Chapter 3

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Third Person Limited (Wakiya) POV
Wakiya took a step back and opened his mouth. He said "You're not Sugihara are you?" Sugihara grinned and said "Well, What do you think Wakiya?"

Wakiya then took another step back, he was trembling a little. Who is this guy?! Why does he look like Sugihara?!?! Wakiya didn't know Who or What this person wants, all he knew was that he was NOT Sugihara. the Imposter took a step toward Wakiya and asked "Are you Scared...? There's nothing to be afraid of. All I want to know is where Shu is...." So thats What he wants..... "I-I don't know who you are, but Leave. S-Shu, isn't here. I've sent him to the hospital, I don't know why you did that to Shu but LEAVE. He didn't do anything wrong, there's no point in staying here anyway, Shu left." Wakiya said innocently, he didn't want Shu to get hurt. Wakiya was shaking. He also cursed to himself for stuttering. He was scared. How did this person get on the island anyway?! What does he want with shu?!

Sugihara just looked at Wakiya, he didn't say anything. He just frowned. Wakiya scanned his surroundings, there was a Vase with some flowers in it, a small circular table where the Vase was resting on, and just a picture of his Mom and Dad holding him when he was just a kid- he turned his head and looked away from the painting. His head hurt a bit when thinking about it.... He never wants to see his Mom or Dad after what happened..... He looked around the room on more time. There wasn't really anything to fight with. But there was a bed room to his left but it's behind Sugihara. Then Sugihara spoke, "I know you're lying, even if you tried to get him to the hospital he would probably have died already. This is a private island after all, a hospital is miles and miles away from here." Wakiya froze, whoever impersonating Sugihara is smart, really smart...

Wakiya was scared, he didn't want his friends to get hurt or kidnapped. He always acted like the best, always bragging on how good at beyblading and rich he is, never afraid of anything- Well that didn't work out, his friends already found out his fear of heights and Wakiya felt embarrassed because of it. And now someone broke into the island, disguised as his own butler, and now trying to kill Shu! Just great.... Is this karma for bragging on how rich and better I was...? Wakiya thought. But Karma doesn't work that way, sure he bragged but something bad will happen to him not his friends. Then he remembered something. Wakiya didn't know why that popped up, he just remembered it. He remembered what his dad always said, "When Fear Comes something is about to happen...." Wakiya didn't know why he said that, he thought it was something to do with business, he didn't care about anything really back then, but now he felt Fear. Something is gonna happen.... Wakiya then asked "Who are you? What do you want with Shu?!" Sugihara stayed silent for a moment.... He replied "I don't want Him, I want something else...." Wakiya was confused. Why would he ask for Shu when he doesn't want Shu.... "like what...?"

Sugihara sighed. "Where's Shu at?" He said. Wakiya of course wasn't gonna tell him. Shu isn't in the best condition right now.
Wakiya scoffed "You think I'm gonna tell you? You must be an idiot to think I'm just gonna tell you where Shu is haha.... like I said before, Leave the island. Come back later actually never come back here again."

Sugihara sighed again. "I was gonna ask you nicely but now I have to do it with force....." Now his voice didn't sound like Sugihara. It was deep, nothing like Sugihara's kind soft voice. He started walking towards Wakiya, his footsteps were loud, Wakiya now didn't know what to do. Sh*t.... he thought. He looked around frantically looking for something to fight with. His eyes landed on the vase. I guess that could work.... Wakiya ran over to the vase, he looked at the vase and stared, this vase was some what expensive but his life mattered more. He grabbed it and threw it at Sugihara, it missed. It went crashing into the floor breaking into a million pieces... a shard came flying at Wakiya, he jumped back. The shard flew passed him and hit the ground. The shard was sharp, Wakiya let out a relieved sigh, he was glad that the shard didn't hit him. Wakiya didn't expect the vase to hit Sugihara anyway but he really really needed to run.

Sugihara called out to Wakiya with his deep voice saying "That wasn't nice Wakiya... Now be a good little boy and come here...." Wakiya grabbed the small table the vase was on and threw it at Sugihara. It hit! The leg of the table smashed into Sugihara's eye. Wakiya looked away and cringed. He was glad that he wasn't the imposter, he didn't want his eye to be smashed.... Wakiya looked back and what he saw shocked him. There was no blood pouring out.... Sugihara took the table leg out of his eye socket and said "Ow, that hurt." with that deep voice. "It was suppose to hurt." Wakiya hissed. Sugihara stared at Wakiya and said "Young Master W-Why Would You Do That??? Why would you throw something at me like that??" With Sugihara's soft voice, he sounded hurt. Wakiya was disgusted that he had the nerve of using Sugihara's voice to attract him. Wakiya looked at where the table leg hit him and saw just blackness in the eye socket. It was like an never ending abyss.

