Chapter 4

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Third Person Limited (Wakiya) POV
He opened his mouth and spoke, he could barely get out the words. "T-They... *sniff* Took S-Shu...."

"W-What?!" Honcho yelled, everyone was shocked. Valt kept on crying.

Wakiya then remembered, Sugihara or the Imposter asking for Shu. What if.... That Imposter was just a decoy while someone else was looking for Sugihara.... Wakiya asked "Who took Shu?!" Valt sniffled and shrugged. "H-He had a cloak on... *sniff* I c-couldn't really see his face... *sniff* b-but he had Green Emerald Eyes t-that shone in the d-dark....."

Wakiya looked over at Daigo. 'Daigo probably must know something' he thought. Daigo looked worried but also a bit angry. He mumbled something, Wakiya couldn't hear what ever he was saying. Wakiya also needed to get the first aid kit for him and Valt. Valt seems to be loosing a lot of blood but he seems ok. Wakiya tried getting up but Honcho stopped him. "Where do you think you're going?" Honcho asked. Wakiya sighed and said "To get bandages for Valt and I."

Honcho got up and said "You know you just need to ask." He walked away into the bathroom to get the first aid kit. Daigo asked Valt "What happened here? Are you ok?"

Valt sniffled and said "S-Shu woke up after Honcho left. I r-ran over to Shu and asked if he was ok and what happened. Shu said he was fine and asked what happened. I-I don't think he remembered what happened to him... *sniff* A-And there was something off, he didn't seem like himself. He didn't have that same warm smile anymore... T-Then the cloaked guy came and took S-Shu! I tried to stop him but I couldn't, he slashed at me with a knife and threw me against the wall. *sniff* and Shu didn't even try to fight back, I think he was paralyzed or something."

There was a moment of silence then Valt continued "I-I couldn't do anything to stop him! *sniff* It's all my fault that Shu is gone... I lost him again..!" Daigo shook his head and said "No, it isn't. They were too strong for you, Don't worry we will get Shu back." Wakiya remembered when Shu went missing and became red eye, Valt tried bringing him back but it didn't work. And now Shu is gone once again after they just brought him back. Daigo was trying to calm him down, Valt cried and cried.

Wakiya looked at Daigo, Daigo was biting on his lip, he looked a bit angry. He definitely knew something that they didn't. Honcho then came back with a towel and first aid kit. He went to Valt first and wiped off the blood with the towel. Then he started wrapping bandages around Valt's arm slowly. He gave him a tissue. Valt blew on the tissue, there was a lot of snot.

Honcho then walked over to Wakiya and sat down in front of him sitting criss-cross apple sauce (that's what people called it in elementary school, i don't know what it's actually called). He started with his ankle. He lifted his foot up and placed it on his lap. He cleaned the blood and then started wrapping the bandages around slowly and cautiously. This was annoying Wakiya, he just wanted this to be done with. "Can't you move a bit faster??? You're like a sloth." Wakiya complained. Honcho ignored him and kept wrapping it around. Wakiya groaned and kept complaining. Honcho ignored all of it. After he was finish he took of Wakiya's foot from his lap and then leaned in closer to Wakiya. He wiped off the blood off his neck using the towel and then placed the towel next to him. He started wrapping the bandages slowly again.

"Ughh.... You take forever! Hurry up! And move back, you're too close!" Wakiya complained. Honcho ignored him once more and kept doing his thing. After a minute or two, Honcho finished and moved back. It went silent for a while.

Then Daigo broke the silence and stood up. He said "We need to go Now. We can't waste anymore time. We have to get Shu back." That was the most reasonable thing to do. Valt and Wakiya nodded but Honcho shook his head. He stood up and said "We can't go now. Valt and Wakiya are injured. Wakiya can't even walk! We need to rest first. Shu can wait, he's strong and you know it. He can handle it himself, or hold it off for a while."

Daigo was about to speak but Wakiya interrupted him. "I'm Fine Rantaro. I can walk perfectly Fine. You don't need to worry about me." Wakiya said and glanced at Honcho. Honcho was giving an 'Are you serious' look. "Ok, fine. I can't walk perfectly but I can still go." Honcho shook his head and said "You can't even walk at all. I had to carry you up a flight of stairs bridal style."

Wakiya then replied "I can walk, a bit. It's hard because of what that thing did to me. I just need to hold on to someone and it will be fine."

"No, you're staying. We are all staying. No one is going to get Shu until all of us are able to walk. And run Incase if we meet that thing again." Honcho responded. He had a disapproving look.

