Chapter 5

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Third Person Omniscient POV
He turned around quickly and saw someone else. Someone who was neither Lui, Honcho, or Daigo. Someone who wasn't suppose to be here.

The person was in a black cloak, his hood was up but Valt couldn't see his face. The person seemed to be staring at the ground for some unknown reason. His cloak also seemed a bit similar to the person who took Shu, but this person was definitely not the person who took Shu though. He was shorter than the one who took Shu but taller than Valt, the cloak was longer, and embroidered with a golden lining. The person then noticed Valt looking at him and lifted his head up. Now Valt was able to see what was under the hood. This person was wearing a White Mask. It was like those Drama masks you see at the theater, it was the Happy Mask.

They stared at each other which felt like Hours, by then Valt noticed something glowing in the eye holes of the mask. It was glowing a teal color, but the person who took Shu had a green color. Then he felt the air around him getting a bit colder.

That probably wasn't a good sign and he needed to run. This person was definitely not a friend. He opened him mouth to yell and warn the others about him but then the person moved swiftly. Valt didn't even have enough time to react! His eyes widen, Who was he?! He grabbed Valt's arm and pulled him closer, and placed a knife against Valt's throat.

"Don't Say Anything." The Person hissed, He moved his knife more closer to his neck.

Then Valt realized it, He knew this voice.

But the question was Who though....

Valt tried to remember but he couldn't! Well of course he couldn't- He met countless of people from around the world. Though, this person wasn't close to him, he was close really close to one of his friends though... His friend had introduced him to the masked guy.... Which friend was it...? And who was he introduced too...?

He knew one thing for sure though, this person was a blader. Valt faced him before- Well no he didn't... He remembered one of his friends battling him...

'When was it?! Who is it?! Why can't I remember?!'

Valt tried to move back but the person wrapped his right arm around his waist, his left hand held the knife. Valt tried to turn his head to check in the others but couldn't, if he did the knife would've sliced his throat. He looked around frantically, trying to find a way to escape. Then The person pulled Valt closer to him, he whispered in his ear, "Now answer my questions and I'll let you go, got it? I don't want to make a mess."

Valt nodded, his heart was beating fast, his breathing became shaky. What did this guy want?

"Where is it?" The Person said. Valt didn't know what he was taking about. "Where. Is. It." The Person repeated more slowly. Valt didn't answer, well he couldn't even answer because of the knife. He wouldn't be able to answer it himself either. The person lifted the knife away from his neck a little. "Talk." He commanded.

"I-I... D-Don't k-know..." Valt mumbled. "What do you mean you don't know?! Stop Pretending." The person whispered-yelled.
Valt replied "I really don't know."

"Lies." The Person hissed.

The next thing he said, made Valt's heart skip a beat.

"And how are you even Alive?! I saw you Die, I saw it with my very own eyes! Your body was lifeless, cold, there was no heartbeat too! You bled to death, there was blood everywhere. Let me ask you again, Where is It and How Are You Alive."

Valt was confused, he died? When? How? And what does this guy want to find? Then he heard a voice, "VALT MOVE OUT OF THE WAY, NOW!!!!!!!!"

It was Lui!!! He was gonna be saved! Valt then tried to push the masked guy away but was pushed to ground by him instead. After the person pushed him to the ground he jumped back, then a huge blast of blue shards came, barely hitting Valt. 'D-Did he just save me?!' Valt thought.

Some foot steps were coming towards Valt, he turned his head to the side to see Daigo and Honcho running up to him. "Are you Alright Valt?!" Honcho asked and held out his hand toward Valt. He nodded and took his friend's hand, Honcho pulled him back up and Valt thanked him. Then Valt heard another blast came. He turned his head to look at what's happening. Blue shards were aiming for the person quickly but he was too swift though, he kept dodging it with ease. 'How is he even moving that fast?' Thought Valt, Lui kept shooting out the blue shards, his eyes glowed purple dangerously.

"Daigo!!!! Get over here and Help me! It's the same person from 20 years ago!!!" Lui yelled. Daigo replied by nodding, "You two stay here. Lui and I will take care of this." Daigo held the Scythe tightly in his hand and his eyes started glowing a black and purple color. Daigo ran off to help Lui, immediately he started slashing his Scythe at the masked dude.