He then noticed Sugihara walking over to him. Wakiya started to run. He started to head for the stairs. He heard Sugihara's steps fasten. Run, run, run, don't stop running! When he got there he sat on the railing, then he looked down. He had to slide down, running down the stairs won't help, Sugihara is getting faster. He closed his eyes shut and slide down, he screamed. He opened one eye and saw he was getting closer and closer to the bottom. Wakiya tried to stop but couldn't he fell down. It wasn't a huge impact but it hurt. He got up and ran straight for the door. I'm never ever gonna slide down like that again Wakiya thought.

He was getting closer and closer to the door. He was now a few feet away from the door and then his head started to hurt, there was high pitched noises coming from somewhere. Wakiya was getting dizzy but he can hear and see everything just fine. Wakiya looked around him trying to find the source of this noise. Then his eyes landed on the imposter impersonating Sugihara, was it him making the noise? Wakiya tried to look away but couldn't, he stared into this imposter's eyes, his eyes were lifeless.. it showed no emotion at all... Sugihara was getting closer and closer to Wakiya.... Wakiya tried to run but his legs went numb. Sugihara got to him. Wakiya tried to scream but no noise came out. Sugihara lifted up his arms and grasp Wakiya's neck. Wakiya tried to fight back but couldn't. Sugihara lifted Wakiya up into the air, his hands held on to Wakiya's neck. Wakiya gasped, he could barely breathe. He tried to kick him but couldn't. The noise was still there... Wakiya tried to move his arms, it worked but barely. He lifted up his arms and placed his hands on Sugihara's hands. He tried to remove Sugihara's hands away from his neck, he tried with all his strength but couldn't. He felt suddenly weak, he felt Sugihara's grasp weakened.

"Now, Wakiya be a good boy and tell me where Shu is..... I don't want to hurt you...." he said. Wakiya thought for a moment. Should I use it...? No it's too risky using it here.... Wakiya opened his mouth and said "W-Why do you n-need him?" He could barely speak. "Like I said I don't want him. He has something I need." Sugihara replied "Now, Tell me where He Is." Wakiya shook his head slowly. There were tears prickling out of Wakiya's eyes. He didn't want to die, no one wants to die. Wakiya didn't want to tell where Shu was. He felt Sugihara's grasp tighten, he felt Sugihara's nails dig into his skin. I guess it's my day to die.... No one will care anyway- Wakiya then felt Sugihara scratched his neck hard like he wanted to hold on to his neck and let go Sugihara came crashing to the ground. There was a table on top of Sugihara. Wakiya then felt his energy come back to him. His head stopped hurting. The high pitched noise stopped.

"Wakiya! Are you ok?!" Wakiya looked up to whoever said that. Wakiya gave a relieved sigh. It was just Honcho. "Y-yea thanks......" Wakiya said, he coughed. He lifted his hand up to his neck, he touched it but then yanked his hand away. "Ouch..." Wakiya mumbled. Honcho came running over to him and stoped a feet away from him. Honcho stared, he started looking at Wakiya's body, head to toe. Honcho's eyes stopped at his neck. "You're bleeding a bit...." Honcho mumbled enough for Wakiya to hear what he was saying, Honcho sounded worried "We gotta get some bandages for you too...." Wakiya nodded and looked at Sugihara. "Why the hell did Sugihara try to choke you?! Did you make him mad or he just came to be your butler to try to kill you." Honcho said leaning in closer to Sugihara who was on the ground with a table on top of him. "H-Hey! Don't get too close to him! That's not Sugihara! It's an Imposter!" Wakiya exclaimed. Honcho gave him a Are you serious look. "What you mean imposter? He looks exactly like Sugihara-" before Honcho could finish his sentence Sugihara grabbed Honcho's wrist and threw him across the room. "HONCHO!!!!!!" Wakiya yelled out to him. He told him not to get too close yet he didn't listen.

Wakiya looked at Sugihara with scared eyes. Wakiya then saw Sugihara look like something else again... He remember seeing something like this before but where and when did he see it? And what was it? When Wakiya tried to think his vision became cloudy, and What ever that thing was went back to look like Sugihara. Wakiya took a step back and went to run over to Honcho but before he could run over Sugihara grabbed his Ankle and pulled him which made him fall. Sugihara grasped at Wakiya's ankle hard, digging his fingernails into him. "Ow!!!!!!" Wakiya yelled. He tried kicking his hand off of him but Sugihara held onto him too tightly. Wakiya looked over at Honcho who was knocked out from the impact when Sugihara threw him. "HONCHO!!! WAKE UP ITS NOT THE TIME TO BE SLEEPING!!!" Wakiya yelled, Honcho did not get up though. Wakiya groaned. He felt Sugihara's nails dug into him deeper. Wakiya screamed. It hurt so much.