Wakiya was going to try to convince him to go more but then Daigo spoke. "Fine, you all stay. I'm going. Shu Can't hold it off on his own. I need to go and help him before something bad happens to him." Honcho crossed his arms and replied "So are you saying Shu isn't strong?"

"No, he is very strong but not strong enough. He has the potential but he can't fight back. You have no idea what he is up against." Honcho was about to speak but Valt cut him off. Valt then stood up too, he looked determined. He said "I'm going too! Who knows what can happen to Shu! I agree with Daigo we need to go now." Daigo smiled at Valt's response.
'Finally he isn't sniffling or stuttering' Wakiya thought.

"No you're not Valt. Your arm is injured. It needs to heal." Honcho replied.

"I'm perfectly fine. I can move it see!" Valt said moving his arm. He winced in pain a little bit that was just for a second.

Wakiya thought about it for a moment. He wouldn't be able to help. He can barely walk and he would need someone to help and protect him. Plus theres the enemy. They would need to fight back and protect themselves at the same time. Wakiya sighed, he knew that he couldn't come. But he still wanted to come. He wanted to help. But that wouldn't work out well. He would be a burden. "What about You three go. I can stay here. Shu matters more. I agree with Daigo, he's right. You guys need to go now."

Of course, Honcho wouldn't agree with that. He sighed "You Can't stay here alone. What if that thing comes back?!"

"I can fend it off myself. Stop being such a worry-wort. You aren't my Mom." Wakiya said. He then remembered his mom, maybe he shouldn't have used those choice of words but he just ignored that thought and concentrated on getting Honcho to go with Valt and Daigo. "You can't fend it off yourself. You are injured. Don't you hear me? I-N-J-U-R-E-D, Injured. You can't fight off that thing by yourself, you will surely die a horrible death." Honcho retorted.

Then Wakiya heard some sort of noise. He turned his head to look at the source. There he saw was a....portal...? What was a portal doing here? The portal lead to somewhere else, The portal was Black and Purple. On the other side it showed a field of green grass. He saw Daigo holding out his hand toward it, it seemed Daigo summoned that portal. But how? He brought his hand down and looked over at Valt, Honcho, and Wakiya. "If you are going, go through this portal. It leads to another dimension. It's either you go or you aren't I am not going to wait." Daigo spoke. He stepped through it. It looked like it was absorbing him. He then took another step. He was gone. He was now on the other side. Valt ran to go through it too but Honcho stopped him, he grabbed Valt's wrist. "No Valt, you are staying here. Daigo can do it himself."

Valt yanked his hand away and shouted "Sorry Honcho But I need to go! Shu needs help and I'm gonna help him!" He started running to the portal, Honcho tried to stop him again but Valt passed through. Honcho groaned and said "Why doesn't anyone listen to me!"

"Because you are a sore-looser. Anyways you should go. They will need some help, Daigo cant protect Valt and himself at the same time. He needs to fight whoever took Shu too." Wakiya replied. Honcho stood in front of the portal and looked at it. They both could see Valt and Daigo on the other side. Honcho then said "No way, I ain't leaving you alone and who knows when another imposter is going to come! It's dangerous being here alone."

Wakiya scoffed and said "Ok, first of all I can protect my self, I'm not a baby. Second of all stop worrying about me and go help Shu. Shu is in danger. Go help him." He looked at the portal, the portal seems to be shrinking. "You better hurry up and pass through, it's closing."

"You can not protect yourself! How many times do I need to say this Wakiya! You are injured you can't do anything. Daigo can take care of himself and Valt, he can always open a portal to bring Valt back." Honcho complained.

Wakiya crossed his arms and tried to think of something to get Honcho to go. Then he had a idea, and Honcho wasn't going to like it. Wakiya stood up, almost falling but made it. "See??? I could stand up." Wakiya said. "But you can't fight." Honcho replied.

"Maybe not, But you can...." Wakiya said smirking. Honcho looked at him. "Of course I can.... What are you thinking about? You're smirking and that's bad." Wakiya then ran over to Honcho, of course Wakiya fell. He can't run with that injury on his ankle but that didn't matter. He bumped into Honcho, Honcho fell into the portal. The portal absorbed him like it was nothing.
"Ow." Wakiya mumbled "Now go help and save Shu!" Wakiya said and smiled. He saw Honcho get up and start running back to the portal but The portal closed. 'What perfect timing' Wakiya thought 'Now What should I do?'

Wakiya got up and tried walking over to the door to close it and lock it. But his foot wasn't complying. He felt pain and sat back down slowly. If he was going to stay alone and probably have something attack him. he needed to lock and barricade door and get healed. But that was going to take a while, probably one or two days for it to heal, luckily it wasn't too bad but it hurt a lot. He was probably going to have one or two scars from this incident.