'Same person from 20 years ago...? They weren't even born by that time.... Or Are they immortal like Clio too....? If they are.... How long have they been alive..?' Valt thought.

Lui kept shooting Blue shards, which was probably ice. Daigo kept swinging his Scythe at him. The person kept dodging. Just how fast could he be?

'If only I can just get one hit!!!' Daigo thought, he tried swinging the Scythe faster but it wasn't working. The masked guy was just too quick, even faster than last time. While the masked guy gotten faster, Daigo had gotten slower. It's also been a while since he used the Scythe. This Scythe was heavier than the others but dealt more damage. Even though it dealt more damage, it wasn't helpful. If he can't even land a hit on the masked guy then it was only a burden. And Daigo couldn't just switch out his Scythe in the middle of battle!

It's also been About 15 years since he used it, 15 years since Lui token it, for now he needed to rely on Lui for most of the attacks, unless Lui makes him an opening...

Valt was worried, it looked like Lui and Daigo weren't doing so good... Daigo seemed to be getting tired, he was slashing a bit more slower. Lui kept shooting his shards at the same speed though. And all the masked guy was doing was dodging, but why? Valt knew that the masked guy could probably do more than just dodging so why isn't he doing that? Then he heard a noise and felt the room getting colder. He looked around and saw ice on the ground, it was spreading out. It started covering the walls, floor, and ceiling. Valt tried to find the source, he looked around and saw that it was spreading out from someone. And that person was Lui! By now, the ice completely covered the floor.

Valt was amazed, he wanted to do that too. 'I wonder how'd he did that...' Thought Valt

He and Honcho watched the battle. Daigo seemed to be moving a lot faster now because of the ice but his attacks were a bit more sloppy because of the ice. On the other hand, the masked guy's speed increased too which wasn't good. Lui also stopped shooting shards for some reason. was it because he was worried it might hit Daigo? Probably not, Lui is cold hearted. Maybe because he needed to think of a way to decrease the guy's speed?

"Wow.... They are really going at it...." Honcho said, Valt nodded. They both watched. No one seemed to be winning the battle, but it looks like the masked guy has the upper hand. Valt's feet felt a tad cold too,  so he tried moving it but then he realized that his foot was stuck on something. He looked down at his feet and saw ice around his feet. "My feet are stuck!" Valt yelled, "Same!" Honcho yelled too.

Valt tried to pull his left foot out of the ice, it worked with enough force. Valt was about to do the same to the other and then heard another sound. He looked up and saw ice shooting out of the ground, these stayed on the ground though and weren't flying through the air. These were also way bigger.

The masked guy dodged every one of them, and he jumped on one of the ice shooting out of the ground. Lui grinned when he jumped on one. That probably wasn't a good sign for him...

Icicles shot out of it, there was no way he could've dodged it! He tripped on an icicle and while falling one icicle stabbed his shoulder, another stabbed his leg. Tinier icicles were giving cuts all around. The hood of the cloak fell off, revealing his hair tied up in a bun. Some of the icicles also started turning a bit red..... That meant.... blood...

Valt whimpered. He was horrified, it looked like the masked guy was in so much pain, yet he wasn't screaming or crying. Daigo was running over to the masked guy, ready to slash at him. Lui was just laughing in the back ground, how could he laugh at something like this?! Then a pair of hands covered Valt's eyes, "It's ok Valt. Don't look" a voice said in his ear, which was probably Honcho, his breathing was heavy.

"Don't worry, it isn't me"

Valt's breathing tensed. Not Honcho.

He tried to turn around but his right foot was still stuck. He screamed "DAIGO!!!!!! HONCHO!!!!!! LUI!!!!!"

Daigo stopped dead in his tracks. He turned around to see the person behind Valt covering his eyes. A couple of feet behind them was Honcho, who seemed to be knocked out. 'How the hell did he get over there?!' Daigo thought, he looked back at where the person was originally was. He was still there. Then Daigo realized it, that was just a decoy all along!