"Just tell me where Shu is and the pain will be all over...." Sugihara said. Wakiya shook his head. He then heard the High Pitched noise come back. He started getting dizzy again. Wakiya heard footsteps running down the stair case. He looked up at the stair case and saw Daigo running down they stairs...

Third Person Limited (Daigo) POV
(A few minutes before he came coming down the stairs)
Daigo sighed. He was beyond bored. He looked for the remote control hoping to at least watch something to pass the time. He saw it but it was too far to reach. Daigo tried to reach but failed. He still felt numb. He decided to just go to sleep. He closed his eyes...... He then remembered his first kill.... His first kill was a girl with Beautiful golden locks of hair, sky blue eyes that make you want to stare at them all day long, and skin so soft like a bunny. She was smart, gentle, and bright. He really did love her..... but if he did love her then why did he kill her...? The reason was because he had been ordered to. With this job he can't Love. Only Destroy. But they never really told him Why he needed to kill her.... He asked many times but they ignored him every time. They say he's being too sensitive, they say he can't be sentimental, they say to move on, they say to forget.... but he can never forget her.... She knew about his job, she didn't care, she loved him too.... He remembered lifting up his Knife, slashing at her, her cries, her screams....But.....She Still Died with a Smile..... Her Name Was Kimiko.... Meaning Beautiful and Noble... She was his world, everything he wanted...

"Hey, Daigo..! Wake up!" Kimiko called out to him smiling.

"Ughhh.... What time is it Kimiko...?" Daigo groaned, he rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"Ummm, Late..? Hehe..." Kimiko said sheepishly.

Daigo sat up and looked around him, They were outside in the fields under the willow tree. Daigo yelled "Kimiko! I told you to wake me up when the sun started setting!"

Kimiko scratched the back of her head. "Sorry... You just looked so cute when you were sleeping! I didn't want to wake you up, you looked so comfortable!"

Daigo was about to yell at her but then she said, "Daigo! Look at the stars! Aren't they pretty??" She pointed up in the air. Daigo looked up, they were pretty. Then they saw a streak of light in the sky, then another, and another! There was a meteor shower! Kimiko clapped her hands together and looked at the sky. Her mouth was open, her eyes were wide open, she turned to Daigo and said "Daigo! They say if you wish upon a Star your wish will come true!" Daigo replied "That's just a rumor, it's probably not true." Kimiko ignored his remark and said "Why don't you wish for something? I will wish for something too!" Daigo then said "Ok, I wish for us to live happily ever after. Now your turn." Kimiko looked up at the stars and closed her eyes. She said "I Wish To Be Free. Able to Stop Hiding my Talents and Help Others with it." Daigo gave her a confused look. "What talents? Have you've been hiding something from me?"

Kimiko giggled and said "Sorry, It's a secret...." Kimiko looked a bit sad but still showed a smile...

Daigo then heard a huge crash. He opened his eyes and looked around him. Everything was just the same. Sugihara was still on the ground. He then heard a thump. Did someone fall or throw something? Daigo started getting a bit suspicious. He then heard a scream. It was a long one. Daigo knew who that scream came from, the only person who can probably scream like that is Wakiya. Did Clio come back already?! I gotta get out of this room. Daigo thought. He tried to move but failed. His whole body was still numb. Daigo tried to think of a way to move. And he had to find an idea fast.

Hmmmm... Should I wait for it to go away..? No that will take to long.

Should I force my body to move..? Nah if it's still numb I couldn't even force it and even if I did how would it hold me up....

Ah I know, Pain.

Daigo didn't know why pain came in mind but Pain could work. He seen Ken cut himself when he was numb. Ken hated being numb, he couldn't do anything. It happened often to him. But how did Ken cut himself? He couldn't move, if he could it was just barely. Daigo needed to think of a way to get out of here. He remembered how Clio constantly bit his tongue one time but not on purpose, maybe Daigo could try to bite his tongue..?