Well normal people would have to take that long to heal.... He unwrapped his bandages and placed his hands over his ankle. He closed his eyes, slowed his breathing, removed every thought from his mind. After a minute he opened them. His injuries were gone. Just a scar left. He did the same to his neck.

"Much better." He said to himself. He got up and started barricading the doors.
'Hopefully they don't die.' He thought.

Third Person Omniscient POV (it's just regular third person POV)
Daigo watched as Valt went through the portal. Valt smiled and waved his hand at him. Daigo then watched what Honcho and Wakiya were doing, they seem to be talking. 'Honcho probably isn't going to come, I guess I should start closing the portal' He thought. Daigo glanced at Valt, He was looking at the trail and where it lead too. Valt turned over to Daigo, he looked surprised, his mouth was wide open. "Wow! This place looks awesome! Is that a castle over there?! Wow! I wanna go check that out!"

Daigo laughed a little and said "Remember, we are here to get Shu. Not here to look around."

"But it looks so cool! But Shu is more important! Let's go get Shu!" Valt shouted. Daigo lifted up his right hand toward the portal and started to close it. "Hey don't close it yet Daigo!!!! We need to wait for Honcho!" Valt yelled. He grabbed Daigo's hand and pushed it down. But the portal was still closing slowly. "Daigo! Stop closing it! We need to wait for Honcho!" Valt shouted.

"I don't think Honcho is coming. He was the only one who disagreed and I don't think he will leave Wakiya alone." Daigo said. "I guess you're right...." Valt mumbled. He looked a bit disappointed. Valt wanted Honcho to help them and also have an adventure with them, but sadly Honcho was against the idea of going. Daigo was about to try to cheer him up but then Valt turned to Daigo with a bright smile and said "Hey, maybe that's a good idea letting them stay!"

Daigo gave Valt a confused look. "Why?" He asked. Valt then giggled and said "Have you seen Honcho care for Wakiya that much? This is the most Honcho ever worried about Wakiya! Leaving the two of them alone means they can bond together and maybe they will stop fighting!". Daigo thought about it. Valt was right, Honcho never showed that much empathy to Wakiya before. Usually it's just the two of them fighting. But Valt was wrong about one thing, They will Never Ever stop fighting. Daigo chuckled, "I guess you're right, Honcho never had worried about Wakiya this much. But they will never ever stop fighting, they are like opposites!" He said. Valt laughed, he opened his mouth to say another thing but then they heard a thump.

They turned their heads to the source and saw Honcho on the ground. Daigo was about to say something but then Honcho got up and started running back to the portal to get back in. Daigo moved his hand in a swift motion and the portal closed. Honcho then turned around to face them and yelled "Hey! Open it back up! I'm going back!"

Daigo just shrugged and said "Sorry, No can do. You come, you stay."

"What ya mean you can't open it back up?!" Honcho complained. Daigo replied "I can.....but I'm not gonna. Let's go, There's a chance that Shu is being tortured." He started walking down the trail. Valt and Honcho gasped, Valt then said "What do you mean theres a chance that Shu is being tortured?!"

Daigo stopped walking and turned to Honcho and Valt. "That's if we are lucky." He said and then continued on his way. Honcho and Valt ran over too Daigo and caught up with him. Honcho asked him "What do you mean if we are lucky...?" Daigo replied "You have No Idea on what they can do to Shu, torturing him will be the luckiest thing that would happen to him. There is much much more things they can do besides torturing."

Honcho shuddered at the thought of what kinda torture mechanisms they have and what else they could do to Shu. "What other things they could do?- you know what I actually don't want to know the answer." Honcho spoke. Daigo smirked and said "Well they can put a parasite in him, cut open his stomach and start removing his intensities, take out his eyes, and-"

"Shut up!!! I don't want to know!" Honcho yelled, he felt like he was going to throw up. Daigo laughed at his reaction. Valt was disgusted, "Nooo! They can't do that to him!!!" He complained. Daigo then said "But they can~... They can even do much more things too~" Honcho then groaned in frustration and said "Stop talking about that please!!!! It's gross!" Daigo laughed again but Valt covered his face with his hands and gagged. He mumbled "I think I might throw up....."

The three of them walked down the trail. No one spoke another word. The bright sun was shining on them, the wind blowing on them was nice, and the fields of grass and flowers around them had a calming aura. Daigo thought of what Clio was going to do to Shu. And why would Ken help him. Ken hated doing this. 'Dissect him? Turn him into a puppet? Make him work for them?' Daigo thought.