Valt heard Daigo. He tried getting his right foot out which worked but then He felt wind swarming around him, he yanked the pair of hands of his eyes to see wind swarming around him. Not only that but also snow! Then there was light forming beneath his feet, Valt looked down. There was a magic circle right beneath him!

Then the air around him suddenly disappeared. Valt gasped for air but there was none there. His vision started getting blurry, he couldn't think straight. He heard yelling, and foot steps. All the energy he had was gone. Just gone. Valt fell down, a pair of arms caught him.

"Now, You're coming with me....."

Lui just then noticed the person behind Valt. He was so distracted with the decoy that he didn't notice! His eyes widen, 'No! I can't loose him, not after what happened last time!'

Lui stomped one of his foots and ice shards were immediately shooting out of the ground toward the person. Lui then saw the magic circle forming under them, 'NO!! They're going to teleport!' He thought.

The ice shards were reflected back, Lui was able to dogded them of course. He noticed there was wind surrounding them, then snow. It was like a blizzard but only around them. He couldn't see what was going inside now. 'Dang it!! I need to do close up attacks now!'

He formed an ice longsword in his hand and immediately started running. He saw Daigo running too, Daigo jumped in the air ready to slash at the person. Then there was light forming inside the blizzard.

'NOOOO!!! WE AREN'T GOING TO MAKE IT!!!' Lui thought! Daigo swung his Scythe, while Lui swung his sword, then there was a wave of wind that flung them back. Lui landed on his feet, Same for Daigo.

Daigo and Lui weren't able to make a hit, but it seemed they didn't need too. The wind has stopped, Thank god that Valt was still here, the masked guy too. 'Why didn't they teleport?' Lui thought. He then felt someone else's aura. Lui and Daigo both knew this person.

Lui turned around to see him.


Each step Zac took the ice melted around him. "I was right.... I did sense his aura around here...." Zac said, he gave a death glare at the masked man.

"Shit...." The masked man mumbled, he knew he wouldn't be able to fight all 3 of them alone. He took out a knife swiftly but then Zac shot out something from his hand which knocked the knife out of his own hand. Another one shot out, he held Valt's body close to him and dodged it, the attack barely missing him.

"Stand down, surrender to us. Drop Valt and come forward. We will not harm you as long as you surrender and answer our questions." Zac stated. His hand was still up, ready to shoot out another projectile.

The masked guy grunted, He wouldn't be able to escape now- Well not with Valt. For now..... All he could do was place a seal on him....

Zac then said "I will give you ten seconds to drop him and step back, starting now. 10"

The masked guy gritted his teeth.


He slowly went down on his knees


He placed the blue haired boy down gently

"Now step Away, 7"

He didn't step away


He didn't move


He stayed put


He lifted Valt's arm up


He took out his bey



"1, Step back immediately, drop the bey too."

With a swift movement the masked guy used the sharp part of his bey and made a cut on Valt's wrist. Zac immediately shot out all of the projectiles he have been holding back all at once, but then Daigo yelled "ZAC STOP, YOU ARE GOING TO HIT VALT!!!".

All the projectiles stopped in mid air, the masked guy smirked under his mask.

"Buh-Bye every body~ But this wont be the last of me. I'll come back soon. Tata~" The Masked guy said, he took one last look at Valt and noticed something on his face. Something on his cheek...

'That Mark Wasn't There Before.......'

He then took a step back away from Valt and melted into his own shadow. His shadow moved swiftly and gracefully around everybody, it passed Valt, then Zac, then Daigo, Honcho, and Lui. Once he got to the entrance of the passage way, He jumped out of his own shadow and pulled a switch, opening the entrance then disappearing through it.

Daigo gritted his teeth and then ran over to Valt. He dropped down to his knees next to Valt and yelled, "Valt!! Wake up!!"

Valt jolted up immediately and let out a yelp. He winced in pain and let out a hiss. "Owie" Valt mumbled.

"Valt are you ok?!" Daigo asked, while Valt nodded, he looked down at his wrist where the  pain was coming from. It was just a small cut, but it hurt like hell. It felt like acid or lava on his skin. Tears started to form in the corner of Valt's eyes, He then said "Daigo... My wrist hurts.... It burns...."