Daigo stick out his tongue under his teeth and bit into it hard. Ouch.... Daigo thought. He felt a metallic taste in his mouth. Blood. He tried to move his leg and it work. He started to get up slowly and went over Sugihara. He went out the door and started to run through the hallways. Then he felt a strike of Pain from his back and fell down. "Ow, ok, no more running daigo." Daigo said to himself. He got back up and walked slowly until the Pain was just barely. When he got closer to the stairs he saw a small table on the ground and a bunch of shards. There were also roses on the ground and water. Did Wakiya throw the vase? Daigo thought. He slowly went around the shards and headed for the stairs. He saw Wakiya kn the ground, Honcho slumped against a wall in the corner, and Sugihara grabbing Wakiya's ankle...? Daigo started Running down the stairs, he knew that wasn't Sugihara, it was one of Ken's damn puppets. He heard a high pitched noise when coming down the stairs.

So he finally used it. Daigo thought and continued running down the stairs until he got to the bottom.

Third Person Limited (Wakiya) POV
Wakiya's eye twitched a little, he told Daigo not to leave and yet he did. Wakiya felt his nails dug in deeper and yelped. Sugihara was still trapped under the table which was a good thing. Wakiya looked at Sugihara. The noise is definitely coming from him.... Then Daigo came and kicked Sugihara's jaw causing him to let go of Wakiya's ankle. Suihara's Jaw was now dislocated. "Daigo!" Wakiya called out to him, Daigo smiled sheepishly. "I Told you not to leave the room! How dare you disobey me!" Daigo ignored that remark and took out a knife.

The knife's handle was Dark Midnight Blue with a black rose in the middle and a silver blade. Wakiya remembered what the Black rose meant....Death. Daigo kicked the table off of Sugihara and flipped Sugihara over so his body was facing upward. "Don't do that!" Wakiya Called out But Daigo ignored him. Then he felt a wave of dizziness, Wakiya lifted his hand up to his head. His head started hurting again. Wakiya groaned a bit. Daigo glanced at Wakiya and asked, "You ok? Don't worry, the noise will stop just be paitient." Daigo slashed the middle of Sugihara making a huge gap in the middle. Wakiya Shut his eyes not wanting to see blood pour out but he remembered that when the table leg smashed his eye, there was no blood coming out.

Wakiya opened one eye and saw Daigo reaching toward the gap. Daigo Stuck his hand in the gap and moved it around a little. Wakiya opened his other eye and gave a confused look. "What are you doing...?" Wakiya asked. Daigo said "you will see. Ah, I found it!" Daigo yanked something out of the gap. It was a small disc or something, about the size of a coin.

Wakiya then saw Sugihara move, "Daigo! He's gonna-" then daigo just stabbed Sugihara. Sugihara didn't move. He heard a click and Sugihara wasn't there... something was there instead... Wakiya couldn't describe it.... it was creepy..... He definitely seen it before.... The noise stopped too... Wakiya looked at daigo and said "What the hell did you do?! Change it back! It looks creepy!!" Daigo shrugged and flicked something. Sugihara came back. The noise came back too but it didn't take that much effect than last time "I can't believe he used this puppet instead..." Daigo mumbled. "What ya mean this puppet instead...? Are there more?!" Wakiya said. "I'll explain later...." Daigo sighed. Wakiya moved closer to Daigo to get a better look on what he was holding, Wakiya winced in pain a little. Wakiya looked at his ankle and saw some blood.

"You ok Wakiya...?" Daigo asked. "Yea I'm fine..." Wakiya replied. Wakiya leaned in closer and looked at the think Daigo was holding. It was a shape as a coin, thin like paper, and it had a switch on it. Wakiya took it from Daigo's hands and stared at hit. He turned it to its back and saw some writing on it.... Wakiya then asked "Hey, what does this say...?" Daigo took a closer look and shrugged. Wakiya flipped the switch and saw what ever Sugihara actually was and flipped it back bringing back Sugihara. Wakiya turned to Daigo and exclaimed "You got some explaining to do!" Daigo sighed. "First let's get you patched up. You're gonna loose a lot of blood...." Wakiya scoffed "Fine, but you gotta explain everything afterwards and sh*t I forgot about Hon- I mean Rantaro..!" Daigo laughed, and said "Finally you called him by his nickname!"

Wakiya blushed in embarrassment "N-No I did not! Shut up! We need to get to him." Daigo laughed again and said "Oh, did Wakiya just stutter...? How cute. And you totally called him Honcho"

Wakiya groaned and mumbled "Shut up...."

Daigo giggled and said "Don't worry I won't tell him, why do you hate calling him Honcho tho?"