A bunch of questions filled his head. He knew nothing about this. And why Shu? They could've chosen anyone but Shu. Daigo's thoughts were interrupted when he felt a strike of pain on his back. He tripped on a gray rock and fell to the ground. The impact wasn't hard but his back hurt. "Daigo!!!! Are you ok?!" Valt yelled. He helped Daigo get up. "Yes I'm fine, I just fell." Daigo assured him. Valt gave him a worried expression but then turned bright and asked "Hey Daigo! Who rules that castle over there?!" He pointed over to the castle all the way at the end of the trail. Daigo mumbled "Oh that.... Ummm.... I don't think you want to know...."

"Oh I haven't noticed that" Honcho said while Valt was begging. He said "Cmon!!! Pleaseeee!!!!!! Tell me!!!!!!" Daigo shrugged and said "I don't think you are going to like it....." Valt didn't care and begged more. Valt pouted and had an idea. He looked Daigo in the eyes and did puppy eyes. Of course, Daigo couldn't resist his puppy eyes. no one can. He sighed and said "Fine... It's-"

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" Someone Laughed, interrupting Daigo at the same time. "Huh? What was that?" Honcho asked. Daigo sighed and shook his head. He turned around to the voice. Valt and Honcho did the same. "Lui....." Daigo sighed continuing his sentence. Lui just grinned, his shark teeth showing. Lui had his hands on his hips, he was wearing his usual clothes, but this time he had a crown on his head. The crown wasn't big nor small, it was the perfect size. The crown was made of silver, it shined in the sun. It had a purple gem in the middle, the sides of the crown curved up like it was horns. It made him look more like a demon if he wasn't one already.

"Wait! Whaa..... Why is Lui here?!" Honcho stammered while Valt waved and shouted "Oh, HEY LUI!!!!" Lui waved to them and then said "What brings you here Daigo? You never come here, not after when you met him" Lui smirked while Daigo frowned and said " 'him' has nothing to do with this, and 'him' isn't his name. Anyways, I need your...." Daigo paused for a moment. He crossed his arms and turned his head to the side so he wasn't looking at Lui. "Help......" he continued. Lui just laughed. "Help? You want my Help? Hah! You must be joking, if you think I will ever Help you, you are sorely mistaken." Lui smirked, crossing his arms.

Daigo then turned his head back to Lui and sighed. "I thought you would say that..." he mumbled. "So I got you this...." Daigo reached inside his pocket and took something out. It was a small black box. Lui stared at it, he looked skeptical. He walked over to Daigo and snatched the box away from him, he opened it and looked at its content. His eyes widen when he saw what was inside but that was only for a second. Valt and Honcho leaned in to see what was inside of the box but He then closed it before they could see. He glared at Daigo, his eyes glowed a dangerous purple color. Valt and Honcho stepped back, not wanting to get close to Lui. Lui asked "Where the hell did you get it?" Daigo plainly replied "From the person who stole it."

"And who stole it?" Lui asked slowly. Daigo responded "That's for me to know and you to find out. Now would you help us?" Lui sighed and closed his eyes, when he opened them his eyes were no longer glowing. "Fine, What do you want?" He asked. Daigo then said "My Scythe, the one you stole a year ago." Lui groaned and said "Fine". He walked passed Daigo, Valt, and Honcho and said "Lets go now shall we?" He started to walk down the trail. Valt and Honcho looked at Daigo, they were both going to ask questions but then Daigo said "Wait, I'm not done. I want you to call Zac."

Lui turned around and asked "And why the hell would you want Zac?" Daigo sighed and replied "None of you business." Lui glared at him, he didn't like being talked to that way but just turned back to the trail and kept walking. Daigo started to walk down the trail too, Valt and Honcho followed him. It was silent, no one said a word. Valt and Honcho wanted to ask a million of questions but didn't. Lui sighed, breaking the silence which caught Valt and Honcho of guard and made them jump a little. Lui then said "I know you have a bunch of questions, this is the time to ask."

Valt and Honcho were relieved that they could ask questions, Honcho was the first to ask. "Where are we? What is this place called?" He asked. Lui replied "We are not on Earth anymore, this is another dimension. This place is very much like Earth but there are lots of features Earth doesn't have and the land we are on now is called Arcadia." Valt then asked the next question, "How did you get here? How do you know about this place too? And how does Zac know about this?" Lui responded "I got here the same way as Daigo did, using a portal. I know about this place for many reason that I rather not say but, I am the king of Arcadia after all. Zac knows about this for reasons I don't know but he was the former king until I defeated him."