Daigo looked at his wrist and remembered that the masked guy made the cut there. But Why? He wouldn't just cut his wrist for nothing. Then Daigo noticed something, the cut was closing itself up. How was it doing that?

The cut left a black mark, the mark then spreaded and circled around his wrist, it then took a shape of a dragon eating its tail.. What did it mean again? Oh right, it meant infinity.

"Daigo..? What's this?" Valt asked, the burning has stopped but something didn't feel right... He felt as his temperature had dropped.

Daigo stared at it, even he didn't know what it was. Even though he had been in this world for a long time, there were a lot of things he didn't know about this world. Some things were only known for certain people too. Maybe whatever thing the masked guy did only he knows. He motioned for Zac and Lui to come over. Maybe they might know, after all Zac has been here longer than he has- Well he thinks Zac had been here longer.

Zac and Lui came and looked at it. Lui just shrugged, Zac said "Hmm..... It's strange... I've never seen anything like it..."

"Am I going to be ok?" Valt asked worriedly, Daigo smiled and said "Don't worry, it's just nothing..." He lied. It was more than just nothing.

Zac then said "I can try removing it, but I don't know if it will work." He put his hands above Valt's wrist and a soothing amber glow came from his hands. Valt felt his temperature increasing a bit but it went back down once Zac moved his hands away. The mark was still there.

"How peculiar.... Perhaps it's a seal or a curse??" Zac questioned

"Wait What?! I'm Cursed?!?!" Valt yelled, Zac shook his head and said "I don't think so, you look normal....." Zac then placed his hand on Valt's forehead and mumbled "but it seems your temperature has gone down a bit."

Lui growled and said "Ugh, I'm going to go catch that guy, he couldn't have gotten that far.." Lui started walking away but then Zac stopped him "I Don't sense him anymore, he's either completely hid his Aura or he isn't here anymore."

"Damn it." Lui mumbled.

Zac got up and asked, "Well Lui, what happened here? You have some explaining to do."

Lui just shrugged and said "None of ya business"

Zac eyes started glowing a yellowish/goldish color, he got up and took a deep breath. "Let me ask again, What happened here?"

Lui ignored him.

"Answer me Lui. I am the former King so you have no right to disobey me."

Lui then said "But that was a while ago, I am the King now so I don't need to obey you."

Zac glared at Lui.

Lui shrugged it off.

Zac then said "at least answer this,"

Zac took in a deep breath and yelled "WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU BRING VALT AND HONCHO IN THE FIRST PLACE?! I THOUGHT WE HAD MADE AN AGREEMENT NOT TO EVER SHOW THEM THIS PLACE!!!" Lui flinched a little when he said that but didn't answer.

Zac then looked at Daigo and asked "And Why the hell are you here?! I thought you were too busy with your job! You never come even when I ask and here you are!"

Zac went back to looking at Lui and waited for an answer. Lui growled and yelled "Don't ask me! Daigo is the one who bought them here!!"

Zac then gave a glare at Daigo and said "Well? Answer me! Why are you here and Why the hell did you bring them here!!!! You are endangering them by bringing them here! I thought you knew better!!"

Valt was a bit shocked, he never seen Zac this angry before. The Zac he knew was always so positive and outgoing, but this side of Zac he never seen before... it seemed out of character for someone like him, but when he though about it, he wasn't that close to Zac anyways. There were lots of things he didn't know about Zac. But now after seeing this world, he probably didn't even know anything about him.

Zac started tapping his foot and said "Well? Answer me!" Daigo looked down and mumbled "Clio took Shu..... Now we have to get him back..."

Zac took in another deep breath and yelled "You Idiot!!! Who knows what Clio could be doing to Shu!! And how did he get his hands on him in the first place?!"

Daigo replied "Clio and Ken both attacked us.... Wakiya, Honcho, and I were busy with one of Ken's puppets while Shu and Valt were left unguarded... That's when one of them attacked..."

Zac took a deep breath again and mumbled "oh my god... This is bad... This is bad... I need to find a way to get Shu back now..." , Valt's eyes widen when Daigo mentioned Ken, he said "Wait?! Ken attacked us?! Why would he do that?!"