Wakiya replied "Because it's stupid like him. And you." Wakiya tried to get up but then fell backwards bumping into Daigo. "Ouch.." Wakiya mumbled. Daigo got up and reached out for Wakiya's hand to help pick him up. Wakiya took his hand and felt daigo pull him up. Wakiya tried to balance himself but with one of your ankles bleeding probably won't work out. Daigo went under Wakiya's arm and said "Just hold on to me." Wakiya nodded and let Daigo help him. Together they slowly made it over to Honcho. Daigo let go of him and went over to Honcho. Honcho was sitting up, his back against the wall. Then Wakiya noticed there was some blood in the corner of his mouth.

Daigo poked Honcho in his cheek. "Honcho~ wake up!" He said poking his cheek harder. Honcho didn't wake up. Wakiya decided to help but then tripped and fell. Daigo caught him and said "Who's the clumsy one now?" Wakiya rolled his eyes. Daigo set him down slowly and went back to poking Honcho which was not working. Wakiya then had an idea, he smirked. He reached for the place where Honcho kept his fan and grabbed it. He lifted it up in the air and smacked his face with it. Honcho eyes opened wide and yelped.

He looked at his surroundings then at Wakiya. "Why the hell did you do that?!" Honcho said groaning. He rubbed his cheek where Wakiya has slapped him with. He then looked at daigo and said "Aren't you suppose to be in the room?" Daigo shrugged. Honcho eyes widen and said "Oh shoot! I left Valt alone! He must be worried sick!" Honcho stood up and asked "Wakiya, ya need help climbing the stairs?" Wakiya nodded then Honcho picked up Wakiya bridal style and said "Let's go!" Honcho started to climb up the stairs. Wakiya crosses his arms and looked away. He felt embarrassed. "Don't be embarrassed Wakiya, he's just carrying you." Daigo said. Wakiya then said "I shouldn't be carried by a low-life peasant! Drop me!" Honcho looked at Wakiya and replied "right here right now? You want me to drop you and have you tumble down the stairs?" Then Wakiya said "No!" Honcho laughed and said "That's what I thought, and stop with that low-life peasant stuff."

Wakiya replied "But you are a low-life peasant, all of you are. Now let's just get back to Valt and Shu!" The three of them went up the stairs. Honcho lead the way. They walked through the hallway, their footsteps echoing with each step. Wakiya was getting annoyed, no one was talking. "Why are you guys so silent....?! Talk guys." Wakiya complained. "Ok, let's talk on how this trip became a complete failure." Honcho replied sarcastically. Then Wakiya and Honcho spoke in unison "Daigo you have A LOT of explaining to do." Daigo rolled his eyes and said "ok...."

They got to the room and Honcho opened the door. The room was dark.... They heard sniffling. "Hey....Valt....?" Honcho called out. They walked in the room. They couldn't see anything, Honcho flipped the light switch on.

Valt was on the ground, there was blood around him. He was crying. "Valt!!!" Wakiya yelled. They went over to Valt, Honcho placed Wakiya down next to Valt. "Valt! What happened?! Are you ok?!" Honcho yelled. Valt sat up, there was blood on his cheek and some blood was trailing down from his mouth. His arm was bleeding, he had a huge cut on his arm. Valt rubbed his eyes with his right arm and cried.

He opened his mouth and spoke, he could barely get out the words. "T-They... *sniff* Took S-Shu...."

Finally finished! Just so you know each chapter will come out in about a week, sometimes less, sometimes more.
If there is any typos please tell me. If you are confused ask me questions!
If you are wondering who is Kimiko, I made her up. I usually don't like making up characters but she is important to the story. She has a connection with Daigo and one other person. Her wish has something to due with her and one other person. Her name is also important because of the Meanings and her looks too. She will be mention more in the story.
As you know, Ken has puppets. Like Daigo said he didn't know why Ken would use those puppets instead. This puppet can morph into anything it's programmed for with the use of the device (that coin shaped thing). If the device is flicked off, the puppet will go back to its original state which is looks like a wooden mannequin with an eye socket with no eye in it, just darkness in it. When the device is flicked on it creates high pitched noises which messes up you vision a little making you think the mannequin thing is what it's programmed for or something like that. This mannequin puppet was programmed to look like Sugihara so the device messed up your vision to make it look like Sugihara. The high pitched noise could also make you dizzy and your head to hurt. It isn't programmed like a computer but something to due with Magic~ the device was made by someone and was given to Ken. Ken never used it until today.
I wonder what Wakiya was about to use but didn't because it was too risky, What Kimiko meant by her wish, and who took Shu...hehe....
Like I said, ask questions if you need to. I will answer them. I guess that's all I needed to say

Word Count- 4516

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