"Wait you're the king? And Zac was the former king??" Honcho asked. Lui nodded, "Yes I am and didn't Daigo say I was the king?" Honcho thought about this for a moment, not remembering Daigo saying that but then remembered him about to say it but he got cut off by Lui. He mumbled an 'Oh' and then asked "How are you the king?" Lui replied "Like I said I defeated Zack, that's how it is. If you defeat the king, you become the king. Simple"

Valt then asked "How can you and Daigo open portals? Do you have magic or something like that? And can I do that too??" Lui responded "We can open portals because of our Bey Spirits. You can do that too once you find control and have a strong bond with your bey spirit." Valt then said "Wait, our bey spirits give us powers?????" Lui nodded. Honcho asked "Do other people know about this?" Lui nodded and said "Yes, but not that much. Xander still hasn't found out, he was close tho."

Valt was about to ask another question but then Lui stopped and said "Look, we're here."

In front of them was a huge gate. Lui put his hand out and touched the gate with his index finger, a blueish glow came from it which spread all around the gate. Then the glow disappeared and the gates started to open. Inside was a Kingdom, there were houses, people, and much more stuff. At the center of it all was the Castle. The people inside started stepping to the sides and whispering stuff. Lui started to walk again, the crowd stood to the side making way for Lui. Daigo, Valt, and Honcho followed.

"It's the King!" One Person yelled.

"Who is he with?" Another asked.

"Who is the one with spiky blue hair?" Asked a child.

"Why were they outside the gate?" Asked another child.

"Why is the grim reaper with him?" An Elder asked.

"If they are with the king they must mean business!" A woman said.

The 4 of them walked between the crowd. Everyone was whispering things about them. Lui then made a turn into an alley way. When they went through the alley way he made another turn. They were now behind a building. "Now, I don't want to cause a commotion so I am going to open a portal leading to the castle." Lui said. He lifted up his hand and then a portal appeared. This portal was the same as Daigo made but just a different color, Lui's portal was a mix of White, Light Blue, and Dark Blue. "Now go in" he commanded. Daigo went in first, next was Honcho, and then Valt. Lui came through last and closed the portal. They were in a hallway. The hallway had a red carpet and huge window.

Lui then said "Come on, follow me." He walked forward and then turned right into a room. They followed, inside was full of books, it was like a private library. Lui went to a shelf and pulled a book. The bookshelf moved, a secret passage way opened. "Woahhh....." Valt and Honcho said. "I thought these were only in the movies!" Valt yelled. Lui walked in, they followed. The bookshelf moved back into place, It was dark inside, it looked like a dungeon. The floor was made out of stone, same for the walls and ceiling. It was only lit by torches, on the sides laid weapons. Swords to Daggers, Spears to Shields, it looked like it had almost every type of Weapon! All the way at the end was a huge double doors. Their footsteps echoed through the corridor. Lui walked to the doors and lifted up his hand, he pressed his hand against the door. Then a magic circle or something appeared on the doors! The doors opened, a huge blast of bright light came. Valt and Honcho covered their eyes with their arms, when their eyes adjusted they lowered their arms to see what was inside. There inside was a room with marble flooring, there were more weapons inside.

Lui walked toward a weapon, it was a Scythe. The Scythe was on a pedestal, it was floating above it and was surrounded in a bubble or something similar. The Scythe was big, it's blade looked sharp. The handle was black, there was also a skull on top. Lui did the same as he did with the door, he lifted his hand up and a magic circle appeared. Then the bubble around the Scythe disappeared. Daigo grabbed the Scythe and said "Now let's go, I need you to call Zac."

Lui nodded and then went to exit the room, Daigo, Valt, and Honcho followed. Lui closed the door and kept walking. Their footsteps echoed through the corridor, it was quiet. They could hear each other breathe. Valt was behind everyone, he looked to the side, he saw their 5 shadows cast upon the wall. 'Wait?! 5 Shadows?!' Thought Valt.

He turned around quickly and saw someone else. Someone who was neither Lui, Honcho, or Daigo. Someone who wasn't suppose to be here.
Finally finished!!! I am super sorry that I updated it super super late!!!! Please forgive me! I had so much homework ;-;. And Thank you for being patient and waiting!!!!
Their Journey to save Shu begins!!!! Will Lui help them retrieve Shu? who else besides them knows about this place? And Who is the stranger behind Valt?!
If you didn't notice, I changed the title to 'Become a Legend' I think it's better. If you have any ideas tell me, I would love to hear them.
If there are any Grammer mistakes or Spelling errors please tell me. Ask questions if needed too!
Thank you for reading! :3
Word count~ 4752

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