"Yes he did... But it's not like he wants to though... Clio is the one making him..." Daigo answered.

"Why would Clio want to do that?!" Valt questioned and Daigo replied "I have no idea.... but he's planning something...."

"Of course he's planning something! But we need to go now!" Zac yelled at Daigo but Daigo disagreed and said "What about Honcho? He's completely knocked out, we can't leave him here."

"What do you mean we can't? Of course we can. We can leave him here in one of the rooms with a maid or someone else to take care of him" Zac replied.

Daigo shook his head and said "What if someone comes to attack? Honcho can't fight, he's obviously going to loose."
Zac thought about it and then sighed. "Fine, we can rest and stuff but make it quick!!!"

Daigo smiled, "Thanks!" He said

Valt was trying to get all the details on what was going on in his head. He then had an idea and suggested "Well, what if Lui stays with Honcho?"

"What a great idea! Lui go pick up Honcho dude and watch over him" Zac said, doing a certain 'shooing away' motion with his hand.

Lui flinched and complained "Definitely Not! I am not going to baby sit him. He can die for all I care! I don't give two sh*ts about him."

"Come on, please Lui!!!!" Valt begged but Lui refused though. Zac also tried making Lui agree but no prevail.

Zac gave up on trying and said "Fine"

Meanwhile, Daigo went over to Honcho picking him up and placing him on his back. He looked back at the others and said "Come on guys, let's go."

Zac and Lui nodded. Valt walked over to them and had another idea! He suggested "While we are waiting for Honcho to rest up, What if you guys teach me how to do magic and stuff while Honcho rests??"

Zac thought about that and smiled. He said "What a great idea! But first you need to rest up too, your temperature is low and you might get sick. And Lui, you go teach him when he has rested all up!"

Lui growled, "No way!!! You go teach him yourself! Why always me?!"

"Because you are the King! You are stronger than me so you obviously know more stuff!" Zac said

"Please Lui!!!!!" Valt pleaded "I need to know how to defend myself Incase if Clio comes and tries to attack me!"

Lui turned around and crossed him arms. He then said "You have Daigo to protect you! And No means No!!!!"

"But what if Daigo isn't here? I'll die!!!"

"Still NO."

Zac put his hand on Lui's shoulder and said "Don't be like that. Come on Lui just teach him. It wouldn't hurt you right?" Lui gave Zac a glare while Zac just smiled.

The both of them stared at each other for a long time which made Lui feel uncomfortable. He tried to step away but Zac just stepped back with him. It went on like this for a while and then Lui gave in and said "Fine! But I ain't gonna go easy on you"

Valt jumped in the air with excitement and yelled "Yay!!!" He had a huge smile on his face... but that smile won't last forever....

Valt ran over to Daigo and said "Did ya hear him?! He said he would teach me!!!" Daigo looked at him and smiled. He said "Good for you, Don't push it too hard though."

"Don't worry I won't!" Valt said grinning, "I can't wait to learn Magic! I wanna show it off to everybody, they would be so jealous!"

"That's the thing though... You can't tell or show anybody this, no one else can find out." Daigo said

"What, Why?!?" Valt complained, he was disappointed. He wanted to impress everyone with his new abilities. Daigo laughed at his response and said "Well, there are many reasons for that. You just can't tell anyone. And if you do, it can only be in an emergency"

Valt pouted, "But Why??? What reasons???"

Daigo looked away and mumbled "We don't want the same mistake to happen..."

'Mistake? What mistake...? What happened...?' Valt thought. He then asked "What mistake?" Daigo didn't answer, he seemed to be spaced out.

Valt tapped his shoulder and said "Daigo? You there?" Daigo flinched and looked back at Valt. He said "Sorry, What were you saying?"

"What Mi-" Valt was cut off by Zac saying "Enough talking! Get moving!"

Daigo rolled his eyes and said "Ok, Ok, jeez" He and Valt started walking back toward the entrance.

"Wow, I never seen Zac this mad." Valt said, "Well, he isn't always this mad. Only when someone he knows is endangered." Daigo replied

"Ah, I see. And what magic does Zac have?? Lui seems to have ice powers or something, you use like this black magic and a Scythe! What does Zac do?!"

