to do before she went back out there. In the meantime, Chloe had brought Beca's clothes to her. She sat them down in front of Beca and neither were able to say anything. They exchanged brief, worried looks before Chloe left the brunette to her thoughts and went downstairs to meet with Aubrey.

"Hey bree" Chloe smiled.

"Hey, how's she doing?" she asked with the others in the room.

"She's.... doing well...actually" she nodded casually.

"Really? Anything....special happen?" Aubrey asked in a very casual matter.

"Sssspecial?" Chloe furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"She means did you two start the party without us?" Amy stepped in with a smirk, causing Aubrey to close her eyes. Chloe just looked to Amy with even more confusion then she did Aubrey.

"......What?!" was all she could say.

"Guess that means no" Stacie smirked as she held out her hand in front of CR, who let out an irritated sigh before handing some money over to Stacie. Chloe just rolled her eyes before going into the living room.

It was nighttime now and the bellas were in the living room and about to start the movie. Chloe was about to walk out of the kitchen with a drink and saw Fat Amy carrying Beca downstairs. The brunette was holding her crutches and looked very uncomfortable as the Australian carried her down by the waist. Chloe couldn't help but giggle at Beca's expression as they came down.

"Ok, we're here now, you can let me go" Beca noted, almost pleadingly.

"Alright, there ya go my crippled minion" Amy said as she carefully set Beca down, the brunette putting her weight back on the crutches while rolling her eyes. "Come on, we don't wanna miss the previews" the Aussie walked to the living room, leaving the two ladies who have had one hell of a heated day.

Beca was still nervous as she made eye contact with Chloe, having thought a lot about her question earlier and not knowing what to say now. But Chloe, being the smooth easy goer, just smiled and said, "You ready? We're watching the new Ocean's 8"

"Uh, yea, sounds good" she nodded and Chloe smiled as she led the way.

When they entered, Beca was met with happy comments from her friends and a hug from Emily. Chloe sat in the little chair in the corner as Beca scanned around for an open spot. "Oh, sorry, I should've saved you a spot" Emily said.

"No it's ok, I can just...." she looked over her shoulder and saw Chloe smiling. The redhead reached out her arms with pleading eyes, ones that Beca could never resist. She smirked with an eyeroll as she went over to the ginger and carefully sat on her lap. Chloe wrapping her arms securely around the dj's waist and leaning her chin on her shoulder. This had brought them back to the heated events that took place earlier today, but they just kept it casual and felt like everything was normal now.

They stayed like that during the first half hour of the movie, the two bellas just enjoying the comfort of their embrace. But during that time, Beca had so many thoughts running through her head, the same ones she had thought long and hard about since Chloe broke out the question. She had thought for so long and so hard about it, she didn't think she ever had about anything else in her life. Then, it was that point when she was able to work up enough courage to take out her phone, type something in it, and then bring it up to where Chloe could read it. Chloe was confused at first, but when she squinted her eyes and read the text, her heart erupted.

Yes, I do

Beca put the phone back after a brief moment, keeping her eyes fixated on the screen as the movie played. About a minute later, after processing what she just read, and with a wide sweet smile on her face, Chloe leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Beca's cheek. The brunette quietly sucked in a breath at the feeling of contact, forming a full grin as she did. Once Chloe's warm lips departed from her cheek, Beca slowly turned her head to meet the ginger's eyes, still keeping the full grin as she did. Then, after giving a quick glance down at her lips, Beca and Chloe both felt the magnetic force pulling them together before attaching their lips together.

It started as just the one, and then it turned into a full on opened mouth kiss. The two ladies letting a full day of heated tension finally release, giving in to the deep longing desires that begged and pleaded to be released all day. They stayed like that for a moment before hearing some noises coming from the bellas. They separated just long enough to see them all watching, smiling and silently squealing like a bunch of fan-girls before Beca and Chloe rolled their eyes and returned to their earlier routine. This was definitely going to be a great recovery session, and Beca and Chloe both were really going to enjoy recovery.

"Now gimmie back ma money Stace"

A/N: Hey readers! Hope that that was adorable for you guys. Now, I just wanna let y'all know that updates for these one-shots and short stories won't be often, but they'll still happen. In the following month, I am going to do two more one-shots and a short story that I think you guys are gonna love. Also, in case ur all missing my bechloe stuff, please be so kind as to go over and check out my good friend and co-author Ananymousmunchkin. She's a very talented writer, big supporter of mine and has some great story ideas, some out some coming soon, that I think all of you will also love. This one-shot here I did was kind of a spinoff/dedication to a story I'm helping her out with right now and I think you guys will love it.

So please do that and Thankyou all so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this adorable little chapter. Please comment, vote, follow and have a nice day/night.

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