"Oh, he uses something similar to light."

"Wow, I can't wait to find out my powers!!" Valt said with excitement

"Yea, it would probably be great."

"Mhmm, I bet it will be!"

The two of them talked and walked back to the entrance. Zac and Lui followed them from behind. Neither Zac or Lui spoke a word to each other while walking there. But once Valt, Daigo, and Honcho passed through the entrance to this secret room Zac spoke.

He said, "It hurts Lui doesn't it?"

Lui flinched when he said that, he replied to Zac by giving him a nod.

"I know how you feel..." Zac said, he let out a sigh. "We both didn't want him to find this world.... Yet.... It seemed like Fate has brought him back to this world..."

Lui looked down and clenched his fists. He nodded once more. He bit his lip, trying to hold back his tears. But he could not. One tear fell down his cheek and then another.

Zac looked at him with sympathy. Zac knew how he felt. But that was a long time ago.

Lui flinched when he felt something grasping his hand. He looked at it to see Zac holding on to it.

"It's ok Lui..... Don't worry.... He's different, am I right?"

Lui nodded

"He isn't the same sadistic little boy he used to be. Look at him now, he's bright and out going. He has a bright future ahead of him."

Lui nodded again.

The both of them stayed silent for a while. Lui held onto Zac's hand tighter. Once Lui calmed down, he wiped all his tears away and let go.

Lui started walking and then stopped. He turned around to look at Zac and said "Don't you dare tell anyone that I was crying."

Zac laughed at what Lui said, "It's not funny!!!" Lui growled

"Sorry, But haha, it's just funny"

Lui growled at Zac's laughter but then the laughter stopped so suddenly. Lui looked at Zac's expression, he seemed serious.

"The question is though..... How did Valtryek get back to him...." Zac said. Lui just continued walking, he responded "That doesn't matter now. All we need to do is keep Valt on the right path, it's simple right?"

"It's seems so but one mistake could move him into the wrong path again...."

Lui nodded, then he and Zac heard Valt calling out to them, "Come on Guys!!!!! Hurry up you slow pokes!!!!"

Zac caught up to Lui and said "I guess we should go, we don't want to keep them waiting right?"

Lui ignored him and started walking, Zac followed from behind.

Zac was happy for Lui,  at least Lui could see Valt one more time.... but that fact also made him sad... It happened to Lui so why not him?

If only Zac could see him one last time... But he knew that would never happen.... and if it did.... This magical fantasy world would end.

Wait... Who was he again..? Zac gripped his hair trying to remember who it was again.

'Why can't I remember..? Who was he..? Why do I feel so upset whenever I see Valt..? Why does it hurt..? Why does it hurt my heart whenever I try to remember him..? Who was him to me...? How is this connected to Valt..? Why do I feel envy when I see Valt and Lui..? Why do I picture me and someone else together...? Why can't I remember?! WHO WAS HE TO ME?! WHY DOES IT HURT SO MUCH?!'

Zac then felt pain, snapping himself back to reality. He pulled his hair too hard.

He shook his head and sighed. "I'll visit that place again, I'll find out who was he once and for all. No Matter What."


Shu slowly opened his eyes. Everything seemed dark, the only light source was some candles. But the candles were dim, the fire was starting to go out. He looked around the room but couldn't see anything. It was too dark.

"Wakiya..? Daigo...? Honcho..? Valt...?" He called out, but received no answer. "Guys are you there...?"

He tried to get up but then he realized he was chained. Why was he chained?! Where was he even?

His eyes had adjusted to the dark and He scanned the room, there was nothing too unusual in this room. The floors were made out of cobblestones, the walls were made out of stone. There was some stairs leading up, some torches/candles lit up, there was a long table, a lamp above the table, a chair, some computers on another table, some test tubes- why would there be a test tube?

Then Shu knew it, this was a lab of some sort. But this lab looked old... Very old.

There was cobwebs on some of the computers, dust on a lot of things, and some cracks in some of the test tubes. There was some old documents on one table and cabinets too. Shu tried getting up again but no prevail, the chains made him stay put.

How'd he get here in the first place though? Shu thought about what happened, he remembered waking up and seeing Valt. He then remember someone appearing and taking him away. But why didn't he fight back? He felt like he knew him, he felt like it was going to be ok, he felt like that person was a friend- no that's not the right word. He felt like he was no threat, not an enemy, but not a friend too.

Then he heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and voices. He knows these voices. But can't remember them. Then they came into view.....

The first person was wearing a black cape, had silver white/gray hair, magenta eyes- Shu knew him, but from where? No he didn't know him personally, he heard someone talking about him. Who was talking about him? Norman. Norman said something about someone battling him to get information, Norman only agreed to the battle because he interested him. And the person matched Norman's description of him.

And then the second person came into view. Shu's eyes widen. Black long spiky hair, green emerald eyes, green cloak, 2 puppets. Ken. Ken saw Shu staring at him a looked away. He looked quite upset.

The 2 of them walked over to Shu.

"Hello, Kurenai. How's your day?" The vampire looking guy asked.

Shu didn't answer. He glared at him, Shu assumed it was him who brought him here.

"Not talking? That's fine, your screams can make up for it." Shu flinched, screams? What was he going to do with him?

The vampire guy started walking toward one of the computers and started wiping the dust off the screen. Ken stayed put in front of Shu though. "Ken... Where are we....?" Shu asked. Ken flinched when he spoke, Ken replied quietly "Hell Gate."
"Where is Hell Gate...?" Shu asked. Ken responded "In another world."

Shu was going to ask another question but then the vampire guy spoke up and said "Shu Kurenai, age 13, birthday September 23rd, born in Japan, attended Beigoma Academy, former member of the Snake pit, was known as 'Red Eye', 2nd place in the International Bladers Cup, member of the Big 5 and Supreme 4, Best friend is Valt, burning hate for Lui, Scar on Eye was made by Lui. *says other personal info* Is this all correct?"

Shu nodded, how does he know all of this?! Some of it is obvious but how did he get some of his personal info?

"Ken, unlock the chains and bring him over to me." The vampire guy said. Ken did as he was told and unlocked the chains. He grabbed Shu's hand and pulled him over to the vampire looking guy. While walking to him Shu asked "What is he going to do...?"

Ken replied slowly and quietly "I rather not say....."

When they got there the vampire looking guy said "Lets Start" and grinned mischievously.
Wakiya walked around the room, back and forth. What was he going to do? There was nothing good on the TV, he didn't want to go outside just Incase someone else comes and decides to break in and attack him, and he had no one to talk to....

Where was the actual Sugihara anyway? Did they kill him?! Or maybe he is tied up somewhere...

Then Wakiya heard a noise. Footsteps through the hallways. Immediately Wakiya ran toward the closets and went into one. "Ok Wakiya, Someone broke into your house again! What should we do?!" Wakiya said to himself. He felt scared, he's the only one here and he can't fight off that imposter. He then got an idea, "What about I call Hoji!"

Wakiya took out his phone and dialed Hoji's number. He waited for a few seconds and remembered that Hoji was out with his family, hopefully Hoji was back at home already.... Hopefully.....

Then he heard a beep and then a voice, "Hey Wakiya! How's it going? What do you need?" Hoji answered!

"Ok, Hoji are you back at home?!" Wakiya asked quickly. "Yea I am, Why?" Hoji replied.

"I need you to go and get one of my private jets and get here now! Tell them that I sent you, I need you here right now!"
"Is there something wrong Wakiya? You sound worried...."

"Just Go!!!!!"

"Wakiya, tell me. What's wrong? I'm on my way to your private jet but why do you need me? You don't usually call me unless if it's an emergency."

"Someone broke into the island and is somewhere walking around the mansion!!"

"Wakiya. Seriously? You are being paranoid. No one can get on the island."

"No I am NOT Paranoid. This is the Truth and I need you now, right here!"

"Wakiya, *sigh* if this is suppose to be a joke this isn't funny. Did your friends dare you or something?"

"This isn't a joke!!!! Why would I be joking about something like this?!"

"Why wouldn't you?"

"Ughh!!! Hoji just come over here!!!!"

"Like I said, I'm on my way. It might take about an hour or less."

"What?! I cant wait that long!!!"

"So why did you call me in the first place? You should've known."

Wakiya let out a long sigh, Hoji doesn't usually talk back like this. What if it's not really Hoji?! What if it's another imposter?!

Wakiya took in a deep breath and rubbed his temples. maybe he was getting a little paranoid after that incident. But he should be able to protect himself on his own right? Then he heard a knock on the door.

"Young Master? Are you in there?"

It was just Sugihara, or is it?

"Young Master, can you open the door?"


"Is there something wrong?"


"Young Master, What is the matter? I can fix your problem."


"Young Master, Are you alright?"

Wakiya stayed silent for a moment, 'What if he really is Sugihara? Should I let him in?' Wakiya thought. Then an idea came in mind. It was a stupid idea but it was going to work.

"Sugihara, Ready, Aim..."

"Young Master, are we really going to do this? You aren't little anymore, but if that is what you want then I Shall do."

"Ok, Ready, Aim...."

Sugihara then spoke the last remaining words with a hint of sarcasm in it, "Cross Fire..."

Wakiya then knew that this was really Sugihara. He got up, opening the closet, and walked to the door. He moved all the pillows and things that were in front of the door and opened it to see Sugihara with a slightly confused face.

"Young Master, are you ok? From what you wanted me to say, I am assuming you want me to get your B-Daman for you to play?"

Wakiya's cheek went pink a little and said "Nonono!! Do not take it out! T-That was only a test to see if you remembered!"

"Of course I would remember, I have been with you for many years and from what I have known, you really liked playing-"

"Ok, Ok, I get it!! And do not speak of this ever!!"

"Very Well then, Anyways where are your friends? A moment ago I was watching Daigo and I seemed to have fallen asleep... Daigo is no where to be seen now, I looked all over the mansion but I could not find one of your friends."

"Oh- Well uh, they are just exploring the tropical forest."

"Oh, I see. Hopefully they brought mosquito repellent from what I have experience, there were lots of mosquitoes in that forest."

"Oh they are fineee. Well anyways Sugihara, what about a game of chess?"

"I would love to play, it's been ages since I've played against you. Let's see if you can beat me this time."

Wakiya smirked and said "Oh I will, I've been practicing."

"I hope it's enough to beat me. After all, you will be inheriting the company and you need to be able to think strategically. You won't be able to inherit it if you can't even beat me."

Wakiya flinched when he mentioned the company, he nodded slowly. "Well Young Master, let's go. Will the study room will be fine to play in?"

"Oh- Yes, it's fine." Wakiya spoke quickly, Sugihara then started to walk over to the Studyroom. Wakiya followed from behind.

The thing is though... Wakiya didn't want to inherit the company... He liked being a blader, and if he inherits a company he won't be able to blade anymore. That meant less time seeing the others.

Sugihara also knew of this. He knew that Wakiya doesn't want to inherit it but there is nothing he could do.

Wakiya was destined to be the Heir, but... What if.... Something happened to him beforehand....?
I finished!!! Yay!
The reason I didn't update sooner was that I didn't feel motivated so I didn't write anything for a while.
I have so many plans for this story but it's gonna take soooo long to update each chapter. Hopefully I can finish by the end of 2019!
Another reason it took a while was because originally Valt was going to be kidnapped in the story in this chapter and I wrote the whole thing but then I realized that it would conflict the main plot which was to save Shu. Sooo I had to rewrite the whole thing and instead of Valt getting kidnapped the masked guy did something to him.
And if you are wondering what is a "B-Daman" It's just another toy like a Beyblade. (And Wakiya also forgot about Hoji coming xD)

And do you notice some foreshadowing? :)

But anyways, who do you think the masked guy is? What is Clio going to do? Who does Zac want to see again? How did Valt die before? So many questions, but only so little answers :)

Have any questions, ask in the comments!

If there is any mistake or errors please tell me! I don't reread what I write unless if I am bored so I don't usually notice mistakes.



Word Count- 6681 (yay new record!)

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